Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 74843 times)


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Theodore stared at the girl for a while, his eyes as blank as ever. No, something was off... they seemed different. As if something was missing. It's not that they bared no expression, for even as empty as they were, they held something.

And for the smallest of moment, he seemed sad. Almost as if there was something he was missing, something all living creatures possessed and yet he would never have.

Roll perception + empathy.

"But I don't care, nor do I have a particular reason to. Sorry." He said as a matter of factly. Without warning, the demon dashed towards her, suddenly holding a firefighter axe ready to hack her to bits. Well, it's not like he'd be able to reach her or anything, so even if she let him hit her he'd miss and let her punch him.


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"If you wish, Yukianesa can be temperemental." As he said so he assumed a stance while looking away frok Oka and then grabbed the handle of his blade. He then quickly unsheated it as a wave of ice surged forward from the blade that also seemed to be made of ice. He swung it once through the air, freezing what was infront of him before quickly sheathing it again.


Blondie started bragging about how even bear wrestling wasn't a problem for her, it looks like she really liked showing off. Her thoughts were however interrupted by the tall man asking them for their names. She gave a slight bow before giving an overly excited introduction.

"I'm Chloe von Einzbern, but you can call me Kuro if you want to!" She had to really look up though as she said it, this man was several heads taller than her after all. His blond companion introduced herself as Samantha Axe, The last name did catch her attention as it didn't sound entirely genuine. She didn't however show any outward reaction to hearing it.

Blondie then took a seat at the table declaring herself ready for the contest whenever it may start. The white haired girl then crossed her arms as she issued a challenge of her own. "Whoever wins gets to face me ok." She spoke it with an almost unnatural amount of certainty as if she actually believed herself able to beat adults.

Umbra of Chaos

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There was a mounting frustration pounding in the Patchwork's head as Shiro hit the other girl and sent her to the ground. This was getting annoying. All she did was prove the other girl's point! She walked over to the foxgirl and the sound of her bare feet was the only thing she focused on instead of whatever the redhead just said. Then she gently rested her right hand on Shiro's shoulder. The touch was gentle but the appendage itself was uncomfortably hot. An unintended effect of her anger. "Hey, I think you've done more than enough. You should really consider stopping now."


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"WOA- erm, I mean, woah!" The lord blurted out in awe, gazing at the magnificent creature.

To be able to meet not one, but two dragons in one day was simply extraordinary. And such a fine specimen, one who not only possessed such beauty, but who could apparently perform magic as well! There was no way he could not seize this opportunity. And not only that, but he would be able to r-r-ride one!

This was the best. day. EVER!!!

"I-Is it really okay?"


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Medaka Kurokami

Medaka eyes opened as she came to.  Her body felt cold as it slowly came back to life.  She examined her body.  She was wearing the outfit Toe gave her right as they left to stop the white sun.

"TOE!"  She shouted as her memories exploded onto the forefront.  Then, she paused and looked around.

He's gone.

She must have blacked out at some point.  Knowing Toe, he is probably running around, looking for new souls to collect.  With that thought, Medaka began briskly walking forward, searching for her soon to be friend.

It did not take long before she ran into a suspicious scene.  A young girl was talking to an old man.  As they were talking, she walked over to see if maybe they saw anyone who may resemble Toe.  Perhaps she could also locate the gentlemen from before.  Without warning, the man sprang into action, suddenly wielding an axe.  The moment he shot forward, she did the same.  It would be close considering he was faster than he looked, but she intended to step in between them.  Then, she would use her forearm to deflect his axe wielding hand.  If everything connects properly she would use her arm and stance to deliver a judo throw.  Even if she failed, she would take the hit for the yong girl.


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Fiona watched the woman leave with a small frown, making sure the roses parted for her passage. As soon as she was out of sight Fiona let out a small sigh, letting her head droop slightly. Suddenly, an arm wrapped around her waist and Oren, once again in her human shape, pressed her back against her. A soft blush appeared on her cheeks.

Fiona pouted as she turned her head, so as to see Oren’s face, trying to ignore the hand brushing though her hair. It felt nice though. “Well, what was I supposed to do? What if she really needs help?”  Fiona pointed out.

