Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 74406 times)


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"Through some complicated never answered my question about how long it would. Wait could it be that you do not know the way there?" she said in a voice of faked surprise.


Archer pondered on it, weighing the benifits i versus the detriments before answering. "Well we could try...But only if  you listen to me when something happens."


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Corbin smirked and said, "I go there five nights a week you know.  It can range anywhere between fifteen to thirty minutes depending on traffic during the time of day.  Buutttt, did you think this might be my night off?"


Rin frowned and said, "Why wouldn't I listen to you when something happens?  Of course I would listen to you if something happens.  Just don't expect me to hide in basement though."


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Sakura and Shrou

With Togan gone, Sakura and Shirou continued to enjoy the delicious food without any interrupting, talking happily as they ate their fill, sampling all of the different foodstuffs on offer. Eventually, after remaining seated for a while to allow the food to go down, Sakura gave Shirou a lustful smile.

"Shi~rou, there's no-one else here", she said, forming several shadow tendrils, waving them around as she smiled seductively.

Excited by the prospect, Shirou's arousal began to grow, but he couldn't help but notice the leftover food and cutlery. Without Togan around, they would have to clean it up theirselves.

"Sakura, shouldn't we clean up first?" he asked.

Sakura thought for a moment, before sighing.

"Yes, I suppose so", she said, getting up out of her seat, still flushed with arousal. "Let's load up the cart, I'll show you where the kitchen is."

Agreeing to Sakura's suggestion, Shirou also got up, his trousers noticably bulging as he thought of what they would do afterwards. They loaded the plates onto the cart and then pushed it towards the kitchen, Sakura pushing it along whilst Shirou followed behind her. When they arrived, they cleaned the plates, placed the leftover food in the fridge and, leaving the cart where it was, returned to their room.

As they did so, however, they heard someone knocking at the door.

Eh, who's that? Sakura thought.

"Shirou, did you hear that?" she asked.

"Yes, should we answer it, though? This isn't our castle, after all", he replied.

Sakura pondered the situation for a moment, before coming to a decision.

"I think we should, yes. It would be rude otherwise", she replied.

With that, the two of them headed towards the sound of the knocking, eventually arriving at the door. Taking a deep breath, she pushed the door open, finding two people stood there, a man and a woman.

"Hello", she said, politely. "My name is Emiya Sakura, this is my husband Shirou. The owner of this castle is not home at the moment, but we are her guests."


He ignored the woman's mocking remarks as he stared intently on the gates with his arms crossed, waiting for a servant to open gates. Instead, a couple of people claiming to be the owner's guests opened them. He didn't understand why they did it, such chores were for the help. If they were indeed guests, he never had a chance to interact with them. For thy were courteous to him, he would give them a benefit of doubt. "I'm Julius Richter, another guest of Lady von Einzbern" Now that the truth was evident, he had no reason to hide it. "I hope you don't mind if someone I invited also graced this castle?"


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Lumen nodded but there was the slightest bit of unease in her movements. This place was really big. There had been more people looking at her in that moment than there were people in her entire village. The vastness of it all was a bit disconcerting. "That sounds fine but you may need o pick something out for me. I was never good at buying clothes and finding the right colors has always been an issue. But after that what should we do with our... friends?"


Petra sighed. Lumen was probably just being polite about it, after all, they were like, acquittances maybe? At least the skeleton person. This shadow covered person didn't bother to introduce themselves. "If you want to talk with them, let's do it after the shopping is done." She proposed to Lumen. "As for right colors, I think black looks good on you, I will find something neat for you."
« Last Edit: February 10, 2016, 07:16:00 AM by Kat »


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Lycodrake Aptera

"I'm not a fan of the snow either, if I'm honest." Cold did not sit well with him, but he had kept to warm buildings and alcoves across the city and woods.

The wingless dragon felt comfort at Fiona's words and the sense of hope he had wrangled with to keep returned, alongside happiness. "Thank you for your kind words of encouragement, Fiona."

Thinking about it now, he wondered if she knew anything about Nexus that he did not. "You wouldn't happen to know anything specific about Nexus City, would you, Fiona? I've thought about looking for a library. Or do you have something else you planned on doing? I have basically nothing but time these days."
Spoiler for Best -monogatari:


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After she was done with her sword practice, she continued her chores outside. When this stranger she housed awoke, she should extract a payment from him for her goodwill, or even a Pact if he was totally broke. Not that she would take his soul, a Cover associated with such a strange guy wouldn't be worth it. Anything minor would suffice if he didn't have any cash.


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The woman opened her eyes wide in surprize, shocked for the smallest instant. Then, her gaze turned cold and impassive, with an almost dull quality no different than the gaze of a dead fish.

 " Hello." He said, trying to hide his coldness with an expressionless veil, slightly bowing politely. Sadly his left hand’s clenched state betrayed the apparent calmness, bending the poor armor and twisting it to an even more unsightly state.

