Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 75216 times)


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Nexus city did actually sound a bit silly. Kuro wasn't really sure what she meant about the city being a pain in the ass, but from the sound of Mordred's voice it couldn't be too pleasant. The blonde then offered to take to either a KFC or a McDonald's, and even to buy clothes for her of all things. "Mcdonald's do sound like a better choice, but are you sure they'll serve you if you....look like that." Kuro finished saying while looking at her not so human features.


Damn, she had a point. It would be just too awkward to endure their looks. "Don't worry, it should pass sooner or later. I think."

By strange coincidence, her Mask started reasserting itself. The changeling herself couldn't notice that, but from Kuro's perspective she would gradually "transform" back to her "human" form, along with getting her clothes "back."


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Garou shook his head.

"Nah. They just piss me off, going around playing hero with their hypocritical justice. In the end, they only care about those they want to save. They're no better than scum littering the streets. I'm not going to stand for that shit."

He seemed grave for a second, then he looked down and nearly spat.

"In this world, it's kill or be killed."


"Maybe. Dunno." He said absentmindedly. After a pause, he lifted up his basket and presented it to the weird girl.

"It's just a picnic."
« Last Edit: April 03, 2016, 05:47:53 PM by francobull3 »

Umbra of Chaos

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The divine woman waved away the concerns of the kitsune without an issue. "Don't worry about it Shiro. I offered food to you in the first place. It would be rude if I expected you to pay for it."

Then Lumen gave the other girl a hard look. If she was going to give this girl free food she might as well make it an unfair deal. "How about this, you said you were brawling with a friend, right? Well, I'm a bit bored right now. If you can hurt me once you'll earn your meal. That's all you need to do."


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Kuro looked on shocked as Mordred seemingly started transforming into a more human form, she was even getting normal clothes back. "That was totally a transformation, I'm not blind." Kuro said in response to what was happening.


The kyuketsuki looked on with interest as the strange man suspicously brushed off his strange knowledge of her. Deciding to keep that train of thought for later she instead asked him about the picnic. "A picnic I see, so may I join you?" She asked while eyeing the basket like a hyena would it's prey.


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Theodore stared at the weird girl with a pair of dead soulless eyes before putting the basket down in the middle of the picnic blanket and sat at the edge opposite of her. No matter how you looked at it, he seemed shady. It was as if it was all fake.

"Okay. Even though I think it's only because you lost in rock-paper-scissors." He said flatly without the smallest hint of enthusiasm.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2016, 07:44:39 PM by francobull3 »


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Kuro looked on shocked as Mordred seemingly started transforming into a more human form, she was even getting normal clothes back. "That was totally a transformation, I'm not blind." Kuro said in response to what was happening.


Huh? Wow, what an "opportune" moment for her Mask to start working again. Now the brat would be even more curious about her, she bet.

"Eh, it's not a transformation. It's just an illusion you know. Most people can't see through it once it's on, it's just that I was too tired to maintain it before, and now I can again." She tried to explain what has happened. If she could transform like Bellitanus, that would be more convenient. But she really couldn't, and she had no clue if she could pick up it as a half dragon. She maybe could ask her about it if she ran into her.


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It seems like Mordred was tired for some reason, judging by the state of her clothes she had probably been fighting earlier. The transformation wasn't a transformation but illusion magic, well she had revelaed she could do some form of magecraft. "I see, I guess that explains it then." She then  turned and looked around but couldn't see an Mcdonald's close to them. "So do you know where the Mcdonald's is?"


The kyuketsuki didn't show much reaction to the souless stare nore to his intention of wanting her to sit opposite to him. Instead she moved closer to him and crocuhed down infront of him, matching his soulless stare with an empty stare of her own. "I do not remember ever playing rock-paper-scissors with someone as odd as you. Or are you being metaphorical perhaps?" The vampire asked him with fake curiosity in her voice, leaning closer to his face as she said so.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2016, 08:26:04 PM by Thedoctor »


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Shirou was at the door when a not-so-asleep Darcy suddenly called out for him to wait. Had the man only been pretending to be asleep? He couldn’t imagine why the priest would feel the need, but he stopped and turned to him regardless.
YOLF: "Do ghosts have aids"

YOLF: Even if God forgives you, you shall not forgive yourself for being here [in CE].


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A strange, uncharacteristic colour slightly appeared on the demon's cheeks. He wasn't blushing or anything, it's just that it was pretty hot right now. Yes, that was it. Because of that, beads of sweat would obviously pour down his face like raindrops. He reached in the basket for a cool bottle of Pocari and opened it to drink it's refreshing and energizing contents.

"Why else would you want to have a picnic with me?" He said dully, albeit still sweating like mad.

