Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 74951 times)


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The dhampir had emerged from the bathroom after brushing his teeth when he had sensed Shinobu return with a new comer.  He scowled as he heard them chatter as he levitated to the ceiling, hiding literally in plain sight.

"You will grab him or I should go ahead?" Shinobu's new friend said.

Corbin floated down behind her and said, "Well bloody hell, you could have just knocked, Shinobu.  So who's your new friend?"

He made no move to turn on the lights, after all he cold see more than well in the dark.


Rin nodded and said, "Yeah, I buttered them up when you asked me to."


"Yeah, but I'm not fond of cheap clothing.  It fades and frays way too soon," she said with a sigh, "Which is why one should never buy clothing from WalMart.  You get what you pay for after all."


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Irisviel opened her mouth to respond to Saber just as she sensed something, the defense fields at her castle notifying her of someone attacking it. The bastards.

"Saber, somebody's attacking my castle."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Saber's eyes widened at Irisviel's words.  She slid into her armored leather jacket and grabbed Excalibur, strapping it to her back.  Green eyes met crimson before Saber said, "Then allow me to help you defend it."


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Saber's eyes widened at Irisviel's words.  She slid into her armored leather jacket and grabbed Excalibur, strapping it to her back.  Green eyes met crimson before Saber said, "Then allow me to help you defend it."


Irisviel smiled at Saber with gratitude. "Thank you so much, Saber." She said, running towards the door.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

"Do you need me to drive?" the former king asked, a small knot of ice forming in her stomach at the thought of letting Irisviel drive.  She followed Irisviel to the door, reaching to open it.


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"Do you need me to drive?" the former king asked, a small knot of ice forming in her stomach at the thought of letting Irisviel drive.  She followed Irisviel to the door, reaching to open it.


"No, I can handle it. I'll get us there faster than you can." Irisviel said, running down the stairs to the car.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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She walked over to the place where the switch was and flipped it, suddenly the bedroom was bathed in light. "This is my dear companion Rikuyo. She wanted to ask you some...questions regarding that little group you are in."


Thanking her he poured the contents of the bowl into the forms and made sure that it was evenly distrubuted. There were going to be a lot of them when he was finished. Finishing up the last one he put them all into the oven and turned to Rin. "So what did you do with the ice cream Rin? I wasn't paying attention."


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Jin gave her a mischievious smile of his own. "Of course, It's not like it's part of my plan to fatten you up so you can't win next time. That would be silly haha"


Turning to Rikuyo she said. "It might be more amusing if you do it."

"Ah, but I'll never get fat. Your plan has a flaw."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"I am a capable driver though.  I still have my skills from the Grail," she said, proud that her voice was not betraying the overwhelming terror she was feeling.


Corbin stared at the new girl, noting she smelled like flesh blood.  Inwardly he face palmed.  Outwardly he tilted his head and held out his hand to the redhead.

"Hi Rikuyo, I'm Corbin," he said with a smile, careful not to flash his fangs.


"I need to let the custard and strawberry cooley cool before I mix them together and put them in the ice cream maker.  So I stuck both of them in the freezer while you were doing that," Rin said.

She blinked at the sheer volume he was making and said, "So . . . why so many?"


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"I am a capable driver though.  I still have my skills from the Grail," she said, proud that her voice was not betraying the overwhelming terror she was feeling.


Corbin stared at the new girl, noting she smelled like flesh blood.  Inwardly he face palmed.  Outwardly he tilted his head and held out his hand to the redhead.

"Hi Rikuyo, I'm Corbin," he said with a smile, careful not to flash his fangs.


"I need to let the custard and strawberry cooley cool before I mix them together and put them in the ice cream maker.  So I stuck both of them in the freezer while you were doing that," Rin said.

She blinked at the sheer volume he was making and said, "So . . . why so many?"


"Saber, there's no time for deliberation, let's go!" Irisviel opened up the passenger door for Saber with a worried look on her face.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Cherry Lover

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Rider watched with alarm as Sakura froze up once more, paying no attention to Jeanne's actions.

Sakura! Sakura? Are you OK? she said over their mental link, approaching her master out of worry and patting her gently.

