Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 74838 times)

Umbra of Chaos

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The Old God was very unconcerned with the knight. After all, the girl was simply a pawn, and while success would be pleasing failure would not be much of an issue. Whatever purpose he wished for her was ultimately inconsequential. She was much too easy to manipulate and pull around.

Urthemiel had other concerns. For example, she had an investment that she had allowed to wander for a little while that required some examination. He wasn't overly important but it would be a waste of magic to lose that rage demon. The boy was slightly important but only in that he had somehow attained command of other forces.

It was time to find him. She reached out her hand and pulled upon the bond of blood connecting them through the mark on his cheek. As it grew hot and blood red she felt the tug that would lead her to him. With that in mind she walked out of the open door and glowed. The Old God couldn't use her true form for it would reveal her true nature to the girl so slight modifications would need to be made. Human flesh and bone vanished to reveal deep scarlet and vivid red scales. The horns were slightly darker than usual and  the wings a bit lighter colored but the eyes still remained a noble purple.

With a movement filled with enough grace to be called divine the dragon ascended with a beat of her wings strong enough to send fully grown men toppling back.

It did not take long for the scarlet dragon to arrive at the location of the boy. However, the condemned wreck of a building that she had felt him located in was very disappointing. This would not do. With a loud crash Urthemiel landed on the building with enough force to break off chunks of the ceiling from within. Her head reared back before releasing a ball of flame that blasted a hole large enough for her head to be seen. Urthemiel looked down on the two boys inside the building as a low growl emerged from her throat. These conditions were unacceptable. She would not allow even a tool of hers to stay within this garbage bin.


Again and again. But these strikes had no meaning. Even now Aisha reformed from the slightest bits of flesh and blood and bone. Much like the other crater this one as well was becoming filled with flora and life. In fact, the park itself was beginning to look quite verdant as her blood spilled. This one was strong but far from the strongest. She had potential but the Firstborn were still greater. It was a tad disappointing. Perhaps she would give up soon.

Aisha didn't even speak or look at Suiren. She simply stared thoughtfully back up at the sky.

Ghost Child

The spirit floated over Just's shoulder and examined the ticket carefully. It wasn't really shiny and the title was really boring. So with a spark of Essence and multiple tearing motions of his hands the ticket ripped itself to shreds. Then with glee the child began to join in on the counting.


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She kept regenerating, healing all of her wounds perfectly and without marks. She would not achieve results like this; Aisha did not appear to have a limit to her power. This would be an endless fight, but she wanted to win, she had to win, she needed to win.

And so Suiren reached down, and pulled up Aisha by her shoulders, and then touched her forehead to her’s. If Aisha was life, she was in incarnation of it, and because of that she existed. And so, Suiren would take that from her, would understand it, and become greater.

Golden light began to dance, dancing around the world around them. From every stone, from every tree, from every blade of grass and from the air itself the light surged. And then it came from Aisha. And all of it flowed into Suiren.

The light was blinding, as Suiren stared into Aisha’s eyes. Power, both of them could feel it at that moment. Suiren could feel everything about Aisha, her power, or origin, her nature. She bestowed life, granting it, and what all life sought to emulate, even if they did not realize it.

And Aisha saw, she saw power, infinite power. She saw the mountains, she saw the seas, she saw the skies, she saw lives, and she saw worlds. All of those things were contained within Suiren, so deep that it was doubtful that she even realized it. And then there was the connection, a connected to all those things in the world.

The two stared at one another as the light flared. But then, slowly the golden light changed. The Golden arcs of light were being replaced, replaced by ethereal silver. Dancing from everything into Suiren, as her body shimmered with it.

But it was wrong, Suiren’s teeth grit as she tried to subdue it, her golden light flaring even more. But the silver continued to flare. And then, it expanded. The gold and the silver light clashed, like hated enemies, like oil and water. And then, in that moment the area between the two, that small inconsequential space, exploded with force, sending both into the walls behind them.

And the world calmed.

Roger’s Theater

“6” The man walked waved him off and started to walk up to him down the paths between the seats. “5, 4, 3…” The man reached him and held out a card only for it to be taken by the ghostly child and ripped to spreads.

It appears this one did not at all understand Just’s words. The animated Dolls coming in force, to lack of concern and the ease at which he ignored Just’s warning, “2, 1”. And then Just’s countdown ended, “0.” And at that moment Just moved forward, pushing himself off the edge of the stage and launching forward, landing in front of the man.

He knee rose and struck hard against the man’s chest, without a doubt making the air leave his lungs and launching him back onto the path. “That was my last warning.”

“Leave. Now.”


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"You know...," he began, "I like ruin crawling as much as the next guy, but there comes a point where you have to ask 'Is it really worth the trouble?'"


"Trying to remove out a sun because it bothers me might sound stupid, and I'm probably galaxy's most stupid samurai, but who knows, maybe there is more to that. After all, they went through such trouble to make all those lethal traps that obviously they are up to no good. Like I would let some assholes to screw up my country. It's not Japan, but wherever my sword reaches, there I belong.", he explained his motives. "But, man, I shouldn't babble in a middle of enemy territory. Oi, girl, did ya found anything?" he turned to the nerdy girl who was using her devices for some purpose. He guessed she scouted what lied ahead, from a safe distance. 


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Relius Clover

Dealing with the office staff was easy enough.  All he had to do was tell a simple white lie about having a strong healing factor.  It seems that in this city, supernaturals are a somewhat accepted part of society, similar to how things were in his home world.  After a long period of time, the legless puppeteer was checked out of the hospital and given some crutches to walk on.   Now that he was out of the hospital, there was a list of objectives that he was compelled to complete.

  • Get a new mask
  • Acquire a lab
  • Gather information on the inhabitants
Now standing outside the borders of the hospital property, Relius surveyed the street for places to “shop” for a new mask.  In the meantime, he finished processing the information he had gathered.

The fact that law enforcement did not show up suggests that the peacekeeping force here is stretched thin.  I was too brash in my first approach.  I must now execute my will rather carefully.

Just then, he found the perfect place, a old costume store with costumes for Halloween.  Limping into the store, he continued processing.

And that creature.  He was not in the hospital.  He was likely either taken to another branch, abducted by something or killed.  It's such a shame.  He would have made a fine doll.  But I was far too naive.  There are likely people in this city far stronger than myself.  Therefore, I require power, I must obtain allies.

Grinning, he picked up a dusty mask sitting on the counter within the store.  It looked almost identical to his old one.  He elegantly brushed off the dust with his gloved hand and gently placed the mask on his face.

I need data.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2015, 09:36:28 PM by yinsukin »


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Walking outside, Emily started to get dressed when he started his battery of questions. Not quite as rapid-fire as the ones in medical school, but still a bit odd. She didn't answer until she got fully dressed, taking the time to consider as she stood there, noting that she'd have to get these clothes washed some time soon, she stood there in a light shirt and pants.

"Well, I haven't been here for very long, to be honest," Emily explained, "But for where people are most densely gathered...that kinda depends on the time. Around these hours they'll mostly be in their homes, so you're looking for motels, like this one, hospitals, neighborhoods, and apartment complexes. Guards aren't really a thing anymore, but the closest thing would be police officers, who you'll usually find at these stations, but they'll be fairly obvious."

The Changeling took a moment more to consider the question, pursing her lips as she thought it over.

"As for fresh water and food, well..." Emily trailed off for a moment, "You'll find food in most grocery stores, though you need money for that, and the freshness is sometimes...debatable. Nothing poisonous, though, unless you leave it out for too long. As for water, well...the tapwater from the bathroom would suffice, and there are taps and water fountains all over the city, not counting the people and vending machines that sell bottled water, and there's a large river in the middle of the city if all else fails, but you shouldn't really need that."
« Last Edit: October 24, 2015, 09:44:04 PM by I_care_not_till_I_must »
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses

Umbra of Chaos

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The launch was no more effective than the strikes but the images left a faint smile on her face as she rose from the wall. The girl was vast. Not the most powerful, but such potential existed. It was strangely pleasing. The only dissatisfaction she had was from that silver light. Was it a part of her or foreign?

Regardless the progenitor stood up and walked towards the area where Suiren had fallen. She had some parting words before she left.


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“Uh...She what? She did... what?” Noel was shocked. She hadn’t taken Saber for someone who was... well, this incompetent. Apparently her comparison to Major Jin Kisaragi had been very, very, off. While Jin was just mean, Saber appeared to be mean, stupid, and incompetent!

“Who does stuff like this, geez! After this, uh, can we talk somewhere more private?”
« Last Edit: October 24, 2015, 09:47:34 PM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Now would be a good time to run

The pink haired man was kicked in the chest, launched away like a rag doll as he crashed onto the cold floor. This was too sad, too cruel. How could he, how could he do such a thing so cruel to hurt someone like that? How could that child tear up an innocent ticket like that? Why!? Was it not shiny enough for him!? If this was Weekly Shonen Jump, this bullying scene would have to be regulated!!!

That man, if it could be called such, rose back up immediately. He didn't seem troubled at all, or pained or in any way hindered by the blow. Cracks ran all over his body, his chest effectively caved in and slightly shattered. Smiling brightly, he bowed apologetically as his eye fell off, revealing an hollow interior.

"Hehe, sorry. I must've gotten the wrong place. Didn't mean any trouble." He said cheerfully. Then, he hopscotched his way out, happy to have been kicked like that, and went for the main door.

Sighing, he pushed it, but it didn't budge one bit. So he pushed it harder, and harder. And them, he pulled harder and harder. But no matter what he did, the door didn't seem to budge one bit.

"Um, mister? I can't get this thing open."

And from outside, faintly, laughter could be heard, joyful giggles and happy laughter along with carnival music. And it was slowly growing louder and louder. At the same time, the ticket's letters somehow changed. The ticket was actually bleeding, and if one was to stitch the ticket back together, he could read the words:

Can't Escape.

Sir Name

The armour bowed deeply and spoke up. "My name is Sir Name. It is a pleasure to meet you. Now, let's go. Your friend won't be waiting. We must hurry."

And with that, he walked on, expecting the girl to follow in turn.

« Last Edit: October 24, 2015, 09:53:49 PM by francobull3 »


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Medaka Kurokami

"Of course."  She responded somewhat solemnly.

As he walked forward, she followed him closely behind, ready to take on what lies ahead.


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Roger's Theater

The first though that Just had when he saw the broken in chest of the ‘person’ as annoyance, someone was trying to play games. He didn’t really care for it. And so he returned to his post on the stage in front of the pillar, twirling his spear a couple of time in his hand.

“Dolls, I dislike Dolls. Magic that imitates life. That imitates being. It spits in the face of everyone’s struggles.” If the door was sealed, it was obvious that the one responsible would be on the other side.

No more playing. The spear spun and Just held it light a javelin, “Respond.” He commanded, and then he body tensed and entered a throwing stance.

And his body moved, the force behind it forcing the stage to creak. His hip and body turned, his arm swung, and his entire body was put into the throw. And then the spear was let loose.

Like a bolt of light, it ripped through the air like a bullet. It ripped through the dolls in the way of the door, and then though the door itself. The spear pierced it, ripping it to parts and continued, before impacting in the far wall, as far as it would go.

And Just stood, his hand after following through with the strike.  And then, by a seemingly invisible force the spear shot back, returning to his hand. He spun it twice, reducing the force behind it, and then the butt of the spear hit a metal panel on the stage, letting a dull rigging thud echo though the theater.

“No more games.”
« Last Edit: October 24, 2015, 10:17:40 PM by Knick »


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“Uh...She what? She did... what?” Noel was shocked. She hadn’t taken Saber for someone who was... well, this incompetent. Apparently her comparison to Major Jin Kisaragi had been very, very, off. While Jin was just mean, Saber appeared to be mean, stupid, and incompetent!

“Who does stuff like this, geez! After this, uh, can we talk somewhere more private?”

As expected, Noel was absolutely astonished about Saber's recklessness. Back in good old days of being a member of a military Entitlement, Mordred would have Saber judged by a court martial for such flagrant behavior. She honestly pitied people who let themselves to be governed by her just because a watery tart handed out her a sword.

"Yeah. My place should be close unless you have something else in mind.", she proposed to Noel.


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Tohuw Balagan

Roger's Theater

No more playing. The spear spun and Just held it light a javelin, “Respond.” He commanded, and then he body tensed and entered a throwing stance.

And his body moved, the force behind it forcing the stage to creak. His hip and body turned, his arm swung, and his entire body was put into the throw. And then the spear was let loose.

Like a bolt of light, it ripped through the air like a bullet. It ripped through the dolls in the way of the door, and then though the door itself. The spear pierced it, ripping it to parts and continued, before impacting in the far wall, as far as it would go.

And Just stood, his hand after following through with the strike.  And then, by a seemingly invisible force the spear shot back, returning to his hand. He spun it twice, reducing the force behind it, and then the butt of the spear hit a metal panel on the stage, letting a dull rigging thud echo though the theater.

“No more games.”

Standing far above the theater, balloons floated freely, hovering aimlessly. Sitting carelessly above one of them, a figure looked down in amusement, his feet dangling as he shielded himself from the light with a beautiful white umbrella with pink polka dots.

Tohuw Balagan was amused, so amused he took the time to build a castle of cards atop a floating balloon. All jokers, naturally. To destroy his wonderful creations, one of them being his very image, to ravage his game so cruelly, so shamelessly, so boldly...

"Unforgivable." He uttered with a smile before flicking his finger lazily at one of the cards. Immediately, the cards tumbled down on the theater. With a nonchalant expression, he looked around, glancing at the earth below him, at the little ants squirming before him.

And then, he saw something curious, something odd.


He didn't expect to see her. At least, not now. What an unexpected surprise lol, not really. It was actually quite good, quite good indeed. Standing up atop the balloon, he gazed down at his toy, Medaka. Accompanied with something of his, huh. While he would've destroyed that malformed tumor of metal for letting her go out, it was not an unfavourable situation. Besides, Tohuw now felt rather indulgent.

With a graceful leap, he jumped off the balloon and fell sky high from above, landing with a small thud as if he had simply hopped. They weren's exactly near from the theater now, but they weren't too far either. Neither the earth nor his limbs suffered any shock. However, the girl in front of him-

"Yo~!" He purred cheerfully, taking her cheeks hostage and pinching them to give her face a happy smile! It wasn't good to frown so much, it could give her wrinkles after all.

Besides, it was time for the second act to kick in. But first, a small commercial break for the little actors back there to have a breather. Nah, just kidding. As soon as Tohuw spoke, the balloons fell down in unison on the building, each containing enough boom powder do give them all a blast. Go give them hell, balloons!
« Last Edit: October 24, 2015, 11:25:28 PM by francobull3 »


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Roger’s Theater

The balloons fell and they struck the ceiling of the theater. They let lose explosions, trying to rip apart the structure. But yet, once the dust and smoke settled, the ceiling had not a mark.

And from the inside Just looked up and scoffed, remaining on the stage, ready to act if needed. The walls of the theater would not fall unless what struck them was Human, or at least processed its Truth. And he had no reason to leave.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2015, 11:34:04 PM by Knick »


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“I’m glad you’re not like Saber, Mordred. Even though you look like her, your personality isn’t anything like hers. Your place should be fine. You can get whatever you want, I’ll pay.”

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Hyoudo Tenma

Nothing, nothing and -oh- razors. Neat.

Tenma sighed and turned around, walking back to the entrance with the clear intention of leaving. This was too much, and they were unprepared. Even she could tell this was suicidal. If they triggered another trap, they were utterly fucked.

"Let's go. No point in fighting a war you can't win." She simply uttered, going for the stairs in order to piss off.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2015, 12:50:21 AM by francobull3 »