Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 75261 times)


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a very dark place

The vampire was breathing heavily despite having no actual physical need to do so. She had actually lost sight of her, if only for a moment. That shocked her but it also impressed her. The fight definitely took an interesting turn, not many could actually claim to have forced her to use this ability. As she calmed down she remembered something the redhead had told her about the transformation. "So if it only lasts for 30 seconds, then that means I have won." she mused to herself. Well it wasn't like she had cheated, she hadn't made any promises to stand still in one place after all.

After wating a few more moments the vampire resurfaced, the light of the real world greeting her once more. As she looked around the area she saw a massive crater. a short way away she saw the redhead laying on the ground, her form had reverted back to the human one, and she was raising her fist to the air looking really proud of herself.

The vampire walked over to her, while still being outside th redhead's field of vision, and then she spoke. "That was an impressive blow."


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As the little fox continued to beg Lumen felt a pang of guilt. She was way too much of a bleeding heart for this. The Patchwork turned away from the creature and looked around to make sure no one was watching before discreetly lifting a red hand to her face and biting down hard. She repressed the urge to flinch as golden ichor flowed from the wound and picked up the small chunk of flesh before holding it out to the fox while keeping the wounded hand close to her chest. The wound would heal soon enough. Maybe it wasn't the smartest thing to do but it was nice enough. On second thought she probably needed to fix this niceness thing soon if she was bleeding herself for animals.


Shiro jumped back as the woman bit herself and offered her her own flesh as food. She quickly transformed into her human form and grabbed Lumen, "What the heck! Why would you do that, it looks like it hurts alot!"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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a very dark place 

The vampire was breathing heavily despite having no actual physical need to do so. She had actually lost sight of her, if only for a moment. That shocked her but it also impressed her. The fight definitely took an interesting turn, not many could actually claim to have forced her to use this ability. As she calmed down she remembered something the redhead had told her about the transformation. "So if it only lasts for 30 seconds, then that means I have won." she mused to herself. Well it wasn't like she had cheated, she hadn't made any promises to stand still in one place after all.

After wating a few more moments the vampire resurfaced, the light of the real world greeting her once more. As she looked around the area she saw a massive crater. a short way away she saw the redhead laying on the ground, her form had reverted back to the human one, and she was raising her fist to the air looking really proud of herself.

The vampire walked over to her, while still being outside th redhead's field of vision, and then she spoke. "That was an impressive blow."


Was she possibly hallucinating? Or by reasons unknown even Shinobu overcame her ultimate blow?

"Heh, either I lost my mind or ya are simply better. Either way, I lost." She laughed weakly under her breath. This situation was unbelievable but she had to accept that with some grace. She still had no regrets, as someone beating her ultimate form was also damn impressive.

"Thanks for praising me, but I so wish I could be as impressive without becoming so beaten up."


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Jin shook his head at what she said. "No it isn't Team Rocket, these people kill people on a daily basis ....A ghost?" The new pokemon did look kind of spooky....but this had potential. Jin grinned as he imagined his borther's look if he saw this.

Cherry Lover

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Rider followed Shirou, who was being directed by his smiling girlfriend on his back, to the movie theatre with a smile on her face, wondering as they went what movie Sakura would pick, and hoping it would be a good one. Once they arrived, Shirou, with Sakura still perched on his back, suggested she look up what they were showing on her phone. Enthusiastically complementing him for his good idea, Sakura did as he suggested, mulling over the list of films before inviting her excitable new servant over and handing her the phone, suggesting a trailer for her to watch.

From where she was stood, Rider couldn't really see the screen but, almost as soon as sound began to come out of the speakers, she recognised the music. It was one of the most recognisable soundtracks of the modern era, after all, as well-known now as Orpheus' now-sadly-lost music had been in her own time. Unfortunately, though, there were twelve different movies that could have a trailer with that soundtrack, including the three rather-odd spin-offs that Disney had made in an effort to milk the cash cow dry, and Rider's enthusiasm for them varied significantly. But, as the hugely popular theme tune began to play, Rider noticed a familiar whining sound in the background, one which made her almost jump with joy.

Now fairly certain of the choice of film, Rider listened with interest as the familiar if somewhat corny dialogue began to play. Yet, despite the objectively-bad nature of the film, Rider was genuinely excited. Yes, it was badly-written, but it had some amazing fight scenes. And, then, there was the pod racing, the magnificent machines that made the familiar sound that had first given away the nature of the film. She had watched the film many times, and that scene still put her in awe. She desperately wished she could go to that world, and race one of those amazing machines. Despite its flaws, it was one of Rider's favourite films, simplistic and rather poorly-written but definitely good fun to watch.

