Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 74837 times)


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The vampire didn't react much as a visible aura surrounded Rikuyo, it didn't matter much she would just continue her attack. Shinobu increased her pace further having almost reached the red head and crashed into her at full speed.


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Lycodrake Aptera

One did not survive as a mortal messenger of a deity, favored and blessed or not, and remain ignorant to reading between the lines. "You are wise in your choice of words, Bellatanus, which is both commendable and troublesome. Answer truthfully: do you see me as a dragon or not? If dragon, then I see no reason to not partake in blood barter, but if not...we will have to part ways on sour terms. I am not ignorant of the wordplay of politicians and royalty, and I was taught to be wary of demons and fae alike for similar reasons."

He noted William doing something, but ignored the details. He met Bellatanus' gaze with his own.
Spoiler for Best -monogatari:


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Tohuw and Vanguard

If there was any word to describe the scenery, it was hell. Smoke and fire covered the annihilated landscape, devastation reminiscent of a wasteland smothered by the fires of war.

Hot magma bubbled all over, craters and grisly veins of burning earth tracing back to the center of it all, like a grim spider web.

And in the middle, a pristine man clad in pure white savored his utter victory, his foot resting atop the helmet of a decimated armor, crushed beyond recognition. In contrast, the demon was completely unscathed. Black hair stood up like wild horns, and his eyes glowed with fire no human could replicate. Baring a set of shark teeth, he grinned as if to mock the fallen foe.

“I’m moved. This is what you call an irrational world.” He said smugly.

Honestly, he was a little disappointed. He didn’t expect a challenge, but he had hoped he’d put up more of a fight. If he had known things would’ve been this way, he would have simply crushed the core back in the castle and watched anime.

And suddenly, a dead, metallic voce came from the depths of the shattered helmet.

“How can I have lost… to a filth like you… I won’t allow this… I can’t die… Don't mess with me, Balagan! Do you know how valuable I am?! Scarce! Rare! Unseen! An unique existence that must be preserved! You must understand that as well!! If you do something like this it won't end well for you either!! I AM VANGUARD!! THE ONLY ONE IN HISTORY! JUST ONE! AN ABSOLUTE!! THE LEGENDARY HERO WHO HAS LIVED FOR FIVE THOUSAND YEARS!!!!

Vanguard’s words echoed trough the barren battlefield, followed by a dead silence. The fire in the demon’s eyes faded along the fire surrounding them, and Tohuw simply looked up in the sky. Was he smiling? None could tell.

“It’s over. Absolute? You can’t be serious.” He solemnly replied.

The metallic creaking of gears echoed from within the armor.


The demon smiled, like a snake relishing to see its prey struggle in its final moments.

“Odd. I thought you spent your whole life fighting those absolutes. Wasn’t that why you joined the Orden? No, no, no. Your logic is full of whack. Heroes aren’t absolute, they are filled with contradictions. They are the end product of many years of history… the fruit of human endeavor! Like a gem, polished through trials… and errors. It is this fruit we receive, and pass on, and face in our time. And it is always changing, growing. Except for you. You  aren’t changing. You’ve stopped.”


And then, Tohuw delivered the armor piercing statement  to break that pathetic shell once and for all.

“You’re not needed anymore.”

A curtain of silence fell once more, leaving only the two foes to stare once more.

“Please…spare me… I can’t die here… not like this…” Vanguard replied with a weak trembling voice. It seemed his body had been crushed beyond repair, he could not even flee in such a state.

It was over, and the demon knew it. A cruel smile crawled on his face, his foot released the armor. No longer pinned, the warrior tried to move away. He needed to get to that place, if he could only get to that place…

Tohuw glared at the puppet with pitiless amusement . “A warrior does not beg for his life.”

Then, his hand shot down like a spear, aiming for the crevice in the center of his helmet, his core. The demon’s eyes widened in shock, a metallic thud followed. Was it… hollow?

Fingers searched frantically to no avail, and before Tohuw could realize what happened, a pillar of metal pierced his belly.

The demon stared down in disbelief, black liquid collected around his lips before spewing forth like a waterfall. “What…?” He gasped in a mixture of surprise and anger. Had it always been hollow in there? 

“Let…go…” He coughed. Ironically, the armor seemed to have lost what little life it had left and his arm simply fell back down, revealing a glowing white scar filled with a glowing blue gem of sorts.

