Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 75187 times)


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As the tanned girl inspected the burger her smile brightened a bit. "I guess it's adequate, good job." She said while giving Mordred a thumbdsup. the Mcdonald's they were in was fairly crowded, right next to them was a couple discussing about moving a home. Kuro didn't really listen in that much on their conversation and only heard snippets really. "You should cheer up, It's not every day you get to treat me after all."


The odd man was seemingly staring into empty space behind her, who did he think he was just ignoring her like that?

Shinobu raised the donut closer to her mouth and just before the delicous treat entered it something weird happened, it flew out of her hand and landed right back into the basket. Our blonde kyuketsuki was outraged at this. There could only be one perpetrator, the man sitting infront of her. Shinobu jumped forward right into his lap as she grabbed his collar and started shaking him. "Give me back my donut you fiend."


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Theodore didn't as much as raise an eyebrow at the girl's excessive use of violence. At this point, one had to wonder if he could emote in the first place.

Good grief. Honestly, he wasn't really impressed with her antics, but he didn't mind them either. He wasn't sure how to feel about this, so he simply pointed out the cold, hard facts.

"It's in the basket." He said simply. Honestly, anyone would've been able to see it, assuming she wasn't an idiot. Idiot. "Can you stop now? I'm starting to get dizzy. It won't be good for my fragile health you know?"
« Last Edit: April 03, 2016, 10:56:23 PM by francobull3 »


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Oka Kurosawa

Oka and Jin, after a short (by Oka's standards) walk arrived at a vacant lot in a crummy looking neighborhood. "This looks good." Oka said. "Maybe we'll even find some trubbish." She turned to face Jin, and held out a pokeball in each hand. "Which one would you rather use, Wormy or Sylveon?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Cherry Lover

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Once again, Shirou demonstrated his reluctance to see the film. Jeanne, however, was far more enthusiastic, running up to him and enveloping him in a hug. Rider couldn't help but find her adorable, especially the child-like way she described the film. Not that her interest in it was based on much more than "things that go vroom", if she was honest. Shirou, too, seemed taken by her enthusiasm, apologising for his lack of excitement.

Then, though, the servant took hold of Shirou's hand, dragging him towards the cinema, before taking hold of Sakura too. Rider was left standing there, seemingly forgotten by the trio, and a sad look came over her face for a moment, before she too followed them into the theatre. Once they arrived, Sakura purchased the tickets for them and, then, they went to buy some refreshments, Rider's enthusiasm and happiness rapidly returning as the time of watching the movie approached.

Finally, they entered the theatre, after another explanation to the child-like servant Sakura had just contracted. As they went to take their seats, Rider made sure to seat herself next to Sakura, of course making sure that Shirou could sit on the other side. Then, she simply sat and waited with anticipation for the film to start, eager to watch it on a big screen for the first time.


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Sakura looked down at Jeanne from atop her throne. She smiled at her antics. With any other woman she'd have gotten quite upset about her breasts being pushed against her future husband, but with Jeanne, she could be sure it was benign. She doubted the maid of Orleans was going to try seducing Shirou.

And Shirou would never cheat on her anyway.

After they got their tickets and consessions, they got the best seats in the theater, in the very back at the top. Sakura sat down next to Shirou and held his hand, looking at him seriously. "If it gets scary Shirou, I might need to get in your lap and cower!" Sakura informed him of this very real possibility. "Ok?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Fragile health yeah right, as if she would believe that. The vampire did stop though as he had asked, but only to do something far more devious instead. "Ok I will stop, but take this instead." She shouted out as she lifted the basket and shoved it into his face.


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The little girl would've shoved the basket on his face, had she been able to grab it. Instead, her fingers seemed to slip trough it once again, somehow. No, it wasn't quite right. She most definitely did touch the basket, but it was as if it ran trough her hands rather than be taken by their hold.

This time, the demon raised a curious eyebrow and took an oversized ramen bowl from the basket, far larger than the basket itself. How? That was a mystery, there is no fun in spelling it out.

"Are you that desperate for donuts?" He asked before unwrapping the scalding bowl's lid. Immediately, the whole rooftop was enveloped by wonderful aromas, rich and delicious convenience store ramen nearly suffocating them all with it's glorious presence. Truly a feast fit for a king.

Umbra of Chaos

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The girl's face didn't move an inch despite what was told to her but she almost seemed to radiate waves of dissatisfaction at the redhead spoke. "It is not a matter of causation. It is a matter of dilution, of distraction. The lusts and lesser desires of the flesh make the mind lose focus on what should be important. The form should be meaningless. You can't say that physical appearance only plays a part in attraction and not love when they bleed into each other. Beauty and attraction should be born from love which should be based on the mind and heart. If there is to be something beautiful in the world then it should be because I love every inch of it and because of that it can only be appealing to me."

"And," the Spirit Vessel continued as she gave the empty bowl to a waitress, "I do not believe you when you would say that if something absolutely terrified you that you would give it a chance. Altered being or not I know you have experienced fear and I doubt that you will give every being that terrifies you a chance. I believe you will fight or run because of your fear, but your personal issues are not the focus of this. The issue of such an appearance can be applied to a large majority of the beings who live here."

