Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 75234 times)


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"I'm Lumen and if you want to get something to eat I-" The Patchwork was interrupted by the arrival of a redhead who had a lot more energy than she had the ability to deal with. She fell silent and tossed the chunk of flesh away instead of saying or doing anything and hoped the stranger would leave soon. At least the fox girl was somewhat polite. This new person was just too loud and direct. Like a more obtrusive Greyskull.


Shiro turned to face the newcomer. "Yes, I'm real, thanks." Shiro nodded sarcastically at the newcomer. "Quite the discerning eye you've got there." She gave her a bit of applause and turned back to Lumen. "I'd love to get something to eat!" She smiled at Lumen, trying to restore the nice woman's cheer.


"Hohoho, I knew it, I knew it!" Rikuyo was as happy as a child who got a present he asked Santa for. "Yeah, yeah, my eyes are still as good as ever!" Well, they couldn't be now as sharp as hawk's but she still had her perfect 0/0 vision.

 "Oh, ya gonna eat? Can I too? I brawled with a friend, got beaten up soundily and honestly I starve now. Pretty please~" Her focus finally shifted away from the fox girl. The colorful woman had food. If she was in top shape, she would just bully her for lunch money, but even the redhead knew that she wasn't in such position. She had to play nice for now. Be as charming as a wolf pup. So she smiled widely at the woman with weird skin.


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He took a step back, allowing for a large enough opening for the Count to join the group as he turned his attention to the lady. His eyes had since recovered an apathetic glaze as he stared, observing the annoyance on her face. For the time being, he said nothing aloud, having decided that further voicing anything would likely end badly. Though he did prepare himself for the possibility that he may have to speak up once more.
<That’s not a good look for her.>


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Jin took the the ball from Oka and looked at it. It was completely round and colored black-yellow on the upper part and white on the part below. in the middle of the front was what looked like a button. Well that made sense, having more balls than pokemon makes sense. "Do you just throw these at pokemon?"


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Shirou sat down beside Mitsuba, briefly scanning the menu before deciding to go with a chicken ramen stir fry. Darcy sat on the far side of the table and promptly set his head down in an effort to sleep. The tension between the two was palpable, and the freelance magus couldn’t help but wonder what reason the two would have that made them stick around each other.

“So, what was it you wanted to know?” He asked while handing the menu to their server. It must be quite a bit, if she expected it to take the whole meal.


"That bothersome guy is trying to find someone, claiming he wants to deliver her 'package' or something like that. I only signed up on that because I need money, but I wonder if it's really worth the part he promised me for helping out. I don't have his phone to show you the photo of the person he looks for, but I have usually good memory for faces."

She rubbed her chin, pretending that she put some effort into recalling the details of the picture.  "Let's see, she is a blonde, pale skinned vigilante, it seems that she only operates at night and there's no details about her going out in the day. Suspicious, right? Either she walks in the day under another identity or maybe she hides something sinister about her. If you live long enough here, you might hear rumors about people who have to avoid the daytime."

Umbra of Chaos

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This mooching was beginning to get ridiculous. A fox was one thing. Offering food to the fox girl that had revealed herself to be a shapeshifter was just a continuation of that. She was not going to give handouts to every stranger that walked up asking for food. "Can you help pay for the meal? I'm not going to feed every stranger out of my own pockets."


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Jin took the the ball from Oka and looked at it. It was completely round and colored black-yellow on the upper part and white on the part below. in the middle of the front was what looked like a button. Well that made sense, having more balls than pokemon makes sense. "Do you just throw these at pokemon?"


