Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 72386 times)


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The vampire made a sound of complaint as Corbin started thrusting into her mouth. She didn't mind it too much and continued stroking him as much as she could while he thrust into her mouth.


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The tension was coiling up more and more at the base of his spine.  It felt as if lightning was coursing through him, searching for a way out.  With a grunt he gripped Shinobu's long hair as he thrust into her mouth.

One more stoke brought him down, and brought him down hard.

His fangs cut his lips as he growled as the lightning within him struck.  His body flashed as he shuddered, spilling his hot essence in Shinobu's mouth.  It felt as if she was draining him as he let loose his hot, salty, useless seed into her small mouth.

Cherry Lover

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Rider watched with a smile on her face as Sakura dragged the protesting Shirou out of the room and upstairs to get cleaned up. Not feeling the need to move, she remained seated, relaxing for a few moments in silence. However, the silence was soon broken when she heard Vanguard speak up.

"Hehe...pathetic", he said.

Wondering if he was talking to her, Rider shot him an angry glare but, before she could ask him what he meant, he continued to speak.

"Vanguard, if you cannot appreciate this then we will have issues", he said.

Is he talking to himself? she thought, confused, staring at him with a face that made it obvious she thought he must be going completely insane.

However, Vanguard didn't stop, continuing to have the bizarre conversation with himself even as Rider looked at him like he was some kind of alien or something, not feeling comfortable enough with the situation to interrupt his little "argument". Then, seemingly out of nowhere, she received a message from her master.

Rider, show Vanguard out. Now. He apparently tried to molest Rin, Sakura said, her voice cold with no hint of excessive emotion.

The confused, somewhat mocking look on Rider's face quickly turned to one of anger as she heard her master's statement. Rider found the idea of what he had done somewhat distasteful but, even beyond that, to have done something to cause distress to Sakura's sister and, by extension, to Sakura herself was unforgiveable. Standing out of her seat, she gave Vanguard a cold stare.

"Get out, now. Sakura knows what you did to her sister", she said, pointing to the door, the look in her eyes indicating that she was quite willing to remove him by force if he would not leave willingly.

Almost as soon as she had finished, she heard Sakura storming down the stairs. Entering the room, she wasted no time in making her feelings clear just as Rider had.

"Leave. Now", she said, pointing directly at the door.

"Do as she asked immediately", Rider added, "or I will make you leave."

The Man With All The Cute Boats

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"Alright, that sounds good to me too. Lead the way" Alpha said. "I hope you guys know a good chinese place around here."


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"What?" He said, confused. Not fake confused but real confused.


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Sakura Matou

"You know exactly what you did, Vanguard." Sakura spat out his name as if it disgusted her to even say it. "You are no longer welcome here. Leave. Now."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"Uh, no I don't. Would you care to enlighten me?" He said, starting to get a little irritated by this ridiculous joke.

Count George

"HUH!? I'M NOT YELLING!! SKELETONS DON'T TALK, SILLY! MYAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!" He yelled again. He didn't seem to have something like an inside voice, poor fella.

Then, he rubbed his mandibula and grinned smugly, or well, didn't. Again, can't emote.

"AHEM, WITH THIS LITTLE TRICK YOU WON'T NEED TO WORRY ABOUT THE SUNLIGHT EVER AGAIN! WELL, AS LONG AS YOU WEAR YOUR DARK CLOAK OF DARKNESS (It's a duster)" Then, he pointed at where the beam of light was previously shining.


There was no beam.

« Last Edit: January 24, 2016, 04:53:16 PM by francobull3 »


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Sakura Matou

Sakura's rage seethed. How dare he start playing with her? How DARE he? She wasn't an idiot.

"You know exactly what you did. You forced your way into the shower with my sister. Now you're leaving forever, do you understand?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Rin walked up to Sakura and put a hand on her seething alternate version of her sister's arm.  She stepped forward, canted her head and asked, "So, you don't remember barging your way into the shower after I told you I didn't want you to?  Or slamming Archer's head into the wall before you decided to force your tongue in his mouth?"

Vanguard, to his/her credit, seemed confused, but that could be good playacting.  Still, his reaction was puzzling, and his actions in the shower didn't really seem like Vanguard's.


"If they don't talk then . . . never mind.  I'll just use the convenient excuse of 'magic' and go on," Forest said with a sigh.

She frowned at the talk of the Dark Cloak of Darkness and looked at her duster with a tilt of her head when he shouted,  "SEE THAT BEAM!?"

"Umm, there is no beam.  The beam is a lie," she said with a grin.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2016, 05:23:57 PM by Elf »


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"Yes, we did," Emily admitted, resisting the urge to heave an exasperated sigh, but showing no trace of that desire, "But Darcy here looks like he hasn't eaten in a good while. If he's going to perform, I'd rather he be at his best."

"That aside, if we can get him something to eat at your place," Emily continued "Then that will suffice for ensuring that he performs at his best.."
« Last Edit: January 24, 2016, 10:28:03 PM by I_care_not_till_I_must »
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Archer was staring disbelievingly at the silver haired girl's claims. "Are you saying you don't remember anything?" Vanguard's reaction was kinda odd, he might be faking it but Archer couldn't deny that there was a chance something might have been affecting her.


