Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 75232 times)


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The exile averted his eyes for a moment to observe the food court for potential eavesdroppers. He was unaccustomed to speaking of matters such as vampires and sorcery in public, barring that singular occasion on which he and one of the elder nephilim had carried on a conversation in a public park in Latin. Mostly dead languages were quite suitable for such discussions if only the contents needed to be obfuscated. They were mostly 'in the clear' as some modern English speakers would say.

"Were I human myself, I would likely have much cause to leave," Gadreel confided in her, his voice nearly a whisper. He nodded to her. "As it is, I have only formed myself in the image of Man as closely as I can. I come with references, if you are familiar with the Book of Enoch."

The fallen angel restrained a laugh at the mention of it. "I will concede that it is not the most... flattering portrayal of me."


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Forest blinked as Gladreel looked around and she frowned as she realized what he was doing and rubbed the back of her neck.  She had blathered her existence in a public place.  She bit her lip at her carelessness.

Then the words "Image of man as closely as I can" and "Book of Enoch" and "Flattering portrayal of me" registered.

She bit her lip and then sent telepathically, But I can touch you and I didn't catch on fire . .  So you're like . . . Which means I have to accept Christianity was right and then I'll be a very bitter pagan.  Which also explains the broadsword.  And I'm babbling so please forgive me.


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He hardly blinked at the sudden telepathic contact. This was far from his first time experiencing such a thing, and as was always the case he had not initiated it. Well, I am an exile from the grace of heaven if that explains the lack of fire well enough for you, he thought back to her. That is a privilege I have denied myself. As for your worries, disregard them. The overall picture is more complex than any human religion has had the ability to accurately portray.

Gadreel spared her a slight smile. "You are not nearly as wrong as you fear."


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The homunculus found herself tumblling through the sky. With no idea of how she had started falling. One moment she had been running through the town, the other she found herself falling. From the looks of it the time of day was different somehow. Her uprupt fall though was halted by an even more abrupt landing. A landing on top of something soft. Looking down Kuro saw that she had landed on top of a person, a girl, no a woman a fair bit taller than her. Upon further study the woman appeared to be blonde and red skinned? That was certainly odd and is that dragon traits? Kuro quickly jumped up at that. "Who are you?"


Something or maybe someone landed on the top of the poor changeling, her body falling flat to the ground from the impact. She could see stars even in daytime, her head dizzy. She heard someone's voice calling out to her, a girl's voice. White hair, tan, dressed oddly for someone of her age. And she was sure she saw that face before, but where?

"Uhhh, that's my line. Why weird stuff is always happening to me. My poor head...." Goddamn headache. She was lucky she wasn't knocked out cold by the girl landing on her.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2016, 03:32:18 PM by Kat »


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Shirou frowned at Mitsuba’s description of the person she was looking for. Nexus city was massive, and didn’t run short of “vigilantes”, good and bad. There could be several people who fit that description. That said, there was only one person he knew of who fit the bill.

“I do know of one person it could be. Her name is Forest, and she’s a vampire,” he said, trying to hide an uneasy expression by sipping his green tea. “I can’t tell you if it’s really her, but she’s the only person I know it could be.”

Shirou hadn’t seen the vampire since they parted ways after he reunited with Saber. He still didn’t get her at all, she was a vampire, but didn’t seem much like the Dead Apostles he had fought back in his own world. Then his mind shifted to what had happened after their fight on the rooftop, and he couldn’t will away the light pink that dusted his cheeks.


She fucking knew it, and if she could afford expressing how she felt right now, she would look smug about it. She would do it later when Darcy would stop pretending to nap and Emiya departed. Speaking of Emiya, she couldn't help but notice his slight blush when he was talking about this Forest person. Something embarassing must have happened between them two, but she wouldn't push for more information. She got what she wanted.

"Ah, yes, you wanted to know where Shendu was. There is an old temple in the center of the Asian district. Rumors are there are more dragons and other monsters dwelling there, but I didn't dare to check if that's true. Good luck, you will need it to even get there in one piece."


