Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 74842 times)


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Pillar of Autumn:

It's been an hour and a half, and still nobody was looking for her. She's going to give the Admiral a piece of her mind once she gets back to the city. Hell hath no fury like a fleetgirl scorned!

Growling, Autumn shoved her hand into her hard-cased duffelback. After shifting around for a moment, she found what she was looking for: an obsidian colored jet. The GA-TL Longsword already had her fairy crew onboard, waiting for orders. "Alrighty," the light cruiser began, "You know what to do: find Adam's Airfield Base and demand them to come pick me up!"

The lead pilot saluted her through the windshield, then turned to the controls. Autumn changed her grip, now holding the Longsword overhand, like a toy plane. With a toss, the miniature starfighter took to the air. Now all Autumn has to do is wait some more...

It wasn't even five minutes later that the Longsword encountered what appeared to be a Marine, no doubt searching for Autumn. It began circling around the green-clad figure, trying to get the soldier's attention.

LFR Tsar

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Pillar of Autumn:

It's been an hour and a half, and still nobody was looking for her. She's going to give the Admiral a piece of her mind once she gets back to the city. Hell hath no fury like a fleetgirl scorned!

Growling, Autumn shoved her hand into her hard-cased duffelback. After shifting around for a moment, she found what she was looking for: an obsidian colored jet. The GA-TL Longsword already had her fairy crew onboard, waiting for orders. "Alrighty," the light cruiser began, "You know what to do: find Adam's Airfield Base and demand them to come pick me up!"

The lead pilot saluted her through the windshield, then turned to the controls. Autumn changed her grip, now holding the Longsword overhand, like a toy plane. With a toss, the miniature starfighter took to the air. Now all Autumn has to do is wait some more...

It wasn't even five minutes later that the Longsword encountered what appeared to be a Marine, no doubt searching for Autumn. It began circling around the green-clad figure, trying to get the soldier's attention.

Sascha Bohn

For a while, the Ghoul trots through the forest ground, once in a while stepping out into the clearing, as she found herself more and more out of depth in a place whose flora and fauna by all means should not make sense. At least not in backwoods nowhere in the middle of ass deep rural middle Africa. Yet here she was, going past a few trees and remarking on them as if she had nothing better to do. In truth, she really didn't. At this point, Sascha just wished SOMETHING would happen, and that she'd see some sign of civilization, or some other sign to indicate she wasn't going crazy.

Until something bellowed into a roar skywards as if to answer her unanswered plea for something to happen, the engines themselves roaring as if it was a jet engine from a fighter plane, despite it obviously not being in the shape of one nor similar to one in sound, or so Sascha felt as she glanced unto the sky with a squint. It was a very weird shape, not one of them Soviet MiGs that one could see, those cheap two rate jet fighters given to every Second World dictator or the like... nor an American model. In fact, if anything, it looked aerodynamically strange, as if she was looking at a jet fighter made in the shape of a stingray. Well, one thing was for certain, if whoever piloted that wanted her dead, it wouldn't be trying to get her attention in such an obvious manner.

For that matter, she wasn't certain if the skyward jet of unknown origins was far away... or it was that tiny. Bohn personally thought it was far away, since it'd be silly if it was small. It's not as if someone can robotize a program to imitate ballistic missile directional systems on something THAT small.

The mercenary Ghoul decided to wave to the Longsword, and see where that got her.

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Rider thought for a moment.

"Hmm, well, most of them will be fine, so just pick out something you like the look of. I can pick for you if you really want, but it would be better to get something that suits your style", she said.


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Lycodrake Aptera

"Ideas as to how to get out of the Nexus? None outside of theories and guesswork. There's all sorts of stories I've heard from residents that know of no world but this one, but they're vague and gave me the feeling of superstition." The two continued walking in the general direction of the library he had heard about.

"I can't exactly replicate what brought me here, though there's a chance of an entity of chaos around here. Even then, the one at home is, and can be trusted to be, a trickster more often than not." He shook his head, "But that's quite a bit off topic. Either way, a library would be immensely helpful. Maps and some sort of historical record would be the most helpful, though the former is partially a personal favorite."
Spoiler for Best -monogatari:

Umbra of Chaos

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The woman blinked a bit at the praise and the sudden offer from the skeleton man. Were people really so willing to dedicate themselves for such small favors? Well, that really wasn't her issue. "It really wasn't that impressive and while I'm grateful I don't really want anything right now. Can I just save this favor for later?"


