Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 74939 times)


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"Really? It's really generous of you. Sure, I promise to not be a bother." The saint smiled. Knowing Lumen, she wouldn't accept any form of hospitality like that. She really seemed quite stubborn about being independent. She would move out once she got her fishing business running smoothly. Ahh, she would do a lot to get once of those metal boats that modern civilization had. She really loved their designs, from the smallest yacht to the biggest supercarrier. "And thanks for the advice, again."
« Last Edit: February 22, 2016, 12:52:11 AM by Kat »


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He slowed his motions as the footsteps finally disappeared, before coming to a reluctant stop. It hadn't been the most comfortable of positions for him, he was just doing it to suppress his own irritation and the growling beast in the back of his mind telling him to lash out for it.

Still, Ron was too worked up to truly stop now. He squeezed harder with his arms, and shifted Annabeth with him to their left sides. One arm released the hold he had on her waist, and went down to her right leg. He tightened his fingers at the back of her knee, lifted that leg up into the air, and adjusted himself just right inside her so that he start to pound into her faster.

Umbra of Chaos

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Well, if she was going to do this she might as well be theatrical. Getting a chance to run your mouth when doing something like this in a fight wasn't really common. Lumen raised her tanned arm and placed it on the skeleton's head. She drew upon that well of power that churned within her soul and released creation. "Life is many things. It can be made from ardent flesh, clever light, or thinking metal, but there is one truth to it. Wherever there is power there is life."

From nothing a sprout appeared on the mage's head, and under the command of essence it began to grow and grow. Wood wrapped around each bone and brilliant, blue leaves carried by swooning branches filled the empty spaces and wrapped around them to hide any semblance of the skeleton's unholy nature. She lifted her hand only after he could be mistaken for some golem or forest spirit. It was a chore making it self sustainable through the ambient mana and flexible enough to allow movement without cracking the bark but it worked out.

The Patchwork lifted her hand off Greyskull's face and considered her own reserves. It had not taken too much but a ritual and some meditation later couldn't hurt. But right now there were other concerns. "Do you like it?"


The Fae clambered into the tree and from her position observed the changes that took place, taking care to smell every rose she could on the way up. Although she supposed that changes were a bad word for it. This girl was special. She had taken a place that was static and made it something else. It was something terribly mortal to know a syllable of that perfect word, but to be able to bring forth that change was interesting.

Oren felt the stirring of something that was and wasn't her and began to hum a song. She moved from branch to branch and ever so slowly began her descent until she was at the lowest branch. "Sometimes, this is..." There was something strange, almost reverent, in the way Oren began the sentence, but she didn't finish. Instead, she collapsed into writhing black liquid.

In a few moments the magnificence and splendor of a lord of the forest was revealed once more. Not to the choking smoke and dead metal and stone of the city, but her rightful home. Her noble head was lifted to the sky and the bellow that left it resounded with the silent symphony of nature and was followed by a gentle breeze. She showed no fear at the creatures that gathered as if from across the veil. Instead she trotted over to the druid and settled down onto the ground and almost radiated tranquility. Sometimes, she was home.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2016, 01:57:30 AM by Umbra of Chaos »


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Count Greyskull

Normally, Greyskull would've leapt in joy and screamed in wonder. Something like YESS! I LOVE IT! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU SOOOO MUCHH!!! YOU'RE THE BESST!! Instead, he trembled and took a long hard look at himself, from his hands to his everything else. The wood, the leaves... it was perfect.

If his heart was able to feel anything in this moment, it was joy. And so, the lord knelt and bowed his head before the woman, speaking in a calm, peaceful yet dignified voice. The voice of a ruler.

His words were clear like a pure river, yet as fierce as the nature he now embodied. "It is wonderful. There are no words to express my gratitude. Lumen, is there anything you desire in this world? I shall attain it for you at once."
« Last Edit: February 22, 2016, 01:55:20 AM by francobull3 »


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

Forest blinked as Lumen worked her magic and the 80's Saturday Morning Cartoon Villain was transformed into something resembling the Green Man or some Forest God.  She studied him and then heard him talk.  His voice had completely changed, sounding less cheesy and more regal.

She gave a whistle and a clap.  "Very nice work."


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She was simply looking out into the woods, feeling the air, feeling the roses that shifted at her ankles, wrapping around her but not restricting her, and felt the gaze of the phantasmal beasts gazing at her. Then she heard the humming, and then a large splash like sound.

Looking around she saw what she could only assume was Oren, a large black… something that was taking a different shape. She watched as it shaped itself into the form of a majestic stag, with silver white fur. It felt calm, it felt peaceful. As it moved to her Fiona prevented the roses for cutting at its legs, simply letting it pass though the thorn covered plants that filled the floor. As Oren reached her she sat down, relaxed, at peace.

Fiona smiled as put her hand on the side of its face and slowly stroked it. Feeling the pure peace the Fae was now emitting.

“Isn’t this better than just a dream?” She told her softly, almost like a mother would whisper to a child.


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Shirou's Now Flaccid Stunt Cock

"I still don't think it's fair though," he said with a frown.  "And we've been away for so long.  Besides, do you need to so you can release the prana?"

