Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 74929 times)


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the Kyuuketsuki pouted as he dodged her hug attempt. She stared at him as he crouched on the ground, apparently he wanted to play a game with her now. But hugging is too much too ask for? What a rude man. "What sort of game are you proposing?"


His tongue darted everywhere in her mouth, pushing against her tongue playfully. His hands continued on their glorious task, kneading her butt even firmer now and getting a good feel for it's shape. His enthusiasm grew every woth every passing second and so did his intensity.


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Oka Kurosawa

Oka groaned as he kneaded her behind. It felt good.

Damn, I'm getting really horny she thought as she reached down and grabbed Jin's penis through his pants, giving the long member a good squeeze of her own. Her hips slowly began to gyrate slightly. She loved how Jin already knew her most sensitive places.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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He was breathing more heavily now. That feels really good he thought at Oka's hand. He grinded against it to make it feel better. After doing so for a brief moment he pulled away from her. "We should continue this later, don't worry it will be so much better for you."


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He was breathing more heavily now. That feels really good he thought at Oka's hand. He grinded against it to make it feel better. After doing so for a brief moment he pulled away from her. "We should continue this later, don't worry it will be so much better for you."

Oka Kurosawa

Oka smiled at Jin and licked her lips, giving Jin's hardened member one last hearty squeeze before she let go. "I'm going to hold you to that promise." She looked at the Pokeball Jin was holding. "So you named him Chuck? And you want a Glaceon. That's both easy and difficult. Do you have a powerful ice artifact? If you do, it'll be super simple. All you have to do is train them the smallest amount and the radiation will get to them. Otherwise we'll have to find one."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"How about a friendly game of dodgeball? No rules, no time limit and you only lose when you think you lost. Naturally, the winner gets to decide what to do with the loser. It can be anything~. " He purred, smiling curiously at the girl. They had similar powers, this could be interesting. Besides, he needed to know the limits of this body in order to face her.


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Sakura Matou

Sakura watched the epic lightsaber duel intently, feeding Shirou and herself popcorn throughout it. She'd always loved Darth Maul, thought he was so cool. Those spikes, that evil looking design, the fucking doublesaber!

So cool.

Shortly thereafter, the credits began to roll, and Sakura excitedly turned to Jeanne.

"So what did you think of the movie? Was it fun?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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He have out a small groan as she gave his member a final squeeze. It took a while for what for what she was saying to register but when it did he just smiled. "Finding an ice artifact as you say won't be too much of an issue. In fact I have one on me right now." He proclaimed with a very proud voice.


Archer snorted at whe nhe heard what Rin said. Self destructive tendencies indeed. Despite having such an internal agreement he couldn't help but outwwardly disagree. "Just because the goal is bitter doesn't mean the journey was meaningless Rin."

Umbra of Chaos

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"Acting as if lust and love are feelings that most being are equipped to clinically separate is foolish and the desires of the flesh do not vanish because of love. Its influence, no matter the potency, remains in all cases where physical attraction born from anything other than love alone is present. You may attempt to delude yourself into believing otherwise but the truth remains the truth." There was a sudden hardness to the construct's voice that made steel beams seem soft and pliable. Time was't truly an issue to the Spirit Vessel  she could watch the ages fade away without a single issue yet now a sliver of impatience writhed within her.

The flare of emotion was soon replaced by a teasing emptiness that left Erica vaguely satisfied. It was good to feel something about this. It was important. "I will explain what a love devoid of distraction and dilution is like. No one is beautiful. Every creature and person no matter their form is no different than a plank of wood. Then you fall in love, and they're the most beautiful, the most handsome person you've ever seen in your life. They define beauty. They are appealing to you simply because they exist and you love them. No distraction exists. A similar form has no meaning to you. It is pure and only from the honest desires of the heart."


