Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 72457 times)


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Rikuyo's mood swang quickly from irritation to disbelief over how quickly the brawl finished. "Ehh, only one punch?" She said, blinking several times in confusion. In fact enough puzzled that she didn't notice Michael joining the fray.

The punch caught her completely off-guard, connecting clearly and sending her flying away at a tree which snapped in half from the impact. Her dislocated jaw started already snapping back into the original position. "Owwie, that smarts..." She got up, cracked her neck few times and spit out several teeth. That Mi, Mai- Damn, she already forgot whatshisface's name. She only remembered this was that bland looking guy who liked butting in and stealing wins. Maybe he just waited for her to be distracted to try and win this without effort. Good try though, she couldn't be defeated in one punch by people like him.

"Oi, oi, oi, ya can only deck my face when I'm distracted. Fine, I dont really care, anyway." Either way, she would go crazy. Channeling the power of the bear transformation she used before, she transformed and picked up what was left of the tree. She tossed it towards whatshisface like a makeshift javelin. If he survived that, maybe she would bother more.


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Archer sighed as he moved from his spot, starting to pace around the room. "It's true I was the servant of Rin, at least initially." He paused here having a troubled look on his face, then he continued. "Certain things happened...that made me change master. Caster was behind most of it...or so we thought."


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

"Come on Greyskull.  You should see this hot spring anyway," she said, tugging on the representation of an 80's Cartoon Villain.  "Apparently it's magical or what not.  It did feel really good to soak in it."


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Sakura Matou

Sakura released Rin from the hug and ran back upstairs. “I need to go back to bed, or else Shirou will be sad, I’ll be back in a minute!”

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"It is not magic, I just will them to be..." Her sentence was cut short as she felt him pull up her dress  tease her clit and she let out a small moan.


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

"Yes, I would like to know more about you, Archer. What happened in your Grail War?" Rider asked Archer.

"It's true I was the servant of Rin, at least initially." Archer paused, a painful look crossing is face.  "Certain things happened...that made me change master. Caster was behind most of it...or so we thought."

Rin blinked as Sakura let her go and said, “I need to go back to bed, or else Shirou will be sad, I’ll be back in a minute!”

"Ah, okay," Rin said as Sakura trotted off.  Then she looked back at Archer and said, "So, you changed masters because Caster did something?"


"It is not magic, I just will them to be..." then the pretty blond moaned.

Corbin smirked and said, "That sounds a lot like magic to me, love."  He then lowered his head and started to trace her folds with his tongue.


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Archer gave Rin a look before answering. "Yes she did, she killed you."


Shinobu started moaning as he traced his toungue along her folds. "N-no..magic works on established principles."


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The Hunter was about to try to convince the teen otherwise, when a thought occurred to her. Putting aside Oka and her curious little Magical Beast, she'd never seen anything like Oren either. Could it be that Oren was actually another one of these 'pokemon'? Allowing a few moments to consider it, the Hunter shrugged, trying to ignore the sound of Oren's jaw's closing before the werewolf rested its head on Annabeth's.

"I'm honestly not sure," she said, "And if she is one, I think she's in denial about it."
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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The young magus's blood ran cold at Archer's words. That Rin died, killed by Caster.

She folded her arms around her and said, "And what did you do?"

My Archer died defending me.  Wouldn't have you done the same?  Or did something else happen?


Corbin, who's tongue was already occupied, sent to her telepathically, Energy, will, and change right?  That's what Magic is.

He slid a finger inside of her, hissing against the tightness that he felt there before sucking on the tiny nub at the apex of her folds.


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Archer continued his pacing as he talked. "We were seperated at the time...Caster stole control of Saber at the same time."


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

Rin sighed as Archer stated to pace, continuing to tell his tale.  She walked over to him and gently tapped his shoulder.  "If that's true, it couldn't be helped.  That Rin knew what she was getting into by entering the Grail War.  After all, being a magus is walking with death."

She forced a smile on her face, swallowed, and tried to keep her voice light as she said, "Since you couldn't protect that Rin, you should make it up to this one right?"


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The girl raised a brow in amusement at the scene unfolding. Far from impressed, she still had to congratulate the effort and critical thinking. Maybe the boy would be useful for more than a mere fucktoy.

"Oho, clever."


