Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 74421 times)


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Corbin yelped as Shinobu literally flew off of him and grabbed the box of doughnuts.  She was inhaling them at an impressive rate.  He stared at her for a moment before she said, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Keep that up and you'll end up with vampire diabetes," Corbin said with a grin as he began to eat his cereal.


"No, I had to get that out of Ilya after he died," Rin said in a soft voice as she looked into her tea mug.


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Fiona Bacarra

“Uhh, I mean, I appreciate it. But, well…” She paused awkwardly, before turning too directly to the dragon, putting her hand up in an apologetic prayer and giving him an apologetic look. “Sorry, it’s just a bit personal. And I don’t want to be mean but, um.”

She laughed a bit, before scratching the back of her head, and then she sighed, “And it’s something that I really should be doing myself, I shouldn't get others involved.”

She was honestly surprised that she hasn’t been jumped by something since she got here, she hoped to some level something would soon, otherwise it would just get harder and harder for her help people.

Also, hopefully she would find some way to get something not a plant to eat. Man, she could even just go for some bread or something. Oh, some ham and Swiss on that, with Mayo. She could then get a milkshake or something, maybe a good stout or wine or something. Her mouth was almost salivating at the thought.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2016, 05:12:25 AM by Knick »


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Still eating from the box at a pace that was starting to get more and more impossible by the second considering the box's limited content, the vampire looked up at him and responded clearly somehow, despite being in the middle of inhaling the doughnuts. "Doughnuts are the greatest, they can cure sicknesses and even bring back the dead, I will not stand this slander to their great name!"


Listening to Rin's answer confirmed to him that she didn't know. Leaning against one the kitchen walls he replied smugly. "It's clear to me that you don't know what I'm referring to."


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He downed his own drink in a few gulps at that, timing it to end just a little after Annabeth. Huh, usually he's a little buzzed after that much by now. Maybe he just needs to wait a little longer?

"Can't say you wouldn't find work here with that if you wanted to," Ron pointed out for her, taking his turn to fill their glasses. "But, you're lost somewhere new without anyone you know. That? I don't now how that feels. I'm told I'm the odd one for that. So if nothing else you're in good company here. Or is it bad...?"

He frowned for a moment, shook his head at the thought, and gulped his glass half down. A sigh and a wry grin followed.

"Well I guess I've become some kind of wolf monster, so let's go with good, hm?"


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"I've never heard of doughnuts bringing people back from the dead or curing illnesses.  I have heard of people getting diabetes because they ate too many," Corbin replied with a grin.

"But you really seem to love them, Shinobu."


"Apparently I don't, but asking you will probably put your knickers in a twist," Rin said, using one of her favorite Briticisms.


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As she finished the box, she licked her fingers and responded to him. "Vampires can not get diabetes, that is the silliest thing I have heard in a long time."


Archer merely sighed again, he had been doing that a lot lately. He then wentt around the kitchen and took ouy eggs, whipped cream, sugar, a block of dark chocolate and some vanilla fruits. Archer then put the oven on, on a moderately high temperature. He then pured the whipped cream into a a pan and heated it, while doing so he also put the chocolote into a bowl and chopped it into pieces.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2016, 05:57:05 AM by Thedoctor »


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

"With how absurdly insane the Nexus bloody is, I wouldn't be surprised if vampire diabetes exists," Corbin replied with a grin.


Rin watched as Archer got out things to bake and blinked.  Sighing herself, she asked, "Would you like some help?"


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"Then such a vampire needs to put out of it's misery." She said in tone that was hard to tell wether  she was serious or a joking.


"Do you know how to make soufflé?" He asked as he poured the now hot whipped cream into the bowl with the chocolate, letting it mix with the chocolate and melt it.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2016, 06:08:31 AM by Thedoctor »


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Corbin laughed at her and asked, "No offer of aid or finding a way to treat the illness.  You're a cold one, you know that?"


Rin nodded and answered, "Yeah, I do.  Even though I don't do much pastry baking, but I do still know my way around a kitchen."


