Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 72494 times)


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Sakagami Kenzo

Damn, they're good. I want to play too...

Kenzo pouted annoyingly in the springs, folding his arms in disapproval. This was fun, really fun, but he felt she was going to have more fun than him. And if he wasn't inside the springs, he might have been knocked cold from that. He'd show her, that pesky one! But first, he had to get out of here. Uhh, damn, he was stuck.

This wasn't good. Suddenly, he felt something tugging him and was immediately uprooted like a fish. Those small hands had to be Akatsuki's, which was confirmed when he heard her voice behind him. Blinking, he shook his head a bit, he shook it vigorously before turning around and displaying his somehow even more wounded chest.

"Uh, yeah. Is something the matter Akatsuki?" He said nonchalantly before tilting his head. His profusely bleeding, deformed and crushed head that was luckily starting to visibly heal up.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2016, 08:03:40 PM by francobull3 »


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The immortal's eyes widened ever so slightly as the punch sent Rikuyo flying off to crash into a tree. He'd honestly been expecting her to see that coming, but seeing as she hadn't... Thankfully, the woman proved quite resilient, quickly regenerating from the damage. Before the immortal could try to point out that he hadn't thought she'd still be distracted, however, he soon found a tree flying at him like an impromptu javelin.

With his staff out of reach, Michael quickly leapt out of the springs, dodging the tree and extracting his staff from the pile of clothes before extending it out to its quarterstaff form. Those familiar whispers of destruction echoed through his mind as the immortal was already lashing out with the staff as he closed in, firing off a barrage of those waves as he closed the distance, ready for Riku's inevitable counterattack.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2016, 08:11:57 PM by I_care_not_till_I_must »
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Archer stopped his pacing around the room when he felt Rin put an arm on his shoulder.

"If that's true, it couldn't be helped.  That Rin knew what she was getting into by entering the Grail War.  After all, being a magus is walking with death." The white haired man didn't react much overtly to her attemps at comforting him, his mind being consumed by memories.

Rin then continued speaking. "Since you couldn't protect that Rin, you should make it up to this one right?"

Archer did react to this though and quite harshly at that "You weren't there...Don't presume I owe you anything." He stormed out of the room as he said it going through a hallway that eventually led to the kitchen.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2016, 09:24:08 PM by Thedoctor »

Umbra of Chaos

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While any other may have had sympathy the Spirit Vessel didn't feel the slightest bit of pity. Without the slightest change in expression she pressed her brow against Garou's as she shifted a bit before answering. "I have a question which you have an answer to. You have refused to answer so I refuse to let go. That is all."


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The Changeling couldn't help but marvel at all the art adorning the walls, the paintings, the various detailed sculptures here and there. Then the first dragon caught the Changeling's eye, Emily forcing herself to keep from starting as she looked from one dragon to the next, doing what she could to keep her breathing even.

Focus, they're just dragons, not Draconics. Draconics don't quite go all the way. That aside they're just wall decorations.

Trying to ignore the uncanny level of detail on the dragons, the Changeling barely registered Bellitanus's request to shut the door, turning to the woman with a slight bit of relief.

"Certainly," she said, making her way back to the door while the sound Darcy eating followed her out. Once outside and fairly sure she was out of earshot, the Changeling finally let the poker face drop, taking some time to take a few deep breaths, doing what she could to find that center of focus once more. Reaching it at last, the Changeling re-entered the building, closing the door behind her and making her way back to find Darcy...with a guitar decorated with a golden dragon motif.

...Oh you have got to be kidding me.

Resisting the urge to roll her eyes, the Changeling found her annoyance at the dragon motif soon forgotten as Darcy started playing. The priest shredded with equal measures of passion and skill, the Changeling soon finding herself carried along for the ride as his fingers found the right notes without fail. The Changeling's eyes lit up as she took in the music, unable to help a slight bit of anticipation as he declared that that was only the beginning. Emily remained silent, feeling the adrenaline starting to course all over again as she wondered how he'd be able to top that.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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"You weren't there...Don't presume I owe you anything."

Rin blinked as Archer snapped at her before storming out of the room.

She sighed, shook her head, and said, "It must have been really bad to get that sort of reaction from him.  Geeze, I didn't know Archer could be so touchy."  Then she chased after him, somehow not surprised that he was in the kitchen.

