Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 74924 times)


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Darcy Hugh

Darcy smiled seductively and pulled the girl closer, their bodies practically touching at this point. The smell of sweat and smoke was practically suffocating by then, figuratively. It won't choke her or anything, but it's a pretty strong smell.

"It's fine, I'm sure they don't mind. Or maybe you'd like somewhere a little more... intimate?"

Garou XIII

Garou was snuggling his pillow like a child, but eventually groaned and opened his eyes. A foul stench filled the air, almost like rust and dry earth. And was he naked? What the hell. He jumped out of the cover and looked at his body, naked and penisflopping wildly in the air like some mad snake. He touched it all over, his body and not the penis, but including the penis, making sure nothing was missing.

"...a dream?" He mumbled, his vision and memories still hazy.

Was he kidnapped? This didn't look like the apartment he had broken into, but he wasn't dead either. He doubted that there was such thing as an afterlife, or that the afterlife was that lousy in the first place, but if it did, good job God. You had him fooled.

And then, he smelled something even more foul, and turned his head. This smelled like a bad omen, and the smell was right because he now found himself before that bitch, except naked. That creep, he didn't think her a pervert! He immediately backed to the bed and covered with the covers, blushing. Well, not really, he couldn't anymore, but he didn't know that yet.

"Eeek!" He yelled out. "Put some damn clothes, Jesus!"
« Last Edit: March 06, 2016, 05:55:12 PM by francobull3 »


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"Of course." He told her at her request to be carried, he then picked her up bridal style and carried her over to the bed, placing her gently on it.


"Indeed I do, rigorous training courses where I try to figure more ways to kill opponents without actively deploying my Noble Phantasm." He told her with a serious look on his face.


The blond vampire's kick hit home, sending Andrew crashing into a tree, he recovered as quickly as he could, but it wasn't fast enough. The vampire was already upon him again, dodging his feeble attempt at hitting her and tore a piece of his flesh off in return. The pain from the injury seemed to revitalize him momentarily, as he went on the offensive again. Unfortunately for him the bloodsucker was moving faster than ever before, flickering from place to place too fast for him to properly follow in his state. The short burst of energy he got finally died away and his movements grew more sluggish by the second.

Shinobu suddenly flashed infront of him and tore out another chunk of his flesh making the flow of blood from him a steady stream. She then reappeared next to Rikuyo, her hands stained red.

"Hurry? Me in a hurry? How can you hurry something like this? A battle needs to be...thoroughly enjoyed." Shinobu told her with an ecstatic voice.


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The Hunter couldn't help but squirm a little at the odd feeling of Ron's beard on her skin once more, sighing as he used his hair to start soaping her down as well. At least she thought that was what he was going for. Then she felt what was left of the bar of soap he was using under her arm, leaving her giggling as her squirming intensified with the new sensation.

"Oh, and what might you mean by that?" Annabeth mused, giving his hardening length a rub, "It's not like you don't need to be cleaned up here as well."
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses

Umbra of Chaos

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Of course there were different types. There needed to be a variety of breeds of leech people too. She ran a tan hand through her hair and gently massaged her scalp a bit before speaking. "This world is really weird. I'm surprised it hasn't torn itself into a oblivion by now. Anyways, I guess it's fine. Is there anything noteworthy I should know about these 'vampires' before we wrap up here?


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Count Greyskull

If Greyskull had such thing as a face, it would have brightened up. Oh, he always longed to share his knowledge, even a little. He bowed as his hand waved dramatically and strange colours swirled around his bony fingertips, collecting and moving at his very whim, shaping into different images and charts to illustrate his lesson. After all, some learn visually with much more ease.

"Oh! Oh! There are a few things, I guess. They mostly come out at night, and can be weakened or outright killed by sunlight despite their regenerative properties. That is because their natural affiliations belong to the dark elements, such as ice, shadow and electricity. However, there are some who are proficient with fire. Again, because of their dark nature, holy artifacts or magic are highly effective. Someone like a holy saint for example, would have little to no trouble at dealing with Forest."

Then, he coughed nervously.

"Ahem, are there any, um, other questions?"

« Last Edit: March 07, 2016, 01:40:32 PM by francobull3 »

The Man With All The Cute Boats

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Mid-powerup, Ragna dashed past her and attacked Noel, identified through her squeeky "I got hit" noises. Rather than turning around and negating her efforts, she simply focused more on activating her Azure.

"Blazblue, activate!" She shouted, and for a moment her hand burst with a dark power. But then, nothing.

