Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 75275 times)


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The Changeling cocked an eyebrow at the woman's response, not sure whether to point out the strangeness of the name. It sounded more like a title if anything. Regardless, if anything, the woman's question required further consideration still. With her recent usage of her Contracts to get a look at hostile intentions from others and how long it had been since the last time she'd been in a relationship, the Changeling needed a moment to find a way to word what she wanted to say.

"Well, it's not always easy to tell," Emily admitted, "But a good way to start would be to try to get to know them. Maybe talk to them a bit, get a bit closer. If their affection is more than skin-deep, you'll usually be able to tell. Once you actually get to know someone, you should be able to work out if you actually like them, what you call personal attraction. Physical attraction is actually a fair bit more common in any case, but, as you've probably found, it doesn't always signify a more personal attraction. In fact, there are cases where physical attraction doesn't play a part at all."
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


  • Moon Cancer
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The blond vampire slowly rose from the crater she had made, her broken bones from the impact snapping into place. "So much for a quick way to win." she said to herself before turning to the redhead. 

"You still have not attacked me a single time, could it be that you are too scared?" The vampire grinned at the redhead as she said it. Always being on the offense had started to bore her and she was interested in what the redhead would do.


"Nah, nah, I'm just using my head." She planned to conserve her energy to slowly chip away at Shinobu's stamina. Even if she was dead, yet walking, she drank blood, so she still sustained herself by it, she figured out. This meant there were some limits to her regeneration, hopefully. "And you said it won't be a quick win. Have you used up that blood you drank from that dude already? Come on, if you want to settle it right now, just tell me." They have been trying to kill each other with no results. Both were probably growing impatient. Maybe they had to change rules of this fight to not spend more and more time on fighting?

"It has been fun, but honestly it's get tiring for me too." She took a stance, awaiting the blonde's response.


  • Panda
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"Hmm...well maybe if you can find that switch again, you could learn to call up that ability at will?" Annabeth wondered, "Maybe there's more abilities you've got, for that matter. ...maybe some meditation will help?"

With that, the Hunter sat down on the cold floor of the warehouse and let the flow of her aura slow back down to Ten before slowly building up back to Ren.

"Hmm...try finding that spot you reached when you first called that power up," Annabeth said, "If anything, that might be a good place to start."
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Oka nodded. "Yeah, of course it's me, who else would it be? And I think you should meet my pokemon, my other ones, I mean. They're not all as goodwilled as sylveon or wormy."


"I think I mentioned this city was pretty dangerous, well there's a lot of gang wars going on and the law enforcement can't really handle all of it." Jin took a breathe as he gave her another look over. "You look really cute Oka...wait your other pokemon?"


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Shinobu shook her head when she heard what Rikuyo. "No I have not used it all yet. It is the fight that is growing annoyingly repetitive." It was true while she could keep this up physically, mentally was a whole other thing. Unless something changed she would probably get bored and leave. "You are not really motivating me to fight you by being so defensive."


  • Moon Cancer
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Shinobu shook her head when she heard what Rikuyo. "No I have not used it all yet. It is the fight that is growing annoyingly repetitive." It was true while she could keep this up physically, mentally was a whole other thing. Unless something changed she would probably get bored and leave. "You are not really motivating me to fight you by being so defensive."


"Really? I guess you have an upper hand if I can't force ya to defend easily." Yeah, that would be awful if she got bad impression of her. She was darn strong and would like to fight her again if she got better.

"Okay, I've been hiding from ya something. I can push my powers to the even greater limits. But a flame that burns too strong quickly disappears. I can use that technique for 30 seconds at most. And can't fight for several days. Once it stops, I'm as weak as a normal human, and can't regain my energy easily. Eating more guys like them wouldn't do."
« Last Edit: March 29, 2016, 10:22:53 PM by Kat »


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The blonde merely gave an empty expression as she heard Rikuyo talk about this final form of hers. She had sort of expected this thing, so she wasn't that surprised. But it was still a somewhat silly notion. That 30 second time limit sounded like a huge handicap so the form was probably really powerful. Deciding to act on her curiosity the vampire spoke up. That sounds interesting, are you sure that is enough to beat me though?"


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The blonde merely gave an empty expression as she heard Rikuyo talk about this final form of hers. She had sort of expected this thing, so she wasn't that surprised. But it was still a somewhat silly notion. That 30 second time limit sounded like a huge handicap so the form was probably really powerful. Deciding to act on her curiosity the vampire spoke up. That sounds interesting, are you sure that is enough to beat me though?"


"If I hit you? Damn right! It would be on a different scale than those blasts that shredded you to pieces. If you could recover from that, I would acknowledge my loss in a heartbeat." She shrugged. "Honestly, if I lose, then no hard feelings. You're infinitely better than another vampire. She was just a cheater who broke rules she agreed on."


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The more she heard about it the more interested in it she became, if it was stronger than the blast then it might be able to kill her. "That does sound powerful, well I am as ready as I can be." With that the vampire took a stance waiting for the redhead to make a move.


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The more she heard about it the more interested in it she became, if it was stronger than the blast then it might be able to kill her. "That does sound powerful, well I am as ready as I can be." With that the vampire took a stance waiting for the redhead to make a move.


"If you say so." No room for sentimentality. She could kill her for good, but holding back would be an insult to such splendid fighter.

Surprisingly, at first Rikuyo receded to her human form. She breathed deeply, looking as if in deep focus. Then she uttered the name of the technique.


The world around started to rumble, as the power welled up within her body and affected surroundings, the spark of electricity crackling in her aura. Her skin took on a darker shade, almost coal black, her eyes as blue as the sea and her hair golden as a precious metal. Antlers akin that of an Asian dragon sprouted from her head, a lion like tail grew from her back and her feet turned into horselike hooves. But she wasn't either of those animals. A fantasy like creature, only meant to grace the earth for transitionary moment.