As the stranger left the dragon burst into black fluid and reformed back into the naked Fae. She danced across the ground over to the younger girl with sweeping movements that captured the spirits of flowing rivers before stopping right behind the younger girl with the rigidness of a thick oak. One arm wrapped itself around the girl's waist and pressed her against the Formless One as a hand played with her hair.

"Oh, that was so close, Fi-o-na. You almost fell for the easiest trick of all. You know, some of the Fae back home used to ask humans for help too. Then they hollowed them out and infested them until they turned into Thorn Knights. You shouldn't be so trusting if you can't tell what a stranger is." There was a musical lilt to Oren's voice and she sounded terribly amused by it but the warning was still clear.


A moment of silence is the one chance that the Old God gave to voice any dissent. With that done she decided voice one warning. Just to prevent any unfortunate accidents that this transportation could cause. "You should all know that as I'm transporting you all your trust is required. Whatever happens refrain from struggling or making unnecessary movements. Panicking would also be remiss of you as well.  I would like to avoid any unfortunate incidents." With the warning issued Urthemiel took a few steps back from the rest of the group before glowing bright. It flared once before Urthemiel increased dramatically in size and quickly faded.

In place of the mage stood a majestic high dragon. It was the epitome of grace itself. The curve of her horns, the span of her wings, and her rich, vibrant scales put any other creature to shame. Her maw opened up to reveal perfect, deadly teeth and a surge of heat escaped her throat. Then she graciously lowered herself down onto the ground so the mages could hang onto her neck. The drake would require a different approach but the humans needed to be one first. Although, if they sullied any of her scales there would be issues.


Huh. Well Lumen couldn't say that the line of thought wasn't interesting although the tension was getting a bit too thick for her. Unfortunately, she also had almost no idea on how to defuse this kind of situation. "I don't know about that. If you're human you seem to be pretty bad at being one. People value sacrifice and giving to others a lot as well. They also have the annoying habit of questioning things they shouldn't and getting mad about things they can't change. Just seeing how basic human nature and the world is and just accepting it is more like being an animal or kid I suppose?"


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"Oh? You do?" She inquired. Jin sounded like he was really proud of having such a thing. Maybe it was a rare artifact from ages past.

"Do you mind showing me it, Jin?" She asked him curiously. It felt like the nice thing to do, even if she was only marginally interested. "I'd love to see what it can do."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Forest bit the inside of her cheek when Mordred challenged Gadreel to arm wrestling so she could feel sure of herself or what not.  Gadreel accepted.  One hand if Gadreel had refused it could have caused a scene. 

Part of Forest wanted him to beat the braggart.  The more sensible part wanted Gadreel to throw the match just to placate her.    The blond walked up behind the fallen angel and sent, If I'm introduced, please don't use my name.  If she hears it she might go in full Van Helsing mode.

So, for now I'm Samantha "Sam" Axe if it comes down to it.

Aloud she said, "I don't know if I should wish you luck or face palm, love."


Rin shrugged and said, "I didn't say it was meaningless, but apparently a version of you did."


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"Well, of course it weighs several tons!" Autumn all but shrieked, "I keep telling you, I'm a Halcyon-class fleet girl! You could have snapped your back!"

It was her damaged state that allowed this to happen. The fairies are having a hard time travelling between decks, and repair work is remarkably slow outside of a wetdock. Not all of her body is being accommodated fully by convenience magic.

"Look," the light cruiser began once calming back down, "Just warn me next time before you grab hold of me."


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Shiro's glower increased in intensity to critical levels, yet she didn't say anything more. She rushed over to Rikuyo at maximum speed and smacked her to the ground. "What should I do with you?" She asked a rhetorical question.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Huh. Well Lumen couldn't say that the line of thought wasn't interesting although the tension was getting a bit too thick for her. Unfortunately, she also had almost no idea on how to defuse this kind of situation. "I don't know about that. If you're human you seem to be pretty bad at being one. People value sacrifice and giving to others a lot as well. They also have the annoying habit of questioning things they shouldn't and getting mad about things they can't change. Just seeing how basic human nature and the world is and just accepting it is more like being an animal or kid I suppose?"