The entire world went grey for a moment, and a voice could be heard.

"Hehe... you'll have to wait your turn, dear," an all-too-familiar voice said, in an almost whisper filled with hunger and anticipation, immediately making her wary. "It's Ragna's turn to destroy everything, so you can't get in his way."

The moment was over, the world restarted again, and Alpha understood.

She turned around, to the maddened Ragna, and shouted.

"Wait! Stop what you're doing, you idiot!"

The Man With All The Cute Boats

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Sakagami Kenzo
"I... I'm fine."

"You hate me, right?"

Akatsuki blinked once, then twice, then looked at Kenzo's hands and back at the body. Granted, since he was trying to stick her back together, they'd be bloody, but...

Akatsuki didn't approach Kenzo this time, didn't try to comfort him or make sure he was alright. She also stopped looking around and focused purely on him.

She put her hands on her hips and, with a voice as calm as she could make it, asked her question.

"Kenzo, what happened here?"


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Sakagami Kenzo

Kenzo closed his eyes and- giggled. No, that wasn't right, but one couldn't tell if he was laughing or crying anymore. He clutched his face almost as if to pull it off.

"I messed up again. I thought I could keep it inside, but all I had to do was let my guard down for a second..." He answered with a shaky voice, only to proceed to laugh lightly. However, there was no joy in this, anyone could see this was purely to hide his emotions, to protect them. Not from her, but from him.

And then, he turned silent. And then, he spoke calmly, seriously, with a cold commanding voice.

"Akatsuki, turn around."


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Oka Kurosawa

Oka looked away from Jin's eyes and smiled awkwardly. She was a bit unsure about this, it seemed very sudden. She thought she wanted to do it but a tiny voice in the back of her head was nagging her, telling her not to, that she was being an idiot.

She decided to ignore that voice. It was no fun. She reached for Jin's hand slowly, unsure of herself, and took ahold of it. She felt her body preparing itself for penetration, her crotch getting wet. She looked at him silently, wondering in which way he'd end up taking her.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Ron paused in his scrubbing with a shudder, and attempted to reply to Annabeth's clearly provocative and indecent accusations against his character.

"Mmnnmnhn," he eloquently rebutted through a mouthful of soapy tanned skin. The soap taste registered on his tongue after a moment of that, and he turned his face aside with his tongue out. "Uuhhh. Mah mouff if all smopy."


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The Changeling was heading along her way to the nearest cafe, when suddenly she heard someone speak up behind her. Emily turned around out of reflex just as their words registered, suppressing her surprise as she sighted upon a curious woman. Considering that they were in broad daylight, she doubted that someone would be trying to drag her off right here and now. With that in mind, she could afford to at least try to find out what was happening here.

"What do you want to know?" she asked, "Perhaps we could find somewhere a bit warmer?"
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Forest met Petra's violet eyes and said, "No, I've never turned anyone.  I've helped others who were turned in similiar situations like myself so they won't be dangerous to others or go through . . . all I had to go through."

Then Lumen asked, "This world is really weird. I'm surprised it hasn't torn itself into a oblivion by now. Anyways, I guess it's fine. Is there anything noteworthy I should know about these 'vampires' before we wrap up here?"

Before Forest could speak, Greyskull stepped forward complete with a whole light show at his finger tips.

"Oh! Oh! There are a few things, I guess. They mostly come out at night, and can be weakened or outright killed by sunlight despite their regenerative properties. That is because their natural affiliations belong to the dark elements, such as ice, shadow and electricity. However, there are some who are proficient with fire. Again, because of their dark nature, holy artifacts or magic are highly effective. Someone like Petra for example, would have little to no trouble at dealing with Forest."

Then, he coughed nervously.

"Ahem, are there any, um, other questions?"

Forest folded her arms around herself, canted her head, and said, "If a holy artifact isn't wielded with faith behind it then it's kind of useless against me, and I wouldn't call magic 'highly effective'.  It works, but no different than say a spell chucked at that girl over there.  Then again, that's what I am.  The Nexus is a hodgepodge of different dimensions so vamp from Dimension A is going to likely be different than the suckhead from Dimension D.  I mean, there's a strain caused by a virus from world world and another where a demon takes shop in a corpse where their soul was."

She eyed all three of them and asked, "Do you know what Nexus is, right?"


"Well, hopefully you won't have to do much killing here," Rin said with a shake of her head.  "I've had enough war to last me a good long while."