That’s what heroes did. They helped people. Of course there were people that wanted to use her, that wanted to hurt her, but… what kind of world would she be living in if she thought the worse of anyone she met. Then a thought occurred to her, “Did you… notice something weird about her?”


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Auspicious Breeze

Today's gonna be a good day, Auspicious Breeze thought to herself with a smile as she strapped on her pair of bracers. Lightly colored bronze, decorated with la.. lapis... lapis something. Something blue and pretty that her mistress, the sorcerer-princess Radiant Cataclysm, told her would go really well with her eyes! Well, it'll be good after I ask her what the second word in that is. Lapis something!

She heard the last snap as her bracer went on, and then let go of her arm to run her fingers through her short hair. The former gladiator was really proud of the hair she'd been given. Just long enough to give her mistress something to run her pretty nails through, not long enough for someone to grab and tug at in a fight! She took a look at the mirror on the bureau, tilted her head from side to side, and nodded in satisfaction.

"Alright then! Collar on, bands on, bracers on, hair is done..." she mumbled to herself out loud, taking another moment to admire the tan skin of her face. The only thing marring it now were the tattoos along the sides, but they were pretty light so it wasn't bad. Besides, the tattoos were a symbol of her connection with her mistress' household now. Another thing to be proud of!

Her breezy (heh, breezy) white clothes only really covered what they needed to. It was a sign of her status, now, that the Solar Exalt didn't have to cover her body up and wear a mask anymore. She could show herself off, arms and legs, neck and face, belly and back, like all the sorcerers did. Sure, they were mostly... not nice, but she had to play nice with them because her mistress was nice, and it wouldn't be all that nice of her to make things harder for her yet, right? She hadn't figured out the right people to punch to make things better yet.

Besides, she really liked looking beautiful like they did. Not like before, when she was... Auspicious Breeze shook her head, getting rid of those pictures in stuck in it. Her mistress' magic had made her lovely, made her look as perfect as she felt after being Chosen by the Sun. She hadn't been that scaly thing in over a year now. A year with her mistress, a year keeping her safe, a year punching the sneaky slaves and monkey-demons of Radiant Cataclysm's rivals. Breaking the backs of soul-eating pointy-eared faeries who really shouldn't be as pretty as they were.

The Solar closed her eyes and focused on the power lurking within her waiting to be tapped. It was like feeling her blood as it moved, or something. Not that she bled anymore, but, well she had a point with this comparison and ahaha thinking about it made Breeze smile a little. She felt like she could do anything as she gently tensed her muscles; felt like victory.

She took a deep breath through her nose, smile growing on her face as she reveled in her power, before freezing. Auspicious Breeze took a sniff of the air to check if the stinky smell wasn't just her passing gas (how embarrassing! Good thing mistress isn't here). No, it didn't smell like that... ugh. It was pretty nasty, though. And the sounds, it was a lot louder now! She took a moment to refocus her hearing and smelling so they wouldn't get overwhelmed, a comforting rush of essence helping her 'get' it all.

Then she opened her eyes and found herself staring at a brick wall. "... huh? Wait, this isn't anywhere in my mistress' tower. Where am I?"

She took in the long, dead ended tunnel of brick and concrete she was in. There was a cloudy sky above, cold air all around and sending goosebumps to her skin, when her ears picked up the familiar sounds of a fight! She could wonder about what just happened after, but if someone was fighting she needed to be there to help! Or punch them all. One of those. That might actually count as helping.

Once she took care of that, then she would get back to Radiant and they could figure out what happened together.

She sprinted down the strange alley until she reached its end, and came to a skidding stop that put some strain on her sandals. Auspicious Breeze took in the sight: Three ladies, obviously fighting, and a bunch of pink flower petals everywhere! And they looked so strange! Obviously mutants, but that was nothing weird. The weird thing was how pretty they all were.

Today is a weird day.

"Hey!" she shouted at them after a second of watching, her hands clenched at her side. "I don't know what's going on, but cute girls like you shouldn't be fighting each other like this!"


