Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 75152 times)


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The redhead's cheeks burned with some small amount of embarrassment, but she went along with it, managing to finish off the sundae before it could start melting to any appreciable degree. The chill of the sundae helped somewhat, but the Changeling still needed a moment afterwards to cool down. Even so, she hadn't forgotten that the situation as a whole wasn't quite as light-hearted as that little event had just been.

"So, you had something you wanted to ask me?" Emily asked after a few moments.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Darcy Hugh

Darcy sighed and held his hand in front of Shirou's chest, as if to tell him to wait and stay quiet. Then, he turned to Mitsuba and spoke very calmly in english.

"Do you have the delivery?"


"It's your business, I only agreed to help you find her. Whether you really want to deliver her something or whatever, it doesn't concern me. Let me at least handle getting information on her, you hopeless man." She retorted to the priest. This could be all solved easily if the other man knew something substantial.


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Count Greyskull

Forest... It's clear now. You're madly in love with me. Everything you do. Everything you say. It's all been for my sake. Forest, I want you to be happy, too. It's time for me to express my feelings. I, George...

The skeleton fidgeted nervously, struggling to mantain eye contact with the vampire. FInally, he coughed and spoke with a trembling voice.

"I... Um... Boy, is it hot in here, or is it just me?? ... Oh, shoot. Forest, I... I'm sorry. I don't like you the way you like me. Romantically, I mean. I mean, I tried very hard to!! I thought that because you flirted with me... that I was supposed to go on a date with you. Then, on the date, feelings would blossom forth!! I would be able to match your passion for me!! But alas... I, the great Count Greyskull... have failed. My feelings are just the same, and by dating you... I have only drawn you deeper... INTO YOUR INTENSE LOVE FOR ME!! A DARK PRISON OF PASSION, WITH NO ESCAPE. HOW COULD I HAVE DONE THIS TO MY PRECIOUS FRIEND!?"

Darcy Hugh

"Huh huh. So basically, whatever you gain or lose depends completely on wether I complete my delivery. That means that wether you get paid for any of this is up to me, right?" He responded with the same calmness.

"Mitsuba, did you ever hear of the expression: It's easy to play any musical instrument: all you have to do is touch the right key at the right time and the instrument will play itself?"

« Last Edit: March 23, 2016, 01:37:33 AM by francobull3 »


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

"I... Um... Boy, is it hot in here, or is it just me?? ... Oh, shoot. Forest, I... I'm sorry. I don't like you the way you like me. Romantically, I mean. I mean, I tried very hard to!! I thought that because you flirted with me... that I was supposed to go on a date with you. Then, on the date, feelings would blossom forth!! I would be able to match your passion for me!! But alas... I, the great Count Greyskull... have failed. My feelings are just the same, and by dating you... I have only drawn you deeper... INTO YOUR INTENSE LOVE FOR ME!! A DARK PRISON OF PASSION, WITH NO ESCAPE. HOW COULD I HAVE DONE THIS TO MY PRECIOUS FRIEND!?"

I don't even . . . This is . . . Oh bother . . . Did he really think?  I'm . . .  Oh wait . . . Mr. Tall, Hot, Redhead Who Knows About Cosmetics just heard all of this too . . . Just bugger me.  Bugger my everything and fuck this Nexus!

The Vampire who was known in her own dimension as Law Unto Herself wanted to hide.  Or vanish into the shadows.  Something, anything to hide her from that awkward, embarrassing, but somewhat adorable display.

She smirked, reached out and gripped Greyskull's foliage covered shoulder.  "Well, I thank you for your honesty, and you're right.  End the end we would have failed.  So, thank you for saving me that awful heartbreak."

She gave his shoulder a pat and then gave the redhead a sardonic look and shrug.  "Still, I know you're new to the Nexus.  The offer's still up if you need some place to crash while you get your Dark Lair together.  Trust me, I've got room to spare."

Then she looked to see Petra approaching and said, "Oh, hey, Petra . . . that's a cute hat . . . And yeah, that stuff does smell like industrial cleaner.  I'd give my eyeteeth for a good apothecary who can make a good lavender cologne . . ."


"I'd hope not.  Unless you can convert it into prana," Rin said.  "Anyway, I need to get this in the freezer."


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The Hunter relaxed against Ron, sighing as Ron's arms wrapped around her. Annabeth considered his question with a moment's recollection, thinking back to the raging beast she'd had to contain a while ago.

"Definitely more wolf than man," Annabeth noted, "In fact, I'd go so far as to say that the head was mostly wolf."

The Hunter couldn't help a contented little hum at the mention of decent coffee, giving Ron a wistful little look, unfazed by the mention of the wallet.