Shiro's glower increased in intensity to critical levels, yet she didn't say anything more. She rushed over to Rikuyo at maximum speed and smacked her to the ground. "What should I do with you?" She asked a rhetorical question.


Before the painted woman finished her little speech, the foxgirl smacked the redhead to the ground. She was so good that Rikuyo's now human senses didn't even register. She struggled to get up and cleaned the blood from her face. "Uhhh, yer ain't talk like the other woman. We don't agree, but I like that. Whatever, I don't give a damn about what you do. Yer stronger and I'm weaker, if I can't fight back, then I don't blame you for whatever you do to me."


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Troll, did she just call her a troll? Blondie is such a meanie, she was lucky she had bought food for her or else unpleasant things would have happened. As she fumed over this the white haired girl subconciously followed Mordred to the table where she had heard people talking about the 80's. They looked like they were about to leave. Before they could do so however Mordred challanged the man to an arm wrestling contest to show off her strength or something. As she got close to them she noticed one thing, he was really tall and built too, so Blondie's planned to beat him. Like that would happened, she couldn't help but grin as she imagined the result of it. "There's no way you can beat him, just look at him, he could probably wrestle a bear." Kuro said while looking at Mordred.


"Well," the exile began with a smile, "it certainly has been too long since I had more than just a milkshake. A proper meal would be quite agreeable now."

Before he could draw Forest's arm into his and walk away, however, he was approached by the taller of the two young ladies who had been seated adjacent to them not long ago. He considered his would-be challenger and her regretfully youthful provocateur for a brief moment. On the one hand, she was rather belligerent and hostile - his current companion was even one of her preferred targets. On the other hand, it would not take a great deal of his time. The angel could simply defeat her in this contest of strength in short order and be on his way. In the event that she was more capable than she seemed, he would allow her the victory she craved so as to not reveal more than would be prudent about his own capabilities. 

Gadreel looked to Forest for a moment, and nodded to her. "It shall only take a moment," he said as if to explain his concession to his challenger. "And then we may continue as we were."

He smiled and nodded to both of the young ladies, each in turn. "I accept your challenge. Before we begin, may I inquire as to the names of the fine ladies before me?"

After that it would be simply a matter of sitting down at the appropriate table and setting their arms up for this.


Forest bit the inside of her cheek when Mordred challenged Gadreel to arm wrestling so she could feel sure of herself or what not.  Gadreel accepted.  One hand if Gadreel had refused it could have caused a scene.  

Part of Forest wanted him to beat the braggart.  The more sensible part wanted Gadreel to throw the match just to placate her.    The blond walked up behind the fallen angel and sent, If I'm introduced, please don't use my name.  If she hears it she might go in full Van Helsing mode.

So, for now I'm Samantha "Sam" Axe if it comes down to it.

Aloud she said, "I don't know if I should wish you luck or face palm, love."


"Oh, shut your trap, even bears are not a problem for me." She retorted to the insolent kid that didn't believe in her. Honestly, she thrived under pressure, so she didn't give damn about everyone rooting against her.

The tall man accepted politely her challenge, and asked about their names. Her name was odd one, but it wasn't in her nature to lie blatantly, so she had to come up with some explanation. "The name's Mordred. I blame my parents for giving me such an eccentric name, but what I will do about it? It's fine if you call me Mor or Mord."

The man's companion seemed to be somewhat embarassed about the situation. "There's nothing wrong in contest of strength between two people. It might be intrusive of me, but if he accepted my challenge, then all is dandy."

Mordred seated herself at free table without nothing that would get away into their modest arm wrestling contest. "I'm ready whenever."


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"No." The blonde kyuuketsuki rejected him with a monotone voice. "I am not going to partake in any perverted activity that your deviant self may think of in that twisted mind of yours. So please will you stop acting like you do not actually care."