Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 75188 times)

Umbra of Chaos

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It was almost inevitable that the cultist would run into trouble. She didn't make the most intimidating image as the walked through dark alleyways with a hand over her increasingly growing belly. IT was only a matter of time before someone tried to mug her, and it was only a matter of time before he was on the ground howling and tearing at his own face with wild desperation.

To anyone else the scene would appear completely random for only the mugger could see the eyes covering Numina's flesh. He could feel them staring at him even if he could not see them. Their voices shattered all thought. He could not know what they said, but he knew it was the truth and that drove him mad. Vision blurred, the world became flesh, became light, became shadow. He gouged out his own eyes but he could still see as he continued the girl simply watched with an almost serene expression on her face.


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The wheels rolled as the fox girl drove her bike along the street. She would only petal occasionally, letting the bike’s momentum propel itself. She was hopping to be able to get the last pickup for the day, so Auntie would not have a reason to smack her over the head… again that is.

Any thoughts stopped however, as her ears twitched. She heard it, faint, but it was there. A scream, an ungodly scream in agony and pain, and immediately her bike turned, going onto the sidewalk and into a ally way.

When she was in, she jumped from her bike, discarding it entirely, as she ran with the speed of her Kitsune might, running and jumping along walls. It was not long, before she found the source.

It was a man screaming in pure agony, ripping at his skin with his nail. Nanashi landed next to him, and immediately started pulling at his arms, trying to stop him. He barely paid attention, other for when he shoved her away with all his strength, knocking her back slightly. Clicking her tongue she walked back up, drawing a charm from her pocket and slapping it on his head, putting her hand to it while holding the other in front of her like she was praying.

And then, the charm activated, and the purifying energy surged though the man, instantly knocking the normal man into a deep sleep. Sighing she let her shoulders slump, before she noticed the… odd smell. Looking to the side, she saw her.

Immediately her mind was images, images of deformed beasts, of men and woman screaming, with the world shifting. Eyes, eyes, eyes, oh a million eyes, filling the sky. And then she was back in the present. She held a hand up to her head as she seemed to stumble slightly.

“Y-you…” She looked at the THING in front of her, her hands lowing, to her side, her nails biting against her palms “What did you do!” She all but growled in a low but harsh voice as her eyes shifted to a brilliant blue.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2016, 07:08:03 PM by Knick »


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Lycodrake Aptera
...holding the glass forward to the unknown one in front of him. “My apologies for my friend you met earlier. I’m William. Might I offer you a glass of wine?” A few things seemed different about the person who left and had now rejoined. Of note, he was actually smiling, his eyes had gained a twinkle about them. As for his posture, he was relaxed, open, and seemed different from when he had left.
"And am Bellitanus. However, I'm afraid that I must decline your offer. I rarely drink unless it's with a meal. It clouds the mind much more without one."
The wingless one supposed that William had decided to have an attitude adjustment of sorts, perhaps to avoid being rude to someone of obvious power. Referring to a different attitude as a "friend" was not normal human behavior, though. Or perhaps William suffered some manner of lunacy? Odd. He couldn't begrudge it, but he would be careful in the future. William was still a stranger in many ways.

"Ah, welcome back, William. Miss Bellatanus thinks we have no guarantee that a library's information would be helpful for Nexus at large, and I must agree. Both your and my worlds are vastly different and it would follow that Nexus is even more an amalgamation in places than the residents. Your thoughts?" The least he could do was ask William's opinion, especially since - if Bellatanus was absolutely correct - he had wasted the young man's time.
Spoiler for Best -monogatari:


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Oka enveloped his length with her soft and very large breasts, putting her mouth close to it before asking whether he wanted it or not. Staring back into her deep blue eyes he responded to her, a bit annoyed at her teasing. "Do you even need to ask?"


The blonde vampire took a step back, surprised by the redhead's sudden eagerness to fight her. "I meant it as a compliment, that I would prefer to taste your blood over those guys. I do not really feel like fighting you right now..." The vampire stopped talking as she realized something and then asked Rikuyo. "You really want to fight me?
« Last Edit: March 12, 2016, 10:19:02 PM by Thedoctor »


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"Well, maybe, yes, but…" sakura fidgeted. "This date is really important, it's the first time we've been able to have one in three years."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Oka chuckled before she turned her attention to the matter at hand. She clamped her breasts together and slowly rubbed his penis with them, and opened her mouth, licking it underneath the head and slowly moving around it with her mouth, before she quite suddenly opened her mouth wide and enveloped his penis with her maw, bobbing her head up and down as she tasted the foreign object.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2016, 03:43:54 AM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Pillar of Autumn:

So, a German-speaking mercenary whose taking recreational drugs. Wunderbar.

Autumn knew that mercs are fairly common nowadays. The Great War was over, and now there are many factions coming in to take their own slice of two broken major powers. While the UNSC is indeed recovering, it is still a shadow of its former self and many former insurrectionist movements are now making their moves. Everybody needs extra muscle these days, both the good and the bad guys.

Chi Rho sits on the edge of the inner- and outer-colonies, a gateway of sorts. The former Covenant somehow leaped over it during their crusade against Humanity, preserving both its population and biosphere. And here this mercenary is, thinking she's in Africa...

What was she huffing? Is there a merc refund policy?

"This is Chi Rho, don't you remember Miss?" Autumn said, gently retracting her arm after the rather limp shake, "And you didn't misunderstand: I'm a Fleetgirl! Now, about getting to base - I assume you have a Warthog parked around here somewhere? I'll even drive."
« Last Edit: March 13, 2016, 12:11:59 AM by MissingMandible »

The Man With All The Cute Boats

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Sakagami Kenzo

Kenzo closed his eyes and- giggled. No, that wasn't right, but one couldn't tell if he was laughing or crying anymore. He clutched his face almost as if to pull it off.

"I messed up again. I thought I could keep it inside, but all I had to do was let my guard down for a second..." He answered with a shaky voice, only to proceed to laugh lightly. However, there was no joy in this, anyone could see this was purely to hide his emotions, to protect them. Not from her, but from him.

And then, he turned silent. And then, he spoke calmly, seriously, with a cold commanding voice.

"Akatsuki, turn around."
Akatsuki remained silent as he spoke, slowly understanding the situation.

It was Kenzo, Kenzo had ripped apart that girl, and then desperately tried to reattach her together. He'd lost control, the same way he had that mad look in his eyes in the middle of the sparring match.

By the time he turned around and gave her an order, Akatsuki's mind had hardened to the truth.

"No," she said clearly. Where there was an impassiveness in her voice before, a calm collected attitude, there was now something immovable instead.

Akatsuki Refused.


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Kenzo's hand trembled, like a wall crumbling to her impassable look. His eyes faded and stared blankly, sadness and fear mixed with something unrecognizable. And in his voice, there was nothing but grief. The sort of begging tone that spoke only of misery and desperation.

"... I can't. Not while you're looking. Please turn around, Akatsuki."

Umbra of Chaos

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As Numina continued to correct the mugger's behavior the reeducation was interrupted by a black haired stranger bounding into the area at incredibly fast speeds. Then the interloper put a piece of paper on the criminal's head and somehow knocked him out with a few words. Maybe some bygone power or god was still active here?

It didn't really matter. But as the other girl turned to face her with anger and the flare of blue in her eyes the Ascendant shifted away from the newcomer and protectively wrapped her arms around her swollen belly. Nothing could be allowed to harm her child. "He threatened me and my child. I just reacted. What are you so mad about? Do you even know him?"


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"Why not?" The girl replied nonchalantly. "You are good at fighting, but if ya really don't want to fight me, then at least help me find something else. Find those Elite guys or whatever their name was. See, I can compromise! Still, you don't wanna fight me at all? C'mon!"