"Kinda, yeah. You have to weaken them first. To do that you send out your other pokemon and have them fight for a bit. Does that make sense?" Oka looked down at herself. "Before we go out I should probably put on some pants. Though, maybe you like it more like this?" She said with a smile.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2016, 11:43:55 PM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The confession of Forest resulted into a series of bewildered blinks as the exile took in her words. A vampire, she said? He had encountered such beings before in his realm of origin, or rather realms of origin, and they were a varied sort. Vampires were spirits of the dead who, through the intervention of another vampire, was given or coerced into the opportunity to return to their bodies and become undying creatures of great speed and strength, almost impossible to permanently slay. He had yet to meet a vampire who was quite his own equal in any of those regards. Still, those who were limited to a diet of blood were a rare and unfortunate few who had in some way botched their effort to reconnect to their bodies. Most vampires that Gadreel had met fed instead on the Essence released by the fear, pain, or pleasure of the living.

With regards to ethics, they were as diverse as any other beings he had the fortune or misfortune to encounter. This Forest must be a potent one to be out and about during the day as she was!

"You would not be the first vampire whose company I have shared," Gadreel said in return after a moment to digest the thoughts she had provoked. "Though I suspect you are unlike those with whom I am familiar. Regardless, if your words are true then you are quite far from unforgivable."


Ron gave it another try, closing his eyes and attempting to focus on his own strange energy once again. He lasted for all of about ten seconds before his face scrunched up, and he tilted his head up to the ceiling finally. "Do you hear that? It sounds like someone's up there. In the rafters, I mean."

The only thing that was up there was birds nesting. Or bats. Maybe mice crawling along lengths of metal or on top of crates?

"They sound ... weird. Like they're wondering how long we're going to be here."


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Long short story, Noel was pretty lively for someone who nearly fainted from overusing her powers. She took the kitty back and walked away, and to put it mildly, it was more likely that the hospital service started at her not because she was a red skinned dragon knight, but simply because she wasted their time. The bright side was that Noel felt better now. She firmly believed she could take care of herself. Saying farewells to Alpha, she also continued her journey.

Still, looking like a red skinned hybrid between a dragon and human was surely a sight that would attract weird looks from normal people. The changeling was pretty self-conscious about reactions of others, and couldn't wait for the effect to dissipate. She cursed this city under her breath, as she was forced through more hardship in few last day than usual.

« Last Edit: April 02, 2016, 03:02:15 PM by Kat »


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Rider could tell from Shirou's tone that he was not at-all enthusiastic about the movie. Nevertheless, and much to Rider's relief, he provided no objection to the choice. Jeanne, meanwhile, was obivously entranced by the setting, babbling on about how amazing it had looked. Eventually, she stopped for a moment and composed herself, before asking where they could go to watch the film, obviously still not used to the wonders of the modern era.

Then, picking up on something Shirou had said, she asked about the series of movies, and how many there were. Rider was about to answer but, before she could, Sakura spoke up, giving an unfortunately-outdated answer.

"Yeah, there's six of them. They're all really really cool", she said, demonstrating her enthusaism for the series, before continuing to point out that watching the movie in English would be a new experience for her.

Despite Sakura's enthusiasm, Rider couldn't help but feel obliged to correct her on the number of movies. Of course, not wanting to upset her master, she was as gentle about it as possible.

"Actually, Sakura, Disney bought Lucasfilm and they made three sequels. So, there were nine movies made eventually. Plus another three spin-offs. I don't know if they'd have them here, though, I'm not sure exactly how the Nexus even gets films from our world...", she said, gently and with a smile on her face.

"And, hmm, I've never seen the film in English either, so it'll be a new experience for me too, to watch it in the original language. We've always watched the Japanese version before", she continued, clearly enthusiastic about the film.


Shirou frowned inside, but maintained a happy smile on the outside. He wasn't too keen on seeing a movie in a language he wasn't very good at. Sakura had always been far far better in the subject than him. "Yeah, sounds fun... I guess..."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Having made her way back home, the vampire lazed around at her apartment for a while, having gotten a new outfit. Finding nothing interesting on the telly, Seras found herself drifting off when a movie trailer flashed onto the TV.

Maybe a movie?

