Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 75192 times)


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"You look good Rin, don't ever doubt that" He said as he started to stroke her back with one of his hands.


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This is nice, the raven haired magus thought to herself as one of Archer's large, warm hands started to stroke her back as he said, "You look good Rin, don't ever doubt that."

"It's a silly girl thing," she said, looking up at him, her back arching towards his touch at the same time.  Then she smiled at him, giving him a tiny squeeze.


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"Huh, there's only one stronger than ya? Hahaha, maybe ya really need a real monster to beat ya into shape! I will leave this Noel for the last." First beat some sense into smallfries, then the main course. "But whatever, I can as well do ya a favor and first crush some of those monsters ya are afraid so. At worst it will be a good warm-up. So, crowboy, ya are scared of this Frost dude. Anymore names?" She didn't care about playing a hero, but those Elites were meant to hunt down shady guys like him, but didn't give enough shit or couldn't. Snatching their prey would be so satisfying and send them a message.


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"I must say these Elites does not sound so impressive anymore." The blond vampire added to Rikuyo's speech. If one person was all he could name either that meant the organisation was incompetent or this Noel was some godlike being. Judging by the state of the city, the former was more likely.

 "I advise you to answer her questions to your best ability is in your own best interest to do so after all." The vampire said with a grin.


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He held the twitching bounty hunter up with an ease which wasn't there before, ignoring the increased tightness as his hips slapped against her soft bare bottom. Ron absently noted he was taller now, and could easily reach down with his larger hand and grab a greater fistful of Annabeth's long dirty hair. He did just that, pulling up on it yank her head back so that she couldn't just bury her face in the carpet. Each thrust came faster and harder like she asked for, the sound of his hips against her skin joining the sound of his panting breath and the filthy squishing that followed every motion inside her.

Those sounds, the friction and squeezing around his shaft, their mingling scents, he couldn't really think over all of it.


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As Ron pounded into her mercilessly, the Hunter found herself feeling rather out of it, her awareness starting to fade as the pleasure overwhelmed her completely. Then, suddenly, a hand buried itself in her sweat-slicked hair before yanking back, forcing her head up with a pained gasp, the new pain mixing together with the pleasure bombarding her as the dual sensations mixed together to send her spiraling higher and higher. Her senses were completely overwhelmed by the act itself, the feeling of his shaft slamming deeper and deeper into her, the sounds of his labored breathing and her own cries, though whether of pleasure or pain she wasn't quite sure anymore, the smell of their scents mixing together in the heated air. All of it worked to send her spiraling higher and higher his rougher treatment serving to drive her closer and closer to that familiar edge.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Well, if there was something she was expecting, that was probably not it. She scratched her cheek, before replying to him.

“I mean, sure?  Got to ask, how much will this actually pay?” She could always use an extra bump to her wallet. And it if wasn’t something she could agree with… well, it made it clear what her next job would be. In a way she was kinda hoping for it, it would be nice to not have to deal with crazed people for once. "Oh, and stop with the pose, your trying way to hard to be serious."

« Last Edit: February 20, 2016, 01:21:22 AM by Knick »


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Darcy Hugh

Darcy listened carefully, but ignored her request. This pose was comfortable, and enabled him to assert dominance while looking like he was in charge. He loved that.

"I can't tell the exact number, but what i can say is that if everything goes smoothly, you'll be able to afford rivers of sake, hills of steak and still have enough to pay rent. Sounds good enough, little girl? If you want, I'll up the ante to 2/3. It's not like I chose this job only for the pay." He said full of snark. Well, he wasn't completely lying.

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Sakura and Shirou

Sakura and Shirou both rolled their eyes at the woman's idiotic and nonsensical ranting, simply wanting a straight answer to their question instead of whatever rubbish she had spouted before. However, then, she went into another explanation, this time something about how she had been "bound to a shell" and had now found someone to "contain him". Shirou was confused, and wanted to ask more but, before he could, Julius spoke up, mocking the woman.

The woman's angry question in response was, in turn, responded to with another tirade about the nature of heroism, which Shirou and Sakura paid little attention to. However, then Julius addressed them, asking whether they could trust the woman and giving them the choice whether to admit her. The two of them began to consider the question but, before they could come to any sort of conclusion, the woman glared angrily at Julius, who began to seemingly choke, before falling to the floor as the woman began to rant about everything he lost.

In turn, Julius pulled out what appeared to be some kind of whip, and dashed backwards. Having sparred with Rider many times and watched her fight more seriously, the two of them knew this was an effort to get some distance, to utilise the reach of the weapon he possessed.