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She shook her head at him. "I am not cold, such a vampire's mere existence would reflect badly on our race."


"I was planning on making a lot, you could get out a bunch of baking form and butter them while I prepare this." He instructed her.


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"Ah, but my mum was human," Corbin said pointing his spoon at her, "And it wouldn't reflect too badly.  Okay, just a little badly."


"Right," Rin said as she went to do as he instructed.  She asked, "What about making a batch of strawberry?"


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While the immortal wasn't distracted enough to lose Rikuyo completely, she had used the opportunity to get in close enough that the chances of him dodging this bolt were minimal. At this realization, the immortal allowed a slight grin, both relishing the fight and realizing something quite simple.

With that realization buzzing in his head, Michael did the only thing he could do in the current situation. With Rikuyo too close for dodging the next bolt to be a guaranteed thing, the best thing he could hope for was to get a hit in on her at the same time. Of course, that probably wouldn't resolve the fight, but it would be nice to at least get one hit in on her, if nothing else. That aside, if dodging wasn't the best plan, then he supposed he'd have to get a bit creative.

With that in mind, the immortal took one step in, letting go of the tree and willing the staff out to its long-staff form, and planted it in the ground, the end of the staff pointing towards Rikuyo as she fired the bolt. Instead of striking Michael, however, it struck the staff, now an impromptu lightning rod, leaving the immortal a perfect window to charge in, pushing his Enhancement to its very limit for this one blow, Michael jumping up towards her, feinting as if to kick at her only to unleash a single massive punch to the midsection, with no indication whatsoever of the feint.


Damn, another magician. They were pain off ass to deal with. Still, in spite of being outmanouvered, her superior reflexes made her attempt to get out of the way of the punch. With a mixed result, as the punch aimed at her torso hit her arm, bending it and snapping it in two, rendering it useless until she regenerated it. However, the electricity resident in her body should have harmed her opponent too.


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Alpha walked into the restaurant after Mordred, and was greeted by an ornate design, with one of those restaurant floors littered with walls for privacy and authenticity. An asian woman in a chinese dress stood at the welcoming booth, and she bowed as we walked in.

"Table for two?" She asked in an exagerrated chinese accent.

"Three," Alpha replied, pointing back at Noel.

"Follow me," she said, walking off to one of the many booths. Alpha kept her eyes forward, an empty stomach spurring her to ignore her surroundings.


Contrary to Alpha, she wasn't that hungry. After all, she had a breakfast, but eating more wouldn't hurt her. Gaining weight was obviously not an issue for someone who exercised daily. If by exercise you mean fighting for you life and occassionally squashing some monster which deserved it. She gestured at Noel to follow her as she followed Alpha.


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Ahh, one of those monotheistic foreigners. She didn't believe in God. She knew that there was a God, out for her to ruin her life and then salvage her remains. Some of religions could have been exploited as fronts for God-Machine, but she wasn't reckless enough to erase any human who behaved religiously. After all, they could have been just mildly deluded instead. She feigned such delusion by worshipping Shinto pantheon for the sake of her Cover, but she considered the religion a byproduct of clueless mortals worshipping some Spirits anyway.

More importantly, she couldn't shake off feeling that this man was hitting on her. This could have been a pain in ass, but also meant that he could have been easy to manipulate.

"Pay for a drink, and you can hang out. It's a business, not a charity." She was upfront about that. If he didn't even have money for a cheapest drink, it wasn't worth opening the bar prematurely. She already felt enough magnaminous to let a stranger sleep in her room.


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The shadow woman introduced herself. Maybe she should be polite and respond in kind. Fortunately, her name was mundane enough she could just pass off as one of mundane people without revealing her identity. Her attire? Just a cosplay, obviously!

"Uhh, hi, I'm Petra. We're going to shop, so you don't mind waiting a bit for us? We will just buy what we need." Maybe this could buy them some time to go on a shopping spree in peace.