Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 75155 times)

Umbra of Chaos

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The Patchwork took one good look at the skeleton and the people that he still managed to get the attention of from his appearance alone. This was not going to work. "Skeleton, you're still too noticeable. I'm going to make you less so, but I need your permission, alright? Just think of it as a disguise to make other people more comfortable."


Lorna tried to backpedal but was soon reminded that she was against a wall. Quickly she began to rationalize the situation. He must be another kind of shapeshifter, and if he was fast before there would be no way she could outrun him now. She had to fight, and the acknowledgement of that let her loose the leash on it.

A near instant and dramatic change overcame her body as a hideous screech that no human tongue could sound out was released from the Beast's throat. Its sight set on the changing man as it lunged at his still changing body. Claws were ready to dig into flesh and an impossibly wide maw aimed to crush the redhead's neck shoulder.


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Sakagami Kenzo

He didn't want this. He didn't ask for this. Why now? Why? Why!? He tried to run and hide, but the pain was too much, the poor Oni stumbled and fell. Suddenly, he felt a piercing pain at his back and shoulder. Kenzo cried out in pain with teary eyes, begging for release while the black pus flooded his innards and his muscles began to swell. His monstrous, ravaged skin began to writhe and change in colour slowly, turning into a reddish tint.



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Archer raised an eyebrow at Rin when she offered him the spatula. "And what am I supposed to do with that?" He asked her with a hint of confusion in his voice. He then continued, sounding more concerned. "Are you sure you're feeling well Rin?"

Umbra of Chaos

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Perhaps Lorna could have felt something if not for the fact that there were always issues for those with slow changes, but it was foolish to expect the slightest ounce of pity from it. Green bile poured from the Beast's mouth and seeped through the gaps between teeth as it ate at flesh and bone. Sharp teeth easily tore into the weakened meat and it swallowed a large chunk of the changing shoulder as its dagger sized claws entrenched themselves into Kenzo.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2016, 02:56:09 PM by Umbra of Chaos »


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Sakagami Kenzo

The demon screamed as he felt a burning sensation melt into his back. Sharp teeth eviscerated his flesh, but after a while, the demon stopped screaming.

Wasn't this what you wanted?

Kenzo cried, trying to keep silent but unable to hold back choked sobs. He wanted to fight back, but he couldn't. She probably had a reason for hating him. After all he did, he couldn't help but feel deep down that he deserved this. His karma would never wash away. Because he killed all those people, he was probably cursed. It was fitting for him to die at her hands.

A gentle death is too good for you.

The demon stopped fighting back altogether, not moving. Even despite his whining, his reactions were odd. In this situation, a human would've felt anger. Instead, all his eyes were filled with was sadness.

"Why?" He muttered tearfully.

Umbra of Chaos

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The Beast cared not for the lack of a struggle and finally moved to simply crush the oni's neck, but its mouth suddenly snapped shut. A frustrated growl escaped the creature's mouth and it began to change back and human features began to return. Lorna dragged it howling and screeching back into herself and returned to normal. The only signs of her transformation being her trembling body and the tears in her clothing. "...Are you fine now? I couldn't let you transform right out here in the-"

Lorna was cut off by a sudden retch as her stomach ached. Then she threw up. The last bit of green bile and a small, mostly dissolved chunk of Kenzo's shoulder poured out of her mouth and sizzled on the ground. "I'm sorry but I had to do it. Too dangerous otherwise."


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Sakagami Kenzo

The demon sniffled and buried his face on the ground. She stopped, it was over.

"Yeah. I'm fine." He sniffled before slowly rising up. He wiped his tears with his torn sleeve and tried to smile. Then, he bowed.

"I'm sorry. Just s-stop looking at me. You'll hate me."


Count Greyskull

The skeleton lord rubbed his temple and nodded. It wasn't halloween yet as far as he knew, but he couldn't possibly say no. "VERY WELL!! WHAT DO YOU HAVE IN MIND!?"
« Last Edit: February 21, 2016, 05:41:44 PM by francobull3 »


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"Ignore her," Ron muttered by Annabeth's ear. He lowered his head, and his teeth nipped at her neck. His tongue followed, lapping at the spot he had just pinched with his mouth.

The sound of knocking persisted. "Ronald, don't you just ignore me! Keep it down or you're out of there, you hear me?"

That was why he wanted his companion to ignore her. Ugh.


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The Hunter moaned behind his hand as he moved inside of her in spite of the unwanted interruption, moving her hips as much as she could with him restraining her to enhance the feeling. Her mind as scattered as it was right now, she couldn't even hope to call up her Nen in any focused manner, so getting Ron's hand off to make as much noise as possible to spite her was a no-go. Then she felt him nipping her neck lightly, the teasing bite drawing a gasp from her right before his tongue lapped at it, the gasp turning into a moan as she relaxed against him, still squirming about in his grasp. As nice as it felt for him to be this close, the heat from his body passing to her as well as the other way around, she currently wanted nothing more than for that annoying landlady to be gone.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses

Umbra of Chaos

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The wanderer reached out grabbed a fistful of red hair before yanking the man's head so that it was level with her own. "Stop that. It's pathetic. Hating yourself doesn't achieve anything. The world will do more than enough of that for you anyways. Learn to love yourself. It makes everything easier."

She let go and thought about her own words. They were right. She was sure of it. They had to be. It was only because of them that she had gotten so far in the first place.


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Sakagami Kenzo

Kenzo nodded and pondered for a while before speaking. Despite the severity of his injury, he was frighteningly calm all things considered.

"Yes. You are absolutely right. Forgive me for forcing you into this little idiocy of mine." He said before readying a fist. He remembered what Akatsuki had shown him, how her fist had moved. He imitated her stance, her breathing, and her form. Martial arts were a human art, an art that must never be used in anger. But only this once, he would allow himself to lash out at someone. "Take it like a man, will you?"

And his fist immediately came flying at her face like a grenade, enough to crush human bone.


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"... that's what I thought," the landlady said in conclusion, her voice a muffled by the door now that she wasn't yelling. "Don't make me come up here again."

At the exact same time she was saying these things Ron was starting to push his hips up again, and again, bouncing Annabeth up and down along his length. He grit his teeth together in frustration, doing his best to silence his growling and labored breathing, and waited for the footsteps of his landlady to disappear down the stairs. The bouncing increased in frequency and force, irritation driving him to be rough again, and his arm around her waist tightened to contain her squirming.


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“Eh, I am sure I will be fine.” She told the priest, “I have had to deal with my fair share of danger. I can manage myself.” Really, this wouldn’t be worse than trying to restrain a crazed one. Those could become ridiculous, some capable of throwing cars like baseballs. Now, that was dangerous.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2016, 06:21:36 PM by Knick »


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The priest sighed. He'd need to figure something out, but being too pushy might make things sound more suspicious. Damn, either way, he'd get chewed out for something.

"Fine. You better not regret it though."

Umbra of Chaos

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The abomination was busy rubbing her hands together and trying to generate a bit more heat. Changing in her clothes wasn't the wisest decision she had ever made. It was because of this distraction that she overlooked what Kenzo had just said and was caught completely unawares when a fist slammed into her face, knocking her out cold and breaking her nose along with causing no small amount of fractures in her skull.