Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 75153 times)


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

Neiman, Babd, and Macca . . .

Where she actually breathing, Forest would have found herself holding her breath during the match. 

Forest herself had been in many arm wrestling contests in the past five decades.  She knew the sweet satisfaction of beating some burly man who had been condescending towards her and to get information.   She watched as both contestants put forth actual effort, but she also had the feeling they were both holding back.  Which bode well for Gadreel - Geeze, he's winning all the points . . . - but made her feel like someone was tracing ice up and down her spine in the case of Mordred.

The table shook when Mordred claimed her victory and Forest drawled, "Well someone certainly eats her spinach."

She moved closer to Gadreel and sent to him, Thank you.


"Well, that was a rather grand and overwrought speech," Gabriel said with a smirk and a shake of his head.

"Unfortunately, I do not have a clear answer for you because I've never experienced romantic love before.  Now, I do know of love.  I love the woman who raised me quite dearly, and I know she returns the sentiment, but it's not romantic love," he said with a shrug. 


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"Ah I see, So you also encountered the shadow." Archer nodded as he said this, apparently consumed in some old memory.


Just after the blue haired girl introduced herself as Medaka, something intruiging happened, the donut she had eaten earlier changed somehow and became some odd sticky substance inside her. The substance clogged up her throat and stuck to her vocal chords making it impossible to speak.

Or that's how it should have been. Somehow the impossible happened, she spoke anyway. "Why did you do that to the donut? Are you hoping to suffocate me. I am afraid I will have to disappoint you then."

Then she shoved a hand down her throat and ripped the sticky substance out together with her vocal chords and what looked like half of her throat. An almost comedic amount of blood followed after it, spraying out of her mouth. The substance was more sticky than she had had thought however and she was forced to sever her hand as well, she did of course make sure it would land on the offending man's face.


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

The raven haired magus nodded and answered, "Yes, I encountered the Shadow.  It tried to kill me and maimed Shirou.  It also caused me to lose my Servant.  So yes, I encountered the Shadow."


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He looked up at her mention of it, the despair was certainly there. Perhaps he shouldn't poke into it rigth now. "I wasn't consumed by it nor did I give my arm to Shirou...but maybe we should save that for another time, when you're feeling better."


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

"Well, you weren't my Archer and I wasn't your Rin," Rin said as she loaded the dishwasher.  She added one of those detergent packets and turned it on.

"Your Master apparently failed you in worse ways than I failed my Archer so . . ."


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He stood up from the chair and started to walk out of the kitchen. There wasn't anything left to do here and he was interested to see how that place had changed. "I'm going to the library." He told Rin as he started walking.


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

Frowning, Rin stood up and began to follow him.  She said, "Just don't go to the basement."


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"Hah, I won! Have you seen it, kiddo?" She raised her other arm in triumph. Everything was coming up for her! Finally broke the current chain of losses. Fate at least smiled to her, and without bending it with her Contracts. She would have though felt more accomplished if she beat someone abnormal like her. "Thank you for the duel. I'm sorry for wasting your precious time." She then apologized to the man for taking his time.

She stood up and said to the white haired girl. "You really want to fight me? I bet you will keep being annoying about it, so whatever floats your boat. Just not here. You know, cannot fight you with so many people around." Gah, that obnoxious kid. She was willing to dump her with anyone vaguely looking like her in hopes they would be their relatives. She shouldn't be a babysitter catering to her every whim.


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Blondie looked really proud of herself as she thanked the tall man fro the duel, she did apologize foe taking their time though so she wasn't that rude it seemed. Kuro took a step back as Mordred stood up and basically challanged her to a fight outside. "That wasn't what I meant" She thought, surprised at how she had misinterpreted it.

"Hey, I meant arm wrestling too. Or are you so eager to hit me Blondie?" She complained in response to her suggestion.


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Medaka Kurokami

"Why did you do that to the donut? Are you hoping to suffocate me. I am afraid I will have to disappoint you then." The girl said suddenly.

