Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 74828 times)


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Oh dear, her client either had little eating manners or was starving. She shouldn't complain though, it's not that she ran a fancy restaurant. Rich and elegant people generally didn't come to this part of the district. She nodded at the approving gesture of the girl, still content that her client was happy about her services.

Speaking of money, though, the priest preposterously wanted to order something even if he didn't have money. That simply wouldn't do. She already sheltered a freeloader who was ridiculously optimistic about his chances of going against the police. But she already took into her calculations that if the man survived the night, maybe he could be of some use. A future investment, maybe she could even manipulate him into going after people that she considered a nuisance.

She put a blank parchment in front of the priest. "Only if you negotiate. See, it's not a charity and you have no money. But maybe something could be arranged to make up for it."


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"Revenge of the Sith is a good movie and you should watch it." He finally finished mixing yolks with the sugar. "Rin are you done over there?"


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"But it's a day. Ya ain't stalkin' anyone now, right? You even looked lost." The girl didn't even comment on the fact that Shinobu fed on humans. "Yeah, I was fightin' sum' bland dude with a staff and someone who smelled a bit like you. I didn't like either of them. Especially the one who tried to mess with my brain."


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"No I was lost, I still am I think. I do not even know what I am doing here." Catching the last part of what Rikuyo said made her stop the train of thought she was going down. "A persons mind should belong to themselves...haha, what a hypocrite I am, I kill people."


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"So what? I kill them too. All creatures trample over other to survive. That's natural for humans and other talkin' folks too. I simply don't like my head being meddled without my say, I don't really care if she does that to others." She shrugged. As if she gave a damn about what that Forest woman did in her spare time to people who may have been as well be total strangers to her.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2016, 02:57:12 PM by Kat »


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Shinobu listened intently as Rikuyo went on to basically give a rundown of her mindset. Survival of the fittest wasn't an idea that Shinobu was unfamiliar with. Following that logic this woman was probably pretty strong too. Shinobu grinned at her amused by this development. "So you enjoy exerting your dominance over others. I cannot say I disagree with the notion of doing so."


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"I like winning, but I don't mind losing to someone fun. It only makes me want a victory more next time! But really, even if I lost last time, I don't really want to brawl with him again. He just used one move over and over, without imagination or passion..." She sighed, remembering how boring that Michael guy was. "I'm on a break right now, I wanna find some strong folks to beat up when the sun sets. Know anyone?"


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Oka locked her arm stopping the movement of his arm. "I'm not finished yet." he said while pushing harder back to the halfway point.


A weaker woman might have broken to this incredible assault. But Oka instead, simply smirked. Her arm bulged, and she rapidly began to force Jin's arm back down towards where it belonged, the table.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The vampire was surprised by her sudden burst of excitement when describing her fights. Having the will to come back and try harder after you've lost while it sounded good wasn't something most had. Not only but to be so into the fight itself and still see that was the mark of someone truly dangerous. "That man...sounds boring as for someone strong, you're looking at her."


Jin merely smirked as she forced his arm down clearly excerting herself, much like before he simply locked his arm again halting her progress. Just as he was about to say something though,  he was interrupted by the waitress arriving with their food.


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Darcy Hugh

The priest nodded before smiling smugly, waving his hair back seductively.

«No problem with that. As for my order, I’d like… you. » He purred, pointing at the poor Mitsuba before winking the sort of wink a pop idol winks at his fangirls and makes hearts melt.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2016, 03:49:52 PM by francobull3 »


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"Huh, really? What's yer gimmick, Shinobu?" She asked the blonde girl out of curiosity. "I'm not really looking for any excuse to not fight ya, but I want to go all out if I can. We can look for spirits or werewolves to hunt so I could replenish myself. A few humans would do, but they don't really taste outstanding, just like pork." Rikuyo casually described how humans tasted to her. She always preferred beef to pork anyway, but it was really expensive food.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2016, 03:59:41 PM by Kat »


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The vampire was surprised by her sudden burst of excitement when describing her fights. Having the will to come back and try harder after you've lost while it sounded good wasn't something most had. Not only but to be so into the fight itself and still see that was the mark of someone truly dangerous. "That man...sounds boring as for someone strong, you're looking at her."


Jin merely smirked as she forced his arm down clearly excerting herself, much like before he simply locked his arm again halting her progress. Just as he was about to say something though,  he was interrupted by the waitress arriving with their food.


As Jin was momentarily distracted, Oka struck, like a honey badger fighting a cobra. She slammed his arm against the table, and cheered! Wormy bobbed up and down in joy behind her, cheering his friend on for her great victory. "Hahahaha... That was a good match, Jin."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The bar lady simply rolled the parchment into a makeshift blunt object and smacked over Darcy's face in response. "No." A plain refusal.


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Shinobu blinked. "My gimmick you say, well I have a lot of abilities, the main one would probably be that I can heal fast, and by fast I mean it."  She responded back in the same casual tone as Rikuyo had. "Oh yes I have run into that as well, people taste differently." The vampire assumed a ready stance as if waiting for Rikuyo to attack.


Slumping down in defeat, the major sighed. "I will get you next time Oka." He said while shaking her hand.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2016, 04:17:57 PM by Thedoctor »


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Noel seemed to had glimpsed somebody then tried to hide the fact she was in the same room. The Changeling looked around. The only client besides them was a tall white haired guy with messy hair. In fact, he looked somewhat familiar. Where she had seen him...


He looked kinda like Alpha's relative. There was a resemblance after all. "Oi, Alpha, do you have any relatives here in Nexus?" She also asked in a whisper. "I've seen a guy here who looks like your relative..."

"No, no, I'm fine, nothing's the matter." Noel turned to Mordred. "No, it's probably just a coincidence, haha."
Alpha The Bloodedge

Alpha cocked an eyebrow at Mordred's comment, and immediately became more confused at Noel's dodgy attitude. Who was it? She looked around, looking for this "relative" of hers like a dog looking for squirrels, until she noticed a man sitting at a table, bent over his bowl of noodles with a confused look in his eyes.

He looked exactly like she did, except, like some genderswapped version from a bad piece of fanfiction. What the hell was this?

Well, at least she understood why Mordred thought they were related.

"Noel, do you know this guy?" She asked, not bothering the keep her voice down. If this guy was why she looked so scared, she'd do something about him.

The only real way she knew how to deal with any problem, that is.

Noel Vermillion

Noel put down her menu and nodded with a sigh. The secret was out, no sense in hiding it any further. "Eh-hehe, um, well, He's... kind of like a brother to me, his name is Ragna the Bloodedge, and he's ah... my world's, most worlds, I think, actually, version of you, Alpha. And ummmmmmmm... what I'm really scared about is...well...

you going to talk with him? Your personalities will just clash and you'll get into a big fight. Like he always does in these situations."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end