"Then maybe I owe you something," Rin said, folding her arms under her breasts, "The version of you that was my Archer died protecting Ilya and me.  I failed him as a Master, and that's not a mistake I'm gonna make twice."

Cherry Lover

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Rider continued to listen to Archer and Rin's conversation, smiling a little as her master excused herself and ran back upstairs to bed, suspecting that Shirou would very soon be feeling anything but "sad". Meanwhile, though, the discussion between Rin and Archer rapidly became far darker and more serious than she would have expected, with Archer admitting that, in his Grail War, Caster had somehow killed his version of Rin. Rider was rather surprised by the revelation, but not as much as Rin, who was clearly unnerved.

Then, Rin made a comment that was typically lacking in tact and compassion, causing Rider to have to restrain herself from audibly groaning. Before Archer could respond, however, she heard her master's voice come over their mental link.

Rider! Come on, we're going out, Shirou needs new clothes! she said, her tone of voice indicating that she was in a very good mood.

Eh? Why do I need to go if Shirou needs clothes? she thought, somewhat confused.

Still despite her confusion, as Archer responded to Rin in approximately the manner she had expected before storming out of the room in anger, she decided that she would much rather go out for a nice walk with her master than stay around here, in this uncomfortable situation. So, she quickly replied to her master.

OK, I'll be upstairs shortly, she said.

As she did so, though, she heard Rin speak once more, seemingly to herself.

"It must have been really bad to get that sort of reaction from him", she said, seemingly not understanding her mistake. "Geeze, I didn't know Archer could be so touchy."

With that, Rin turned to follow Archer out of the room. As she did so, Rider turned towards her, a frown on her face, and spoke.

"Rin, your response was somewhat... lacking in tact", she said. "Anyway, Sakura wants me to go out shopping with her and Shirou, so we'll be out for a bit."

With that, she watched as Rin ran out of the room, before turning to head up the stairs to Sakura's room, dressed in her normal casual outfit and glasses. Arriving at the door, she knocked on it politely.

"Sakura, Shirou, I'm ready when you are", she said, not bothering to question why her master wanted her to come in case it might ruin her good mood.

Besides, it would probably be fun, and it would be nice to have a chance to get to know her new master and the new Shirou a bit better.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2016, 04:25:30 AM by Cherry Lover »


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"To an inn fitting our station, and if there is no such establishment in this forsaken city, we could go back to the castle. I am sure there's a wild game in the forest make the meal more varied." He explained to the silver haired lady. What he meant was of course castle where he was a 'honored guest'.


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With his staff out of reach, Michael quickly leapt out of the springs, dodging the tree and extracting his staff from the pile of clothes before extending it out to its quarterstaff form. Those familiar whispers of destruction echoed through his mind as the immortal was already lashing out with the staff as he closed in, firing off a barrage of those waves as he closed the distance, ready for Riku's inevitable counterattack.


Damn, that stupid staff again. She had no clue why she exactly hated it, but it only encouraged her just to squash Michael like the annoying gnat he was. Those black energy... thingies, forced her to stay out of his reach and retreat. Even such a fool like her knew she had to find a solution rather charge forward. The air was wet and foggy though. And she discovered an animal that could be useful for her now.

Her body started shifting, her bear like features started receding. Her neck developed gills and from her belly a fin sprouted. Her whole skin changed its texture to resemble that of a knifefish, her skin dark gray-brown aside from the orange belly. The air around her crackled with jolts of electricity.

Michael had nowhere to hide if he tried to retreat like a coward, for she would feel him. And her lightning would reach him. Her reaction speed increased, she know evaded black waves of energy with more ease, even as they destroyed boulders around her. Finally out of range, she snapped her webbed fingers to discharge the wrath of gods at the immortal.


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Archer gave Rin an annoyed look as she followed him to the kitchen. "Rin, I'm not your Archer...the one you claimed to to have failed is someone who's dead." He then leaned against one of the walls before continuing, this time with a more solemn tone. "The Rin I knew had herself to blame, she command sealed me away and then got herself killed less than an hour later."


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The girl's face suddenly brightened up in a big, excited smile.

"Oh, you own a castle!?"


The skeleton lord tapped his skull and pondered for a moment before pointing upwards, as if illuminated.