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Shiro whirled around to face Lumen with the dexterity of a fox, her shoulder slipping free from Lumen's grasp as if it had been greased. She scowled at Lumen. "Why are you protecting her? She's clearly too stupid to understand that hurting other people for no good reason isn't allowed! Shiro stomped her foot, and her sandles shattered the asphalt, creating a small clould of dust beneath her foot. "I'm not going to let her-"

Shiro stopped midsentence and her ears perked up.

Someone was coming.

She jumped back, away from Lumen, ready for any agressive moves from her. Keeping a wary eye on her, she looked to the alley where the newcomer was appearing from.

"Hey!" she shouted at them after a second of watching, her hands clenched at her side. "I don't know what's going on, but cute girls like you shouldn't be fighting each other like this!"

Shiro frowned at her. She hated it that people didn't understand what she was in this new world. But too many people could prove problematic. She'd rather not fight so many people with unknown powers at the same time. She sighed, then ran over to the attractive young woman and began to sniff at her, looking at her with curiosity. This woman was odd too! She smelled like the summer air. Maybe a hint of dew from a field?  After a few whiffs, Shiro nodded at her and smiled. "You smell like a good person."

I'll have to hunt the madwoman down later, I guess. With her scent it shouldn't really be hard. She decided that that would be the best course of action. Lumen had shown her that she was something similar to a poisoned apple, like in that one children's tale! Hopefully this woman would be better. Her tail wagged as she awaited a responce.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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There was a mounting frustration pounding in the Patchwork's head as Shiro hit the other girl and sent her to the ground. This was getting annoying. All she did was prove the other girl's point! She walked over to the foxgirl and the sound of her bare feet was the only thing she focused on instead of whatever the redhead just said. Then she gently rested her right hand on Shiro's shoulder. The touch was gentle but the appendage itself was uncomfortably hot. An unintended effect of her anger. "Hey, I think you've done more than enough. You should really consider stopping now."

Auspicious Breeze

Today's gonna be a good day, Auspicious Breeze thought to herself with a smile as she strapped on her pair of bracers. Lightly colored bronze, decorated with la.. lapis... lapis something. Something blue and pretty that her mistress, the sorcerer-princess Radiant Cataclysm, told her would go really well with her eyes! Well, it'll be good after I ask her what the second word in that is. Lapis something!

She heard the last snap as her bracer went on, and then let go of her arm to run her fingers through her short hair. The former gladiator was really proud of the hair she'd been given. Just long enough to give her mistress something to run her pretty nails through, not long enough for someone to grab and tug at in a fight! She took a look at the mirror on the bureau, tilted her head from side to side, and nodded in satisfaction.

"Alright then! Collar on, bands on, bracers on, hair is done..." she mumbled to herself out loud, taking another moment to admire the tan skin of her face. The only thing marring it now were the tattoos along the sides, but they were pretty light so it wasn't bad. Besides, the tattoos were a symbol of her connection with her mistress' household now. Another thing to be proud of!

Her breezy (heh, breezy) white clothes only really covered what they needed to. It was a sign of her status, now, that the Solar Exalt didn't have to cover her body up and wear a mask anymore. She could show herself off, arms and legs, neck and face, belly and back, like all the sorcerers did. Sure, they were mostly... not nice, but she had to play nice with them because her mistress was nice, and it wouldn't be all that nice of her to make things harder for her yet, right? She hadn't figured out the right people to punch to make things better yet.

Besides, she really liked looking beautiful like they did. Not like before, when she was... Auspicious Breeze shook her head, getting rid of those pictures in stuck in it. Her mistress' magic had made her lovely, made her look as perfect as she felt after being Chosen by the Sun. She hadn't been that scaly thing in over a year now. A year with her mistress, a year keeping her safe, a year punching the sneaky slaves and monkey-demons of Radiant Cataclysm's rivals. Breaking the backs of soul-eating pointy-eared faeries who really shouldn't be as pretty as they were.

The Solar closed her eyes and focused on the power lurking within her waiting to be tapped. It was like feeling her blood as it moved, or something. Not that she bled anymore, but, well she had a point with this comparison and ahaha thinking about it made Breeze smile a little. She felt like she could do anything as she gently tensed her muscles; felt like victory.