She kept on sucking through his climax taking care to not spill a single drop of it before swallowing it with an audible gulp. "I have never really liked this salty taste." The vampire said while frowning.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2016, 06:55:36 PM by Thedoctor »

Umbra of Chaos

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The Fae blinked a few times before nodding. Then her body shifted black and instantly increased in size along with tearing apart her clothing as she took on the form of a Lycan. A wheezing laugh escaped the werewolf from her position on the cowgirl. Amusement glinted in her eyes as she calmly stared at the teenager.


"Oh. That. Those were both so meaningless it took me a moment to recall. Well, I suppose if you wish for me to leave over that I have no issue. Just take a little bit of advice. Next time someone pushes through all your defenses with the grace of a inebriated elephant try to be aware. That situation could have been much worse." With that said the heavenly girl reached down to grab the discarded armor and dragged it with her as she left the building. 

The Man With All The Cute Boats

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"It's quite flashy and vulgar, but I can always revive a corpse if one is around. Or stab someone with spike coming out from the ground. I'm a researcher, not a fighter, but I can figure out something how to fend off people." Noriko replied to Ragna's question. Undoubtedly it was a dangerous place, but she had ways to protect herself.


"A spike out of the...? Yeah, let me just take back my concern. You'll probably be fine unless you fight someone actually strong." Ragna looked around for the waitress, slightly impatient, before asking what was on his mind. "Have to ask... have you heard anyone talk about getting back where they came from? A way home, so to speak."

Cherry Lover

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Rider waited impatiently as Vanguard responded to their demands to leave with confusion. Willing to allow him the chance to explain himself until Sakura demanded otherwise, and not wanting to enter into a fight unnecessarily, Rider stood and listened to the exchange between her master and the former suit of armour, glaring at her former ally as she did so. Finally, though, Rin entered and, after putting a hand on her little sister's arm to calm her, explained things in more detail, Archer adding to the exchange with more examples of Vanguard's misbehaviour.

Seemingly accepting the conclusion even if he did not accept any wrongdoing, Vanguard prepared to leave, offering a very smug reply about the "meaninglessness" of her actions that Rider knew would irritate her master. However, more irritating still was the final piece of "advice", obviously addressed to her personally.

"Next time someone pushes through all your defenses with the grace of a inebriated elephant try to be aware", she said. "That situation could have been much worse."

Rider turned to him as he dragged his armour towards the exist, an annoyed look on her face.

"Vanguard, I was aware of his arrival. However, I believed you would be capable of dealing with the problem in a manner that did not involve sexually assaulting Sakura's sister, and I was.. otherwise occupied", she said, not wanting to have to go into detail about what had happened earlier. "Unfortunately, it appears I was mistaken."

With that, she simply stood and stared at Vanguard, watching to ensure he left as instructed.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2016, 10:38:02 PM by Cherry Lover »


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Darcy Hugh

Darcy's eyes lightened up for a second.

"Really!? I mean, you don't have to. I'm not that hungry, and a badass. But if you insist, there's no way I can refuse a pretty lady's offer now can I... pretty lady?"

And then he puffed his chest in pride and grinned.


Vanguard sighed at the girl's incessant blabbering. He got the point and was leaving, there was no need to make a song and dance for such a trivial thing. He looked more bored than anything as he walked up the door slowly, taking his sweet ass time simply to spite her. He didn't look like it at all, but he was actually pretty angry. Well, not really, he didn't care one bit, but he liked making speeches.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Are you really going to tell me you trusted me for anything now of all times? *Yawn* Well, it's not like I need to stay, and even if I tried to explain myself you probably wouldn't listen, and its not like it changes anything wether I leave or stay. Whelp, guess you'll protect her for me Rider, right? Otherwise I'll make you wish you could die. Heh, just kidding. You're pretty strong, so I'd probably die pathetically without landing a hit or something. But man, knowing that we're all going to die one day and the whole world will be reset without anyone remembering a thing makes it pretty hard to be emotional right now, but staying with you was fun I guess? Nah, not really, but I hope whatever you do, you can see it to the end and, uh, be happy I guess? So *yawn* if you can let me go without regretting a thing, that would be nice. I know I would, you murderer." He said in the dullest, most nonchalant and uncaring way possible.

And then he left trough the door without even waving, but smiling more smugly than ever before at the murderer part.


The skeleton spun around and struck a pose, pointing to the sky proudly before yelling in awesomeness. "EXACTLY!!"

Then, he walked up to Forest and took a moment to consider his options. If he didn't want to have his blood sucked, he'd need to be very friendly with her! Friendlier than he ever was, so he threw his pride aside and grabbed her arm with his arm in order to walk out arm in arm. Gosh, this was so embarassing-


Sakagami Kenzo

As the demon was flung to Michael, he flipped midair and kicked off the poor man to shoot back at the girl, ready to strike her with a powerful headbutt.

"This is for my only clothes!!"

« Last Edit: January 27, 2016, 12:56:37 AM by francobull3 »