Uncertain what to do, Rider decided to look around and see if she could find Shirou. Before she could make any move to find him, however, she noticed him running towards them, presumably either because he was worried about the newcomer or because he had seen Sakura freeze up. To Rider's relief, Shirou's approach seemed to shake her out of her doll-like state. Sakura turned to him and introduced the new servant.

"Senpai, this is my new servant, Jeanne D'Arc", she said. "Jeanne, this is my fiancee, Shirou."

Rider couldn't help but notice how her master had perked up again as she introduced Shirou, and she practically shouted that they were to be married. Rider could see that Shirou was still worried, and she too was still worried, but she felt that, as long as Shirou was around, Sakura would be OK, and she was sure the girl would begin to heal with time. Shirou, who was clearly trying to act normally despire his concern, introduced himself to Sakura's new servant, who happily congratulated them on their forthcoming wedding. Then, Jeanne paused, before addressing them again.

"I believe I'm attracting a bit of attention dressed like this", she said, seriously.

"Hmm, yes, you do stand out", Rider replied. "Sakura is buying me a few more outfits too, in fact."


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Rider watched with alarm as Sakura froze up once more, paying no attention to Jeanne's actions.

Sakura! Sakura? Are you OK? she said over their mental link, approaching her master out of worry and patting her gently.

Uncertain what to do, Rider decided to look around and see if she could find Shirou. Before she could make any move to find him, however, she noticed him running towards them, presumably either because he was worried about the newcomer or because he had seen Sakura freeze up. To Rider's relief, Shirou's approach seemed to shake her out of her doll-like state. Sakura turned to him and introduced the new servant.

"Senpai, this is my new servant, Jeanne D'Arc", she said. "Jeanne, this is my fiancee, Shirou."

Rider couldn't help but notice how her master had perked up again as she introduced Shirou, and she practically shouted that they were to be married. Rider could see that Shirou was still worried, and she too was still worried, but she felt that, as long as Shirou was around, Sakura would be OK, and she was sure the girl would begin to heal with time. Shirou, who was clearly trying to act normally despire his concern, introduced himself to Sakura's new servant, who happily congratulated them on their forthcoming wedding. Then, Jeanne paused, before addressing them again.

"I believe I'm attracting a bit of attention dressed like this", she said, seriously.

"Hmm, yes, you do stand out", Rider replied. "Sakura is buying me a few more outfits too, in fact."


"Thanks!" Sakura smiled at Jeanne before turning to Rider. "Why don't you and Jeanne go find clothes and get to know each other, Senpai and I need to go do something." She said, dragging Shirou away from her servants towards the changing rooms.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The servant watched Sakura drag away her fiancee to the changing room for some private matter, not thinking to much off it she turned to the other woman who was there. She got the feeling that she was uncomfortable with her. "I'm sorry if something I said offended you Rider, that wasn't my intent..." She took a breathe before she continued, this time with a new topic. "I'm not really that familiar with modern clothing." she said while giving Rider a hopeful look.


Archer merely shrugged at her. "Because you can never have too many pastries."
« Last Edit: February 18, 2016, 05:36:40 AM by Thedoctor »

Cherry Lover

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Rider smiled at Sakura as she dragged Shirou away towards the changing room, her smile turning into somewhat of a smirk as she realised what Sakura was probably intending to do in there. Seeing no reason to respond directly, she instead turned to Jeanne.

"I'm sorry if something I said offended you Rider, that wasn't my intent...", the new servant said, causing Rider to frown momentarily as Jeanne took a breath.

"I'm not really that familiar with modern clothing", she continued, looking at Rider hopefully.

Rider smiled back.

"Don't worry, you haven't offended me", she responded. "I was just worried about Sakura."

"As for clothing, I'm not a fashion expert, but I have a reasonable idea. I have lived in this era for a long time now", Rider continued.

Rider thought for a moment. A dress would be a safe recommendation for the old-fashioned servant, but her knowledge of Jeanne's legend told her that she had often dressed in male clothes.

"Hmm, what sort of outfit would you like? A dress? Or would you prefer something more like what I'm wearing?"


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Jeanne beamed up when she heard that she was mistaken.  As she listened to Rider's suggestion she looked at what the other servant was wearing. A sweater and those...was it called jeans? In all fairness nice and practical clothes.

"I'd like something similar to what you're wearing. It looks really good on you Rider"