RonNexus Docks - 3:23 amThe first thing he noticed was the shivering. Ron didn't even really feel cold at that moment, he wasn't aware enough in that initial moment to feel something like that. Or his body was numb from the water.
Plausible; this side of Nexus City always trended toward a colder climate than the other parts he had been to like the edge of the Primeval Woods for that biology class field trip, or that weekend in the East Asian Special Ward right after graduation with the ramen stand and the waitress with fox ears everyone was careful not to mention or stare at for long. The ears, not the rest of the waitress; of course people looked at the rest of her.
He pulled himself up from the muddy shore, and was struck suddenly with the piercing stench of fish. Ron's face wrinkled in disgust at the realization. "I know I didn't get
this wasted," Ron said, muttering under his breath and looking around. The sky was cloudy right now, so he couldn't see the moon or stars and figure out where he was. A quick patdown of himself confirmed he was bereft of pants - and everything he had in the pants, like a wallet or cellphone. A look around didn't reveal anything more than that.
"Oh, damn it!" he blurted out, throwing his arms up before a chill lakefront wind blew past his armpits and made him lower them abruptly. Arms crossed as the cold finally registered properly, Ron took in the empty stretches of pavement and shipping containers. "Just... wonderful! And I don't even have any shoes!"
He could feel the loose gravel and concrete under his heel already. Stepping on that ... it would be like stepping on a lego brick.
How did he end up like...? No, no, out of the cold first. He could worry about the how and why later, when his rod and tackle weren't retreating into his pelvis. One step at a time. Quickly now. One, two, three, four-
flash of red across his vision - ear piercing scream, barely heard the cracking bone, felt the arm compact - the coppery taste of blood on the tongue"God damn it!"
Like a Lego. Brick.
Nexus Streets -
amA few efforts to shake himself off like a wet dog worked well enough. He was still freezing, and the stench of fish lingered, but as long as Ron kept his arms close to his body and he kept the buildings nearby at angles that minimized his exposure to wind he should avoid hypothermia for now. Now he just had to find a pay phone somewhere and - and he didn't have any change on him now.
"I am up shit's creek right now!" he concluded to himself out loud, not caring if he looked like a madman on the streets.