Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 73487 times)


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Archer glared at her and said. "That's cheesy and you know it...and I don't feel like going through this right now."


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Rin returned the glare and said, "Fine."  Then she started to move around the kitchen, getting stuff together for a light breakfast. 

Great one Rin, you've managed to screw this up as well, she thought as she put two pieces of bread in the toaster.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2016, 05:18:39 AM by Elf »


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Archer was silent for a moment watching as Rin got two pieces of toast, then he spoke. "I've been wondering for a while...Why did you ocasionally call the silver haired girl him?"


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"When Vanguard first got here he was literally a soul bonded to a suit of armor.  Apparently between this last night and this morning he got himself a body that happened to be female," Rin said as she put water in the tea kettle and put it on the stove.

"Which makes me wonder if the girl's soul was still active too with all the groping, kisses, and violence."


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"Yeah, but it's not super amazing stuff right!"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Saber frowned and said, "It is really good though, and I have also learned that simple things are good as well.  Like pizza."


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Watching as Rin prepared tea while explanining about Vanguard, he noticed that she put in two different tea bags into the kettle...she was probably distracted by thoughts. Finding it funny he chose not to comment on it, it would make for a nice surprise later.

"How long did you even know...him...he seemed pretty outspoken about his views."


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Rin waited for the tea kettle to whistle as she got the pot ready.  As she walked over to the fridge to get some butter and jam out, she heard Archer said, "How long did you even know...him...he seemed pretty outspoken about his views."

"I just met him last night, but Sakura might have known him longer.  I'm not sure, he was sort of acting like a familiar," Rin said as the toast popped out of the toaster.


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"I just met him last night, but Sakura might have known him longer.  I'm not sure, he was sort of acting like a familiar,"

Archer nodded at this and said. "She sure grew a bit taller...and she looks much happier than the last I saw her."


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"She sure grew a bit taller...and she looks much happier than the last I saw her."

Rin nodded as she buttered her toast.  "She was just reunited with her Emiya and they're engaged.  Of course she's happier.  And she has Rider who will do almost anything to keep her happy."

She didn't look at him while she continued to work on her breakfast.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2016, 06:53:32 AM by Elf »


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Archer gave a chuckle when he heard who she was engaged. "So this Shirou abandoned his ideal too I see..." He then gave Rin another look over...she had grown a bit. The usual leggings had been replaced with pantyhose and she was wearing some red sweater dress....another thing was different too, her hair. "You look different with your hair down, It fits you, that dress on the other hand..." 


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"Yeah, he abandoned his idea to be with and protect Sakura," Rin said, looking away from him as she put the dirty dishes in the sink.

"You look different with your hair down, It fits you, that dress on the other hand..." Archer said.  She turned to find him watching her and she absently ran a hand through her hair.

"I figured 21 is too old for twin tails," she said with a shrug, "And the earrings absorb the excess prana better than the ribbons so . . . And what's wrong with the dress?"  She liked the color and the fit.  It hugged what curves she had and it was short enough to display her best feature, her legs and thighs.


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"Nothing is "wrong" with it." He said while making a point to take an obvious look at how the dress hugged her butt showing off it's shape quite nicely.


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Her cheeks heated as she realized what he was looking at.  Part of her wanted to scold him for watching her like that and another wanted to give him a better view.  What the hell, it's not like I've really got anything to lose, she thought to herself. 

She turned around to study the stove and bent forward as if she checking the flames, putting her back to Archer.  "Plus it's warm.  It's frigid here right now and I wasn't really in a mood to wear jeans today."

At that moment the tea kettle began to whistle so she pulled it off the stove. 


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Archer was surprised for a moment when rin turned around to the stove and bent over unnecessarily much showing off her butt even more in the process.

"I'd honestly figured Mitzusuri would be the one to wear jeans, it seems you have changed a bit in the years. Also...I'd probably enjoy the view of your ass more if you "accidentally" wiggled your hips." He said while smirking.