As soon as she completed her transformation, she launched her attack silently, as she had no time to waste on a chit chatting. Her first burned with white flame, she charged faster at Shinobu even faster than when she dived on her back then. She wanted to punch her body, unleashing explosion that was meant to shatter her into pieces and vaporize remainders. For a fleeting time, she was destruction incarnate. Her mortal shell couldn't hold divinity for too long.

LFR Tsar

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"Well, I shredded these trees trying to land," Autumn shrugged, "If that's not enough proof..."

"Regardless, we should start going." the Light cruiser began limping down the 'path' "I've had enough of this forest."


And in turn, Sascha shrugged as well, still disbelieving this as nothing more than a fanciful tale from an easily impressionable youth. Yet, as Autumn limped along, the mercenary woman sighed, and stared at the sorry sight for quite a while.

It went on for a bit, as she followed behind the Shipgirl, only for that to become clear the limping may slow their progress down, so, Sascha approached Autumn from behind, and aimed to pull the shipgirl's arm around her shoulder. Sascha intended to let the arm sling around her shoulder, only to be met with surprise. She wasn't even lifting the shipgirl's arm an INCH, much less even budging it. It was unimaginably... heavy, heavier than even her own superhuman strength could handle.

The mercenary woman groaned, and left Autumn's arm alone with an achy sigh. She reasoned that it must be because she was hungry, that her strength wasn't as strong as she thought it to be... right, only explanation out there.

"Gott... Fraulein, what have your parents FED you?" Sascha asked with astonishment. "Because it felt like you weigh tons. Your arm anyways."

Umbra of Chaos

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As the little fox continued to beg Lumen felt a pang of guilt. She was way too much of a bleeding heart for this. The Patchwork turned away from the creature and looked around to make sure no one was watching before discreetly lifting a red hand to her face and biting down hard. She repressed the urge to flinch as golden ichor flowed from the wound and picked up the small chunk of flesh before holding it out to the fox while keeping the wounded hand close to her chest. The wound would heal soon enough. Maybe it wasn't the smartest thing to do but it was nice enough. On second thought she probably needed to fix this niceness thing soon if she was bleeding herself for animals.


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She watched on intensely as the redhead tranformed, at first she reverted back to human, then her skin took on a darker shade while her eyes became blue and her hair golden, she also sprouted a lion like tail. The most notable thing however was the golden aura surrounding her, electricity crackling through it. All in all it was pretty impressive. Then she was gone.


That's fast, tooo fast.

While the vampire was only a shadow of her former self, she had still retained a vast amount of her once impressive reflexes, but this, she actually lost track of her for a moment. No matter how fast she moved in her current form the world still looked slow to her. but this was a bit too much, she had to admit. She regained sight of her again when she had crossed half the distance, the power in that fist was greater than what she actually dared take. For all her talk she wasn't actually ready to die yet.

With as much will as she could muster she started sinking into a shadow, come on faster, faster. The redhe-now blonde was closing in.

Her body was halfway in, the other blonde was only steps away. With the greatest effort she could muster, she forced her body to move faster, she could feel her muscles tearing from the strain but she ignored it. With a final push she entered it completely, sealing herself away in another dimension. Then the mighty fist came crashing down.


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She watched on intensely as the redhead tranformed, at first she reverted back to human, then her skin took on a darker shade while her eyes became blue and her hair golden, she also sprouted a lion like tail. The most notable thing however was the golden aura surrounding her, electricity crackling through it. All in all it was pretty impressive. Then she was gone.


That's fast, tooo fast.

While the vampire was only a shadow of her former self, she had still retained a vast amount of her once impressive reflexes, but this, she actually lost track of her for a moment. No matter how fast she moved in her current form the world still looked slow to her. but this was a bit too much, she had to admit. She regained sight of her again when she had crossed half the distance, the power in that fist was greater than what she actually dared take. For all her talk she wasn't actually ready to die yet. 

With as much will as she could muster she started sinking into a shadow, come on faster, faster. The redhe-now blonde was closing in. 

Her body was halfway in, the other blonde was only steps away. With the greatest effort she could muster, she forced her body to move faster, she could feel her muscles tearing from the strain but she ignored it. With a final push she entered it completely, sealing herself away in another dimension. Then the mighty fist came crashing down.


Her fist seemingly reached the blonde vampire. There was nothing left after the explosion demolished so much of the battlegrounds that it left a small crater. The seismic tremor shattered windows in closest buildings. Shinobu couldn't get away, or so she thought. In that moment of triumph, Rikuyo collapsed, her form receding to her human form, her breathing heavily.

She had to muster all her will to raise the fist as she lied exhausted on her back, barely able to move. "I won..." She smiled, happier than ever before, as she had no regrets about the outcome.


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Oka nodded. "Yeah, of course it's me, who else would it be? And I think you should meet my pokemon, my other ones, I mean. They're not all as goodwilled as sylveon or wormy."


"I think I mentioned this city was pretty dangerous, well there's a lot of gang wars going on and the law enforcement can't really handle all of it." Jin took a breathe as he gave her another look over. "You look really cute Oka...wait your other pokemon?"

Oka Kurosawa

"Team Rocket?!" Oka exclaimed in surprise. "I thought they'd disbanded years ago!" It had taken a moment for Oka to process the compliment, and she finally blushed a few seconds later, "Thanks..." She said with a bashful smile. "And yeah, my other pokemon! Since you don't know much about them, you should probably meet them more formally."

"Go, Haunter!" She yelled with overblown emotion. A large, four foot tall and wide shadow burst out of the ball with an evil-looking grin on his face. She turned back to Jin. "Jin, this is Haunter, he's a Gengar."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end