Darcy Hugh

Darcy internally sighed with relief. He got up and stretched for a bit, yawning like he just woke up. "It's dangerous to go alone. I'm coming with ya."
« Last Edit: April 03, 2016, 08:44:06 PM by francobull3 »


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Darcy Hugh

A dark aura of grief, despair and bitter defeat loomed over the sleeping(?) Darcy. How the hell was it that easy? He didn't even expect much intel from him, he was just planning to use him a bit. What a fucking coincidence...

And that dumbass screwed it up completely!! Was that idiot going to let him go off without asking him about the important thing? You know, her location!? He might be the only person in town who could get them to a lead, and she'd waste this opportunity like that. There was no way in hell he'd let him get mauled by a dragon before he'd spill the beans on everything he needed.



Shirou was at the door when a not-so-asleep Darcy suddenly called out for him to wait. Had the man only been pretending to be asleep? He couldn’t imagine why the priest would feel the need, but he stopped and turned to him regardless.

Darcy Hugh

Darcy internally sighed with relief. He got up and stretched for a bit, yawning like he just woke up. "It's dangerous to go alone. I'm coming with ya."


Fuck. It wasn't a complete surprise that the shitty priest chimped out and decided to join the suicide mission, but it was still jarring for her that he gave up whatever his goal was to play a hero.

"Hey, Darcy, maybe you need a suicide bomber belt, you idiot? Because you clearly have a death wish. Eh, whatever, if you really want to go, give me all your money for my help. You won't need it in the underworld." Mitsuba snarked at him keeping her cool, but actually she was boiling inside.


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Further leaning closer almost leaning over him now, the blonde kyuketsuki stared into his eyes with an intruiged gaze. He did actually llook to be actually hot rigth now with how much he was sweating but she suspected there was some other reason for it. "Because there is something about you that has catched my interest but I can not tell what that is, And that irks me so much."


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Somehow, all the sweat seemed to have instantly disappeared as if it was never there to begin with.

"That's unfortunate. Are you going to eat anything or do you plan to ogle me like a pervert all day?" He asked bluntly, only to yawn. "Sorry." He added with the sort of absentmindedness that is rare to find these days, even at a graveyard.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2016, 09:30:42 PM by francobull3 »


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As she kept ogling him llike a pervert as he had aptly put it, she couldn't reallly decide which to do. Both choices had a certain degree of merit to them, but on the other hand she could do that.

Shinobu who was still crouching in front of him reached for the basket with one of her hands, opened it and grabed a donut. She brought it to her mouth and took a bite out of it while still looking straight at him. "So who are you?"


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It seems like Mordred was tired for some reason, judging by the state of her clothes she had probably been fighting earlier. The transformation wasn't a transformation but illusion magic, well she had revelaed she could do some form of magecraft. "I see, I guess that explains it then." She then  turned and looked around but couldn't see an Mcdonald's close to them. "So do you know where the Mcdonald's is?"


How fortunate that she seemed to be more interested in the McDonald's than asking her further. "I'll take you to a big store. It should be near here, they have a zone where they have restaurants and fast food chains." She told the brown skinned kid to follow her.

They arrived at the place and entered so called Food Court. What a lame name. They passed by a pale skinned blonde woman and tall red haired man who were chatting, not her business what they were talking about. She passed by too quickly to hear what they were talking about anyway. Well, the table that was nearest the McDonald's was few metres only away, and she was too tired to pick anything further. The stubborn kid argued that she should buy her the biggest hamburger that the restaurant had. Kids these days. Fortunately, there was a discount today, and she managed to buy the biggest goddamn burger they had and a set with French fries and medium burger for herself.

She seated herself in front of Kuro, finally hearing a snippet those two's conversation. They were talking about a place to stay. Man, probably her own apartment was compromised by stalkers by now. She maybe should have moved somewhere close to Noel's place. She was confident that creeps thought twice before skulking around there.

"Here's your burger. Better don't complain, I spent more on your meal than mine." Mordred said, grumpy about that.


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Theodore seemed to gaze the sky behind Shinobu in an aloof manner. He seemed distracted, lazy, yet it was hard to tell what exactly was he thinking. It's like those dead fish eyes of his didn't think at al, and that impassive stoic face of his did not flinch even a muscle.

As soon as the donut was about to reach her mouth, it slipped trough her fingers before landing back in the basket.

"I'm just a normal, average, run of the mill, ordinary, typical, average, unexceptional, run-of-the-mill human. But you can call me Theodore." He finally answered, almost out of boredom.

He didn't sound like he was lying, but neither did he sound genuine. That man... just what was he?
« Last Edit: April 03, 2016, 10:08:49 PM by francobull3 »