As the video continued to play, Rider's attention switched to the servant holding the phone, who seemed utterly engrossed by the display, nodding along and even giggling at the admittedly-odd names. Finally, as the music died down, she turned to Sakura, seemingly lost for words but clearly interested. Sakura, in return, recognised the servant's enthusiasm for the movie and instead turned to her and Shirou, confirming what Rider had already suspected and asking if they consented to the choice of movie. A bright smile on her face and a spring in her step, Rider quickly responded.

"Yes! That's a wonderful idea", she said, genuine enthusiasm in her voice. "It's one of my favourite films."


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"Hmm...well maybe if you can find that switch again, you could learn to call up that ability at will?" Annabeth wondered, "Maybe there's more abilities you've got, for that matter. ...maybe some meditation will help?"

With that, the Hunter sat down on the cold floor of the warehouse and let the flow of her aura slow back down to Ten before slowly building up back to Ren.

"Hmm...try finding that spot you reached when you first called that power up," Annabeth said, "If anything, that might be a good place to start."


Ron frowned at the thought of meditating for this. It made him feel restless to sit that still, doing nothing that felt productive; this had always been the case with him. Still, Annabeth was supposed to be the expert about these kinds of things. It couldn't hurt, right?

He sat down in front of her, crossing his legs, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath. His nostrils filled with the stench of fish and salt. He felt the strength still surging through his body, his heart pounding in his ears with the urge to use it for something now that he was paying attention to it. He couldn't turn it on when it was already working, but maybe the werewolf could trace it back to where it came from?



"Any advice?" he finally asked after a few minutes of that, eye still shut. "Talk me through it or, something? Cause I can't seem to turn it off."


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The Hunter sat there in silence, waiting as she focused on the flow of her aura. From Ron's silence, he seemed to at least have some idea about how meditation went. As the seconds ticked on, Annabeth found herself wondering if Ron was starting to figure it out after all. The more time passed the more certain it seemed until finally Annabeth was sure that he'd reached some inner epiphany regarding the nature of his-

"Any advice?" he finally asked after a few minutes of that, eye still shut. "Talk me through it or, something? Cause I can't seem to turn it off."


Restraining the urge to sigh, the Hunter pondered the matter for a bit before an idea occurred to her seemingly out of nowhere. Granted, it was an idea formed under the assumption that his power was anything like Nen, which could very well be entirely wrong. Then there was the slight matter of the possibility of injury if her control slipped for even a moment, if not from her own Nen, then from the rebound of whatever power he was trying to wrangle.

...No progress without risk, it seems.

"Okay, I have a slightly risky idea," Annabeth said, "Just hold still."

With that, the Hunter focused in on herself for all of an instant before Annabeth let the aura flow from her, gently enveloping an area around her encompassing everything within a ten-meter radius, with the Hunter at the center. Enveloping Ron, the Hunter focused herself into complete and utter calmness, letting the emotion filter into her Nen and flow through the air around her, reducing the distractions outside with the feeling of the gentle warmth enveloping all within the confines of Annabeth's En.

"Okay, there we go," the Hunter said at last, "That's my aura surrounding you. A little technique of mine. If your power is anything like mine, which it might be, given that I was able to see it, you should be able to feel it more clearly now. Try to find the core of it."
« Last Edit: March 30, 2016, 04:15:35 AM by I_care_not_till_I_must »
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

Forest had her large Classic Orange Julius and she sipped on the contents in the cup that was possibly the size of a Star Destroyer. It was almost sickly sweet, but they had been a guilty pleasure for the blond vampire since the 80's when she had first come across one in California on a job.  Given her love for citrus, she couldn't resist trying one.  Of course, the recipes and ownership had changed over the decades, and even though they weren't the same like they were over thirty years ago, she still enjoyed them.

Part of her nagged that she should have waited for Petra.  Or given her a cell phone number or something, but the girl had ran off without saying why she had ran off.

Which means, I get to talk to Gadreel first.

"So, I take it this 'Nexus' is a locale where the appearance of someone unfamiliar with it is... well, familiar? I confess, I had not heard of it until my arrival."

Forest sighed and said, "Yes, but it's a lot more complicated than that.  My explanation is probably going to be super Cliff Note's edition and of the suck, but I'll try."

She grabbed a napkin and folded it until it formed a pocket and sat it up right at their table.  She grabbed a few more napkins and put them around the pocket she had formed.  "Okay, let's say this pocket is Nexus and these other napkins are other dimensions or world lines if you will.  Every so often someone or something will," she reached over and tore a piece off one of the napkins and put it in the pocket, "Get separated from it's dimension and sucked to the Nexus.  No one knows how or why, but it's completely at random."

She tore more bits from each napkin and put them in the pocket.  "So this Nexus of worlds, hence the name Nexus City, has a menagerie of inhabitants from creatures that would give Lovecraft sweats to vampires that sparkle from that bloody teen romance series.  This also means everything that you ever read or heard about, within reason, I've never seen a xenomorph or anything not from 'Earth' here mind you, lives here."

She fold the pocket shut and sighed.  "Also Nexus is apparently like Hotel California, once you enter you can never leave, and believe me I've tried.  What's really weird is what people are brought with when they're sucked here.  Some poor blokes only have the clothing on their back; at least I got lucky and had all of my assets and home leave with me.

"Just this place is rather merciless.  That's all.  And I didn't mean to get so maudlin."


Gabriel shook Emily's hand and said, "It is a pleasure to meet you."

Then he looked at Erica and said, "I would say one has to be comfortable with themselves before they can validate the affection of others."
« Last Edit: April 01, 2016, 04:08:21 AM by Elf »


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Count Greyskull

The count coughed nervously, as if embarrassed. It’s not that he didn’t revel in attention and self-importance, but this was so soon...

“U-um, do I really have to? Like, HERE and NOW? N-not that I, the Great Elusive Count Greyskull mind…”


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Oka smirked back at Jin. She was honestly shocked he'd understood so fast. He's such a wonderful guy, and we're already in sync!

"I see, Jin, it looks like you understand the gist of his favorite game!" Oka laughed. "I'm sure you'll get along fine with him."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Garou smiled toothily, revealing a set of fangs. "Garou."


"Heh, aren't you trying a bit too hard?" Those fangs looked filed and obviously fake. "I happened to meet genuine vampires, I can recognize them. What a weird fashion sense, Garou."


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Garou blushed and looked away, feeling genuinely flustered and insulted by that awful mocking remark. How could someone say such things to hurt someone like that was beyond even the likes of him.

“S-shut up! There’s nothing wrong with my style. Besides, everyone knows vampires don’t actually exist. You’d have to be a complete idiot to actually believe in that shit. What’s next, the Boogeyman? Santa Klaus?”


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It was true, the redhead did look quite beaten up, but after the battle they'd had she couldn't blame her. She had after all been one of the strongest people she had ever faced.

The blonde vampire sat down next to Rikuyo and spoke again. "While it is true you have a lot of power, your stamina is not quite as impressive. If you were a vampire that issue would be fixed quite fast."


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It was true, the redhead did look quite beaten up, but after the battle they'd had she couldn't blame her. She had after all been one of the strongest people she had ever faced.

The blonde vampire sat down next to Rikuyo and spoke again. "While it is true you have a lot of power, your stamina is not quite as impressive. If you were a vampire that issue would be fixed quite fast."


"But I'm not." She wasn't born with such stamina like Shinobu. Damn, her talking about what-ifs. It's as if Rikuyo told her that she could shift into more forms if she had a body and soul like her. "I think I'm sloppy, there is a lot of to work on. I gotta train seriously when I'm back to shape."

She doubted she could push her powers to increase the time limit of her strongest form, but maybe with training and skill she could use less energy when handling lesser forms.


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Garou blushed and looked away, feeling genuinely flustered and insulted by that awful mocking remark. How could someone say such things to hurt someone like that was beyond even the likes of him.

“S-shut up! There’s nothing wrong with my style. Besides, everyone knows vampires don’t actually exist. You’d have to be a complete idiot to actually believe in that shit. What’s next, the Boogeyman? Santa Klaus?”


"Of course, Saint Nicholas of Myra was a historical figure after all. If you doubt me, just go to a library and check for yourself, I won't bore you with a lecture or dump information on you. Not sure though how this tradition about gifts came to existence, but it's a nice one. I don't mind it." Petra shrugged. She was confident that the Saint had nothing to do with Coca Cola either, but it was not particularly offensive, so she tolerated that.