The demon soon followed suit and dropped, unable to stand any longer. His body bulged and swirled into a myriad of gruesome black shapes, which dissolved one by one as more holes opened up while trying to amalgamate and close down once more, to keep unity.

Where was it? Where was it?
Where was it? Where was it?
Where was it? Where was it?
Where was it? Where was it?
Where was it? Where was it?

And then, he felt something pulsate inside him. Something was wriggling and growing more and more, digging inside him. His body went limp as his senses overloaded. And then, a grisly rictus grew on his putrid gooey lips.

“Cheater…!” He growled before spewing forth more of that black mud, the same that composed his decaying body.

Indeed, he had let his guard down. This whole fight had been nothing but a charade, a farce. That man never planned to defeat him in the first place. Yes… it seemed he had been trapped in a spider web this whole time, playing into his fingers, fooled into carelessness and not realizing it until the very end.

Terrifying, that man made him almost look human. Without a proper core, he would not survive. He could have eaten little by little without worry, but his body was not used to such a trauma. To devour so much in so little time, to have such a massive soul instantly breach him, become part of him.

His mind was slowly tearing apart as the massive soul churned and tore at Tohuw’s foundations, reshaping them into it’s own resemblance.

If he managed to overtake him like a cancer, he would not perish. A demon’s body conserved the souls it consumed in stopped time, not allowing them to degrade. An eternal life and an endless torment. And no matter what he did, he would never leave, nor would death release him. To willingly subject oneself to such a supplice, to become a demon... it was madness!

And yet, such an ending seemed to satisfy both. Vanguard would live and forever suffer, for what reason, neither did care. Acta est fabula it seemed. His role now over, it was only fitting for him to take a final bow and leave the stage. Overstaying his welcome was out of the question, and besides, he had left the stage long ago.

As blue cracks formed all over the shapeless blob, bright flames began to consume it and eat at the excess meat. The writhing corpse convulsed and changed, the very existence of Tohuw Balagan dissolving and changing into something new.

Tohuw did not mind his mind tearing apart, what little was left had burned away long ago. So let him take it, all of it. To lose honourably and to win with a bad attitude, that was his motto. Even in his final moments, he did not drop his mocking smile.

Finally, a deep and cold voice rang inside him. It seemed it was truly over.
Auf wiedersehen, kamerad.


After a while, a figure rose from the blue flames, which simply faded into nothing. His eyes were dull, uncaring. He was not unlike a dead fish.

Even such a victory seemed more like a defeat to him. Despite that, he allowed himself a smile and walked away. He would not die, he could not die. He would live no matter what until he seized what he wanted. Until he found his good ending.

"Pathetic." He said in a dull, monotone voice. It was unsure if was referring to himself or that wretched fiend, and neither did it matter. Instead, he allowed white, pristine clothes to cover his naked form and dissappeared.

Count Greyskull

The dust washed off, only to collect once more and form a colorful ball that followed Lumen’s pace and rubbed against her feet like a puppy. Meanwhile, the skeleton blushed and coughed nervously.
“Thanks! I-I’m glad you liked it! There’s nothing a great lord can’t do when he puts his heart into it. Well, I don’t actually have a heart, but well, erm… just forget it. Now we can say we’re even, right?”
« Last Edit: March 20, 2016, 07:12:48 PM by francobull3 »


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“Don’t you dare act like an innocent girl.”

Through the pits and pats of water droplets Nanashi’s voice cut though the alleyway, cold and harsh, “Whatever you are, or whatever you hold. It’s dangerous. I might have over looked it if you had not done anything.” She closed her eyes for a moment, “But… what you did to this guy. This isn’t a normal mental attack. Whatever you did is far worse than that.” Because there was nothing WRONG with him from what she could tell, no foreign energy, no smell of any poison of other odd substance, nothing. He just started to rip out his own eyes. She couldn't let this woman go, if this happened to a half blood... there is no telling what it might do to them, how much damage that would cause.

As she spoke, the temperature slowly increased, and the pitter patter increased more and more. Nanashi opened her eyes and the shining blue was at its greatest, showing the true activation of her powers. Off of her scarf fire began to dance as embers, and with it the illusion around her form shattered, allowing for the one if front of her to notice.

Notice the twin ears on the top of her head, to notice the swaying tail behind her.

