Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 72342 times)


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"She also did it right after slamming my head to the wall, such an unpredictable personality presents a risk to all of us." Archer said . He then turned to Rin. "And I will keep being here because I'm the best servant."

Umbra of Chaos

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After she uttered that single world the silver haired girl trembled. Hot rage coiled in her stomach and the stench of ozone filled the air. What weakness was this? How could something so trifling and pitiable ever taint her? If this other part of her could not appreciate the endlessness of her soul, if he could not bask in the glory of simply existing, then they were going to have issues. Ever so slightly the connection unwound a bit so she could truly separate her self from his own. "Vanguard, if you cannot appreciate this then we will have issues."


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Vanguard smiled calmly despite the girl's anger. Feisty, but he did not mind. Besides, after further thought, she had a point.
"That's not it. I am grateful, but surely you understand. You have given me the answer, but I still lack the equation. Even halfway, the hole is still empty." He said, but not quite spoke.

"Its not enough. He cannot be reached that way."

Count Greyskull

If skeletons could grin, he would be grinning right now. Or maybe he was always grinning, it was genuinely hard to tell. Snapping his fingers (can skeletons even do that? O_o ) a trippy black light illuminated the room and made everything go dark, if that makes any sense.


Garou XIII

Garou was at his absolute wit's end, and didn't even try to hide it at this point. His uninjured arm lashed out and grabbed her by the thorat, slamming her back on the table as he stood atop her. His growl turned into a monstrous, feral smile.

"There, let me put it in words even a dumbass could understand. I couldn't help but ogle that tasty looking morsel of a body you had there. Now, will you let me go or will I fuck you here and now?"
« Last Edit: January 23, 2016, 09:51:43 PM by francobull3 »

Umbra of Chaos

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Even with a hand wrapped around her neck with enough force to bruise any other girl and being slammed onto the table the Spirit Vessel was unperturbed. Her hold was just as firm and her visage no less stoic than before as she spoke.

"You will not. You lack the nerve. I observed it before when you harmed but did not kill the gang members from before. And even if you do all you gain is temporary satisfaction before some form of law enforcement is called to arrest you and I will not allow you to harm them and will assist in your arrest. Either way it makes no difference. Instead, I have another question for you. Why do you consider me attractive?"


The girl exhaled and the anger burned itself to cold ash. She slowly put the book down as she kept their connection on the verge of splitting.. "If you find the issue so vexing then we can stop for now. The issue is draining on me as well if you cannot find any satisfaction. I can wait while you search for your 'equation'. There are other souls after all."

Alma considered this rather of understanding of her all things considered. Many Spirit Mediums had the influence to permanently reject a spirit without any repercussions, but these weren't the Courts and beggars couldn't be choosers.


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Sakura Matou

"Rider, show Vanguard out. Now. He apparently tried to molest Rin." Her voice was cold and calm, and what she had to do was clear. Her face was no longer flushed, and all thoughts of masturbation were now gone.

She stormed down the stairs, uncaring if Rin and Archer followed her. As soon as she saw Hiim, she immidietly pointed to the door.

"Leave. Now."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Damn, the cruel fate again didn't spare her clothes. This time, this wasn't her fault. This oaf made her fall into the pond after she bothered to carry him to the spring! She boiled over, grabbing Kenzou, spinning him around before she threw him at Michael. "That's for my new clothes!" She yelled out, probably inflicting some new bruises on Kenzou if he hit Michael hard enough.


And here her hope to eat something fancier vanished. You miser... At least it wasn't another Western fast food joint, so resigned, the changeling complied. "Okay, okay, if you say so. Let's go then!" She nodded, comforted by the thought that she was at least in a sane company.


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Garou XIII

Garou didn't let her finish her sentence. Instead, he pulled her hair to the table and kissed her violently. His tongue lashed inside her and wrapped around her, letting his and her taste intermingle. His gaze was wild, violent yet firm, and he let the forceful kiss continue until he let go. The tingly feeling still lingered in his mouth. Then, he grinned and spoke.

"I let them leave so they could scream my name to the world. You ruined that. Let me go, now." He said, tightening his grip on the girl's neck like a vice.

Umbra of Chaos

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If the construct was anyone else she would have looked confused. Didn't he remember how strong she was, especially if he was only using one hand? She removed her hands from his face and they quickly moved to his own hand and pried his fingers from his neck. Then the Mantle shifted into Claws and with open palms pushed him down onto her so that he couldn't move. "Why do you consider me attractive?"
« Last Edit: January 24, 2016, 12:25:21 AM by Umbra of Chaos »


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Garou XIII

Garou growled as he was pulled violently to her. Well, beggars couldn't be choosers, but this shit was getting tiring. He waited it out, blushing all the while and hoping she'd get tired of this shit before he died of embarrassment. She didn't, so he closed his eyes and answered in the most deadpan way ever.

"Your neck."

Well, there was more to it, but he didn't feel like explaining himself, even less to her.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2016, 12:34:50 AM by francobull3 »

Umbra of Chaos

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The comment actually had the construct blink confusedly for a moment. In consideration, she tilted her head back and bared her neck to the man on top of her for a few moment before returning to normal. "That seems to be a disingenuous answer. I require further explanation of anything else as well. I will wait."


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Garou XIII

Garou snapped and began to struggle, trying to get out from the grip with a ferocious growl, like a caged wolf trying to claw his way out.

"Is this your idea of a fucking joke? Let. Me. GO!!"

Umbra of Chaos

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He thrashed and moved but the Spirit Vessel was unrelenting. Erica required more information on this topic, and she would not give up until she understood. As her hold slightly tightened she said, "I require more information. And why are you struggling so much? You apparently find me attractive to some extent, and we have nowhere to go other than here for now."


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Forest blinked as the dark light dimmed the room and looked around.  It wasn't the total blackness that Wynn's shadows could create, but it was interesting.


"Do you have to yell all the time?" she asked with a shake of her head, "But what are we doing?"


Rin found herself grinning at Archer's boast of him being the best Servant.  It's like old times, she thought with more than a little nostalgia.  Seeing him here, real and tangible was both exhilarating and terrifying to say the least.

Then Sakura stormed off, probably to go kick Vanguard out.  She looked at Archer and said, "Come on, this could be ugly and I don't want Sakura or Rider getting hurt."  Gesturing, she started to follow Sakura out of the room.


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"Rushing into things as usual I see." Archer said as he rushed after them getting back to the room he had seen Vanguard in previously just in time to see Sakura commanding her to leave.


She continued sucking his dick going at a fast pace now, she didn't mind that he was running his hands through her hair as the motion did feel rather nice. Shinobu then started sucking only on his tip while stroking the rest of his shaft with one hand, the other hand was gently squeezing his balls.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2016, 04:03:27 AM by Thedoctor »


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Rin pouted at Archer and said, "You said yourself he was unstable.  What, do you want me to not follow Sakura in there?"


Shinobu's nimble fingers started to stroke his heated length while suction on his swollen head increased.  His fingers continued to stroke her silken hair while gentle pressure was applied to his heavy sac.  He arched up towards her with a growl before starting to thrust into her lips and hand.