The abomination woke up in a very drowsy state. She felt so very warm, and that was the instant notice that something was probably wrong. Lorna found herself gently bundled in a bunch of blankets and carefully unwound them. Doing that revealed that her rags had been replaced by a clean, grey shirt and sweatpants. There was a table with a plate of some food nearby and although her stomach growled she refused to eat it.

So, considering the last thing she remembered the redhead probably knocked her out and brought her to his house. That could be a good thing or a really bad thing. She did feel a twinge of regret at what she'd done to him but it was necessary. Maybe she deserved it. Just a bit. It disagreed in the same thrashing fashion it always did when she tried to justify what other people do but that was fine. She was just going to wait and see for now. Hopefully someone would come and grant some perspective. She was never the most patient person.


The Great Stag looked directly at the druid and exhaled a stream of warm breath at her face. There was neither disagreement or agreement in her reaction. Only a neutral state of contentedness that revealed very little of whatever opinion Oren had. Eventually she stood back up and motioned towards her back. While peace and calm could always see appreciated allowing someone feel what it's like to be fast enough to catch the wind could be just as enjoyable. So long as she was careful enough not to send the smaller girl flying.


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Count Greyskull

The skeleton tree man coughed and got up, only to rub the back of his head in embarrassment. Well, at least one part of him didn't change.

"Um, well, of course. Whatever you wish for."

Part of him wondered about that ability of hers. It wasn't quite magic, he could tell that much. Part of him wanted to ask, but he digressed. Now was not the time or place. Then, he turned before Forest and posed theatrically before bowing and taking her hand. He had his dating clothes to show he cared, now it was time to enjoy a dating meal! He didn't forget that much after thousands of years of celibate.

"Now then, would you by any chance be hungry?"

Sakagami Kenzo

The oni's face brightened up. She had awoken, which was good. He'd gotten worried for a while, but it seemed everything was alright. He walked trough the room, her room's door to greet her. You could immediately notice he was different. His entire body was bandaged for one, only opening slightly to reveal his two russet eyes and his red fluffy hair. If you looked carefully, you could see his eyelids were of a dark reddish tint, with black vein-like carvings.

 He was wearing a simple green button shirt with rolled back sleeves and brownish-greenish pants. A jacket was rolled around his pants to make it look like a cape, the knotted sleeves very reminiscent of a kimono. Well, if there was something you couldn't fault, it was his fashion sense.

"How are you feeling?" He asked gently.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2016, 03:41:46 AM by francobull3 »

The Man With All The Cute Boats

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Alpha The Bloodedge

Dead spike?!

Surprised, she could do nothing but bring her barrier up. The black head advanced and chomped on it, to no avail, and retreated back into the ground. Angry and ready to retaliate, Alpha immediately deployed the blood scythe into its namesake form.

She jumped and aimed its red blade at the man before her, only barely noting the look on his face, a look she knew a little too well.


Noel shot, and as if out of habit, Ragna put his sword between her guns and where she aimed them. Noel, he could take every day of the week. But, these extras she brought with her would be a different issue. The blond tumbled away from the Dead Spike, but the other barriered up and came in, using of all things, a blood scythe from overhead.

Were Ragna calmer and not fuming, he'd have sighed. Instead, he did the one thing he did best.

"INFERNO DIVIDER!" He yelled as he ascended with his sword in hand, interrupting her attack completely. He followed up quickly with an uppercut, and finally with a kick sending her straight to the ground. He fell to the ground after her completely ready to go.

"You should know better than to let your friends piss me off, you big idiot!" He barked with an anger not entirely directed at Noel. "Don't forget who you're dealing with!"


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Sakura Matou

It did not take long for Shirou to make Sakura come with the way that they were playing with her sensitive little nub. She gasped and bit her lip, trying her hardest not to make any noise as she squirted liquid all over their intertwined thighs. She panted, and with a smile, kissed Shirou affectionately.