"Hmm, yes, some good coffee would definitely be appreciated," the Hunter admitted, "And if it helps you keep up, well all the better."


"I'm guessing I wasn't very petable at the time," Ron said, clearly lamenting the point. Then he frowned deeper as another thought came to mind. "Petable. Pet-ta-table? Is it even a word...?"

He shook his head at he thought, before resting his head in Annabeth's wet hair. "Okaaay, either the steam from the water got to my head, or I could use that coffee more than I thought. I'm even less on point than I usually am. Oh! Maybe the alcohol from earlier is finally kicking in?"

Try not to sound too hopeful, Ron.


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Nanashi did not even respond, completely in focus. The world around her was apparent as her senses worked at their best. Dripping water, the sounds of footsteps, and the spiritual presence that lingered within the air around her, it was all apparent to her senses. Even if she still needed the damn glasses. She was not going to take a chance with this one.

She was dangerous, and like hell she was going to let what happened to this man happen to her. Her hand reached into her pocket and drew a talisman. If she could just get it on her then the energy SHOULD knock her out without any damage.

Well, should.

And the she moved, dashing towards her, her flames dancing around her scarf as they seemed to coalesce and focus


Julius happened to walk the streets of Nexus in search for a situation where he could defend peasants and burghers of the city. He was a hero after all. A hero that had duty even for people of lesser status than his. Protect the commonfolk from the darkness they barely understood. That was his call. No less genuine than a call of a holy man to serve Lord.

And then he saw them, passing by an alleyway. A pregnant woman, a man whose eyesight got "taken away", and a being that mixed features of a fox and a human, and dashed forward towards the commoner. It honestly looked like an assault. Not a deed demanding a capital punishment, but something that one should rot in dungeon for considerable time or serve the sentence in a salt mine. He knew what to do. Hand over this villain to the town guard as every gentleman would.

A warning "shot". He threw a knife in such way that it would land between the fox woman and the hapless commoner. "Assaulting a pregnant woman?! How awful! Even a crook from slums would hesitate before he would go through it!" His voice was that of [ J U S T I C E ].
« Last Edit: March 23, 2016, 05:13:33 PM by Kat »


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Jeanne was joined on both sides by Rider and Shirou in the hug they were now giving Sakura. Both of them told her that it was going to be alright. Sakura suddenly tore herslef out from the hug and then bent over and puked on the floor. She must have been feeling really bad, Jeanne suspeted she wasn't feeling too well and couldn't handle the food right now. The food itself hadn't seemed that bad but she remembered Sakura wolfing it down a bit too fast earlier.

Shirou had followed Sakura and was still comforting her and Rider was just looking at them, it looked almost like Rider didn't know what to do Jeanne thought. Jeanne went back to the table they had eaten at and got both a napkin and a glass of water. She then went back to Sakura who had stopped puking and cleaned her with the napkin, She offered her the glass of water while gently saying. "We should probably head back to your home so you can rest Sakura."

Sakura Matou

Sakura gratefully took the water from Jeanne and took a large swig from the glass, enjoying the refreshing feeling of the rinsing of bile from her mouth. She shook her head around and swished the last of the water about before swallowing it.

She gratefully smiled at Jeanne, but beneath the facade laid a deep shame at her seeming inability to control her emotions for even a short time, and at the public display of sickness.

But underneath even that, laid her grief. It ate at her like a worm, parasitically subsisting on her emotions by feasting on her positive ones and enhancing her negative ones.

Sakura's smile turned into a grimace, before disappearing entirely a short time later, replaced by a frown. "Yeah…" she said, turning to Shirou. "you guys probably don't want to continue after this, right? It kind of ruined the mood."

Sakura sighed, resigning herself to the forgone conclusion.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Cherry Lover

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As Rider watched on, Jeanne moved over to the table and picked up a glass of water and a napkin, a thoughtful move which Rider kicked herself for not thinking of. However, her thoughtfulness was soon ruined when she misinterpreted Sakura's condition, suggesting that they should perhaps head home for her to rest. Soon, the smile Sakura had given Jeanne turned into a grimace and, then, a frown, as she turned to Shirou.

"Yeah… you guys probably don't want to continue after this, right? It kind of ruined the mood", she said, sighing.

Rider gave Jeanne an exasperated look, seeing how Sakura was falling into her usual, self-depreciating mood once again. Rider frowned, hating to see her master like this. She had been so happy just a few minutes ago, and now something had caused her to break down again. Taking hold of her gently, Rider spoke, putting on the best smile she could.

"Sakura, Jeanne just misunderstood. If you want to stay, then I'm fine with continuing. Let's just have some fun", she said.