She wasn't sure what the girl did next, but for some reason blood began raining down, coloring both her hair and her face.  She raised her right arm.  "Hey! What did I just say?!"  She yelled angerly as she clasped her hands together and smashed them into Toe's right eye.

Farther releasing her frustrations, she used Toe's crotch as a stepping stone, putting all her weight on that foot as she stood up to address the young girl.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2016, 07:02:27 PM by yinsukin »


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After a thrilling battle against the man with the double bladed saber where Qui-Gon died, the movie finally ended with a funeral and Obi-Wan promosing that he would train the boy. Jeanne was at the edge of her seat the for the entire last part of the movie. Even though it felt really chaotic the music, the music was really good especially in that fight.

She jumped out of her seat as the credits started rolling, turning to Shirou who still had Sakura sitting in his lap she said. "That was so good. There were more movies right? Right?"


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Teddy raised an eyebrow at the dumb blondie’s sudden course of action, but soon said brow was pummelled mercilessly by Medaka’s furious fist. As if it wasn’t bad enough, blondie’s bloody lump of meaty donut paste was dumped on his face, and to add insult to injury, Vice-Prez proceeded to give him a feral footjob.

If this was shonen jump, this bullying scene would have to be regulated. Forget TV air times, even a Blu Ray OVA would’ve been risqué. Even ecchi wouldn’t cut it.

“Hey, what’s your problem? I didn’t do anything this time! Damn, are all 3D girls as annoying as you two? First that idiot interrupts my picnic, tries to kill me, and then all of a sudden when I do try to defend myself, you show up and beat me up too like I’m the bad guy.” He said with a hint of annoyance mixed with smugness while still looking like a soulless robot, somehow.

Then, something odd happened. The demon slipped and permeated into the ground along with his clothes like he was some sort of fertiliser, only to pop up the ground  behind the two as if he was a fish out of water, only with less splashing or muddy messes.

His clothes, body and everything seemed fine aside all the dust that had gotten over his impeccable suit.  Honestly, he seemed more concerned with dusting off the dirt off his clothes than having to bother with the two, especially the seemingly immortal girl. normally he'd try to figure out the secret behind such tricks, maybe even steal her body and claim her ability his own.

But  he didn't really care anymore. She was kind of annoying, if only a little.

“Don’t you kids have anything better to do?” He asked flatly, almost out of annoyingly boring boredom.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2016, 08:17:17 PM by francobull3 »


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Shiro wanted to laugh at the silly man's question, but she was too tense with Lumen around. She slung her knapsack around her shoulder and took the hands of Breeze and this new guy, pulling them away from Lumen.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Completely ignoring the empty man the kyuuketsuki instead turned to the blue haired girl called Medaka. "I must apologize for utilizing you as a bench, I just could not help myself when you placed yourself in such an advantageous postion. Oh sorry I have not introduced myself yet, I am Shinobu...Nice to meet you!"

As she was telling her this, Medaka was furiousily driving her foot into the man's crotch. Then something strange happened, it's was as if the man sunk into the ground only to reappar a distance away, completely fine with his clothes being dirty for some reason. “Don’t you kids have anything better to do?” He then  asked flatly, almost out of annoyingly boring boredom.

"You are not actually annoyed, you are just faking it." She calmly replied back.


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Jin gave her a knowing look as she told him her theory about them being in anther dimension. He waited for her to stop talking and took a deep breath before answring her. "Yeah you're correct. We're in some sort of interdimensional hub called the Nexus. It randomly pulls people in from different realities. Remeber those gangs I mentioned earlier? They're dangerous because most of them possess abilities of some kind."

Oka Kurosawa

"Huh." Oka said flatly, disbelieving in her present reality. This was new. "Weird..." She said after a few minutes. "Very weird. Huh." Oka took Jin's hand. "Can we go back to the apartment? I need to let this information sink in."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end