She took a deep breath through her nose, smile growing on her face as she reveled in her power, before freezing. Auspicious Breeze took a sniff of the air to check if the stinky smell wasn't just her passing gas (how embarrassing! Good thing mistress isn't here). No, it didn't smell like that... ugh. It was pretty nasty, though. And the sounds, it was a lot louder now! She took a moment to refocus her hearing and smelling so they wouldn't get overwhelmed, a comforting rush of essence helping her 'get' it all.

Then she opened her eyes and found herself staring at a brick wall. "... huh? Wait, this isn't anywhere in my mistress' tower. Where am I?"

She took in the long, dead ended tunnel of brick and concrete she was in. There was a cloudy sky above, cold air all around and sending goosebumps to her skin, when her ears picked up the familiar sounds of a fight! She could wonder about what just happened after, but if someone was fighting she needed to be there to help! Or punch them all. One of those. That might actually count as helping.

Once she took care of that, then she would get back to Radiant and they could figure out what happened together.

She sprinted down the strange alley until she reached its end, and came to a skidding stop that put some strain on her sandals. Auspicious Breeze took in the sight: Three ladies, obviously fighting, and a bunch of pink flower petals everywhere! And they looked so strange! Obviously mutants, but that was nothing weird. The weird thing was how pretty they all were.

Today is a weird day.

"Hey!" she shouted at them after a second of watching, her hands clenched at her side. "I don't know what's going on, but cute girls like you shouldn't be fighting each other like this!"


Shiro whirled around to face Lumen with the dexterity of a fox, her shoulder slipping free from Lumen's grasp as if it had been greased. She scowled at Lumen. "Why are you protecting her? She's clearly too stupid to understand that hurting other people for no good reason isn't allowed! Shiro stomped her foot, and her sandles shattered the asphalt, creating a small clould of dust beneath her foot. "I'm not going to let her-" 

Shiro stopped midsentence and her ears perked up.

Someone was coming. 

She jumped back, away from Lumen, ready for any agressive moves from her. Keeping a wary eye on her, she looked to the alley where the newcomer was appearing from. 

"Hey!" she shouted at them after a second of watching, her hands clenched at her side. "I don't know what's going on, but cute girls like you shouldn't be fighting each other like this!"

Shiro frowned at her. She hated it that people didn't understand what she was in this new world. But too many people could prove problematic. She'd rather not fight so many people with unknown powers at the same time. She sighed, then ran over to the attractive young woman and began to sniff at her, looking at her with curiosity. This woman was odd too! She smelled like the summer air. Maybe a hint of dew from a field?  After a few whiffs, Shiro nodded at her and smiled. "You smell like a good person." 

I'll have to hunt the madwoman down later, I guess. With her scent it shouldn't really be hard. She decided that that would be the best course of action. Lumen had shown her that she was something similar to a poisoned apple, like in that one children's tale! Hopefully this woman would be better. Her tail wagged as she awaited a responce.


The redhead removed those petals as the foxgirl got distracted by the painted woman. She had no chance now against the foxgirl but as time passed she would got stronger. Certainly she would be a worthy "practice target" in the future.

"I'm off then. I'm not escaping or anything, it's just that it'd be more fun if we fought at more equal terms? Ya want to play a hero? Fine, then I can be yer villain, I don't care about what kind of problem you have with me. Ya can hunt whenever you want, but I'll turn tables on you. Honestly, I'm looking forward to it!" Rikuyo could barely contact her excitement. Someone for her to test her might before she could take on Shinobu. Someone to test fruits of her future training. "5 days and I'll be at my best again. This Rikuyo will then clash with ya in a worthy duel. See ya!" She nonchalantly waved to her and started walking away from the scene, not even paying attention at what newcomer said. She was only interested in the fox now.


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The cultist's eyes snapped open as her baby hissed with a voice like the raging tide and she clumsily stood up as the scaled being crouched down behind her. Neither of them were particularly frightened of what might ensue in the next few moments but both would prefer that the reborn one be allowed to experience this world for a little while longer. With that in mind Numina held out her arms and trade to cover as much of her child as possible as it tried to retract into itself and away from the fox girl.


