Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 72423 times)


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"Oh, oh, oh, I get it, I understand now." Oka brought her hand to her chin thoughtfully. "I see." She nodded. "You were lying earlier about not having seen a Pokemon before, good ruse, you totally had me fooled." Oka laughed. "To think you managed that while holding a Pokemon on your back the entire time! You're good. You're really good at this. You should go into acting."

"But more importantly, what kind of Pokemon is this, I've never seen one like her before."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"A spike out of the...? Yeah, let me just take back my concern. You'll probably be fine unless you fight someone actually strong." Ragna looked around for the waitress, slightly impatient, before asking what was on his mind. "Have to ask... have you heard anyone talk about getting back where they came from? A way home, so to speak."


"I neither know basics of dimensional magic nor I know anyone who tries to achieve it. In short, I probably know as little about it as you." She still had things to do here, but maybe learning how to get back wouldn't hurt. Nevertheless, she had no clue from whom she would learn it. Any other option was years of research, trying to master Arcanum of Space without instruction, a truly daunting task ahead of her.

The Man With All The Cute Boats

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Akatsuki made her way across the familiar wooden flooring to the hot spring area, where last she saw, Kenzo was getting dunked into the repairing bath. She would need it as well, due to her bite wound, so she energetically went into the changing room labeled "FEMALE". She changed out of her rigging and EQUIPPED the equipment labeled as BATH TOWEL around her body, making a snug little summer dress-looking thing.

Then, without being aware it was a mixed bath, she headed in.

The immediate sight was Kenzo about to get punched by Rikuyo.

"Ah!" She shouted on reflex. "Stop it!"

She made a dash on the wet floor.

Umbra of Chaos

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The Lycan refused to move from her spot at all and only tightened her hold on the cowgirl more as she yawned and opened up her maw as wide as possible. Then it abruptly shut as she began to rest her jaw on Annabeth's head. Oren was slightly interested in how all of this would turn out in the end.


The Old God wordlessly lead the duo back to an almost modest looking home. It didn't seem anything befitting of the mage until she unlocked the door and the sheer amount of art perfectly placed around the house showed how creative she was. Paintings of masquerades, great monuments seemingly made of mountains, the scene of a green wound tearing open the sky, and a multitude of dragons decorated the walls. Smaller sculptures of priests and miniature replicas of entire cities found their places on tables and near grandiose furniture.

After surveying the area once to make sure nothing was out of place Urthemiel retrieved a plate of instantly warmed roasted nug and set it down for Darcy to eat. Despite the fact that it had been cooked with enough skill to make the greatest chef weep it was a peasant's dish, but that was fine for her. "Once  you're finished you can begin showing us your talents, Darcy. Oh, and can you shut the door Emily? It would be a shame to let the cold in."


The silver haired girl stopped and looked down on the man after his introduction. A count? The words of trifling nobles had never come close to entering her ears, but it appears there was a first time for everything. She lazily lifted a finger to point at him, and her gaze burned into his skull as if noticing he had just existed. "I see you, Count Julius Richter. What land or deed do you possess that makes you think yourself worthy of addressing me?"

The finger dropped and she gave a confident smirk as she continued to drag the armor along as she started walking again. "Speak and move, count. No reason to waste time standing."
« Last Edit: January 26, 2016, 11:57:01 PM by Umbra of Chaos »


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This lady was more confident than noble women of his land. Even arrogant, one would say. "Not even once I doubted my worth. I'm a scion of family which stretches to times even older than those of the dreaded Vlad Tepes. My domain is what I recognize as mine, and who thinks otherwise must face their rightful liege. No man or beast bested my speed, countless monsters suffered defeat from my hand. Not even dreaded wolfmen are mightier huntsmen than me. I could tell more about my exploits, but even a winter night is too short, my lady." He confidently told Alma the obvious truth as he moved along. For Julius that wasn't a boast, but a mere statement of facts, without any uncertainty in his voice.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2016, 12:22:15 AM by Kat »


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Darcy Hugh

"Oh wow, This place is amazing! You must be a goddamn queen or something." He said in disbelief, admiring the whole place. Either way, this lady had to be hella rich, which meant...


Darcy grinned and sat at the seat offered to him. Soon enough, his eyes lightened in marvel, his mouth watered and he immediately attacked the poor bowl of the best meal he had in weeks!! He never thought something like nug could taste so gooood! He almost cried, no, he definetely started crying at some point.