Sakura Matou

Sakura released a mock sigh. "Fine. Do your work." Sakura hugged him, forcing him into a kiss again.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Cherry Lover

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Rider smiled once more as Jeanne responded to her praise with a blush followed by more words of thanks, before hesitantly agreeing to Rider's suggestion that she undress. As a servant, Jeanne's "undressing" simply involved having her outer garments vanish, leaving her clad in a old-looking white corset. For a moment, Rider was mesmerised by her beauty, looking her over subtly, before she shook herself out of it and got on with the job at hand.

Walking around to Jeanne's side, Rider wrapped the tape around the girl's waist, subtly looking over her beautiful body as she did so. Taking a note of the measurement, she removed the tape and spoke.

"OK, I've got the measurement", she said with a smile. "You can get dressed now."

As Jeanne got dressed, Rider informed her of her size.

"OK, we should go and find you some clothes. Sakura will be finished soon", she added.


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Shirou Stunt Fingers!

Shirou hungrily kissed his fiance and focused on her.  He rubbed her swollen folds and nub with three of his fingers in rapid motions, pressing slightly into her.


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To the Hunter's minor disappointment, Ron soon slowed the bouncing. To her surprise, however, she soon found herself deposited on her side, Ron spooning with her as they laid down. The arm around her waist moved down to her leg before picking her knee up and holding it up,  spreading her wide once more. It was in this position that Ron regained his vigour, pounding into her relentlessly, Annabeth crying out into his hand with each thrust.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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"Wow, really impressive!" Petra also clapped in recognition of Lumen's feat. Age of Gods' magic made look all those magi for whom she had to moderate a 'war' look truly backwater in comparison. Fortunately, she didn't reveal in front of Forest that way that she wasn't a normal human. After all a mundane would be astounded as well.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2016, 04:18:18 PM by Kat »


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"Okay, let's look for some." Rikuyo was excellent at sniffing out spirits and half spirits, and was particularly familiar with the "scent" that werewolves carried around, so it was the least difficult part of the job.

She nonchalantly walked into a territory claimed by a werewolf pack, trying to bait them into attacking the two. She could already hear howls, three or four of them? Difficult to tackle, but they could count themselves lucky there weren't more around. She would have transform once they got close enough.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2016, 01:29:33 PM by Kat »


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The blond vampire's acute senses picked up howl's in the distance, there were three, no four of them. Rapidly approaching from the east, a small pack of werewolves, the wind was blowing towards them so they couldn't have picked up their scent yet. These werewolves were likely out hunting and just happened to be running this direction. They would most likely be able to sense them any moment though as the werewolves inevitably drew closer on their position.

Shinobu quickly dashed up into a nearby tree, to get a better vantage point for when they appeared.

Andrew the werewolf


They were covered in it.

Blood from the deer that their fangs had ripped in half just a while ago. It had resisted...but resistance was futile.

He had been a normal citizen until two years ago, he missed the safety and comfort of being normal. Having a normal job like everyone else, working ten back breaking hours hunched over a desk trying to make sense of the paper work, oh god the paper work. Ok maybe he didn't miss it that much, but that was beside the point.

Who was he kidding...he enjoyed this. There was no one who could talk him down, tell him what he could or couldn't do. This sensation of freedom was exhilarating. He had been adverse to killing humans at the start, after tasting their flesh for the first time though, a new him was born.

Back to the matter at hand though, they were currently hunting for sport. Whomever brought down the most prey would become their group's leader so to say. Wait...there's 2 people ahead, one smells almost like one of them, the other...

He saw red. It was one of them, the accursed bloodsuckers who sought to enslave his brethren, using them like gaurd dogs. With a howl, he lept out from between two trees his three friends following him.

In front of them were a woman. who was walking towards them nonchantly.


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The redhead licked her lips as her prey entered her line of sight. She liked them raw. Unfortunately, they were also running around naked, so Rikuyo couldn't push her transformation too far. She has restrained her transformation somewhat, merely sprouting a wolf like tail and ears, growing few inches and her muscle tone bulking a bit. As much as she would love to power up to her limit, those werewolves probably ate any stray hiker already.

"Here I come~" She cheerfully exclaimed as she rammed her fist into the werewolf that leaped at her. Poor Andrew's jaw distorted a bit as she punched him away into the nearest tree.

The other three werewolves quickly turned attention to her, recognizing her as the main threat to their territory. Was she some half breed or a werewolf in a peculiar near-human form that wanted to seize their turf? Didn't really matter for them, as she was bound to be tastier than those hikers they ate yesterday.


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Jeanne quickly thanked Rider for helping her before going out of the changing room. Looking at the clothes that were near them she didn't know what to pick. So she turned to Rider and asked her. "Do you have any suggestions Rider?"


Shinobu watched as Rikuyo sent the first werewolf flying with a mighty blow that distorted the poor man's face sending him flying right into the tree that she was sitting at. The tree shook and the vampire took that chance that to jump down and land right on top of the werewolf that had hit the tree. The werewolf froze for a moment before he suddenly started shaking violently and his mouth was frothing. He quickly threw her off him with overwhelming force, then he charged her before she could recover and drove his fist right into her abdomen with full force, rupturing internal organs and and snapping her spine. The incredible blow launched her a great distance away, causing her to crash straight into a tree with such force the trunk shattered, making the tree fall over.

Merry band of three wolves

Meanwhile the three werewolves that went after Rikuyo, all rushed her at the the same time at a relatively high pace, one from the front and the other two from the sides. Attacking from three diresctions at once to confuse the intruder in front of them. The one in the front went for her head while the other two went for the lower parts of her body.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2016, 08:44:55 PM by Thedoctor »