Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 74935 times)


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Fiona looked hesitant for a moment, before nodding. It was odd, that a person could take such an impact and not even ask for help, or even accept it when offered. There could be so many things that explained it, but… on the off chance that she was a vampire thrall, or something along those lines, it might before the best.

So with sad look on her face and the feeling of hurt finding a place in her chest for suspecting the stranger, Oren’s words took root. “O-oh, you might be right.” She closed her eyes for a moment, before they snapped open with a level of focus that was unlike what was seen all day. “I’ll help.”

With those words a phantom wolf dashed from its spot watching the pair and leapt at Fiona, phasing into her. And at that her body changed, her hair becoming a brighter red, while a tail and ears seemed to form from the air. Slowing the world returned to normal, the roses turning into ghosts and vanishing from this world.

With a look at the surrounding area she nodded before hopping onto Oren’s lupine back, holding onto her fur, “Don’t fight the wind at your back, it will help move you along.” She whispered into Oren’s ear, “Now, let’s go.”
« Last Edit: April 10, 2016, 02:20:16 AM by Knick »


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Auspicious Breeze

The Chosen took in the continued drama with a frown, trying to understand what exactly she had just walked in on besides 'cute girls fighting.' Really, that should be the only important thing! But it seems like one of them was trying to do something the other didn't like, it wasn't entirely clear what that was but it involved hurting people. Then the person who apparently was hurting people called herself a villain and left, which seemed like a lot of fairy logic because fairies were the only people who called themselves villains.

Well there were people who called Auspicious Breeze a villain, but they lived across the Dreaming Sea and wanted to kill her just for being Chosen by the Sun so that was wrong. She wouldn't be this strong if she wasn't right about wanting to help people and be happy!

Then the cute mutant with the fox parts started to sniff her, and Breeze couldn't help but giggle out loud and lean toward her a little. She had to stop herself from hugging her when she called her a good person! "Hello there~! Aren't you a sweet girl? Is everything okay-"

The strange black colored streets were dark and surrounded by squat little towers full of windows as far as the eye could see, and had already reminded Auspicious Breeze of the stories her mistress' summoned courtesans would tell her of their home in the Demon City. Now they were full of fire, which made it much worse than the stories the demons told her! Was the other pretty girl, the weird one with the stitches, some kind of elemental? That would explain a lot!

"... my name is Auspicious Breeze!" She suddenly said to both of them, doing her best to smile for them while she held her arms akimbo by her own hips. She ignored the wicked heat well enough. "And I have no idea what's happening here. Who are you two?"

Hopefully this would stop the fighting. And if it didn't she'd punch someone, which was okay.


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Very well then, 'Samantha.'

The exile nodded in acknowledgement of his challenger's introduction. "I shall refrain from the obvious humor of making further reference to the line of Pendragon then, Mord. May there be no hard feelings between us regardless of the outcome."

Still, he could not help but smile in the direction of the other fine young lady. "Greetings to you, fair Kuro," he said to her with a bow, lowering himself momentarily closer to her level. "I will gladly accept your challenge, should I be victorious on this occasion."

He returned to proper position in his seat, and clasped Mordred's relatively small hand in his larger one. "On the count of three, then?"


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Her kick hit its mark sending the blue haired girl crashing into the stalker making them both topple over with the girl landing on top. She casually strolled over to where the two of them were lying on the ground as she responded to the trite statement made by the man regarding her not having to kick the girl. "But you see, I had to do that. I could not help myself so it is not my fault okay." She said this with a cheerful tone that was clearly fake.

It appeared that two of them knew each other judging by the greetings between them. "But I have to admit the two of you make such a cute couple." She said as she finally reached them, still with the clearly fake emotion woven into it.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2016, 02:42:33 AM by Thedoctor »


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Very well then, 'Samantha.'

The exile nodded in acknowledgement of his challenger's introduction. "I shall refrain from the obvious humor of making further reference to the line of Pendragon then, Mord. May there be no hard feelings between us regardless of the outcome."

Still, he could not help but smile in the direction of the other fine young lady. "Greetings to you, fair Kuro," he said to her with a bow, lowering himself momentarily closer to her level. "I will gladly accept your challenge, should I be victorious on this occasion."

He returned to proper position in his seat, and clasped Mordred's relatively small hand in his larger one. "On the count of three, then?"


Gah, that brat, so sure of herself. Hah, she would show her afterwards! But now it was the time to focus on this duel.

She didn't find anything wrong in courteous behavior, but her opponent that too polite. Damnit, it was just arm wrestling, nothing formal. No need to phrase it in flowery language.