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The weird looking woman looked to be in pain, commenting on her poor head.  Kuro relaxed as the woman didn't appea to be an immediate threat despite her appearance. she then skipped closer to the blonde and looked up at her. "Oh right I landed on you that might be why your head hurts." She said with a grin on her face.


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The weird looking woman looked to be in pain, commenting on her poor head.  Kuro relaxed as the woman didn't appea to be an immediate threat despite her appearance. she then skipped closer to the blonde and looked up at her. "Oh right I landed on you that might be why your head hurts." She said with a grin on her face.


"What's so funny about that? I see you grinning at me as if you found it funny, damnit." Still rubbing her head, she stood up slowly, her senses somewhat still in disarray. She was being made fun of by a kid who looked like she had not finished elementary yet. The end of the world. Ah well, she was just a kid. No need to get angry about that. "You landed on me, so maybe you owe me introduction first?"


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So the blonde lady wants to know who I am, is she just curious or does she have other motives? The white haired girl thought as she looked at the person in question. Deciding that giving her name wouldn't be too much of a problem she answered the woman's question. " I'm Chloe von Einzbern, but you can call me Kuro." She said with a voice that was so cheerful it almost sounded fake. She then continued with her earlier question. "So...who are you?"


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So the blonde lady wants to know who I am, is she just curious or does she have other motives? The white haired girl thought as she looked at the person in question. Deciding that giving her name wouldn't be too much of a problem she answered the woman's question. " I'm Chloe von Einzbern, but you can call me Kuro." She said with a voice that was so cheerful it almost sounded fake. She then continued with her earlier question. "So...who are you?"


Von... Einzbern? The name seemed to be familiar as well, but damn, she couldn't exactly remember where she heard it. "Alright, Kuro, the name's Mordred. It's odd name, I know, but that's how I'm called." She answered the kid's question. Her head stopped aching as much, and she was now in somewhat better mood.


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“Never heard of it. Sure, let’s go.” He replied with poorly concealed eagerness, grinning to show off his shiny teeth once more. It seemed he really liked to do that. 


"Before we go, I just want to ask you something? What's the deal with that shadow monster that snatched you from the street? I think you owe me so explanation, you'd be a goner without my help." She still couldn't get out of her mind that monster that nearly killed Garou, or even could do something worse to him considering his words.


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Shirou Emiya

Shirou’s gloom had apparently not failed to catch the notice of Jeanne, Sakura’s new blond and hyperactive servant.  She grabbed Shirou into a hug, (hopefully) inadvertently pressing her assets against him.

He hoped Sakura wouldn’t get jealous.

He looked down at her with surprise as she began to get all excited about the movie, talking about it in a similar manner to that of a child. For a few seconds, he didn’t respond at all. He just didn’t know what to do in the face of this new attack.

But then he smiled, and chuckled a bit. “Heh.” He closed his eyes and nodded. “Yeah, sorry Ruler, I should be more excited. It’s a special day, after all.” He looked up at Sakura’s face, which was somewhat flushed and looking down at him with a curious look in her eyes. Well, curious to him. They looked alien to him, like eyes that had seem far more than him. Eyes that only looked superficially similar to those of the love of his life. What happened while you were gone, Sakura? He wanted to ask this question so badly, but...



He wasn’t sure he really wanted to know.

And that was scary.

He looked forward again, attempting to banish these troubling thoughts away. “Let’s go to the theater, then.”

They soon arrived at the movie theater, and purchased their tickets without much fanfare, other than Jeanne being overtly excited by everything about the experience, obviously. But that goes without saying. After buying their refreshments, and explaininig to Jeanne why it was better to sit in the back than the front, they took their seats.


Oka looked up at him with her brilliantly blue eyes. “Yeah, I’ll put on some shorts or something. Maybe a skirt. Skirts are nice.” She began talking to herself, mulling over her ideas as she walked away to change. She soon came back, wearing a long sleeved shirt and a long green skirt that went down past her knees. “Before we go catch a pokemon, I should probably show you how to use a pokemon. We should do it outside though, the house could get messed up otherwise.” She thought back to that one time...

Shiro and her had gotten out of control and...

Bad things had happened, suffice to say.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2016, 07:10:38 PM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Tch, nosy brat. Garou gave the girl a sour look and smirked.

"I just asked her a few questions about the Elites and shit. Dumbass bitch apparently got kicked out or something, which was so fucking sad I couldn't help but talk shit. She punched me like a retarded cannonball for all my troubles, so I bit back. Damn poser, somehow got the best of me. Cheap bitch." He complained annoyingly, spitting at the cheap bitch part.

His arm, his pride, he'd make sure to make her pay for them a thousandfold. He'd cave her face seven feet deep and make her eat the dirt, hold her by the throat and have her squeal for mercy like a skewered pig. He'd make her regret ripping him off not taking that chance to kill him. And then, after he was done tearing her to bits, he would call the cops and jail her saggy fat ass.

If there was any ass to jail after he kicked it to death.

Garou looked at his arm again (or rather the lack thereof), chuckled and shook his head as if disappointed. "Jeez, looks like I have to get stronger huh?"


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Theodore observed the unfolding scene, eating his sandwitch. If he had to rate it so far, this whole ordeal stood somewhere inbetween passable and cringeworthy. Still, there didn't seem to be anything more interesting happening at the moment, at least in his vicinity.

His struggle was very much like a fat child bored to death by a TV rerun, but too lazy to reach for the remote and change the channel. Thus, Theodore had no choice but to sit there and watch, how cruel.

And then, the woman's belly began to bulge and swell in an outlandish fashion, as if something threatened to burst out. How quaint, something even he did not expect. He was intrigued, and wanted to see what would happen and those two would do next.

Perhaps leaving the remote alone wasn't such a bad idea after all.

"Interesting." He said absentmindedly inbetween bites.


As shinobu was wondering through the city, taking in all the misery of the virtually lawless city with petty street thugs performing crimes in the open. She soon came upon the biggest most heinous kind of wretched low life, A Stalker. Even worse, it was a stalker munching on a sandwhich. This fool had the audacity to absentmindedly chew on a sandwhich when the vampire could smell the presence of the food of the gods in the small basket. The fact that the fool was observing a scene involving some kind of eldritch abomination being born didn't even concern her in the sligthest. After all, righteous punishment must be dealt, while it may be forgiven by the heavens it would not be forgiven by her, Kiss-Shot Acerola Orion Heart-Under-Blade!

"Hello Mr. Stalker." she said casually as she snuck up behind him like a specter out for vengeance.


As Oka went away to change, Jin gathered his things as he walked around the apartment passing by a few empty boxes that he hadn't hrown away yet and a hat stand with a few unused fedoras. When Oka came back she mentioned that she should first show him how you properly used a pokemon before going into what appeared to be deep thoughts for some reason.

"Yeah let's head out." he said, markedly ignoring the hat stand as if it was meant as a mere decoration.


"It's not that odd, I've heard a few weird ones before so don't worry." She said with the same fake sounding cheerfulness.

The homunculus took a quick look around the area to see if she could recognize anything. To her slight worry she didn't. What she could confirm however was her earlier feeling that it wasn't the same time of day anymore. "There's something strange going on here. Before I was falling it was afternoon, now it's suddenly before noon."


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Theodore didn't even act surprised, flinched or as much as turned around to greet the new presence. Still eating his tuna/mayo convenience store sandwitch, he replied mid bites and chews.

"Hello *munch* Miss. Snooper. *chew* Can I. *eating noises* Help you?"


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Now it was Emily's turn to shoot the woman a quizzical look.

"Of course it is," Emily said matter-of-factly, "And it helps that I lost those preconceptions a while ago."

"That said," she continued, "I will admit that physical appearance could play a part in attraction, but not in love, and if your view is so shallow, then there's something wrong. Even in the case of someone who looked terrifying, I'd at least be willing to give them a chance. As strange a desire as love can be at times, it can also be a powerful one, at the risk of sounding cliche. And a desire that powerful is not often brought about by such simple things as physical attraction, though it can be mistaken for it all the same."

"In summary," she finished, "Physical attraction might seem like it would be an important thing, but most people don't actually decide on whether they love someone based on that. At least not when they're in their right minds, anyway."
« Last Edit: April 05, 2016, 12:31:25 AM by I_care_not_till_I_must »
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses