Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 73986 times)


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"Hmm...I seem to remember you agreeing to bending over again properly." Archer said while rubbing his chin as if he was pondering on something.


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Rin's eyes widened at the mental image Archer's little musing sent.  Her bent over, him behind her and the sweaty stuff that was glossed over in those novels that Ayako used to lend her.  She shook her head to clear her mind.

"Agreed to you and no one else.  Ever," Rin said, hoping he'd take the hint without having to spell it out again.


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Archer stopped rubbing his chin and answered. "Is that so, then you should demonstrate what you've learnt."


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"Damn you, Archer," Rin said, echoing his words that first night she had summoned her Archer all of those years ago.  Swallowing, she walked up to him, her cheeks matching the bright red of her dress.  Her aquamarine eyes met his before she took a deep breath.

"Look, I'm going to only say this once so you'd better listen.  Iwantyoutobemyfirst."


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Archer could feel the tension in the air as Rin walked up to him and made her request. She was so embarrassed even he started feeling it. He managed to force out an, "Are you serious Rin?" Before continuing more steady. "Then bend over the stove again and pull up your dress."


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Rin blinked, looked down, and said, "I . . .  I was hoping you'd at least kiss me first."

Considering what she knew of her version of Sakura and Shirou, sometimes the two of them were kind of rough.  Shirou had even said something like, "Sakura likes it when I do it hard, so it's okay." once.  Maybe that's what he likes and it's probably been like forever since he . . . I can't believe I'm doing this. 

"Fine, I can do this," she said before moving to the stove again.   She lifted her skirt and bent over, splaying her hands on the still warm stove top.  "Like this?" she asked before closing her eyes.


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He moved closer to her enjoying the view he was getting while saying. "You could follow my advice from earlier..."


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"You could follow my advice from earlier..."

What advice was that?  The wiggling my ass?  Or the, "You should  learn from your sister and just let it go sometimes"? Advice . . . What the hell, I already have my dress up and my butt in the air.

Then pushing herself on the stove top, she spun around to face him.  Grabbing the lapels of his mantle, she pulled him down to her level as she rose on her tip-toes because he was still quite a bit taller than her. And finally, she kissed him.


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He was surprised by her when she suddenly turned around and pulled her down so she could kiss him. He responded in turn deepening it while embracing her and stroking her back softly with one of his hands. After a while he pulled away and told her. "That was unnexpected, I actually meant the other advice..but this works too I guess."


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Rin inwardly smirked to herself at the look of surprise on Archer's face when she kissed him.  Then he responded, deepening the kiss as he wrapped his arms around her, one hand stroking her back.  She arched towards the touch, luxuriating against his warm hand.

Then he pulled away and she made a little sound of complaint.

"That was unnexpected, I actually meant the other advice..but this works too I guess."

She grinned and said, "Well, I was taking what I wanted for once."  Then she toyed with one of the tassels on his mantle and looked up at him.  "You'll need prana eventually.  I want to support you, if you'll have me as your Master."


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"You're starting to sound more like yourself." Archer complimented her, as she toyed with the tassels on his mantle, then continued. "Can you actually support me without a grail? We would probably have to do that on a regular basis."
« Last Edit: January 30, 2016, 10:34:02 AM by Thedoctor »


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Rin grinned at his words and said, "Actually, Sakura is a Grail, so between the two of us I'm pretty sure we could come up with something.  As for doing that on a regular basis until then . . ."

She shrugged with a tiny grin.  "I could be persuaded to let you have that privilege." 


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Archer gave her a grin back and replied "And perhaps you could learn to follow the correct advices for the situation that might be asking for too much." He finished grining even more.


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"You didn't specify what advice and you have several different types of advice.  I just picked the one that suited me the best at the moment," she replied, grinning herself as she looked up at him.


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"If you're gonna be like that" He said as he suddenly leaned down and embraced her giving her a quick kiss while sliding one hand down and  squeezing her butt once softly before pulling away. "We should probably wait for them to get down and maybe leave before we do anything further."