Her trembling fist stayed in the air ready to respond at a moment’s notice. But her eyes were fixed, not on the monstrosity, not on the man, but the girl that stood defending the indescribable thing. “You… you know exactly what that this is. You put it in you yourself.” She was able to force out though her grit teeth. “You know just what was just let loose on the world… ”

Her vision, it made sense now, it made far too much sense now. Impossible and horrifying, it set a deep sense of revulsion deep in her core. It was something ‘else’, something that did not belong, something that would distort the world. She could see it now. It was bending space, shifting planes, crying worlds over lapping with this one. As her mother’s child, she could see it, she could feel it.

It was her duty, as one who understands what it is on some level, to stop it.

Her head tilted to the man staring at her, ready to attack at a moment’s notice, “Get out of here, that thing is dangerous. There is no telling how much damage it will cause if is allowed to go free.” Nanashi’s form lowered, one of her hand tapping against the pavement, and her focus changed back to the girl now defending the monstrosity.

“I’ll stop it here, for everyone’s sake. Cause like hell I am going to let it fuck over the Nexus, people have it hard enough. Then I will let the enforcers decide what to do with you.”  She told the girl as her scarf burned with light. The light was bright and encompassing, enveloping the alleyway in a blue glow and warmth.

Her right leg lifted off the ground slightly, before stamping onto the ground. As the black boot smacked against the pavement, fire burst to life. And with that her body glowed, the flames of her spirit awakening with their full might. Her body hunched over her eyes glowed, as her focus reached its peak. She was ready.

She was going to show this thing that you don’t get to fuck with her home. Not if she can do anything about it.


Ridiculous. No one, absolutely no one had right to judge something that has not committed any atrocity yet? So what about its inhuman looks? Lucifer was a light bearer, yet betrayed the Lord of Universe. Of course, peasants imagined now him to be some red horned devil, but a learned scholar knew that there was nothing about him changing his visage. An absolute evil could have looked like
something beatiful. Thus he wouldn't be fooled by appearances.

Honestly, this villain disgusted him more than usual. She reminded him off those of his brethren that strayed off the path of righteousness, fighting not only villains but also lashing out at those he didn't find wanting. He had to stop the woman for her own good. He had to extinguish and suppress her murderous flames before she assaulted the two with loathsome intentions.

In one hand was his trusty whip. In the other he held a bottle of sanctified holy water. Her flame might have burned visibly, but his heart of a gentleman burned with a heat of a knight. Such pathetic flames couldn't match his resolve.!

He threw the holy water bottle at the fox woman, its holy contents meant to splash her and supress her sorcery. She likely would interpret that as an act of agression anyway, so he wasn't left with any other choice than follow on that move immediately and strike out with his whip whether she evaded the holy water or not.

(Time to put on battle OST:
« Last Edit: April 10, 2016, 12:06:25 AM by Kat »

Umbra of Chaos

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Oren spun the girl around and kissed her on the nose before flitting backwards. "You're so cute, Fiona! There are untouched plains of snow more sullied then you. We Fae absolutely adore heroes. The fact that I like you so much should be a good sign about the kind of person you are."

Then she began to consider the question. She hummed, and paced, and stroked her chin with a hand before saying, "Weeeeeeeell. Nope! Seemed pretty normal to me, but if you really want to we can make sure she's really a good person."

In an instant she shifted from Fae to Lycan and began sniffing around. It wasn't long before she had caught the scent of the stranger and motioned towards the druid to follow as she dropped to all fours and began to pursue. She moved with the gait of an experienced predator and even in the brush of of the forest she barely made a sound.


In her anger Lumen's right hand began to clench and open unconsciously as if waiting for something to fill it as the other girl scowled at her. Even as the redhead picked herself off the floor and the foxgirl went over to greet another newcomer the Patchwork's temper refused to abate and as she looked around she saw a restaurant and her hand found exactly what it wanted. The influence of a god surged forward and ensnared the cooking fires inside. In an instant they raged out of control and spilled forth in a raging inferno that miraculously failed to harm anyone by the steadfast values of the Patchwork.