“I gave you a chance, but it seems like you’re not going to take it after all, it always seems to go this way.” She stood up properly, an incredible seriously on her features, a far cry from the rage just moments ago. On had was at her side, open and relaxed, ready to act at a moment note, while the other was held out in front of her, the fire dancing around it, both as a circle of flames surrounding the flat palm, and as for soft lines that emanated in for directions.

“I’ll just do what I need to do, so you don’t hurt anyone.” The Fox of Blue Fire said, “I hope you’re ready for that.” 

Umbra of Chaos

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The white beast took into account her rider's concern but was a bit more confused with the fact that her hooves weren't covered in blood and gore. At the speed she was running at there were very few things that wouldn't have been turned into pulp under her legs. It was interesting! So she turned around and began to bound over the foliage back towards the stranger she had crushed.


The redhead wanted to strangle the vigilante. She wanted to fill her with a thousand lesser kin and watch her turn into a hive from the inside out. She wanted to crush her into paste and smear her all over the walls. She wanted to leave her alone so when the New Flesh tore into this world and change everything in its passing she could leave this idiot be and leave her stranded in an alien universe.

She wanted to but she didn't do any of that. Numina was better than that. There was no need to be hostile towards this creature just because she was ignorant to the truth, and lacked common decency, and didn't even bother to understand, and was so insufferably self righteous.

The cultist simply rested her hands over her belly as the baby slowly began to calm down. Numina's eyes stared back at the stranger without fear despite the dangers that fire could hold. "I am not going to fight you, but I will not be forced to go anywhere. Do what you want. Just stop pretending like it's justified."


"Yes, Greyskull, we're even." The smile vanished but the uplifted attitude the Patchwork had remained. She reached down and gently picked up the ball of dust with one hand before gesturing towards the undead so that he would follow her.

"Come on. We should probably get back to the others. Before Forest thinks you're cheating on her or something."


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Count Greyskull

Greyskull covered his flustered face and blushed. Well, he didn't, actually, but it certainly looked like he did.

"H-hey! I would never!" He yelled in a desperate attempt to save face. "W-why would you say such a thing! I...I...I'm glad you l-liked it. Y-yeah! Let's go..."

He then proceeded to follow Lumen, mumbling incoherently about evil plans and whatnot.


Hrm. Used to be Toe. What about... Toe Neo. No, no, no. That sounds terrible. Let's see...Toeo. Teo? Theo. Theo...dore? Theodore, huh. I guess that could work.

As the mysterious man was walking along town, umbrella in one hand and basket in another, pondering on what name to fabricate, he began to question why was he doing this in the first place. It's not like anyone wanted to talk to him, so why did it matter what he named himself? They could call him whatever he wanted, not like he gave a damn.

He couldn't call himself Vanguard anymore, but calling himself Tohuw would be like lying. He wasn't a liar. Well, he was, but he didn't feel about lying on that particular subject at the moment, neither did he need to. He had nothing to gain from figuring out a name, yes, but it still felt wrong to not have one.

Ah, there he was, rambling again. It seemed he had intaken this body's mannerisms along with it's properties, or perhaps they had awoken his deep, buried thoughts. How quaint. Either way, Theodore sounded fine, so he'd call himself that for now. At least, until he found something better and changed his mind.

For some reason, he felt a sudden urge to get to a rooftop to observe the city. And so, he stepped on a skyscraper's wall and walked along vertically, as if gravity was not enough to hold him down. It was actually nothing more than his awesome muscles keeping him from falling, how impressive! Lol, kidding.

When he finally got to the rooftop, he looked down with his impassive, bored eyes. What an ugly city, not even a little colour would save it from bad reviews on travelling magazines. What kind of idiot would want to spend a vacation here anyway? Well, it's not like he'd get out any time soon, unless he killed himself that is. But that seemed like too much work, and he had better things to do.

So instead, he decided to set a generic picnic towel and set down the basket conveniently filled with convenience store food. Should he start with the noodles first or have the mac and cheese instead? Decisions, decisions, decisions... well, choosing was too much a hassle. It's not like it mattered anyway, so he just picked randomly.

Theodore sat at the edge of the rooftop atop his picnic napkin, revealing a convenience store ham and cheese sandwitch. He thought for a second, and a pair of binoculars appeared in his hand. Looks like he could at least do this much.

