VanguardHuh. It seemed someone had arrived. Vanguard did not stop immolating the poor fool with his lightning, and instead turned his head lazily to glance at the newcomers. Pathetic. He smiled arrogantly and spoke “Not intereste-”
Suddenly, something cut him off. A sharp pain that he barely had the time to register interrupted him, and the wind blowing past her hair and the lightning simply stopped.
Vanguard raised a brow, hearing a dull thud along with the stream of some sort of liquid. It felt warm, and yet cold. He didn’t remember this sensation, so it took him a bit longer to realize what had happened.
…!He gasped at the sight of the bloody guillotine incrusted in the ground, the one thing between him and his bloody severed arm. Horror carved in his features, his eyes immediately turned to the origin of the weapon.
Looking upwards, he couldn’t help but gasp at the multitude of screws now standing less than an inch away from him. So fast, deadly! He never had a chance, and the ground cracked beneath him as hundreds of nails pierced their way into the ground.

Standing above the castle rooftop, a barely recognizable silhouette was sitting at the edge, eating what seemed to be a convenience store sandwich casually. The giant umbrella cast a shadow over him, making him difficult to see, but his voice was well recognizable.
*chomp* Looks like everyone got here for the party~! Good job by the way, I didn’t think you’d
*nom* make it that far myself.
*chew* Julius was it?”
The dust finally cleared and revealed a mangled caricature of a body, pierced and impaled all over. She looked like a bloodstained snow flower, the life slowly fading from her eyes. With wounds like this, she had no chance of surviving, let alone escape. She would die here, that destiny had already been set in stone.
The creature above couldn’t help but giggle at the sight, swinging his legs like a happy child.
“Didn’t think you’d actually come. Whelp! Sure been a while, looking pretty good. I always thought red looked stunning, but wow! If you wanted trouble so bad you could’ve just called you know?”
Vanguard looked weakly above and groaned, letting a mixture of blood and bile spew abundantly from his throat, filling his lungs. And then, a look of pure hate tore trough his calm and nonchalant expression. There was nothing but fury and malice in his weak, dying voice.
And then, she proceeded to spew forth more of her red juices. The creature smiled sickeningly, a moon white smile growing on a pitch black silhouette.
“What’s with that look Vanilla? Seen a ghost? Don’t tell me you don’t remember, you senile fart! It’s me, your old war buddy! Did you miss me?”
Garou XIII
Garou’s vision blurred, overwhelmed by the numbness and disoriented by the impact. He laid a hand on his stomach and winced at the odd cold wetness to it all. His bowels were sticking out of his charred skin. He could barely notice his surroundings, but he could tell she was regenerating again.
No… I cannot die…alone…I was born alone. I do not wish to die… alone.
His hand slightly trembled at her words, but that moment was short lived. Another one had come, a bitch talking some mumbo jumbo that didn’t make any fucking sense and that he had no energy to try to anyway.
He mustered what little force he had in his right arm and raised it towards her weakly, as if to reach out to the stranger. The blood collected around his hand for a moment and a bullet thorn formed before blasting the rubble before her feet.
Piss off.
And then, something incredible happened. He crawled and limpered like a worm, using the entirety of his strength to pull himself up. Slowly but surely, he was managing to regain balance.
Before long, he pushed himself up, standing on the stump and broken bone of his severed leg. No matter how you looked at it, this was absurd. No man should have the force to do such a thing, but he was no man. He was a monster.
He closed his eyes for a while, barely breathing. Then, his eyes opened, revealing a beautiful deep green. His look was absent, yet fierce. Dull, yet focused. The eyes of death. And with those eyes, he pierced Seras’s soul.
“Come.” He said calmly.