A surge of flame blasted towards the red arm and melted straight through the glass of the building before curling up in Lumen's hand like an old pet and fashioning itself into an ornate spear of rippling flame. Even though she wasn't actually holding anything of physical substance she held the compressed flame just as one would an actual spear.

"Shiro, don't you dare act dare act like what you did had any reasonable justification. I wasn't protecting anyone. I was doing what was right. Just because you think you're correct doesn't give you the justification to hit anyone who has yet to do something wrong. What you should have done was talk, or argue, or even try making a deal. Hell, you could have even chosen to go and take her to the police if you felt that bad about it, but you don't use violence because you feel so strongly about something. And it's only because I like you that I'm acting as if everything would have ended with you knocking her down if no one had intervened." She hinted at the other possibility as the point of the spear struck the ground and with a shred of Essence flared a brilliant blue and reduced the ground it touched to a molten mess.


The redhead took her chances and rushed towards the man as she threw fate into a violent collision course with the would e child murderer. Her sweet, beautiful child rushed alongside her on all fours and opened its mouth to let out an ear rending shriek that drew blood from her ears. As wriggling things inside her swallowed wounded flesh and took their place she hoped that it would be enough to distract her assailant. She didn't have the time for this nonsense and she was in no hurry to watch her children die. No matter how meaningless it was their disappointment at an early death was something she would rather avoid.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2016, 01:52:10 AM by Umbra of Chaos »


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The blond kyuuketsuki looked upon the man as his blank eyes seemed to show a flicker of emotion for a second, was that sadness or was she mistaken? However before she could fully process the thought he suddenly charged her brandishing an axe that had suspicously appeared in his hand. She was about to respond to the assault when she noticed something else, A curvacous girl with long blue hair was charging towards them as well at high speeds. Judging by her trajectory it appeared as if she was aiming to put herself between them, possibly to stop the man who was now wielding an axe.

Acting on instict the kyuuketsuki put one leg behind her, preparing herself for the exact moment when the blue haired girl was between them. When that moment came she would kick the blue haired girl as hard as she could from behind, right into the axe wielding man.


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Oka Kurosawa

Oka jumped as Jin conjured ice seemingly magically from his sword. "H-h-h-h-h-h-how'd you do that!" Oka was utterly shocked. She pinched herself to make sure she wasn't dreaming. "Are you secretly a super powerful psychic?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Theodore charged towards the brat, ready for his futile attack, but suddenly his eyes widened. No, it wasn't quite exact, they didn't actually widen at all. He just looked a little surprised, if he could even do that. For a moment, he hesitated, and Medaka quickly grabbed hold of his arm. However, before she could do anything else, she was violently kicked into him.

"You didn't need to do that." He groaned, looking at the blonde girl in annoyance. Then, he turned to the familiar face.

He sighed internally; it seemed his mannerisms and memories were part of him. No, that wasn't right. It was the other way around, rather, his old memories that had been etched in his mind to begin with. Both of their experiences, thoughts and personality traits had merged, although not perfectly. It was not unlike an Ouroboros biting his tail, and for now the man who used to call himself Vanguard was the head.

Even so, all the accumulated habits were far from gone.

"Hey vice prez, you alright?" He asked calmly, almost robotically. He didn't know why he called her that, it just came on it's own.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2016, 01:48:18 AM by francobull3 »


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She managed to block the arm but then something unexpected happened, she was shoved into the man by a strong force thrust into her back, probably a kick.  She landed on top of the man.  Still resting on his chest, she turned behind her, looking at the girl with a perplexed but concerned look.  She was confused as to why she got kicked but was more concerned about the blond girl's safety.  However, before she could speak, the old man said something odd that caught her attention.

"Hey vice prez, you alright?"  He said in a robotic voice.  The tone was odd but the word choice and language was unmistakable.

Instantly, her head snapped back around to face the old man.  "Toe?" she gasped.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2016, 02:31:15 AM by yinsukin »