Erica maintained an absolute level of stillness apart from her mouth as she began to respond to the other person at the table as well. "This mixed entity understands a portion of it, but the fact remains that there is a lack of understanding between us which stops from viewing the world in a similar manner as I do. Plain. Not repulsive or ugly or terrifying or monstrous but plain. An inclination that exists in the flesh and the mind and heart rather than just the latter  portions. As I said before it is a distraction. Do you see now?"
« Last Edit: April 04, 2016, 11:49:07 PM by Umbra of Chaos »


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Jeanne's excitement did not abate as they went into the room where the movie would be shown. As they got their seats Jeanne ended up next to Shirou with Sakura on the side of him, Rider was the farthest from her on the other side of Sakura. Jeanne got a bit worried as she heard Sakura admit that she might get scared and that she would get Shirou's help with that. "Is it that scary" She asked looking a little worried.

After that the movie started. The beginning was pretty interesting with the intrigue surrounding the Trade Federation and the hooded man they were working with. What followed was an exciting battle between the ambassadors of the Republic and the droids. They eventually escaped to the planet where they rescued the queen and brought her to the capital planet, but not before going to a desert planet where they had a really exciting race. A bit into the movie Jeanne's hand crawled over the seat and landed on Shirou's thigh and started stroking it softly for a short while.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2016, 01:54:04 AM by Thedoctor »


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Oka Kurosawa

Oka and Jin, after a short (by Oka's standards) walk arrived at a vacant lot in a crummy looking neighborhood. "This looks good." Oka said. "Maybe we'll even find some trubbish." She turned to face Jin, and held out a pokeball in each hand. "Which one would you rather use, Wormy or Sylveon?"

Jin gave her a weird look as she told him the name of the pokemon that was supposed to lurk here. " wait don't even tell me." Jin then looked at the pokeballs that she was holding out to him and answered her. "I'll take Sylveon then, if that's okay with you."


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Jeanne's excitement did not abate as they went into the room where the movie would be shown. As they got their seats Jeanne ended up next to Shirou with Sakura on the side of him, Rider was the farthest from her on the other side of Sakura. Jeanne got a bit worried as she heard Sakura admit that she might get scared and that she would get Shirou's help with that. "Is it that scary" She asked looking a little worried.

After that the movie started. The beginning was pretty interesting with the intrigue surrounding the Trade Federation and the hooded man they were working with. What followed was an exciting battle between the ambassadors of the Republic and the droids. They eventually escaped to the planet where they rescued the queen and brought her to the capital planet, but not before going to a desert planet where they had a really exciting race. A bit into the movie Jeanne's hand crawled over the seat and landed on Shirou's thigh and started stroking it softly for a short while.


Shirou was vaugely paying attention to the movie when he felt someone touching his leg. Glancing down, he saw Jeanne rubbing his leg covertly. He cursed himself as he felt himself rapidly get hard. She couldn't be doing this on purpose. She was from europe, and French at that. Maybe this was normal?

He'd have to talk to her later, ask her what was up. Meanwhile he'd just continue to watch the movie.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Oka Kurosawa

Oka and Jin, after a short (by Oka's standards) walk arrived at a vacant lot in a crummy looking neighborhood. "This looks good." Oka said. "Maybe we'll even find some trubbish." She turned to face Jin, and held out a pokeball in each hand. "Which one would you rather use, Wormy or Sylveon?"

Jin gave her a weird look as she told him the name of the pokemon that was supposed to lurk here. " wait don't even tell me." Jin then looked at the pokeballs that she was holding out to him and answered her. "I'll take Sylveon then, if that's okay with you."


Oka nodded. "Ok. Here." She gave him the pokeball in her left hand. "Ok, so, you just press the button in the center of the ball and throw it. It's that simple."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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He took the ball from her and did as she instructed and pressed the button before throwing it . As it went throught the air a bright light appeared, from that light Sylvaeon came out. "That was certainly interesting."


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Oka Kurosawa

Oka smiled at him. "Yeah, it's really simple. Ok Sylveon, you're going to listen to Jin, ok?"

"Kyuuu!" Sylveon nodded in responce and looked at Jin expectantly. "Sylveon is really strong, and will obey you for this fight." Oka threw out her own ball. "And I'll use Wormy. Don't worry, I'll go easy on you." She smiled cutely and took up her position. "Ok, so, Sylveon knows the moves hyper voice, moonbeam, amnesia, and hyper beam. Just try telling him to do one."
« Last Edit: April 04, 2016, 04:30:08 AM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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That does comfort me.  Quite a bit.  For multiple reasons.  Just normally I'm not so sloppy about blurting out my weaknesses.

"Not breathing is a great boon," Forest said smiling back, "Now for a plan . . . Admittedly, most of my plans involve doing things the American way.  Gratuitous amounts of violence and firearms.  You need a place to stay.  I have a bloody ton of room."

I even have a 'Cloak of Darkness' that lets me walk out in the daylight even though it makes me look like a scary black fog so . . . wearing it out in the open can be dicey.  I should be able to wear it and drive.


"My preferences lay with more subtle approaches," the exile stated, before chuckling. "Still, there is a certain... fascinating quality to, as you say, 'gratuitous' methods. And with regards to lodging, it is especially appreciated."

That is a remarkably convenient article you have access to.