Absently her hand went to the scar on her abdomen where she let Sakura stab her all of those years ago.  Then a strange grinding noise broke out and Rin looked over to see the ice cream machine churning erratically.  "Oh, it's done," she said as she turned the ice cream machine off.


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Sakura Matou and Shirou Emiya

Sakura listened intently to Jeanne, nodding and looking her directly in the eyes the entire time. "I see. That's all really cool."

"Sakura, I'm just going to get myself another drink." Rider interjected.

Sakura turned to look at her with a smile and nodded before returning her attention to Jeanne. "Your powers work really well in tandem with Rider's, you know? She has, as you can probably guess, mystic eyes of petrification, which she normally can't use unless fighting alone because she might petrify her allies." Sakura began munching on some fries, and continued speaking. "But you're immune to magic and all its effects, so she'll be able to use them to their full effect without worrying!"

"I'm going to go to the bathroom, I'll be right back." Shirou mumbled, excusing himself from the table quickly.

"Oh, Senpai, should I tell her about what you can do?"

"Huh? Ah, yeah. Sure. Go ahead." He leaned down and kissed her on the cheek before retreating to evacuate his bowels. Sakura glowed; it was so nice to have him back. I can't live without him, and he can't live without me. she took a deep breath before continuing. Anyway… "Anyway, about Shirou, he's got a really really really special and unique gift, I don't think anyone before him or anyone in the future will have the ability to do what he does effortlessly. He can project noble phantasms, any of the one's he's ever seen! It's amazing!" She said with a starry-eyed expression. "He can also use reinforcement to make things stronger, and some other basic magus stuff like that, but basically, it's all just him and his ability to project the noble phantasms."

Sakura paused. She'd been talking for a while, maybe she should give Jeanne some time to react? "So uh, any questions?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Of course there were different types. There needed to be a variety of breeds of leech people too. She ran a tan hand through her hair and gently massaged her scalp a bit before speaking. "This world is really weird. I'm surprised it hasn't torn itself into a oblivion by now. Anyways, I guess it's fine. Is there anything noteworthy I should know about these 'vampires' before we wrap up here?

Count Greyskull

If Greyskull had such thing as a face, it would have brightened up. Oh, he always longed to share his knowledge, even a little. He bowed as his hand waved dramatically and strange colours swirled around his bony fingertips, collecting and moving at his very whim, shaping into different images and charts to illustrate his lesson. After all, some learn visually with much more ease.

"Oh! Oh! There are a few things, I guess. They mostly come out at night, and can be weakened or outright killed by sunlight despite their regenerative properties. That is because their natural affiliations belong to the dark elements, such as ice, shadow and electricity. However, there are some who are proficient with fire. Again, because of their dark nature, holy artifacts or magic are highly effective. Someone like a holy saint for example, would have little to no trouble at dealing with Forest."

Then, he coughed nervously.

"Ahem, are there any, um, other questions?"

Forest folded her arms around herself, canted her head, and said, "If a holy artifact isn't wielded with faith behind it then it's kind of useless against me, and I wouldn't call magic 'highly effective'.  It works, but no different than say a spell chucked at that girl over there.  Then again, that's what I am.  The Nexus is a hodgepodge of different dimensions so vamp from Dimension A is going to likely be different than the suckhead from Dimension D.  I mean, there's a strain caused by a virus from world world and another where a demon takes shop in a corpse where their soul was."

She eyed all three of them and asked, "Do you know what Nexus is, right?"


"Eh, I don't really need a lecture on that. Alternate dimensions, whatever, it's enough that I know it's certainly not Italy." She honestly didn't care about explanation. However she got there was not her immediate concern. She would rather talk more about vampires and other physical beings since better know with whom she could have to deal. Demons reanimating a corpse to be a vampire sounded like something she wouldn't even have to put effort against. Even less effort than against someone like Forest. No matter how old the vampire was, in a hypothetical situation in which she had to fend off Forest she could maybe even win in 99 fights out of 100. She had no doubts that her relic could be surpassed in potency only by a certain man.


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The blond servant's listened patiently as Sakura described how she would be useful in tandem with Rider.  Shirou then went to the bathroom and Rider went to take a drink. Jeanne's eyes widened when Sakura continued on to describe Shirou's abilities, the ability to copy noble phantasms sounded incredibly powerful. As Sakura stopped and asked if she had any questions the blond woman replied to her. "The ability to copy noble phantasms at will sounds like something that either has a limitation of some sorts or a drawback, such abilities usually do as far as I know. It sounds like he will be versatile and that's a good thing." She smiled back at Sakura, waiting for her response.