Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 75219 times)


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Sakura Matou

Archer's talk of souffles gave Sakura an idea. A way to get back at Shirou for cooking without her. "Archer, speaking of food, would you like to cook dinner with me?" She asked with a mischievous smile. "It would make Shirou really jealous. He deserves it though, he cooked without me earlier."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Oka could feel his flaming heat pressed against her butt, and it was making her really really horny. She could feel herself getting slick already. She slowly unzipped her pants and began to touch herself with one hand, before she put her hand behind her back and firmly grabbed Jin's penis, slathering it with her natural lube.

"Jin…" She asked uncharacteristically shyly. "Have you ever done anal?"
« Last Edit: April 18, 2016, 08:53:03 PM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Umbra of Chaos

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Suffixes were new. Lumen hadn't really heard of anything like that before although some travelers did say that the more reclusive Fae courts made use of them. "I'll be fine, Mitsuba-san. I don't need to eat and I don't like accepting anything for free. Maybe after my first week of work I'll change my mind."


At the crashing sound of something rather large the cultist very much hoped that the fox girl was gone. But she couldn't take that chance. A harsh, guttural sound came out of her mouth that would have made the throat of any normal human sore. If that pest didn't die then she would catch them eventually and if they couldn't run they would have to make it more difficult to attack them.

With that in mind the child heeded her command and they began to run towards the large tower that was a major landmark of the district. People generally stayed away from there and perhaps it would deter that pest a well.


The high dragon took one last moment to admire herself before a powerful sweep of her wings sent her and her companions up into the air. With impossible grace she flew through the air even with the burdensome drake in her mouth. While she could go faster the Old God continued at a relatively slow pace curious to hear the reactions of her passengers.


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The white haired girl looked at the clothes they had, skirts and shorts were most likely out of the question considering the cold weather, so she had to buy clothes that covered her up. After looking around a while for what they had she eventually settled for standard blue jeans, a white shirt and a red jacket. As she walked out out of the section towards the middle of the store she spotted Mordred and ran up to her.

"I think I'm done now Mord, how about you?" She asked the blonde nicely.


She saw Shirou give a small laugh as the crimson sword dissappeared from his hand, in it's place, a beautiful longsword with a blue hilt and a cross-guard. He then assumed what looked like a defensive stance. Is he trying to defend now instead? She thought as she observed him.

She launched herself at him suddenly, it was fast, but not quite her full speed, as she didn't want to overwhelm him immediately. She faked a blow from the right, and switched direction to the left at the last second.


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“Yes. The longer this takes, the less likely we’ll find her alive,” Shirou said, a pained look on his face. He’d been trying his best to focus on moving forward so he didn’t have to think about what could be happening to Mia. Unfortunately, Darcy’s question brought those very unwelcome thoughts to the forefront.

“Like I said before, this is extremely dangerous,” he said, grateful, at least, that the clergyman was taking this seriously. “We can take some time to scout and prepare, if you’re still willing to help, but I intend to get inside by nightfall.”

Although now that he thought about it, it would be quite useful to have people who can go where he couldn’t. Rin was in the Nexus, but she was with Sakura, and they hadn’t parted on particularly good terms. Saber, however, may just be willing to help him out. She may not be the best at discretion, but her abilities in combat were undeniable. She would be useful as backup if a subtle infiltration went south.
YOLF: "Do ghosts have aids"

YOLF: Even if God forgives you, you shall not forgive yourself for being here [in CE].


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His trade mark smik appeared on his face as he heard her suggestion, the answer to such a thing was obvious after all.

"Of course, nothing would make me happier should try my soufflés first, I'd like more opnions on it." He said as he went over to the door and started heading back for the kitchen.


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Darcy Hugh

The priest bit his nail and frowned.

"I see..." He murmured. For a second, he seemed cold, perhaps disgusted by the situation. Then, he took a deep breath and gave a good slap on Shiroe's back. He grinned, but at the same time he looked more solemn than before, as if he made up his mind.

"Then I can't possibly let this slide, I've made up my mind. I'll help in any way I can. Now listen, I may have a plan, but it's risky. No matter how you look at it, Mitsuba was right. This is crazy, suicidal and dangeorous. If this dragon is indeed as powerful as they say, it won't just be our life at stake. He will look for us, there will be men looking for a bounty at every street corner. You probably have an idea of how it works. We may have to hide for an indefinite amount of time, and it's not like there's much in the immigration choice department. If we fuck up, we're fucked so pay attention."

The priest circled around the japanese man like a vulpture, explaining his plan in detail while walking around.

"If that dragon has any kind of guards looming around, we may be able to knock em down and use a disguise to slip through. It probably won't fool anyone up close, but there are ways to imitate someone. As long as we don't draw attention, as long as I don't draw attention... I should be able to find my way through the dragon's lair. If we can find a way to keep in touch, you can get a good enough of an idea to infiltrate. If anything, we can exchange our costumes once I am done. While you go look for her, I'll try to distract the others long enough to buy you time. However, if they get me, if I do fuck up, just go. Don't bother try to play hero on me or some shit, or I'll shoot you."

Then, the priest paused. He looked at the man curiously and smiled.