This rich lady... he would mooch off her dry!! And if he could get on her good side, perhaps she could become his sponsor! They had gotten on a rough start, but he could do something.

Then, he got back up and bowed politely, like a true gentleman. Luckily he didn't forget to bring his amp. So he plugged it, unzipped his case and revealed a kickass black guitar with beautiful golden dragon motifs. With a guitar as metal as this, no sound could be anything but hardcore. He gave one of the trings a light, masterful pinch, and a roaring sound of delight blared trough the whole house.

Then, he played around with it, trying different chords and notes for a little practice and getting from the basics to a frigging solo. A frigging amazing solo. And he didn't even get started. Bellitanus was wrong to have underestimated him, because this was something far beyond an amateur. With slick finger maneuvers he shredded for a while, masterfully so, and then something became evidently clear. His stance, his guitar, his passionate eyes ready to ROCK...

As long as it was heavy metal, no one could surpass him. Not even her.

"Thank you, that was amazing!! I owe you one, really, I do. Don't worry though, I'll make sure to give you the show of your goddamn lives! ARE YOU READY!?"


The girl raised an eyebrow and remained expressionless, neither showing joy, annoyance or any sort of visual indication of any sort of mood. However, that didn't stop her from speaking in the smuggest manner possible.  He'd play around with him, for now. He needed something to take his mind off her...

"Is this supposed to be some poor attempt to seduce me?" He said, mindful to retain her voice.

Garou XIII

Garou had a hard time breathing as the girl's grip tightened, clenching his teeth in desperation.

"Let me go... stop! It... it will be murder..."

But she didn't.

"Let me go dammit!"

But she didn't. Despite the grip being too tight for any chance of him getting out, he didn't stop struggling one second. No, he seemed to double the effort every second.

"Hahaha...hahahahahahahahahah! I will lay you down, turn you into a skewer, make you squeal and scream, rip you apart like trash and scatter your remains!!"

But she wouldn't let him go.

Hours passed. Garou looked frustrated, worn down, defeated. This was the second time in a row he lost, and to the same person. He hated her, hated her, hated her, hated her, HATED HER!! And yet...


He almost sounded like he was going to cry.

"Why are you doing this? Just let me go."
« Last Edit: January 27, 2016, 12:57:15 AM by francobull3 »


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The girl raised an eyebrow and remained expressionless, neither showing joy, annoyance or any sort of visual indication of any sort of mood. However, that didn't stop her from speaking in the smuggest manner possible.  He'd play around with him, for now. He needed something to take his mind off her...

"Is this supposed to be some poor attempt to seduce me?" He said, mindful to retain her voice.


"No. It has been a while since I met anyone above the rabble filling streets of this city." Indeed, since he left the castle there had been nobody among the anonymous crowd worthy his attention nor a prey worthy his judgement. And a true gentleman wouldn't be so uncouth to try to sway a lady's heart on their first meeting. "I have no other motive than to keep you company for a while."


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Rin found herself smiling at Sakura's outburst but turned to her.  "He might not be from our Holy Grail War, and if he was, he may not know who you are," Rin said to Sakura before turning to Archer.

"Maybe we should start with you, Archer.  What do you remember?  Once I know that, I'll have an idea of how to connect the dots."


Forest tilted her head and said, "Maybe I should tell Kenzo where I'm going.  It would be kind of rude if I didn't."

She turned back to Greyskull and answered, "He's the keeper of this place, and he's a kind of oni."


Instead of being offended, he smirked and said, "Well, you were making all sorts of interesting noises when my fangs were in your dainty little neck.  So, you want me more aggressive then?"

Corbin lifted her up and then laid her onto the floor before reaching between her legs and ripping off her panties.  He started to run his finger up and down her slit, finding it wet.


So Godmother is well, that's something.  Now I just need to get myself taken care of before finding her, if I don't she'll probably have a fit, Gabriel said as he continued to walk in Nexus.

He really had no idea where to go or what to do.


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The blond vampire let out a yelp in surprise as he lifted her up and pute her down on the floor. He then ripped off her panties and started running a finger up and down her slit, the intense sensation from it made her squirm. "I do not remember tearing your clothes apart." she said with a slightly irritated voice.


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Corbin smirked as she squirmed under his touch and said in her haughty voice, "I do not remember tearing your clothes apart."

"You blew up my bike.  Besides, you can make them again with magic right?" he asked as he lifted her dress up.  Leaning forward, he spread her open with his fingers and studied her pink folds.  He prodded her little nub with his finger, his eyes flickering up towards her face for her reaction.


