Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 74852 times)


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Heavy breathing, but still unwavered in his resolve, the hero stood up. Indomitable. That's the word that described him most aptly. Almost no physical trauma would stop him from moving ever onwards, even if you hacked his limbs away he would still try to roll over and bite. Was it really the favor of his Lord or the sheer delusion that made him so persistent?

Anyway, he had no words for the monster that he faced. If its world perished, then it must have been unworthy even for the merciful Lord. A fake hero for the world that even God of Israel would condemn. Hardly there could be more suitable target for his [ H O L Y D I V E R ]. He unveiled his blessed whip as soon as he could, dashing backwards to gain some distance. Not out of fear for his opponent's demonic abilities, but as to utilize every advantage that his whip's reach granted him.


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Good grief. The demon had no delusions that even a fight could erupt between the two, but an order from a client who paid was an order, so she retreated back to the kitchen to get the girl some water. If the priest stirred a real trouble, she would remove him from premises, simple as that.


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"Being comfortable and being able to move is important too," Forest said with a nod, not wanting to point out being able to kick and punch in something was important too.


"So yeah, cheaper clothes for menial tasks and whatnot are on my personal to buy list, but I have enough money to spare for some fancier ones either." Sadly not enough yet for a boat. In worst case scenario she would build her own one.


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Annabeth had all of a moment to relax after catching her breath when she found herself being turned over. Giving voice to an undignified yelp, the Hunter squirmed about for a moment, still bound by her coat sleeves, when she felt something pressing up against her ass. Tensing up in reaction, the Hunter tried to push through the haze of pleasure to recall if this was a safe day when Ron asked the very same question.

After a few moments,  Annabeth simply nodded, bracing herself as she lay there.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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The vampire relaxed from her stance as she heard Rikuyo's words. "I saw spotted a large overgrown forest in the distance when I was out running earlier. If you are looking for werewolves that might be a good place." She then accepted the proposal. "Teaming up could be beneficial as you say and I do not have anything better to do right now."


"Hmmm, and what I'll do after we're done with that? Know any other strong people? I cannot fight just you, there are more strong people out there, right?" She asked the vampire. Honestly, Nexus was a hit or miss for her, and she wouldn't be satisfied just with one duel.


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Thinking for a moment about what to tell her the conversation she had just a while ago came to mind. "I have heard there is a vampire called Deacon Frost who runs the vampire affairs around here. He calls himself a god too. I have never seen him myself but I heard it from one of the elites."


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"Huuu, he really must think high of himself. But even a bathroom spirit might call itself a god. So that doesn't say much to me. Eh, whatever, if he is a disappointment I will look further. Who are those elite guys?" Maybe they were worthy her attention too, who knew.


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It seemed Rikuyo didn't put much stock either in the guy's claims of godhood, and now she got interested in the elites as well. "The Elites are a law enforcement group made up of supernatural beings. From what I gather they handle the situations the normal police can not."


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"Huh, I wonder if they could handle me. Sadly normal humans don't have much in them, they get knocked out or crushed so easily. I don't bother myself going after them if I don't need to." She got bored of bullying them long time ago. After all, they often got defeated by one punch or so, without her needing to transform. "Know any of those guys?"


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Ron restrained most of his snickering at the bounty hunter's yelp. It took a moment to fumble with the little button at the front of his boxers to get out what he needed without wasting time actually taking the garment off. He pressed the warm, throbbing tip against Annabeth, then paused as the cool air made him shiver. He grit his teeth together to steady himself.

His hips pushed forward, and the slick mess inside of his drinking partner let him slide right in.


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The vampire nodded as Rikuyo went on about how humans usually weren't that strong. While exceptions did exist, they were rare so the rule generally held. "There is this man called Corbin, He is the one who told me about the vampire leader. Do not expect too much from him though, the others might be stronger."


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"Did ya fight him, then? How he was?" The redhead simply wanted to know more. "If he's a pushover, we could grab him and have him tell us about stronger guys, maybe."


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Thinking back on their fight before answering, she didn't rememeber anything spectacular. "Yes I did. He could take a few hits, but he did not show any special abilities now that I think about it hmm..He might have levitated at one point. His skill was not exactly amazing either..." She took a look around her before she continued. "OH yes at the end when he tried to run away, he turned into a crow."


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"It doesn't sound promising." Rikuyo looked a bit disappointed. "I could stop by whereever he is and ask him if it's on the way to the forest. Ya know where he lives, right?"


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The vampire took a moment to think of what direction it had been before answering. "It would be a bit of a detour but not too long, and yes I do know where he lives. Want to go there now? Just do not kill, him he might be useful."