He observed the city absentmindedly, lazily taking bites out of his cheap sandwitch. It tasted awful, but it was his first meal in an eternity, so he might as well make do. Finally, he stopped to look at what seemed to be two girls standing next to a dead body and arguing about something.

He honestly couldn't care less, but he was bored and tired, so he didn't feel like making a television out of scratch. This whole walking around and thinking made him exhausted. Well, who knows, it might be a valuable waste of time, so he simply kept looking while taking occasional bites off his sandwitch.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2016, 12:41:27 PM by francobull3 »

Umbra of Chaos

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The beautiful woman allowed the facade of surprise to arise before annoyance surfaced. As if the question was no different than a human asking if someone else saw them as a human. "Of course I see you as a dragon. Will you ask me if I feel that the water is wet or the deserts dry?"


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Forest smiled and said, "Thank you Petra, but you need to finish shopping first.  Take your time, I can wait.  Besides, I can always kill time at the cosmetic counter anyway.  Besides,  I offered the two Lovebirds a place to stay too."

She frowned and said, "I just hope that Greyskull can fit in the backseat with all of his foliage . . .


They were moving into Forest's place too? Weird, Lumen didn't like being offered charity as far as Petra knew. She knew her only a little, but managed to learn that much about her so far. And 'lovebirds', surely she had very odd taste if she fancied Greyskull. How to put it, Petra prefered human guys, period.

Speaking of them, they were back. And Lumen carried around a dust of ball that seemed to behave like something alive. C'mon, those didn't bother much with subtlety anymore. Pretty much she was the most normal person here.

"Nah, I think I'm done for now. Maybe I will save a money for something other than clothes." By something other she of course meant a boat. She was a woman of a sea, she would feel awkward without owning a boat or serving on a one. She wasn't a landlubber like her current companions.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2016, 01:09:25 AM by Umbra of Chaos »


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"Maybe you should get a bank account then.  It'll help you save in the long run," Forest said.

She blinked as Greyskull and Lumen returned, with Lumen carrying around something that looked like dust bunny that moved on occasion.  She also noticed the slightly chlorinated smell of fountain water.  Shaking her head she said, "Well, now that I've mentioned the cosmetic's counter I realized I do need to go there.  I'm almost out of my favorite eyeliner."

And I can have a couple of minutes to myself, she thought with a smile.  "So, I'll be back in five and we can go from there."  With a wave, she headed to the cosmetic counter.  Once she was away from her montly crew she sighed in relief.

Making sure to stay away from mirrors she blinked at the very tall man with red hair standing at the counter.  Then stared for a moment before looking away at some perfume she'd never buy in a million years.


"Well, if there are any left after you eat them all," Rin said with a shake of her head.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2016, 01:13:50 AM by Elf »


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At any other time, she might have been quite open to the gorgeous man's teasing, if only because she was in dire need for something to be amused about in the midst of all this. As it was, however, she was growing increasingly irritated with the stranger, hard as it was to tear her eyes away. Resisting the urge to shoot him a glare that could've qualified for that one sunbeam Contract if she were a Summer Courtier, Emily looked at the woman, then at the offered spoon.

With some slight hesitation, the Changeling opened her mouth to accept the food, remaining silent solely to spite the stranger.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Lycodrake Aptera

The wingless one turned away in embarassment, "My apologies, Bellatanus. I hope, at least, that you understand my caution. I did not mean to insult or annoy you with my query, merely to clarify." His posture belied his nervousness, from a very slight twitch of a talon tapping the ground to the agitated swish of his tail. He had no intentions of making an enemy of Bellatanus, and hopefully he hadn't.

"If my lifeblood would appease the bargain you have in mind, and you find it equal trade, then I will part with it, lady Bellatanus."
Spoiler for Best -monogatari:


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"Hmm..." the Hunter allowed a moment to consider it, "Kinda like a wolfman. Big, and looking actually pretty strong by normal human standards."

Annabeth eased herself a tiny bit lower, resting her head against Ron's chest as she glanced up at him a little wistfully.

"Coffee?" she mused, "Sounds nice, but I don't think I'll actually need it. Might have some anyway, though..."

All things considered, if Ron knew how to make good coffee, then all the better. It was starting to look more and more like she'd been quite lucky to find someone to stay with.


"... huh," was all that Ron could manage to get out on that. "So, was the head more wolf or more man? This is an important question. It's totally important. In fact, I wish I had told you where my camera was so you could take a picture of it."