"Actually, if you were intending to go face a bloody fire breathing monster like that, you probably have a few tricks up your sleeve. What can you do? And it better not be something stupid like shoot a gun or I'll punch you!"
« Last Edit: April 19, 2016, 02:35:27 AM by francobull3 »


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

Not knowing what to do, after all the room Sakura had given her had been thrashed by Vanguard last night, Rin found herself in the kitchen.  Rolling up her sleeves, she started to do the dishes left over from Archer's souffles and her ice cream.  Even now she scowled at the faint scars on her arm from when she had used the Jeweled Sword.

It had taken two years for her to be able to feel confident enough to wear short sleeves or roll them up in public. 


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Move, keep moving. She could see the monstrosity change direction, running into the center of the district. Right towards the…

Oh shit.

Her eyes widened, as the flames around her intensified and collected and focused . And then she exploded off the wall and through the air to the other side of the street, only absentmindedly noticing the man chasing her from the corner of her eye. Need to stop it now, before it gets to deep. There is no telling what the one there would do if he got its hands on something like that. The flames collected around her, as he back bent. She pointed her palm at the target, a sphere of fire hovering within it. The flames collected as she soared though the air, bending, growing, shining with a beautiful blue light. By the time it was ready she was almost on the other side.

Fox Fire, Strike Cannon!

The flames from the hand exploded, shooting the sphere of flames at the monstrosity, and the monstrosity with incredible speed, like a cannon ball. Her body flipped, and landed on the side of the wall, her one of her hands finding a grasping point while her feet sat on a windowsill. The other hand was still outstretched towards the creature. 

Spoiler for Fox Fire, Strike Cannon:
A combination art between strike blaze and will’o’wisp. It forms a highly condensed sphere in her hand, and then using strike blaze to launch it with far greater speed. A variably powerful art and is capable of a fairly good output of damage. It can be pumped with more power up to a cap (if she goes above that it will literally explode in her hand), but in general the concussive force from the explosion and impact of the sphere is fairly dangerous to most things, not to mention the flames themselves.  An attack with fast travel time, but is apparent when it is about to be launched.


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Gosh, she looks a bit like mini-me in such get up. The older girl didn't fail to notice that Kuro wore similar clothes to those Mordred was wearing beforehand. Did Kuro like the way she dressed or that was just a coincidence? It would be awkward to ask her though, so she wouldn't explore the topic too deep.

"Yes, I'm finished too. Those clothes look nice on you, that's a good choice." Mordred praised Kuro. Certainly those clothes looked reasonable and were probably cheap enough so that the changeling wouldn't have to take further loans.

Mordred paid for the clothes and stuffed her old clothes into a shopping bag. "Alright, it seems we have nothing more to do here. The recruiting place is a bit far away, but we should make it before they close even if we don't hurry up." It was early afternoon after all. Lots of time to get there, pass whatever they want her to pass and possibly receive first assignment. She has had experience with military esque organizations, it would have been be weird if they didn't want to test her in the field in any way.


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Suffixes were new. Lumen hadn't really heard of anything like that before although some travelers did say that the more reclusive Fae courts made use of them. "I'll be fine, Mitsuba-san. I don't need to eat and I don't like accepting anything for free. Maybe after my first week of work I'll change my mind.


"Huh, you don't need to eat? Are you like a flower, then?" Mitsuba chuckled. But seriously, it wasn't funny. It was damn suspicious. It's not as if she wanted to poison her new worker or something. At least not yet. If Lumen was even as half paranoid as her and actually was wary of her cooking, it could be problematic. Thus, she should strive to appear even more normal, just in case. Whatever Lumen was, she was 1000 years too early when it came to matching the paranoia of Unchained. She could relax her guard sooner or later.


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Shirou Emiya

As soon as Jeanne attack, Shirou's instincts told him to block from the right.


Caliburn made no such moves.

So he waited, trusting in Saber's sword.

And then, at the last split second, Caliburn pulled his arms to parry the attack, deflecting it away, and using the opening to jab at Jeanne's leg.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Umbra of Chaos

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A single brow was raised with mechanical efficiency. "I did not recommend that you court each other. Very few people retain the ability to hold such a commitment. I was suggesting that you enter a relationship in order to familiarize yourselves with each other. Romance is not a necessity although the possibility does exist. While not completely accurate being in close relations with someone you can empathize with generally leads to a superior state of health for both parties. There does not seem to be any notable downside other than the possibility of negative consequences."


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Count Greyskull

Greyskull yelped and clutched at the dragon's scales, trembling so hard you could hear bones rattle. He was not ready for this. Sadly, having no eyelids meant he couldn't close his eyes.

But he wasn't scared, for he was the great brave powerful lord Greyskull. He knew not fear, he WAS fear! He was simply shivering in glee, yes!

"C-can you g-go fa-f-f-f-faster?" He whimpered, asserting dominance with a bold statement to save face. Silly Greyskull, don't you know that you have no fcae to save?


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Sakura Matou

The joy on Sakura's face was palpable as Archer got up and went to the kitchen. "Yay!" She said in a squeaky happy voice. She followed him up to the kitchen, where she saw…



"Nee-san... Hello." She began. "We were about to cook dinner, and try some souffle."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end