He sweated slightly, as the effort he poured in this valiant endeavour was akin to that of a stallion pulling a war chariot. But he wouldn't falter. His heroic spirit would make him go on and on without succumbing to such trifling obstacles as physical exhaustion! He even picked up a pace, his muscles roaring out in defiance of such a cruel law like gravity.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2016, 05:31:08 PM by Kat »


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Sakura Matou and Shirou Emiya

Shirou sat down in the shower and sighed, feeling the water fall down his naked body. He just needed to forget about his fling with Rin. He'd never mention it to Sakura, ever.

At least Rider was here, somehow. It was nice to see her again, even if she seemed different.

He wondered why Sakura had gotten out of bed, it had something to do with Rin, he was sure, he'd heard their voices, but what?

He shook his head and rubbed shampoo into his gold hair. These troubling thoughts…

This shower was doing him no good.

Eventually Shirou got out of the shower and dried himself off, before realizing he had no clean clothes.

"Ah." He said.

This was going to be a problem, it's not like he'd had time to prepare, after all, and had just kind of wandered in…

"What the hell was I thinking?" He asked himself the most obvious question, but really, had no answer to it. It was just insanely lucky he'd met up with Sakura so quickly, running low on prana must have addled his mind.

He frowned at his bloodied shirt and eventually shrugged, throwing it back on. Sakura would need to go shopping with him and get him some more clothes. He clicked his tongue in annoyance, this was his favorite shirt, and now it was ruined.

Shirou reentered their room and smiled at her. She'd snuck back into bed, so she must have dealt with whatever Rin had wanted. He walked over to her and sat down next to her, playing with her hair lovingly. He'd always loved the one large lock of that she kept untethered, she always seemed to be brushing it out of her face. This face… her eyes, it was wonderful to see them again. Her big droopy purple eyes, the same lovely shade of deep purple as her hair, her little nose, it was all nostalgic. He almost wanted to tear up.

Sakura smiled as he began to fidget with her, laying happily under her covers, only her face and hands exposed to the outside air. After a minute or two, she wasn't quite sure, Shirou was blocking the clock, she began to grow impatient. She wanted to go out! To have fun! To go shopping, and show Shirou around the city! There was so much neat stuff around, and it was a safe place during the day. So she sat up and kissed him passionately on his neck, before seductively bringing her mouth to his ear. "Senpai~" she whispered. "Will you…" Her voice trailed off without finishing her thought.

Shirou blushed at her actions, he was pretty sure she was teasing him, if she actually wanted to do the deed she'd just have gone straight for it, after all, and not mucked about with being a cocktease.

And he really needed to get a fucking shirt.

"Sakura, can we go out soon and get some clothes? This is the only shirt I have, and it's pretty messed up. Not to mention that the season is completely different here."

Sakura looked at him with surprise, backing away slightly, to a normal conversational distance. "So it's not winter back at home?" She asked.

Shirou shook his head at her, which elicited a small "Hmm" from her.

"Yeah, it's uh, a bit disconcerting."

Sakura nodded at him. "Yeah, it would be, wouldn't it?" She looked him over. It was the same shirt he'd been wearing the day she'd disappeared, she was certain. "Of course we can go get you a wardrobe, but you have to promise me not to throw away that shirt, I'll figure out a way to get it cleaned. I don't want to lose anything."

Shirou frowned slightly before nodding. It troubled him she was this possessive, but for such a small thing it didn't really matter. "So, can we get going?"

"Yeah, let's go!" She piped up happily.

"Rider! Come on, we're going out, Shirou needs new clothes!"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Vanguard took no heed to the fool's struggle, finding it absolutely pathetic. If he had so much trouble, he could have simply refused. Still, he could be useful. Walking barely quickly enough for him to keep up, she spoke passively.

"Where shall you take me?"

The Man With All The Cute Boats

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Kenzo went flying into the springs with a single punch, leaving a confused-looking Rikuyo and a calm yet eager Micheal. Akatsuki remained oblivious to the fight that was about to unfurl, and instead looked away to where Kenzo had landed: The springs.

She ran in the baths, a dangerous task for a child (of which she is not), until she found a pair of legs sticking out of a bath.

A flash of thought crossed her mind: Kenzo wouldn't be able to breathe like this! Or count to ten. Or bathe normally. She had to fix it.

She jumped in, the water soaking her towel, grabbed Kenzo and turned him around, so he'd be standing, albeit facing away from her.

She huffed proudly at the accomplished task, and then, she saw how scarred and broad this man's back was, and deflated slightly.

"Kenzo... are you alright?" She asked meekly, daunted by the impressive figure of his back.