Forest met Petra's violet eyes and said, "No, I've never turned anyone. I've helped others who were turned in similiar situations like myself so they won't be dangerous to others or go through . . . all I had to go through."
Then Lumen asked, "This world is really weird. I'm surprised it hasn't torn itself into a oblivion by now. Anyways, I guess it's fine. Is there anything noteworthy I should know about these 'vampires' before we wrap up here?"
Before Forest could speak, Greyskull stepped forward complete with a whole light show at his finger tips.
"Oh! Oh! There are a few things, I guess. They mostly come out at night, and can be weakened or outright killed by sunlight despite their regenerative properties. That is because their natural affiliations belong to the dark elements, such as ice, shadow and electricity. However, there are some who are proficient with fire. Again, because of their dark nature, holy artifacts or magic are highly effective. Someone like Petra for example, would have little to no trouble at dealing with Forest."
Then, he coughed nervously.
"Ahem, are there any, um, other questions?"
Forest folded her arms around herself, canted her head, and said, "If a holy artifact isn't wielded with faith behind it then it's kind of useless against me, and I wouldn't call magic 'highly effective'. It works, but no different than say a spell chucked at that girl over there. Then again, that's what I am. The Nexus is a hodgepodge of different dimensions so vamp from Dimension A is going to likely be different than the suckhead from Dimension D. I mean, there's a strain caused by a virus from world world and another where a demon takes shop in a corpse where their soul was."
She eyed all three of them and asked, "Do you know what Nexus is, right?"
"Well, hopefully you won't have to do much killing here," Rin said with a shake of her head. "I've had enough war to last me a good long while."
Absently her hand went to the scar on her abdomen where she let Sakura stab her all of those years ago. Then a strange grinding noise broke out and Rin looked over to see the ice cream machine churning erratically. "Oh, it's done," she said as she turned the ice cream machine off.