“It is... nice to meet you. My name is Alma.”
« Last Edit: February 09, 2016, 03:57:59 PM by francobull3 »


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Shirou Emiya

The driver drove fast, like all taxis tend to, and they soon arrived at their destination without many holdups, other than a bit of traffic. Sakura sat in the middle between Rider and Shirou, and spent the trip leaning against Shirou and dozing off, gently holding his hand as she rested peacefully. Shirou watched the scenery zoom by, taking opportunity to observe what would be his new home from now on. It was an almost unbelievable sight, like something taken straight out of some strange anime or manga. There seemed to be no real design or common aesthetic to any of the buildings they passed, which were all a hodgepodge of various architectural styles and eras. One of the larger ones they passed looked incredibly futuristic, while many others looked as if they had been built around twenty years ago. Hearing Sakura tell him about the nature of this city had left him in a state close to disbelief, and  he was still not completely sure this was really real. Maybe he’d run dangerously low on prana while doing something and now he was hallucinating as he died.

“Heh.” His chuckle surprised him. Even in spite of the morbidity of his hypothesis, he still felt perfectly content, happy even. If these were his final moments, he didn’t really mind. He intertwined his fingers with those of the beautiful woman sitting next to him and gently squeezed them, causing her to stir slightly.

He had everything he needed right here.

Sakura Matou

As the car drove along, gently bumping up and down, Sakura leaned against Shirou and closed her eyes, allowing herself to drift off into a calm, restful state of sleep that she rarely had been able to attain. For as long as she could remember, sleep hadn’t provided much of a respite from the everyday horrors she had been subjected to. They were often simply continuations of her everyday experiences in some way or another, either the pain, torture, or even just the fear of going down into the basement had terrified her to no end. Even the occasional one where she was returned to her family by the only one who had shown her any care or love, her Uncle Kariya, had been painful for her, every awakening bringing a new heartbreak with the realization that it had all been a dream and she still remained in her own personal hell. Soon after he died, the fantasy of being rescued abandoned her as well.

Even while she had been living with Shirou, finally freed from the clutches of Grandfather, the dreams had remained, a mental scar that constantly reminded her of the decade of continual abuse she’d suffered through; tormenting her like a broken arm that hadn’t been set properly and had healed incorrectly, her dreams had returned her to the past most nights. The sleeping pills had helped for a while, but then she’d been transported to a different kind of hell, the Nexus. The nature of her dreams had changed greatly since then, instead of pain and violation, they were of loss and abandonment.

But now, she was experiencing nothing of the sort. It was a simple dream, one that made her feel safe and secure, one that had no pretensions of scaring her. It was... enjoyable.

Eventually the car came to a stop, and Shirou gently woke her up. “I think we’re here, Sakura.” He told her, a happy look she couldn’t quite place covering his face. “Yeah, probably.” She stupidly replied before giggling at how inane a comment that was. “Let’s go.”
« Last Edit: February 09, 2016, 05:16:23 PM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Darcy Hugh

Riding for a while, the priest suddenly stopped. He dropped off his bike and walked into a large house. HOLY MARGARETH ORPHANAGE was written in bold above the doorway. He walked trough with a smile, as if this place was his home.

“HELLOOOOO!” He cried out merrily with his usual lazy smile. A torrent of thunderous steps could be heard rushing, and the first to greet him was a little girl. She rushed at him and hugged him, as if he was a family member who just came back from a hard day of work. The priest returned the hug warmly and smiled at her. Walking back to the living hall, they chatted a bit, sharing pleasantries and lame jokes only a kid could find amusing.

« Onii-chan! Look at what I drew! It’s for you! » She said before showing him a coloured drawing of a rabbit. Darcy looked delighted and smiled widely before cheering her.

“Oh! That’s very good!” He replied, taking the drawing and putting it under his holy robes.

Other kids came rushing in to greet the man. It seemed they were familiar with his presence, because as soon as they saw him they circled him like he was their father.
“Father Darcy, have you brought anything from your adventures again?” One of them, a small boy, asked timidly.

“No luck today. Sorry Joshua.” The priest replied sourly. He knew they wouldn’t like it, but he didn’t have much luck lately. Like hell that girl from earlier would’ve gave him shit even if he asked, and it was better not to risk getting caught stealing and skewered to death.

“Awwwwww.” They moaned in unison, disappointed in the fallen hero. The poor priest tried to regain face, and shook his head before smiling confidently.

“Don’t worry! It’s Christmas soon, so if you’re all been behaving nice for the year and said all your prayers, Santa might bring something nice!” He replied, trying to defuse the disappointment in the air. While he did succeed for the most part, some of the kids simply pouted. Damn, so troublesome… hehehe!

“Hmm, how about this! Since I got back, how about a game of hide and seek?”

Immediately, their little faces brightened up, and a sea of cheers came forth!

“YAAAAAY!!!” The children cried out in unison. But before they could get started, the loud firm steps of doom could be heard. Everyone stopped and turned at the arrival of an older woman, a nun in about her thirties. Seeing the reaction, it wasn’t absurd to assume she held some authority over this place, and over the worried looking priest as well.