Shirou kissed her on the forehead.  "Let's get dressed and get out of here, before we get caught." Sakura nodded, and a small ant crawled out from underneath her feet, crawling out to survey the area for them. They quickly put their clothes back on and snuck out of the changing room as soon as it was safe.

"Well, Senpai, what should we do now?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Sakura and Shirou

Sakura and Shirou listened to the woman's response, wondering why she was so surprised at the man's continuation of the fight she had started. Nevertheless, the two of them continued to back away, not wanting to put theirselves in needless danger, at the same time wanting to stop the fight if at-all possible. After all, this woman had information that Shirou seemed to be interested in.

"Please seek shelter, Lady Emiya, I shall hold the line until the victory is achieved", the man said, clearly worried for their wellbeing.

In response, Sakura grabbed hold of Shirou, preparing her magic to evacuate the two of them if necessary. Shirou, however, didn't want to simply leave them to fight unnecessarily, and instead spoke up once more.

"Please, don't fight. There's no need", he said, hoping they would pay attention to his words.


"Um, I don't want to fight you. I acted on impulse, but hurting anyone was not my intention."

The lady then bowed. Man, what a pain. That ratshit couldn't be any more annoying. Still, he'd play along.

"Forgive me. I let my emotions best me. If you seek to punish me, then be quick about it. I won't fight back. Will that satisfy you?"


This smell... was of a liar! He didn't believe in any word coming out of the mouth of this disgraced monster. Still, it would leave bad taste in his mouth if he just attacked this thing like that. Barring it from the castle it would be enough for a punishment. "Leave, I don't think the owner of this castle shall be pleased about you using your sorceries here."


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Merry band of three wolves

Meanwhile the three werewolves that went after Rikuyo, all rushed her at the the same time at a relatively high pace, one from the front and the other two from the sides. Attacking from three diresctions at once to confuse the intruder in front of them. The one in the front went for her head while the other two went for the lower parts of her body.


She was outnumbered by supernaturals among whom even a single one could match her unusual strength. Needless to say that she couldn't underestimate them. The nonchalant attitude was kinda her attempt to make them underestimate her, but once Andrew got punched in his muzzle, the ruse was over. She had to try her best, but hard won food tasted the best.

Her transformation favored agility over raw power, as that was her edge over enraged beasts. Fortunately for her, she was familiar with such tactics. Maybe if four of them attacked her at once, she wouldn't be able to get away, but there was still an opening in their ambush which she was intent on exploiting. Finding the opening, she moved rapidly in order to escape.


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Shirou Emiya and Sakura Matou

Shirou looked at Sakura with a confused expression. "Shouldn't we wait for Rider and uh—Ruler?"

Sakura scowled and stuck her tongue out a bit. "But that's no fun, we should go and play on our own, they can do their own thing." She tugged on his sleeve. "Com'on, it'll be great."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Umbra of Chaos

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The brown haired woman stared up at the person she had mauled not too long ago and sighed. This was at least slightly relieving. She hadn't been dragged off the street by some random person. At least it was someone she sort of knew. "I don't suppose we're even for your shoulder? I would prefer a more direct punishment than being stung along if that's not the case."


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Sakagami Kenzo

If the oni wasn't covered in bandages, Lorna could've seen a devilish smile. Never mind, she could still see trough it. "Fufufufufu... don't worry about that. You'll get exactly your just desserts." He said ominously, shaking around his previously wounded arm to show her his shoulder was somewhat fine. "But more importantly, aren't you hungry?"

Umbra of Chaos

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Despite the hunger she had the drifter wrestled her base needs into submission. She could do it before and she would do it again even if the food was right there. It was difficult to trust strangers, especially if she had recently done something to them. "That can wait. The punishment would be appreciated now. I do not need the stress of waiting."


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Sakagami Kenzo

Kenzo's smile full of mischief turned into a huge shit eating grin. Foolish girl, did she think he wasn't serious? Because he was very serious. He walked up to the scalding red hot bowl of curry-drenched rice. The smell was incredible, the taste would be unbelievable, and the food didn't look bad at all. However....


"Then as punishment, I demand you eat that. All of it. If you feel too weak, I can spoon feed you. Is that okay?" He said smugly.