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The woman scuffed and folded her arms, mocking the fool’s ramblings as indignantly as his display. He was so precociously ignorant, to the point of being adorable. So she smiled arrogantly and spoke in a smug tone, looking down amusingly with her cold blue eyes.

“Rabble you say? Julius Ritcher, you seem to be under the delusion such boasts give you power. Know this; any man who must display his virtues in vain possesses no more than empty words to his name. No god needs to call itself divine, actions hold much greater meaning than words.”

Smiling, she stroked her beautiful silver hair back and walked up to the man, laying a single finger on his chest and running it down to his stomach.

“You are amusing. Very well, you may keep me company. I am still unfamiliar with this city, and would very much enjoy a proper meal. Surely you wouldn’t be so uncouth as to object relieving a lady of her burdens, oh great Julius.”
« Last Edit: January 27, 2016, 02:56:31 PM by francobull3 »


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Julius Richter

But didn't God of Israel always called himself a God of his people? Proclaiming the truth was never something done vainly. Not that he compared himself to God. God was only being that he acknowledged to be his superior, and he answered only to Lord, his protector and the one whose power blessed his greatest possession, [HOLY DIVER]. But well, if she demanded action, he would show her.

"You mean the armor? I won't inquiry for what purpose you carry it around, but if you wish so." He grabbed the armor to carry on his back. Sure, it was heavy, and he even strained under its weight, but there was nothing a man like him couldn't do even with effort!

After a while, he had to find another solution. He had to deign himself to pull it like a work horse, tying a rope to the armor. You ask why he had a rope on him? A gentleman should be always prepared to climb mountains so he can sketch the glorious landscape only visible from a summit!
« Last Edit: January 27, 2016, 03:21:49 PM by Kat »

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Rider frowned at Sakura's refusal to acknowledge her words, but took it to mean that her master knew she was right and was just being stubborn. Seeing no need to push the issue further, she simply remained in her seat and listened to the conversation, Sakura promising her sister that no such thing will happen again. Archer, however, seemed to disagree.

"There's too many powerful people gathered here for it to not attract attention, sooner or later something will happen again, it would be better to prepare yourself for that occasion...also I've been wondering, how do you know who I am?"

Rider could definitely see that Archer had a point. However, before she could say anything, Sakura addressed Archer once more.

"Because you're Shirou, and you saved my Shirou's life, and you look like Brown Senpai, of course. He looks like you, but only halfway! It's kind of off putting on him, but completed on you it looks good", she said, clearly pleased to have found yet another version of her beloved Senpai.

Rider was glad to see Sakura smiling, and happy that she was able to find a version of Shirou (aside from her own, of course) who could hopefully have a more positive influence on her, rather than pushing her to insanity in her efforts to save and protect him, as "Brown Senpai" did.

Then, Rin followed her sister, adding some words of her own to the discussion. Agreeing with what she had said, Rider too spoke up.

"Yes, I would like to know more about you, Archer. What happened in your Grail War?" she asked.

And, what happened to Sakura? she thought, not wanting to push the question she truly wanted to ask so abruptly.


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The girl raised a brow in amusement at the scene unfolding. Far from impressed, she still had to congratulate the effort and critical thinking. Maybe the boy would be useful for more than a mere fucktoy.

"Oho, clever."


The skeleton lord nodded at his new friend subject (but also friend) and gave her a thumbs up.



The fist sadly struck true, sending the poor oni flying like a ragdoll.and crash headfirst into the springs, knocked out cold.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2016, 01:47:31 AM by francobull3 »


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The immortal's eyes widened ever so slightly as Kenzo went flying past them to crash against a wall, the impact seemingly putting him out cold.

Kenzo? Ken...zo? Kenny? Kenny.

"You killed Kenny," the immortal noted, unable to help the opportunity to quote an old TV show, well, old by the most recent generation's standards, "You bast- wait, no, he's not quite dead. Ah well, if we're going to be fighting..."

Deciding it had been a while since the last fight, Michael enhanced himself,  swiftly divesting himself of what was left of his clothes, convenient steam sparing Akatsuki's innocent eyes, before diving in, lashing out at the woman with the knowledge that fully committing to an opening attack against her would be a bad idea. Though, it helped that Kenzo had just provided a handy reminder of that.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2016, 02:46:28 AM by I_care_not_till_I_must »
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses