Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 75218 times)


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Forest smiled back as well and sighed.  "Sometimes I don't know what to think about . . .that."

She did send telepathically so the muggles around them wouldn't eavesdrop and freak out, Being what I am . . . It's difficult to put into words.  Even though my goddess isn't a kind one, part of me, even after all of this time, still wants to believe she's there.

Well, I did meet a guy some time ago that was someone she actively tried to seduce, so there's that.  Then again, there's all sorts here.

She gave him a lopsided smirk and said out loud, "So a vampire and a fallen angel go to a food court . . ."


"Ah, well physical attraction is only part of the equation.  You only spend so much time dealing with the physical aspect.  There are the emotional ones as well.  Someone's mind and personality mean all the world.  Even if someone as the most beautiful face and body I've ever seen, they can be utterly repugnant if they have a personality I do not abide," Gabriel said with a shrug.

"Honestly, at this point in my existence, I would be ecstatic to find someone who cares for me due to my personality and is plain or not a physical ideal than someone attractive who just wants to ride me into nirvana."


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I have had carnal knowledge of demigods, and stood to applaud the return of Prometheus from his liver-plucking bondage at the will of Olympus, the exile reassured her in his head. From whence I come, I could rightly call myself his brother. We share the same Creator, in the end.

"I believe I have heard this joke before," Gadreel said, smirking at the thought. "That would be quite the pair; the cheese would be blood, and the odor of brimstone would seep out from the public lavatories."


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

Forest tilted her head in bemusement at the . . . ex-divine being before her.  She bit her lip and sent, I have met many aboriginal Americans who would have agreed with you.  This . . .

It was heavy stuff.  It really was.  Even though his world wasn't her world, but who wasn't to say her world wasn't like that.  She gave him a wiry grin and sent, Well, that explains why any religious item with a person with faith behind it can repel me then.

And now I'm sharing weaknesses.  Great.

"Considering how little they clean it, there probably are things worse than brimstone coming out of the loo," Forest said with a giggle. 


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I have no faith with which to burn you, if it comforts you, he reassured her, chuckling and shaking his head. Certainty and fact undermine the very premise of faith.

"It is times such as these I value our ability to hold our breath," Gadreel concluded that particular discussion with. "Now then, seeing as we are currently in no particular hurry to pursue leads to any given end, shall we devise something in the semblance of a plan?"


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

That does comfort me.  Quite a bit.  For multiple reasons.  Just normally I'm not so sloppy about blurting out my weaknesses.

"Not breathing is a great boon," Forest said smiling back, "Now for a plan . . . Admittedly, most of my plans involve doing things the American way.  Gratuitous amounts of violence and firearms.  You need a place to stay.  I have a bloody ton of room."

I even have a 'Cloak of Darkness' that lets me walk out in the daylight even though it makes me look like a scary black fog so . . . wearing it out in the open can be dicey.  I should be able to wear it and drive.


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Shiro's ears drooped at Lumen's question, and her tail sunk low. "I don't have any money…" She mumbled sadly. "I'm sorry…"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"It's not that odd, I've heard a few weird ones before so don't worry." She said with the same fake sounding cheerfulness.

The homunculus took a quick look around the area to see if she could recognize anything. To her slight worry she didn't. What she could confirm however was her earlier feeling that it wasn't the same time of day anymore. "There's something strange going on here. Before I was falling it was afternoon, now it's suddenly before noon."


Crap, how she would explain her to that? She didn't want to bore her with longass infodump, so she tried to say it in 20 words or less. "You're stuck in an alternate world just like me. Time probably flows different here than at your place."


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This mooching was beginning to get ridiculous. A fox was one thing. Offering food to the fox girl that had revealed herself to be a shapeshifter was just a continuation of that. She was not going to give handouts to every stranger that walked up asking for food. "Can you help pay for the meal? I'm not going to feed every stranger out of my own pockets."


Shiro's ears drooped at Lumen's question, and her tail sunk low. "I don't have any money…" She mumbled sadly. "I'm sorry…"


Normally, she would have punched Lumen in the face, take her gold and maybe kick her body for being a scrooge, but she did need to get into shape. Working out wouldn't harm her even now, and she wouldn't just skip training her body because she was a lot weaker than before.

"Ah, don't worry, if the cheapskate is so stubborn about it, I'll help. So what I gonna do? Move stuff for ya, go fishing?" Menial work was only thing she could imagine doing. She wasn't good at anything that needed subtlety, and she couldn't even read.


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Shirou made a sound of mild surprise. Shendu was at that old temple? He had seen it before - it was hard to miss, really - but he hadn’t thought much of it at the time. He certainly hadn’t seen any dragons around there.

“Thanks for your help, and good luck to you both as well. Forest can be hard to find.” With that, the freelancer stood up from the table, left his payment on the table by his plate, and strode out the door.
YOLF: "Do ghosts have aids"

YOLF: Even if God forgives you, you shall not forgive yourself for being here [in CE].


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The vampire glared as the man kept munching on his sandwhich. "How dare you eat it so calmly when that deliciousness is in the basket next to you." She walked closer to him as she asked her question.


Wait, another reality? That can't people. People don't just get randomly tranported over to other realties. So she asked Mordred about where she was, sounding more disturbed this time. "Another world what's this place called?"


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Darcy Hugh

A dark aura of grief, despair and bitter defeat loomed over the sleeping(?) Darcy. How the hell was it that easy? He didn't even expect much intel from him, he was just planning to use him a bit. What a fucking coincidence...

And that dumbass screwed it up completely!! Was that idiot going to let him go off without asking him about the important thing? You know, her location!? He might be the only person in town who could get them to a lead, and she'd waste this opportunity like that. There was no way in hell he'd let him get mauled by a dragon before he'd spill the beans on everything he needed.



The demon yawned and put down his binoculars. He stood up and scratched his head before turning around to face her.

"Oh. It's you." He said in surprise, although he really didn't look or sound surprised. It was fake real surprise. "Um, what are you talking about?"
« Last Edit: April 03, 2016, 04:16:51 PM by francobull3 »


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Wait, another reality? That can't people. People don't just get randomly tranported over to other realties. So she asked Mordred about where she was, sounding more disturbed this time. "Another world what's this place called?"


"Nexus City. I don't like the name, sounds a bit silly. Well, welcome to the city, enjoy being stuck here without any money. And it will get worse, this city is a pain in ass." She sighed, trying to forget about all horrible things that have happened to her here, without any success. "I'm afraid I cannot help out you much, I'm nearly bankrupt. I could take you to KFC or McDonald's if you are hungry, but that's all..." And maybe get the kid some cheap clothes. She looked like out of fantasy con, after all. The pot calling the kettle black.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2016, 04:22:21 PM by Kat »


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Tch, nosy brat. Garou gave the girl a sour look and smirked.

"I just asked her a few questions about the Elites and shit. Dumbass bitch apparently got kicked out or something, which was so fucking sad I couldn't help but talk shit. She punched me like a retarded cannonball for all my troubles, so I bit back. Damn poser, somehow got the best of me. Cheap bitch." He complained annoyingly, spitting at the cheap bitch part. 

His arm, his pride, he'd make sure to make her pay for them a thousandfold. He'd cave her face seven feet deep and make her eat the dirt, hold her by the throat and have her squeal for mercy like a skewered pig. He'd make her regret ripping him off not taking that chance to kill him. And then, after he was done tearing her to bits, he would call the cops and jail her saggy fat ass. 

If there was any ass to jail after he kicked it to death.

Garou looked at his arm again (or rather the lack thereof), chuckled and shook his head as if disappointed. "Jeez, looks like I have to get stronger huh?"


"You talk big for a person who just lost an arm." She grinned amused. This guy really looked like someone who wouldn't give up." I don't know who Elites are, but they sound like some villainous organisation if they kept monster like that around. If they give me no other choice, I will have to do something about it. Do you hold any grudge against them?"


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Nexus city did actually sound a bit silly. Kuro wasn't really sure what she meant about the city being a pain in the ass, but from the sound of Mordred's voice it couldn't be too pleasant. The blonde then offered to take to either a KFC or a McDonald's, and even to buy clothes for her of all things. "Mcdonald's do sound like a better choice, but are you sure they'll serve you if you....look like that." Kuro finished saying while looking at her not so human features.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2016, 05:09:05 PM by Thedoctor »


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Kiss-Shot Acerola Orion Heart-Under-Blade

"Me? Have we met before?" The kyuketsuki burst out in real real surpise. She was sure she hadn't met this lowlife before.


There's something familiar about him. Like an irritating bug that you couldn't catch. That's what it felt like. "I am talking about the content of that basket over there."