He grinned at the thought of coffee, and wrapped his arms around Annabeth. A break from the rubbing for his poor fingers. "Trust me, you'll appreciate it. The lady downstairs has bags of the good grounds. And I think I still have some things from that... guy's wallet."

He would carefully avoid thinking of the circumstances of acquiring said wallet.



"Maybe you should get a bank account then.  It'll help you save in the long run," Forest said.

She blinked as Greyskull and Lumen returned, with Lumen carrying around something that looked like dust bunny that moved on occasion.  She also noticed the slightly chlorinated smell of fountain water.  Shaking her head she said, "Well, now that I've mentioned the cosmetic's counter I realized I do need to go there.  I'm almost out of my favorite eyeliner."

And I can have a couple of minutes to myself, she thought with a smile.  "So, I'll be back in five and we can go from there."  With a wave, she headed to the cosmetic counter.  Once she was away from her montly crew she sighed in relief.

Making sure to stay away from mirrors she blinked at the very tall man with red hair standing at the counter.  Then stared for a moment before looking away at some perfume she'd never buy in a million years.


The time it took for Gadreel to notice that another customer had entered the cosmetics establishment was as close to the precise moment it happened as possible. That is, as close as possible for an exiled angel woefully lacking in some of the finer capabilities of his undiminished kin. His internal monologue silently conceded this in spite of his pride.

In any case he glanced in the newcomer's direction. A blonde, dressed in a manner suggestive of a person who was prepared for many things, though potentially with poor taste in perfume. They were likely a woman but he knew better by this point than to make assumptions in that regard... well if it turned out he was wrong the humans had come up with an rather fitting statement: a trap is fine too.

Not that he was thinking that far ahead. Most certainly not.

With an apologetic smile he waved off the attentions of the sales lady behind the counter, and moved to look at what she was looking at - which also gave him a good angle at her face. Definitely a woman. Very tastefully concerned about her appearance, but not to the extent of sacrificing her efficacy in whatever field it was she worked in.

The exile's eyes went to the bottle of perfume. Definitely poor taste in perfume, though - or ignorance. I should not think so uncharitably about someone I have never met.

"I would not recommend the brand," Gadreel said to her quietly so that the saleswoman at the counter would not interfere. "In my experience it tends to be rather... pungent. Not in a good way. Certainly not worth the cost on the label."

The Man With All The Cute Boats

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Ragna, or whatever his name was, started running.

And Alpha could do nothing but see that as good luck. As Mordred, now transformed, seemed to run out of steam, Alpha ran to where Ragna was when he let loose the Dead Spike. She knew it was powerful and could eat through most kinds of projectiles, mostly with the azure released as it was, but Noel's floating gun stations seemed to have ample power of their own and sprayed it down, suppressing it no matter how enlarged it was.

She knew it was just a matter of seconds before Noel would rip through and try to take down Ragna, but... she had to stop her. This Ragna idiot wasn't what they should be fighting.

The window crashed behind her as Ragna ran out, and as Alpha stood her ground to warn Noel about Nu.

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Sakagami Kenzo

"Can you follow me?"

Akatsuki stared at the man, crying blood and in obvious pain. Yet, at the same time, she forced herself to have no pity for him. She repeated it in her head like a mantra to stop herself from acting improperly, as a destroyer tasked with protecting humanity. Humanity, that the man before her, a kind man with a friendly disposition, had defiled in a moment of loss.

Yet, when Kenzo had asked her if she could follow him, she felt a pull at her heartstrings.

"Of course I'll follow you," she said, looking at him, then down, then back up at him. "There's no way I'm leaving you with no supervision."

She'd added the last bit, an excellent reasoning, as a manner of convincing both him and herself of his duty.


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Sakura Matou

Sakura smiled at Jeanne’s rambunctiousness. I like her. She’s a nice person, albeit a bit strange. She giggled a  bit. Well. I guess they’re all strange, in their own way. Rider’s kinda a weirdo too, and Faust...


Sakura suddenly felt sick to her stomach as it twisted into a painful knot, threatening to forcibly eject everything she’d just eaten. She put her hand to her stomach and began to clutch it. It didn’t feel good. It didn’t feel good at all. She imagined her face must be turning green, like on tv.

She began to lean heavily on Jeanne as they walked back to their table, unsure of what to do.

It hurt so fucking much.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end