"Okay, 1, 2... " Mordred of course wanted to show that brat that she was no talk, so as she estimated that this guy could be a pretty strong human, she would adjust accordingly. Enough strength to overpower a man with such physique, but without doing harm to him. It would look suspicious that she won a bout against someone better built than her, but at this point she didn't give a damn. "And 3!"

(OOC: Forest should go after this post, we're changing order slightly, sorry for inconvenience)
« Last Edit: April 10, 2016, 03:03:01 AM by Kat »


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She saw it out of the corner of her eye, the toss of the jar, the reaching for the whip. Adrenaline pumped, flowing through her blood. The world slowed to a crawl, and the flames focused on her legs. Her weight shifted to her hand for a moment, before she smashed her legs against the pavement with all she could. The flames came with it, exploding from her right leg, propelling her into the air. The release of impossibly hot flames evaporated the water and snow obscuring all sight in the alleyway for but a moment.

As she flew through the air two things happen.

First, the world flashed, and she was somewhere else, a street just outside the ally, chasing the woman and the monstrosity, and then a car and darkness. And then she was in a building, and a man ran in, his eyes going wide and shooting his gun down at her, and then darkness. 

Then the sound, an ungodly screech that ripped through her ears. Unable to continue with her movement her body crashed through the third story window of the building she was jumping to. She rolled to a rest, the glass giving her a cut on her arm and leg. She got up slowly, her hand covering her ears in pain.

“Aghhhh, oh Inari blessed. Stop the ringing.” She moaned in pain, unable to hear a thing, feeling the headache coming on already. She could feel the slight wetness in her ears, but her spiritual energy was already flooding them, trying to repair the damage. It took her a few seconds that felt like minutes until she was able to hear again, not as well as normal, but enough to make it out if someone was screaming. It would be a while before she could hear at even human capacity.

She looked around for a moment, before getting a severe sense of daja va. Then she saw the door swing open and her eyes widened, “Oh no.” The man ran in, a gun in hand, and in that moment Nanashi was already on him, her fist striking his chest, the flames increasing its force and knocking him back. She was only barely able to hear a dull ring as the gun went off, zipping by her ear. If she hadn’t moved just then…

She panted for a moment before she looked at the window, “So that’s your game huh?” Whatever she did, it triggered something. An alignment of negative fate? Well, that was going to suck for her. She was annoyed to admit it, but she owed her mother for this, she might have been screwed otherwise.

She could smell them, that horrid, horrid smell, getting further and further. “Not going to get away from me.” She ran out into the hallway, seeing the window at the end of the hall that lead to the main street, and booked it. Shooting fire she blasted out the window and jumped out, landing on a street light, she was able to see them again. “Heh, got you.” And then she jumped, trying to catch up to them without landing on the street. From street light to car to wall, never once landing on the pavement. 
« Last Edit: April 10, 2016, 03:04:54 AM by Knick »


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"Did he throw a temper tantrum and fight  Shirou Emiya?" He asked her in a bored tone.


Jin was a bit surprised at her shock at seing Yukianesa but he responded anyway. "It's called Yukianesa, it's a type of Ars Armagus known as  Nox Nyctores. They were made long ago to fight the calamity known as the Black Beast." He turned to her as he finished his explanation. "Why are you so surprised?"


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The woman who tried to assault the two jumped high into the air. He chalked up him missing his target because he didn't predict she was that fast. Those sorcerous ones usually weren't quick ones, but maybe she was unusual. He just needed to adjust to her speed and all would be fine.

Some quite a loud noise affected the witch and made her crash through the window of the building. The hero covered his ears well, dropping his whip on the floor. Once it seemed that the noise stopped, he picked up his weapon. He took out an old looking notebook he had on himself and scribbled down quickly that such type of the villain might be quite vulnerable to loud voices. Good to know, maybe some loud firebombs could have been effective against her.

Making sure those two escaped took priority over confirming the fox's status and arresting her. She could have insidiously faked a weakness and recover before he could get to the third floor of that tall building. So he ran after the two, in order to make sure they didn't get ambushed by the witch who could have been gone by the time he reached the place where she crashed.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2016, 12:44:59 PM by Kat »


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Oka Kurosawa

"Huh…" Oka's voice carried a tone of disbelief, shock, and confusion. Maybe that crazy bitch, I think Forest? Was right after all.