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Oka matched his thrusts quite well making it easier for him to get into it, he suddenly moaned out as her tight heat clamped down on him as she came. It squeezed down on him so perfectly and he couldn't take it much longer. After a few more thrusts where he gave his all, he spent himself in the condom.

Oka Kurosawa

Oka kissed Jin ferociously as they came together, moaning together loudly as they did so. Eventually, after they'd come, Oka rolled over and slowly got off Jin, her legs slick with ejaculate. Slowly panting, Oka got up and threw her shirt back on before heading for the door. "I'm going to go take a shower, ok?" She said to him with a charming cheer.

I've got a new boyfriend~~~

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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 Shirō Emiya

Shirou patted Sakura on the back. "Yeah, I guess you're not wrong about the mood, Sakura." He admitted honestly to her. "It was kind of killed by this." He felt her shoulders slump even further. "But I don't think we should really go home, the mood can and will get better when we start doing stuff other than moping, you know?" He smiled awkwardly at her. "So what do you say, why don't we go see a movie or something?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

The Man With All The Cute Boats

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Noel Vermillion

Noel looked over Mordred's true form. And she wasn't quite sure what Mordred's issue was. She didn't look particularly out there. Just some sort of dragon-type beastkin. Weirding part was her ability to hide it, but this was the Nexus. She looked down at the tail. It was a nice tail. Red, scaley like a lizard, and cute. Very cute. "Heh. Mordred, you look cute, I really like the tail, it fits you. Alpha, does she remind you of Iron Tager at all?" Noel smiled as she thought about him.


If her skin wasn't red, it would be more visible that she was a little troubled by the praise she got showered with. "I-I mean, I cannot possibly trouble mundane people who are not used to the supernatural. It's just courtesy on my part!" And keeping a lower profile was a part and parcel of her life, even if she was admittedly one of less subtle folks who tend to get dragged into violent mess like the fight before.

"I don't dislike my looks, really, but being able to pass for a normal human has its merits. But you know, if you wish so, I can let you see through the illusion. I will make an exception to nice guys like you." She smiled earnestly, actually fine with them seeing her true form. After all she was more concerned about strangers seeing her like that, than about her new friends perceiving how she truly looked.

Mordred also realized they compared her to someone they knew. "Who is this Iron Tager person? Is he or she a Changeling too?"

Alpha scratched her head at Noel's question.

"Well, I... kind of see it? At the same time though, she's completely different," Alpha then turned to Mordred. "Iron Tager was... well, I wouldn't know what he was for sure. He was at least two and a half meters tall, with huge magnetized hands and red skin. He was nicknamed the Red Devil, and rumors said that his DNA was fused with an actual devil to make him as big, strong and, well. red as he was. Probably all tech crap though."

Realizing she may have been giving the wrong idea, Alpha caught herself.

"Despite all that, though, his personality totally clashed. He didn't like fighting, but always followed orders without question. Every time he'd fight me, he'd bring up things like how I was too dangerous and the like. A real boyscout. Well, I wouldn't know how he is all the time, we only ever met when it was time to kick the crap out of each other."


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The Hunter considered that possibility Ron detailed for a moment before deciding that, while it would certainly be an interesting Limitation on his ability, she had no way of knowing if his power worked that way and it was more likely than not that it wasn't the case.

"If it wasn't a word before, it is now," Annabeth declared, smiling a little as he rested his head on hers, "As for the alcohol kicking in, that...doesn't seem all too likely, to be honest"
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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He turned his head down to look at the young woman's face, and exile's lips turned up at their edges from the first blonde woman's accurate assessment of the supposed fragrance of that particular bottle of perfume. "If one desired to smell like a freshly washed hospital, that would be a good brand," Gadreel said in agreement. "I should probably introduce myself. My name-"

Then he saw her glance away, paused, and took in the sight of the first of the new figures to approach them. They were a strange, um, tree? Some form of ambulatory tree, that had become capable of speech? A particularly convincing costume, perhaps? A magician carelessly displaying their illusory prowess? 

Well, whichever the newcomer was it would be rude for Gadreel to interrupt a conversation between clear acquaintances even if the young lady appeared somewhat put off by the figure's appearance. Possibly a male, if the voice is any indication.

Then as his eyes naturally scanned his environment, alert for both danger and beauty, he saw ... another young lady. Oh dear; all they needed was a strapping young man and this store would have a trio. And a tree.

He nodded to the newcomers. "Good day to you."

Count Greyskull

Forest... It's clear now. You're madly in love with me. Everything you do. Everything you say. It's all been for my sake. Forest, I want you to be happy, too. It's time for me to express my feelings. I, George...