The idea seemed as good as any other, so Seras pulled herself off the couch and proceeded to head on her way to the movie theater. Arriving there soon afterwards, the vampire decided to get a seat in the cheapest showing they had, not particularly caring about what it was, and made her way into the movie theater. Soon finding a comfortable seat in the middle of the theater, Seras relaxed where she was, wondering what kind of show she'd be in for.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses

Umbra of Chaos

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The beauty closed her hand and stifled the flame as she listened to the tree man speak. He seemed hopelessly naive enough and while that didn't necessarily mean weak it did make her worry a bit less. They were generally easier to manipulate and less immediately threatening. The subtle hardness to her features vanished as she said, "I suppose that if you have such an interest you may come with us. We are about to leave to a library and if there is no dissent I suppose I can take you along as well."


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The Hunter cocked an eyebrow, more than a little bit confused at Ron's response. At the same time, however, a flash of annoyance streaked across her mind, Annabeth calling back her En before it could be felt and going into Ren instead. Summoning Pete and Repeat to her hands, the Hunter looked up at the rafters, spotting the creatures in question before opening fire. BB shot after BB shot landed around and on the furry little creatures, sending them skittering away with the sounds of wings and tiny claws.

After a while, the barrage stopped, the Hunter taking a moment to allow a relaxing breath as she let the pistols disperse into the ether. Calming herself down once more, the Hunter let her En expand outwards once more, enveloping Ron in the soothing aura.

"Now then, could you try again?" the Hunter said, "Now that we have that little distraction out of the way, let's see where you can go now."
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Jeanne's mood was significantly dampened for a moment when she heard of Shirou's apparent disinterest in seeing the movie, her head hang low as she stared at the ground. But then she looked up, her determination restored. She lept at Shirou enveloping him in a tight hug, inadvertantly pressing her generous breasts against him as she looked up at him. "But it looks so great, with all the lights and the things that go vroom...I won't let you so be so gloomy Shirou". With that she started pulling him to the location of the cinema. "You come too Sakura." She said as she grabbed hold of Sakura with her other arm pulling her along to, while almost bouncing forward.


"What's there not to like." He said as he took another look at her. "But yeah you should probably get dressed. And you can show me these pokemon."


The homunculus found herself tumblling through the sky. With no idea of how she had started falling. One moment she had been running through the town, the other she found herself falling. From the looks of it the time of day was different somehow. Her uprupt fall though was halted by an even more abrupt landing. A landing on top of something soft. Looking down Kuro saw that she had landed on top of a person, a girl, no a woman a fair bit taller than her. Upon further study the woman appeared to be blonde and red skinned? That was certainly odd and is that dragon traits? Kuro quickly jumped up at that. "Who are you?"
« Last Edit: April 02, 2016, 04:40:18 AM by Thedoctor »


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Shirou frowned at Mitsuba’s description of the person she was looking for. Nexus city was massive, and didn’t run short of “vigilantes”, good and bad. There could be several people who fit that description. That said, there was only one person he knew of who fit the bill.

“I do know of one person it could be. Her name is Forest, and she’s a vampire,” he said, trying to hide an uneasy expression by sipping his green tea. “I can’t tell you if it’s really her, but she’s the only person I know it could be.”

Shirou hadn’t seen the vampire since they parted ways after he reunited with Saber. He still didn’t get her at all, she was a vampire, but didn’t seem much like the Dead Apostles he had fought back in his own world. Then his mind shifted to what had happened after their fight on the rooftop, and he couldn’t will away the light pink that dusted his cheeks.
YOLF: "Do ghosts have aids"

YOLF: Even if God forgives you, you shall not forgive yourself for being here [in CE].


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Forest bit her lip as she watched Gadreel blink a few times as he watched her.  Tension made her shoulders tight as she waited for his response.

Then he said, "You would not be the first vampire whose company I have shared.  Though I suspect you are unlike those with whom I am familiar. Regardless, if your words are true then you are quite far from unforgivable."

"Hell, I'm apparently an odd duck compared to the vampires from my home so . . ." Forest shrugged and toyed with her straw.  Then she smiled somewhat sheepishly and said, "I'm just glad you didn't freak out and run away."