"Ars Magus? Black beast? Jin, I think I might owe you an apology for making fun of you for not knowing what Pokemon are." Oka took a deep breath and recomposed herself before continuing. "I was told by some crazy bitch who claimed she was a vampire that this city is like, a nexus-point of all sorts of different dimensions? You seem to have been here a bit longer than me, at least. Have you heard anything like that? Because, and I know this sounds crazy, but I think we might be from different worlds." Or one/both of us is crazy

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Forest folded her arms across her chest as she watched Gadreel and Mordred get into position.  She's almost an exact doppleganger for Saber.  It's so bloody weird, Forest thought as she gave Mordred a quick glance.  But she doesn't smell like Saber, so it can't be her Mordred.

However, there was something off.  Forest couldn't put her finger on it, but there was something about the young woman that made her feel uneasy.  It's also warmer over here than it was a moment ago.  It wasn't because she was a vampire hunter, because Forest had dealt with and trained her fair share of wanna be Buffys and Van Helsings over the years, but something other.

She sent to Gadreel, So, do you have a plan?


Rin chuckled and said, "Not exactly.  My Archer sacrificed himself to save me and gave Emiya Shirou his arm when the shadow severed it off.  However, in the end my Archer still ended up killing Shirou in a roundabout way because even though they were a perfect match, it was still a servant's body part being grafted to a human's."
« Last Edit: April 10, 2016, 03:57:22 PM by Elf »


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The petals that were now on the ground whipped up and circled the area lazily, more joining them from her pouch. Shiro cocked her head at Breeze. "You're an awfully direct person. I'm Shiro, and she's Lumen." Shiro pointed at Lumen with her tail. "I was trying to apprehend a mugger and do my job to pacify/eliminate then, and Lumen took offense at that for some reason."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The demon sighed and ignored Medaka. It was easier that way, and explaining everything would take too long.

"Of course not. Even if I slipped accidentally and someone had to interfere, I lost completely and utterly, so it's my fault. Either way, you have a pretty bad taste in pairings. Girls usually rather slit their throats than go on a date with me. Seems I am this world's tragic heroine." He replied to the blondie. Then, he turned to the blue haired miss,

"You can get off me now. I appreciate your attempts at warming my cold dead soul, but this is no place for such intimate acts."


Finally, after a bit of aimless walking the two seemed to have found the place. Honestly, he doubted anything would be worth the calories he spent walking up here, but if she said it was worth, he'd believe her. He walked up to the menu near the entrance and raised an eyebrow.

"Huh? Up to the custumer...?"

This was already getting bizzarre.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2016, 05:45:03 PM by francobull3 »


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The exile had to refrain from responding to Forest at this time as he focused on his initial plan: to win if his opponent's strength was within human limitation, or to throw the contest if the belligerent blonde clasping his hand was capable of exerting force that would require the Wall of God to actually try. He had need to focus on this, for to allow things to play out without his concentration would be to succumb to his own competitive spirit. He would meet an opponent who was his match, and feel compelled to defeat them fairly.

So Gadreel focused on losing, but not too much. He pressed down on Mordred's arm with his own with the strength one might expect of a man of his Davidian size and Olympian physique, obscured as it might be by his garb, but no more.

Umbra of Chaos

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As the cultist and her child raced down the sidewalk Numina turned her head to see the damnable girl still following her. Her child had already outpaced her and was quite a bit ahead of her but she wasn't going to take any chances with this. Another distortion of fate was sent rippling towards the kitsune as Numina kept running.


The moment that Lumen heard the word eliminate her eyes narrowed in fury. Every inch of her wanted to throw the spear at the kitsune and burn her alive. To just hit her with every ounce of power she had until the Patchwork no longer felt angry. But she didn't. Lumen still had enough sense to know that trying to kill the other girl would be bad.

Still, no one could really blame her for wanting to work off some anger, right?

"Auspicious Breeze, I'm sure that you mean well but right now I need to have a talk with Shiro about disproportionate punishment and I need to work off a bit of anger. Could you please just stand back a bit aswe deal with this." The calmness in her voice was incredibly strained and the hand holding the spear was trembling but she hadn't done anything. Yet.


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Auspicious Breeze

"Ohhh," was all Breeze said for a moment as she took in what Shiro told her. She was okay with being called 'direct', because there wasn't any reason not to be. Besides, this needed to be taken care of right now! It could get really dangerous otherwise.

Then she nodded. "Well, okay, you can talk about it. However! I think maybe you should deal with the anger before the talking. Talking when you're angry just makes everyone angry and then someone gets hurt."

The former gladiator stepped around Shiro, careful not to shove or nudge her aside, and clenched her fingers into fists. "Hey, Lumen? If you promise not to attack anything but me, I'll be your opponent."
« Last Edit: April 10, 2016, 05:51:19 PM by Aiden »