The skeleton fidgeted nervously, struggling to mantain eye contact with the vampire. FInally, he coughed and spoke with a trembling voice.

"I... Um... Boy, is it hot in here, or is it just me?? ... Oh, shoot. Forest, I... I'm sorry. I don't like you the way you like me. Romantically, I mean. I mean, I tried very hard to!! I thought that because you flirted with me... that I was supposed to go on a date with you. Then, on the date, feelings would blossom forth!! I would be able to match your passion for me!! But alas... I, the great Count Greyskull... have failed. My feelings are just the same, and by dating you... I have only drawn you deeper... INTO YOUR INTENSE LOVE FOR ME!! A DARK PRISON OF PASSION, WITH NO ESCAPE. HOW COULD I HAVE DONE THIS TO MY PRECIOUS FRIEND!?"


"I... Um... Boy, is it hot in here, or is it just me?? ... Oh, shoot. Forest, I... I'm sorry. I don't like you the way you like me. Romantically, I mean. I mean, I tried very hard to!! I thought that because you flirted with me... that I was supposed to go on a date with you. Then, on the date, feelings would blossom forth!! I would be able to match your passion for me!! But alas... I, the great Count Greyskull... have failed. My feelings are just the same, and by dating you... I have only drawn you deeper... INTO YOUR INTENSE LOVE FOR ME!! A DARK PRISON OF PASSION, WITH NO ESCAPE. HOW COULD I HAVE DONE THIS TO MY PRECIOUS FRIEND!?"

I don't even . . . This is . . . Oh bother . . . Did he really think?  I'm . . .  Oh wait . . . Mr. Tall, Hot, Redhead Who Knows About Cosmetics just heard all of this too . . . Just bugger me.  Bugger my everything and fuck this Nexus!

The Vampire who was known in her own dimension as Law Unto Herself wanted to hide.  Or vanish into the shadows.  Something, anything to hide her from that awkward, embarrassing, but somewhat adorable display. 

She smirked, reached out and gripped Greyskull's foliage covered shoulder.  "Well, I thank you for your honesty, and you're right.  End the end we would have failed.  So, thank you for saving me that awful heartbreak."

She gave his shoulder a pat and then gave the redhead a sardonic look and shrug.  "Still, I know you're new to the Nexus.  The offer's still up if you need some place to crash while you get your Dark Lair together.  Trust me, I've got room to spare."

Then she looked to see Petra approaching and said, "Oh, hey, Petra . . . that's a cute hat . . . And yeah, that stuff does smell like industrial cleaner.  I'd give my eyeteeth for a good apothecary who can make a good lavender cologne . . ."


Even she couldn't help but feel a bit content about Greyskull possibly and inadvertingly helping her against Forest. She may have seen the guy first, but she would be pretty embarassed in his place. And the fact she got friendzoned by a skeletal tree man was pretty hilarious. But of course she didn't reveal how she felt about the situation. She was calm and composed. And launched a counterattack.

"Good afternoon, I'm Petra. Shopping too, I see." She introduced herself and began her small talk with the stranger.


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Darcy Hugh

"Huh huh. So basically, whatever you gain or lose depends completely on wether I complete my delivery. That means that wether you get paid for any of this is up to me, right?" He responded with the same calmness.

"Mitsuba, did you ever hear of the expression: It's easy to play any musical instrument: all you have to do is touch the right key at the right time and the instrument will play itself?"


"But you know, I can always ditch you for someone who pays better. If Emiya-san was a rich guy and gave me money, I would just tell him everything to my best knowledge and not bother ever with you. So the fact I'm working with you relies on the little goodwill I still have. So don't push it, you perverted priest." Hah, as if she was being played by him. She only did that because there was little better to do for now and she needed money. And she could have been bribed by pretty much everyone who didn't offend her sensibilities.


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Jin enjoyed the post orgasmic kiss that they shared, it had felt pretty good after all. Oka then got off him and threw her shirt back on saying she was going to the bathroom. "I'll fix the bed in the bed in the mean time. As she walked out of the room he remembered another thing. "And by the way, there's only basic shampoo in the bathroom!" he shouted after her so she could hear.


Sakura agreed to her suggestion rather unenthusiasticly. It appeared she had misjudged Sakura's state a bit, however Rider's blunt comment about it stung. She didn't have that much time to think about it though as her attention was quickly grabbed by Shirou's mention of the thing called 'movies'. From her servant granted knowledge it was some form of entertainment on a big screen but she had never experienced it personally. "Going to these movies sounds fun, I've heard that they're good at cheering you up." Jeanne said with a great degree of interest in her voice.