Sighing, Shirou and Sakura opened the door and moved back into the doorway, trying to keep out of range of the fight, Shirou summoning up his swords in case he needed to defend them, and Sakura readying her magic.

"Please stop!" Sakura shouted, hoping they'd take notice and not involve them in a messy fight.


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“Eh, fine I guess.” Nanashi shrugged, “Just tell me the details already.” She grumbled as she took another sip from her water, leaning against the Bar.

She really didn’t care, although this priest’s words did make her curious about what he was getting out from it. This person he was looking for might be… No, too early to assume anything, to many possibilities.

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Rider smiled at the cute blush that came over Jeanne's face as she stammered out an answer. She really was adorable, and Rider was glad that Sakura had found a servant who she could actually get along with. As much as Rider bitterly regretted the effect Faust's death had had on Sakura, she certainly didn't miss the way he was constantly rude and abusive towards her, and she was sure that this was not a problem that would arise with Jeanne.

However, whilst Jeanne's response was adorable, Rider wasn't entirely sure how to respond to it.

"Hmm...", she said, thinking.

"Well, perhaps we should ask one of the staff", she added, "they should know what to do."


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The werewolf felt himself twitching inside of Annabeth, but ignored it. He wasn't close enough to finish inside her slick, sticky pussy before she reached that point, not since the pain he shrugged off from the transformation before forced him to pause. There was no need to pause now; there was only the pounding and hair pulling and his sharp fingernails cutting lightly into soft skin and tight muscle. At one point his pulling even lifted her chest off the ground for a moment in time with his inward, downward thrust, before he allowed her to rest again on the floor.

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"I think about the same thing. It doesn't really matter how it looks or what it says. All clothes need to do is fit me and last." She was much more at ease with this casual conversation. It was much more comforting than talking about the walking dead that was still with them. Lumen was going to have to do something about that soon. He was too overt.


They had been walking for a little while before the abomination admitted to herself that she was completely lost. It was frustrating but there wasn't much she could do about it. Dismayed and frustrated she stopped and simply began to lean against a nearby building and regain her bearings. Of course, her mind did wander a bit and her mind began to focus on the prominent scars that Kenzo had. "You aren't bothered by that? Having all your scars out in the open?"


Abruptly the Fae turned around and lunged for the smaller girl. Her arms wrapped around the druid's wait and lifted her up before spinning them both. It was the first step in the dance, and as they spun the world lost its luster and hue as it was revealed for the fleeting dream it was. The only things that were real were them. Every breath of air was life. Every beat of their hearts divine. Every sensation was rapturous. The mere act of existing had been made into something more.

Then Oren stopped moving. A discordant note in the silent symphony that shattered the moment in an instant. The world returned to normal and any residual feelings drained out of both bodies in but a few moments. Still holding onto the druid she asked, "Was that any good?"


The Old God gave the building an appraising look before dismissing it. Simply wandering into the empty homes of others could create negative reactions and was generally unwise. Instead she shifted her gaze to the Changeling and gestured back to where they came from. "I believe it would be best to wait for another time. Seeing as this has been a waste I will not mind if you go off on your own, and there will be no reason to feel rude. There are other issues that I've distracted myself from doing that I will finally get to after we're done. Just remember to stay safe. It would be most unfortunate if anything awful were to happen to you."


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Vanguard sighed and looked at the man with confusion. Not fake confusion, but real confusion. Then, Sakura asked them to stop. Stop what? He didn't quite understand.

"What do you think you're doing?" He asked the man in confusion.

Darcy Hugh

The priest sighed and rubbed his head. He could feel the disappointment already. He looked a bit flustered about it, just a bit. Then, he talked.

"See, here's where it gets complicated."

Looking around in his pocket, he fiddled around until he found his phone. He slipped it on the table towards Nanashi to show her the picture with a deadpan look.

"That's all I have. Pretty shitty for a lead if you ask me."
« Last Edit: February 20, 2016, 02:59:37 AM by francobull3 »


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Archer continued stroking her back for a while before he reminded her of another matter. "Rin...the oven."


Jeanne nodded to Rider. Looking around the store she found a female employees walking around. She waved the employee over to them and explained the situation to her best ability. The woman then told the two of them that it was just simple matter of finding out her size, but she had to do it in her underwear to get an accurate measurement, as she finished her explanation she procured some measuring tape for them, she then offered to help with it.

Jeanne spoke up at this. "I think I'd rather have Rider help me, it saves us the time of me having to tell you later too." While saying this she was looking over at the nearest changing room which was only a few meters away.