Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 74374 times)


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The Hunter waited only to find, to her annoyance, that Oren seemed to be waiting for them in turn. Annabeth sighed as she decided that there would be other opportunities.

Removing her hand from Ron's nose, Annabeth turned to him again.

"Say, could you change back?" Annabeth asked, "Or just take on a form that doesn't induce mass panic?"
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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The blond vampire gave a laugh to statement before she replied. "And I am really hard to over 500 years I have only run into two things that could and one of them was a goddess." She paused here a bit as if thinking about something. "I do not really know much about motorcycles to be honest."


Archer sighed as he saw Rin go on a round of beating herself up. "Rin, calm down. There's no need to overthink things so much when it isn't a matter of life of death."


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Change back? That shouldn't be... too hard. Not that Ron knew what to do there, but if he could do it once he can do it again right?
Then again, you shouldn't always do everything that you're capable of! The last time hurt so badly, like his nerves were being ripped and torn at and everything about him was being put back together someway new.

it hurts

... maybe he could just try to get smaller? Ron focused on the thought, his nose and mouth scrunching up and showing off his razor sharp teeth as he tried to figure out what he needed to do in order to do that. Maybe he just needed to focus on that feeling from earlier, the one from when horned prey runner challenged him-


His bones cracked apart again, mass rapidly diminishing. All proportions of his body decreased, unevenly at first starting with the back, then the shoulders following, the mouth and nose crunching in toward his head. Drool escaped from clenched teeth as Ron fought the agony.

In the end the bones snapped into place again, and he was just your average grey wolf. Ron's legs trembled in place and his mouth hung open with his panting, tongue hanging limply out.

He would be ready to run. He just needed a moment, really.

hope this gets easier


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"Five hundred you say?  You're just a wee baby then.  Little baby Shinobu," Corbin said with a teasing grin.  He tilted his head and said, "Triumph is a brand of motorcycles made in Great Brittan, where I'm from.  But if you're that bloody hard to kill, you might skip training like I did."


"I didn't want to be brought here," Rin said before turning around to face him.  "I had a life in London.  I am this" she held up a small span of space between her index finger and her thumb, "close to replicating the Jeweled Blade.  Or I was, until I was brought here with none of my notes and research which means I'll have to start all over again because that's what I have."

"I don't even have a boyfriend back home.  I'm almost Christmas Cake so I just work and work, and you're not even my Archer.  That Sakura isn't my Sakura, but if I leave she'll be even more devastated than before.  That Emiya apparently won't even acknowledge that I exist either."

Her face flushed as she looked away, finding a box of loose leaf tea on the counter.  Her hands shook as she reached for it.  She wasn't going to cry, not in front of him anyway, but she had to tell someone something or she was just going to become cold again, which she didn't want.


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Fiona, the Lost Druid

The light shined in through the window and warm light filling the room, illuminating all within. Slowing, something began to stir, within the bed of roses that made the room, filling it with green and red. Near the wall set a bed in which the bushes wrapped around, an arm slowly emerged from the brush, and a yawn echoed the vibrant room. And from the brush awoke a woman, her eyes droopy as she began to stretch.

Slowly getting out of the bed, the roses moved away, creating a path for her, and she walked to the shut window, without a shred of cloth on her skin. Reaching it over she opened it, and a blast of cold greeted her flesh and flakes of snow flew in. Leaning over she placed her elbows on windowsill and looked out.

And slowly birds began to gather on the fire escape in front of her. Black birds cawing as they looked at her, their heads tilted. She smiled, “Sorry about this, I know its cold out here.” She whispered softly to the crows.

And so she held out her hand and with a soft green glow seeds appeared in her palm. And like the birds hopped over to her hand and began to peck at the seeds, gobbling them up with wild abandon. She watched on with a small smile and reached over with her free hand, giving the birds a pat on the head. And like that the pact was struck, and their once pitch black feathers took on a red hue.

Stepping away from the window still she let them into the warm, and closed the window. She then began to hum and grabbed a bowl and filling it with more seeds and berries for them to eat. No doubt they were starving. "Here you go!" She told them cheerfully, as if they could understand her.

They were her friends, the only ones she had in this strange place, so she would help them, such precious little lives that most overlooked, but not her.

She was a druid after all.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2016, 08:21:08 AM by Knick »


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The elusive Greyskull pouted, looked away and folded his arms before walking at a quick pace to catch up to the two in silence. He was glad though. He had so many questions to ask, and being ditched by the first two mortals he met in a thousand years would leave a sour taste in his mouth.

« ARE YOU TRYING TO SNEAK BY? » He whispered.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2016, 02:21:04 PM by francobull3 »


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"Hmm, I'd be okay with eating, but only if they allow pokemon. I don't want to put Wormy in a ball, he doesn't particularly like it and I'd get cold."


"I think they do actually...and unlike my Brother, I don't skip the bill." He said as they walked into a nice café that did indeed allow and even serve "familiars".


Oka blinked at him. "Why would you ever skip the bill? You can make the money back by battling other trainers in the cafe anyway."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Shinobu blinked at his lame insults. "Then your powers have truly grown weak old man" She stretched a bit after saying this , then continued. " I have never actually had training of any sort...not that I really needed it back then."


Archer sighed as Rin went on about her trivial issues, the only thing he could symphatize with being her inability to see her actual sister again. He decided to stop her at this point before she went on an even longer rant. "Rin, the first thing you mentioned is just some lost work, it should be easier the second time to recreate whatever that is." He stopped to Take a breathe before continuing. "About your sister...I'm sorry but I...I don't know what to say to be honest" he sighed at this. Part of him wanted to mock her about experiencing true hell, he managed to subdue that part though.


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Saber frowned and said, "It is really good though, and I have also learned that simple things are good as well.  Like pizza."

"Pizza is good, yes, but have you ever had it cooked by a master chef?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Jin suddenly burst out laughing. "Because he is a wanted criminal with a bounty high enough to buy a small country, oh and he also goes by the title Grim Reaper."


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Jin suddenly burst out laughing. "Because he is a wanted criminal with a bounty high enough to buy a small country, oh and he also goes by the title Grim Reaper."


What. Oka was just like...


What the hell, she'd never heard of such a person. Jin was probably just joking around with her, but she'd play along.

"How incredibly edgy. That's pretty incredible."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"He wears a red trenchcoat and carries a giant sword, if you see him you should run." Jin said with a completely straight face.


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"He wears a red trenchcoat and carries a giant sword, if you see him you should run." Jin said with a completely straight face.


Oka nodded seriously. "Gotcha, I'll remember that."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The elusive Greyskull pouted, looked away and folded his arms before walking at a quick pace to catch up to the two in silence. He was glad though. He had so many questions to ask, and being ditched by the first two mortals he met in a thousand years would leave a sour taste in his mouth.

« ARE YOU TRYING TO SNEAK BY? » He whispered.


What she should have done? That man's whisper wasn't really a whisper, he clearly had no handle of how loud or quiet should be. Maybe, he would have some decency to not follow into a store with clothes for women. The security would have kicked out him for being a pervert if he stepped into changing rooms, too! "Hey, Lumen, let's go there, I bet we will find something fashionable." she smiled, trying to ignore for now the loud voice that wasn't really whispering.


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He gave her a smile and said. "Good, I wouldn't want to see you what would you like having?"