Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 75215 times)


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"Gimme a break, even I have to slow down occassionally. If I weren't bored by those two I fought I would just curl up somewhere and nap a bit." Rikuyo frowned at the blonde's comment. Sometimes it was better to sleep away exhaustion, but she simply wanted to get back into action right away. "Oh, so we are almost there!"


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"You have no idea how much I actually sleep" She told the redhead jokingly as they finally reached the edge of the forest. "Do not worry if you are actually in trouble I will help you!" The blond vampire said while striking an over the top pose.


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Garou XIII

Garou laid restless on the bed, unable to move for god knows how long. He close his eyes weakly and blinked. When he opened them, he found himself lying bloody and dying  in the middle of a snowy forest. Everything was cold, so cold he almost felt like burning. The taste of blood was fresh in his throat, as was the putrid smell of coppery iron.

What do you think you’re doing?

He blinked once, the one thing he managed to do with his weak body. When his eyes opened, he saw a red headed girl, wearing nothing but rags. The all to familiar silouhette just stood there, looking down at him. It was as if she had been there all along. He tried to move, to speak, but all he could do was blink. Immediately, she vanished and another girl took her place. Unlike her, she was much smaller. In fact, she was a child. His wounds kept bleeding, scalding rubedo spreading across the ice cold albedo.

Who is she?

The crimson pool began to bubble, growing exponentially in size. Thorns started to grow and wrap around his limbs, shredding and tearing into his flesh, slowly digging into his bones and marrow. He howled in pain, clenching his teeth and trying to shake them off desperately. He cried for help.

But nobody came.


He desperatedly clenched his eyes shut, praying for the pain to go away. It hurt, it hurt, it hurt! Why did he hurt? Why did it burn? Why did everything hurt? Why? Why!? WHY!? He could feel them digging in, the wriggling in his veins. It hurt. He wanted it to stop. He begged for it to end. And then, it vanished. The pain, the burning, the beating of his heart. He couldn't feel... anything.

Why do you love her more than me?

He opened his eyes weakly, but there was no forest. The snow had gone, and so did the trees. All that surrounded him was a crimson garden of roses and thorns. A world of blood enveloped by a crimson sky and a velvet moon. And in the middle of it all, he stood alone. No, there was someone else. His eyes focused to a pristine white figure, the same as before. No, she was different. Stronger. She had grown into a beautiful lady. He needed to-

Why do you hate me?

Garou winced and groaned in pain. It was starting again. It was boiling, it was ripping, it was eating its way out of him. His heart, his veins, his blood. He blinked, and the redheaded girl of before took her place.

You’re supposed to take care of me!

He couldn't bear this anymore. He just wanted it to end. He wanted everything to end. He used all his strength to stand, despite his screaming body. He ran towards her like a rabid animal, but as soon as he was about to reach her, she vanished.


He growled, turning around and looking for her. He couldn't stand it. Why? Why did she have her face? It was wrong, it couldn't be. Because he killed her.
And then, he saw her. That woman from before, with her blue hue that contrasted with this pallid world of blood. He didn't even see her coming, she immediately came at him and pierced his moon white chest. Only the red moon shone on this curtain of death and darkness. But before his world faded to black, he heard a voice. His voice.

You monster.

Garou's eyes shot wide open and he gasped. His heart raced and his eyes dripped with tears. Another nightmare, another restless slumber. It wasn't real. None of it was real. It was just a nightmare. The monster clutched at his face. He couldn't stand this.

And the lone monster sobbed, crying silently atop the neat bed. But he quickly wiped his tears and giggled.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2016, 05:53:21 PM by francobull3 »


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Stunt Cock

Shirou kissed her, tasting her as she moved to position himself on his hot, thick length.  He didn't have to touch her to know she was wet and ready; he could practically smell it.  So, he gripped her bountiful breasts and thrust up, filling her tight heat in one supple movement.


"That's right," she said with a laugh, "You got me distracted." 

Blushing furiously, she reluctantly stepped away from him so he could get to the oven.


Corbin blinked as Shinobu and her little friend left his apartment in shambles.

"Bloody cunts!" he shouted before closing the door and heading to the bed.  He made a mental note to give the cleaning lady a bigger tip than normal.


The blond looked around at the clothing, making sure to stay away from mirrors.  She looked at Greyskull and asked, "Do you need anything?  I don't think there's a Dark Lord store here."


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Ron felt his body tense when Annabeth tightened around him harder than before. The shock sent through his nerves pierced through his haze of excitement, just enough to make him pause. Or he was just having trouble pulling out again because there was no space to. Maybe a bit of both. He held on tighter, leaning down into her arcing body to take in her scent and heat. He throbbed inside of her in anticipation. The moment she loosened up, relaxed even slightly, the werewolf went into a final frenzy of thrusting until even this form could last no longer.

He paused, growled between sharp gritting teeth, and released her leg and hair. His arms wrapped around her body and held her against him while he filled her with his warm, sticky seed.


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Darcy Hugh

The priest sighed and laid his head on his head, as if tired. Tell him something he didn't know.

"I know right? It's shit, but that's all I got. Well, that and a name. Forest. Damn, this pisses me off. I got a fortune hanging right in front of me like a turkey leg on a rope, but there's no way I can find her like this. She's covered her tracks real good, not like this huge ass city is making things any easier for me. Not much work lately, I might not have another chance like this again. Her records are blank, and I haven't gotten any luck with finding an acquaintance. All I got is that she was around the district lately, but that's it."