“Darcy, I need to speak to you for a minute.” She said firmly. Man, the last thing he wanted was getting in trouble, so what choice did he have but to follow? And so, the poor priest followed meekly as he was dragged to the dark depths of Sister Helga’s office.

Shit. Hopefully he wouldn’t get chewed out again.

Tch, talk about luck. Looks like he had some work to do after all. Darcy rode on his bike, looking for a place where to have a drink  and some gossip. He needed both. Tonight would be a long night.
Suddenly, he found a bar in the middle of Chinatown. A lady was cleaning the front yard. Raising an eyebrow, he smirked and parked next to her.
“Hey, is this open?” He asked.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2016, 06:30:02 PM by francobull3 »


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"Technically closed, but if you pay, I'll make an exception and open it early." Hopefully he had money on him on sure. It was kind of mistake to not demand money from the first customer immediately, but she never forgot bets owed to her. If the other foreigner didn't pay, she would eventually squeeze out cash from him one way or another.


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The Hunter watched with some interest as Ron shrank down to a more normal size for a wolf. An eyebrow raised as she crouched down to his level, one hand absentmindedly moving to scratch the back of his ears subconsciously. Oddly, his stance upon changing seemed to imply the technique wasn't an easy one for him.

Man, and he's not even that good with his technique yet? ...then again, there doesn't seem to be any indication of the usage of Ren or anything like that when he shifts...this just keeps getting stranger and stranger.

Allowing him a few moments, continuing the scratch his ears all the while, the Hunter soon stood up.

"Okay, lead the way," she said simply.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Reason number two for why not to freak out about all of this?

The comforting sensation radiating from the base of his pointy ears right now with Annabeth's fingernails scratching at them like this. Ron's tail went parallel to the floor and started to wag for the duration, the pain of the transformation slipping away from his nerves. He looked more like an oversized, panting puppy than a dangerous predator.

I still feel drained somehow, though. It's not coming back. I should worry about that at some point. Soon. Eventually.

She stopped, and Ron caught himself whining in disappointing. Still, he took a moment to shake himself off, and then sniff at the air. Then he turned toward the exit, let out a single sharp "bark!", and went off out of the store. The pain from before, or maybe the conscious effort at changing shape, brought some human clarity back to his mind. Just enough that he could remember a good set of warehouses on the way back to his place, assuming nothing bizarre happened again.

Things were looking up! Including him, because he was much lower to the ground now than he'd ever been since Kindergarten.


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While the immortal wasn't distracted enough to lose Rikuyo completely, she had used the opportunity to get in close enough that the chances of him dodging this bolt were minimal. At this realization, the immortal allowed a slight grin, both relishing the fight and realizing something quite simple.

With that realization buzzing in his head, Michael did the only thing he could do in the current situation. With Rikuyo too close for dodging the next bolt to be a guaranteed thing, the best thing he could hope for was to get a hit in on her at the same time. Of course, that probably wouldn't resolve the fight, but it would be nice to at least get one hit in on her, if nothing else. That aside, if dodging wasn't the best plan, then he supposed he'd have to get a bit creative.

With that in mind, the immortal took one step in, letting go of the tree and willing the staff out to its long-staff form, and planted it in the ground, the end of the staff pointing towards Rikuyo as she fired the bolt. Instead of striking Michael, however, it struck the staff, now an impromptu lightning rod, leaving the immortal a perfect window to charge in, pushing his Enhancement to its very limit for this one blow, Michael jumping up towards her, feinting as if to kick at her only to unleash a single massive punch to the midsection, with no indication whatsoever of the feint.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Corbin smirked and said, "I go there five nights a week you know.  It can range anywhere between fifteen to thirty minutes depending on traffic during the time of day.  Buutttt, did you think this might be my night off?"


Rin frowned and said, "Why wouldn't I listen to you when something happens?  Of course I would listen to you if something happens.  Just don't expect me to hide in basement though."


Shinobu just gave him a look and said. "This is not your day off anymore." 


"The basement? I'd never suggest that, it's a poor strategic choice with no escape routes." Archer said while pacing around the room.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2016, 01:22:34 AM by Thedoctor »


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Fiona Bacarra

“Uh-uh” She shook her head, “I don’t know much about this place. I just found this empty place to say.” She looked up, looking to the sky. “There are a few things I need to do though.” She said thoughtfully, she… she needed to train. She should probably head to the park, find a quiet place, and practice a bit.

It would be nice. To let loose and dance, it would be the first time to do any serious practice since she got here. “Hmm” She hummed as her head bobbed left and right as she thought with her eyes closed. Too bad she didn’t have any money, she would have loved to go get some fish or something, eating food from the garden constantly was getting tiring.

If she was home her mentor would probably be yelling at her for being so relaxed. 
« Last Edit: February 10, 2016, 01:34:17 AM by Knick »