Garou stared in disbelief at the girl, wincing and clenching his fists inside the big clenched fist. And then, he laughed.

"Haha...hahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!! I see, I see! This is a joke, you're just shittin' me after all! Look, I don't love you. I respect you. You are a damn fucking monster who somehow managed to beat me, and you have a fine body. That's enough for me. Now let me go before I slaughter you like a pig. Okay!?"
« Last Edit: January 29, 2016, 05:39:22 PM by francobull3 »

Umbra of Chaos

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The Patchwork nodded in agreement at the former spirit's exclamation. Anyone would have said the same thing if they had the chance to taste of the divine. "You can keep the rest if you want. It's good on any food, and even things that aren't. It's no big deal if you do. I can always get more."


Even then the construct refused to move even an inch. The Claw refused to move and her face was as expressionless as ever. "But why am I attractive? What about my neck is pleasing to you? I don't understand. Why do you feel the way that you do."


As Darcy began to play Urthemiel suppressed her surprise and instantly began to twist and formulate music to fit this new instrument. It was loud, but there was something enthralling about the new sound. Her robes would not fit this at all. In fact, they wouldn't fit the playing of any musical instrument. Perhaps she would get something more modern? "Ah, please excuse me for a moment."

The Old God stood up and left to go into her room without another room. It took a few moments before the door finally opened and there was certainly a distinct change. While the robes had certainly been beautiful and Urthemiel looked excellent in them they left nearly everything to the imagination. While the clothing was definitely more simple there was a certain elegance to how she wore the jeans and white button down shirt. It also helped that they managed to show off her perfect figure much better than the obscuring robes. She sat in a nearby chair and focused her gaze on the priest before saying," Please, continue. I haven't heard anything similar to this before."


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Garou smiled and closed his eyes, trembling. He'd kill her, absolutely. If the bitch didn't drive him insane first, oh who was he kidding he already was.

"I just wonder what sound it will make once I hold it in my hands and snap it, babe." He replied cheerfully.

Anti-Pope Darcy Hugh

Darcy grinned. He felt good, he felt great. The rush of an audience, the thrill of the stage, the heat of music. He was born for this very moment, and he wasn't even trying to hide his high. He had noticed Bella looked more flustered than usual, and asked to leave for a moment. He bowed politely and waited, practicing his notes and playing around skillfully.

And then, from heaven's gates a goddess came forth. The priest was stunned at the marvellous figure. Those exquisite jeans, those graceful shoulders, those magnificent... hips! He 'd rub his jesus rod all over them!

Hell yeah motherfucker!

He needed to think quickly. If he kept it up, perhaps she'd flash a boob or two! Or toss gold coins at him. Either was fine, but gold was better at the moment. He looked around, looking for inspirations. But there were only dragons. D, dragons, dragons... DRAGONS!!

Darcy grinned smugly and began tapping his foot like the beating of a drum. Fiddling with his guitar, he began to play a riff full of might and power unseen by mortal men. His guitar blared, blowing with the power of a mighty storm. A great force of a dragon! A dragonforce! It was quick, and it was HYPE! Incredibly so, and one had to wonder how his fingers weren't literally falling off.

And then, his voice roared forth, as enticing as a siren's and as powerful as a banshee. A tale of kings and maidens, of dragons and treasures and epic quests!!

This was just a tribute.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2016, 02:59:40 AM by francobull3 »

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Something unnaturally cold stirred in the blue haired girl's eyes. While she had always been stoic there was always something confused and vaguely human in her eyes, but now that was gone. The script in her eyes spun slowly and examined Garou as if he were a lump of potentially dangerous meat rather than a person. "You derive pleasure from the suffering of others? You enjoy inflicting malicious acts on others?"


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"Rin, I'm not your Archer...the one you claimed to to have failed is someone who's dead." He then leaned against one of the walls before continuing, this time with a more solemn tone. "The Rin I knew had herself to blame, she command sealed me away and then got herself killed less than an hour later."

Rin bit her lip and said, "Then that was her fault.  And I'm sorry about bring up bad memories.  Maybe . . . the best thing would be to start over."

She held out her hand and said, "I'm Tohsaka Rin.  It's nice to meet you."



"Good, because I just don't want to leave without telling Kenzo at least," Forest said with a shrug.