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“Don’t you dare bullshit me!” She gritted out, a mugging or not. Whatever she did to this man… it was not right, someone was wrong, Hell, the guy was ripping his own skin off the bone before he was knocked out. She spared a glance at him quickly before looking back to the thing that looked like a girl. It was wrong, the planes shifted around her, like a heavy weight that should not be there was placed down. Something wrong, something alien, every instinct she had as a Yokai was screaming at her. And then there was that smell. She just smelled… off. Wrong. Human but not, and it put Nanashi on edge.

That’s not even mentioning the vision, a vision of this that may or may not be. It was not often, not at all, that she got a vision like that. It set her on edge in ways she could not even explain.

Gritting her teeth, “What did you do to him?” She asked tensely, one grasping at her scarf, holding it tight. Her piercing blue eyes stared directly at the girl, as she did her damn hardest to ignore the unnatural chill that filled her.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2016, 03:41:01 AM by Knick »


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The Hunter stared at Ron, the slight ache in her back seeming all that much more apparent at his offer. Her eyes lit up at the thought of a massage being thrown in, but the Hunter knew she had to persevere. After all, surely she could get an even better de-

Oh screw it.

"Okay," she said, trying her best not to sound like temptation was getting the better of her, "We shall never speak of this again, so long as the massage is worth it."

With that, the Hunter pulled herself up and partially out of the bath, somehow managing to maneuver herself in front of Ron in spite of her hips still being a bit numb. Sinking back into the warm water with a sigh, Annabeth leaned back against him with a little smile, waiting for him to start.


Okay, he thought to himself as Annabeth switched spots with him and practically pushed her butt in his face for a moment before settling down. I just have to bullshit this enough so it feels like I know how to do this.

"Let's start with the washing," Ron murmured with hot breath by her ear, taking the bar of soap from her hand and pressing it to her belly. The werewolf made a valiant effort at rubbing his fingers through her hair while he slowly scrubbed along the bottom of her stomach with the other hand, tracing around the edges where the firm muscle wasn't there to lessen the feeling as he slid the smooth square over her skin. His other hand left her head and went to where he had lathered her up under the water, rubbing the suds away more firmly than he applied them.

Then he started to get at the joints and armpits, all the annoying places that touched and let filth hide unseen until you lifted your arm or looked under your leg. It was the armpits that led his hands to her back, finally, where he went from soaping her up to scraping suds off to rubbing it slowly into her tense muscles. He had to hold her hair up and out of the way with one hand, but that was part of the fun - rubbing at the long loose strands of it.


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The Hunter sighed as she felt his fingers rubbing through her hair, thoroughly working the soap in while his other hand worked at her belly, the feeling making her squirm a bit against him. Annabeth allowed herself to appreciate how thoroughly he was scrubbing at those rather annoying to wash places, unable to help a giggle as he worked under her arms. Finally, the werewolf starting rubbing at her back, fingers pressing against muscles tensed for a multitude of reasons. The feeling of release that followed had the Hunter all but moaning as she relaxed against him, content for the moment as she let him continue to work.

"Not bad," the Hunter admitted through an almost pleasured sigh, "Not bad at all."
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Jin felt something that was hot and wet slowly tease the tip of his member, as he looked down he saw that Oka was dragging her tongue along it. She then suddenly enveloped it in her mouth and started a bobbing motion, it made sparks of pleasure shoot through his body. As her head boobed, he took the opportunity to run his hands through her soft hair, encouraging her along. "You're pretty good at this Oka."


Sakura had apparently misunderstood what she said as she started making excuses about not having gone out with her fiancé in a long time. Wanting to clear up the misunderstanding, Jeanne quickly interrupted her. "I wasn't suggesting we should go there, I just wanted to say it was a better alternative if you were actually trying to be subtle master." The blonde woman paused here as she reached forwards with one of her hands and grasped Sakura's hand, trying to assure her that everything was going to be fine.

"Please calm down Sakura, I'm not going to force you to do something you don't wish to do." Jeanne told her with a friendly voice while looking her in the eyes.


The vampire sighed with annoyance as Rikuyo insisted on wanting to fight. "Fine, if  you are that insistent." Without warning she suddenly launched her body towards Rikuyo at a blinding speed aiming her fist straight at her face.