Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 74936 times)

Umbra of Chaos

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The Patchwork considered it at least a little silly not to test the claims of an employee but she wasn't one to pass up a free job. "If you really don't want to check I guess I won't complain. Don't know anything about 'werewolves' but I have heard of vampires. It shouldn't be too hard for me to deal with them if you want them gone."

Lumen was about to end on that but then she considered what she had previously seen on her way here. That ridiculously high building that had a few dragons flying around it. They didn't look really impressive and probably didn't taste as good as a Divine Beast but they could prove a small risk if they got feisty. "I don't suppose that the dragons are a concern? I could probably kill one but the property damage might be an issue."


Erica didn't so much as touch the napkin but simply looked between the two with a dispassionate expression. "Your interests seem to be aligned. Is there a reason for you not to enter a relationship? It seems mutually beneficial on several levels for the both of you."


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The immortal cocked an eyebrow, an odd glint coming into his eyes at the mention of the fox-girl being worshiped, his mind starting to buzz a little as he processed this, the whispers of destruction from his staff forgotten for the moment.

"Oh? That doesn't seem like an unreasonable conclusion," Michael admitted, allowing some more consideration towards the food point. The chances of this Asian food simply being food made of whatever these Asians were seemed increasingly slim now.

"That aside...I'm in agreement with your friend on this," the immortal said, "I'd quite like to try something new."
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Indigo eyes widened as a long finger reached up to twirl that long, gorgeous red hair.  Forest's mouth opened then closed before she bit her lip and looked down.  She was thankful she couldn't blush at the moment, or she reasoned she'd be turning various shades of pink.

Yet she caught his smile and relaxed somewhat, a smile crossing her face too.  "So, you heard that then?" she asked with a chuckle.


Gabriel lifted his eyebrows, he hadn't mastered the trick of lifting just one eyebrow like his godmother had. 

He said, "Like walking into Mordor, one just doesn't waltz into a relationship after a brief and somewhat odd meeting as this.  We would have to get to know each other and what not first.  However, why are you so focused on us becoming a couple?  If I didn't know better, you were sounding somewhat like my Mummy Dearest."


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"And these sulfates," Gadreel continued as if his companion had not spoken, "inflict devilish things upon one's hair?"

He gave his hair a little tug, then let it go. The exiled angel cast it back over his shoulder, turned to face her, and said, "That would make them quite appropriate for one such as I, no?"


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Forest grinned as Gadreel faced her and asked, "That would make them quite appropriate for one such as I, no?"

"You know, I could totally use the pick up line, 'Did it hurt when you fell?' and have it be an accurate question," she replied with a chuckle.

She then held up the index finger of her free and and said, "Well, sulfates can actually be irritating.  Like when you get shampoo in your eyes and it feels like someone just doused them in acid.  They also strip your hair of oils that are good for it.  So it can over dry some hair types.  Apparently it can be bad for colored hair too."


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"It was quite agonizing, I assure you," he confirmed for her with a nod, his eyes shifting away to take in the human crowds once more. "It did, however, come with a superb array of benefits."

The watcher's eyes flicked over some alluring thirty-something who was included in said benefits, before finding their way back to Forest. "It was also, to my knowledge, a substantially better deal than being made to dwell among the wicked dead in the Pit."


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Forest raised an eyebrow as Gadreel checked out someone in the crowd before looking back at her.  She tilted her head and said, "Well, I'm bloody glad that you weren't made to dwell in the Pit."

I'm also bloody glad you made it to the Nexus, but I am not saying that outloud, the vampire thought to herself as she made a better attempt to keep it screened this time.


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Sakura Matou

After Rider left, Sakura, Shirou, and Jeanne meandered their way to the car, Jeanne holding onto Sakura's arm as Sakura held onto Shirou's.

Sakura felt it was a bit weird, but she didn't mind. Jeanne was a bit weird, after all. And so was she.

Eventually the trio arrived at the car, and The driver opened up the door for them, and they shuffled in.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Shiro nodded. "Ok, follow me." She turned into a large three tailed fox, the size of a wolf, and began to lead them to the nearest restaurant that would serve her for free.

She knew where it was.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Auspicious Breeze

Shiro could turn into a fox. A cute white fox with lots of long fluffy tails. Auspicious Breeze followed after her, trying to process that thought. Cute girl turned into cute fox, with different hair color. Kind of like the color of that 'snow' stuff she saw at the top of the Chalcedon Mountains back home!

It was hard to think of food now. Mistress would be really, really happy if I got her to come home with me!

The former gladiator shook her head of distracting thoughts and picked up the pace, catching up with Shiro.

"Hey," she started to ask while trotting along next to her, "can I pet you? Ahhh, I mean, not necessarily right now but when we get there?"


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"Nay, instead I chose to dwell in a place referred to by the societies of today as Seattle," he clarified for her. "I once had a preference for more familiar locales across the Atlantic, but those have been woefully occupied in recent years."

Gadreel shook his head as his thoughts went to the Army of Revelation and the other myriad horrors the humans had invited into the world. He focused on safer topics."... assuming of course that your home knew such things as the Atlantic?"


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"Seattle isn't a bad place, rains an awful lot, which kind of reminds me of my home," Forest said with a lopsided grin.  "In case you couldn't tell from the accent, I'm originally from Scotland.  However, I've traveled pretty much everywhere except parts of Africa and South America.  Currently I call the States my home.  Or I used to, before I got sucked here."

She realized how much she missed actual New York and Chicago.  Despite the occasional physic backlash, she preferred larger cities.  "London's a nice place to visit, but not to live." 


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The angel could not help but flutter his eyelids in confusion at her linguistic assertions. "Scotland, truly? From which time period? I can scarcely place your accent as contemporary Scottish! In fact, it is quite the bewildering melange."

He took a closer look at her. "Though it is rather clear from whence your English originates."


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She laughed at Gadreel's response and said, "I can't quite lose the Scot's accent, but if I spoke in Gaelic all the time only a very small handful of people would understand me."

She sent to him, I might not be as old as you, but I'm not exactly a spring chicken.  I'm a bit over 1,300.

Aloud she asked, "So where does my English originate?"


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Medaka Kurokami

Before Medaka even had time to say a word, she heard Shinobu release her anticipation in a powerful exclamation.  "They all belong to me!."  A shockwave blasted Medaka aside, causing her to be thrown into a nearby car.  The vampire had gone full speed, flying forward at a pace she had never seen before.  She stared blankly for a second, processing what had just happened before jumping out of the dent in the car and going back to running full speed.  Medaka wasn't too slow, it wouldn't take her long to meet her at the front of the blocks with the doughnut themed cafe's.