Perhaps he had to give her a little push. At the very least, he needed help.

"I know it sounds dumb, but people's lives are on the line here. I'm not asking you to look around the whole city, but if you could keep an eye out, I'd appreciate it."

Sakagami Kenzo

"Huh? Why should I?" He asked in surprise.

Count Greyskull

The count was immersed in his thoughts when he suddenly heard Forest. "AWWW." He said, disappointed in the news. Then, he thought for a moment before coming up with something. Yes, this would be perfect.

« Last Edit: February 20, 2016, 06:54:12 PM by francobull3 »


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She blinked that the man’s annoyance as he began to rant for a second before a sense of familiarity washed over her. Forest, why was that name so familiar. She had definitely heard it somewhere, but where. The only thing she could think of was that vigilante… oh, oh shit. Ok then. That’s who he was after. That’s not good. That person did some good as far as she knew. Never met her, but definitely heard about her.

Vigilantes like to keep out of each others territories after all. But then the guy was finishing up, trying to appeal to her by saying that people's lives were on the line. Well, there was something wrong with this, something off. What would be so important that it had to get to Forest and not the police. Well, its not like she trusted them either, but it was still odd. Well, she supposes she could play along.

“Fine, I will help you look for her, I am pretty good with tracking.” And by that she meant she would warn her and then beat the shit out of this priest.

If she remember right she worked more around the entertainment district, but occasionally splashed over to other districts. Suppose she had a new job to do now.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2016, 07:39:55 PM by Knick »


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It seemed that Ron wasn't quite finished yet, as he kept thrusting even after she fell limp, sending new jolts of pleasure through oversensitive flesh, leaving the Hunter feebly squirming under him, crying out with each thrust. It was all starting to be too much for Annabeth, who'd been reduced to a mass of pleasured flesh under him, when she felt him pause for a moment growling for a moment, before releasing her leg and her hair, only to snatch her up in what amounted to a bearhug, the Hunter limp in his grip as a rush of almost burning warmth flooded into her as he started to fill her up. The feeling of his essence pouring into her drew a cry from Annabeth's lips, the cowgirl managing to arch back into him as he finally finished.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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"Okay, so you really, really want to find this person? I don't care about your motive, but you might need another sensible person around, and I can take care of myself. The katana on the wall is not for show. I and my late husband used to be quite dedicated to the way of sword. My skills stayed as sharp as this blade." She took off the sword from the wall. "And it's never safe to travel alone. If you promise me adequate compensation, I'll watch your back. I can afford to take a day off." She honestly didn't care about his motives, even if he might have been an assassin hired to put down some vigilante who chew more than she could bite off.


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It felt like it lasted for hours, but it was over in mere moments. He had to stop, at least for now. Ron clutched Annabeth to him in his thick and hairy arms, his length twitching inside of her, her own arms pressed between her back and his chest. His breaths rumbled through his body, and when he let the head on his shoulders relax at the neck he found himself burying his face in his partner's sweaty hair due to his height. Each of his hot breaths blew against her head.

Unfortunately, this is when Ron was finally able to think. I did what as what now?

One of his hands experimentally squeezed at Annabeth's chest as if to confirm what had just happened.


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Darcy Hugh

Darcy raised his arms up and objected. It would be bad if they got in the way, but it would be worse if they got hurt because of him.

"Oi, oi. Calm down there misses. I don't want anyone getting in a mess of my making. I do have a little pride yknow? If I screw up, you might get in trouble. I just need to find her general location, that would be plenty. It's my job after all. It's not a bodyguard I need, just a girlfriend or two."


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The Hunter sighed as Ron's seed settled within her, not quite at the point where it would start leaking out yet. Annabeth gasped for breath as he buried his face in her hair, mind blank with the rush of pleasure she'd just been subjected to.

Unbeknownst to her, he reached up and gave a soft breast a quick squeeze, prompting a small yelp from Annabeth as she jolted in his grip a little, her entire body feeling like she was touching a live wire, even the slightest touch setting her off a bit.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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I should go easy on her

Contrary to his own thoughts on the matter, Ron then proceeded to rub at the soft and sensitive skin beneath his fingers. An arm around Annabeth's waist kept her from pulling away from him, or moving in any way that would keep him from plugging her sensitive hole like he was. His breathing slowed against her head, but also deepened. The scent of cum and rum and little hints of blood overwhelmed his nose.

"That good?" he asked her quietly, his voice much deeper than before.


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Shirou kissed her, tasting her as she moved to position himself on his hot, thick length.  He didn't have to touch her to know she was wet and ready; he could practically smell it.  So, he gripped her bountiful breasts and thrust up, filling her tight heat in one supple movement.


Sakura grunted as Shirou's penis forcefully thrust into her, smiling at Shirou and making an effort to stay quiet. She grinned, and pushed him down into a sitting position on the bench, pinning his arms against the wall. She slowly began to grind up and down on him, enjoying the look of pleasure and feeling of dominance she held over him. She grinned at him and slowly oscillated up and down on him.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2016, 11:52:09 PM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Noel Vermillion

Noel slammed her small fist against the table, trying to get the two idiots attention. She looked at them tearfully as they turned to look at the small woman with a start, "Don't! He's not a bad guy, please. Just don't go start something, I wanted to just have a fun time with friends, not have to arrest them for assault."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end