Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 75237 times)


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"No I haven't, but that's not what wer're doing now." He said with a grin as he offered her a slice of the pizza.

"Say Ahh" His grin just grew wider as the slice approached her.


She liked them. The white haired giel thought as Mordred praised her choice. It seems she had made the right choice here. "Thank you Blondie" She replied with a happy voice.

As Mordred explained that there was quite a bit to go to reach the place they were going to, but that they had plenty of time left, Kuro started thinking about what kind of place it would be. Maybe it's filled with lots of crazy people, hah that would be a sight.

"Are you sure you're gonna get accepted, you said you had to powerful." She turned around to ask the blonde.


She watched his movements as she proceeded with her feint, up to the last second it looked like he was going to fall for it when suddenly, his body seemingly moved on it's on, in the way needed to parry the true strike. He deflected her sword away and used the opening to make a jab at her leg.

It was a good move...

But not quite good enough.

As her sword arm was blown off course she moved her other arm at blinding speed and grabbed onto the arm that Shirou was holding his sword with. Utilizing her quick reflexes, she managed to use his arm as a springboard to flip herself over his attack, thusly landing behind him. It was almost like she was mocking him, with the way she casually dealt with his attack, if it wasn't for her smile, that looked as genuine as ever, No even more so now than ever.

« Last Edit: April 19, 2016, 05:48:57 PM by Thedoctor »


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Shirou slid back with his sword as Jeanne jumped over him, the unbreaking concentration evident on his face apparent. As he slid back, he threw several small daggers at Jeanne's head and body.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Oka Kurosawa

Oka opened her mouth wide and let Jin feed her, still slowly jerking him off and touching herself with her hands. "Mmmmm." She made a happy noise as she smiled. "Would you like to try it after we eat?" She pressed her butt even harder against his penis, finally releasing it. "Trying new things is nice, isn't it?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Jeanne saw several daggers heading her way as she recovered from her jump, they were aiming for both her body and her head. With the way the were travelling however, they left room for her to do one thing. So instead of jumping to the side or deflecting she chose a different approach.

She charged through them, her body somehow twisting around each and everyone of them, not losing any momentum in her charge, she appeared before him in a flash, her sword descending on him again. This time time it appeared to be like a head-on attack, no apparent feints, no tricks, or was there?


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"...I think she is," Michael said, finding himself momentarily overwhelmed by the ever increasing fluffiness before regaining his proverbial footing. Realizing that he'd need both hands for this, the immortal slipped his staff back into his pocket and brought his other hand down to one of the other tails stroking at the fur before giving it a light tug, curious to see what her reaction would be.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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She liked them. The white haired girl thought as Mordred praised her choice. It seems she had made the right choice here. "Thank you Blondie" She replied with a happy voice. 

As Mordred explained that there was quite a bit to go to reach the place they were going to, but that they had plenty of time left, Kuro started thinking about what kind of place it would be. Maybe it's filled with lots of crazy people, hah that would be a sight. 

"Are you sure you're gonna get accepted, you said you had to be powerful." She turned around to ask the blonde.


"What I might lack in power I will make up for with zeal. And I'm a born survivor. What this city have thrown at me I survived through, even fighting off powerful mad warrior from the distant past and surviving to tell the tale. I'm not a delicate flower, but more like a mountain pine that still clings to life in spite of inhospitable soil and terrible weather conditions. If they reject me, their loss, I will look for another organisation or patron that may require my services." She answered the child's question seriously. Maybe she was young, but she could likely hold her own against Mordred, thus she deserved a honest answer, an answer that a knight like her would give to someone whom she respects.

"Well, we won't know if I don't try anyway. Let's go."

Umbra of Chaos

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The Patchwork shook her head and let out a light chuckle. "No, nothing like that. I don't need any sustenance at all. I can survive off of nothing forever, but I don't think that's really relevant right now. Is there anything you want done or want to do, Mitsuba-san? You may not have work for me right now but I can always help you out with unofficial things. It's no trouble for me."


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Medaka Kurokami

"Yeah your right."  Medaka responded energetically.  Then, a thought drained the energy from her, leaving her with a curious stare.  "Shinobu, I hate to ruin the mood, but since coming here I have lost all prestige and influence I once had.  It also appears I have lost whatever wealth I had obtained in my old world thanks to struggles that I was forced to endure yesterday."

She paused, considering whether her next question was appropriate. "Are you from another world as well?"

Relius Clover

The scientist followed his natural curiosity, approaching a large castle in the middle of the street.  Upon attempting to open the front door, a strange force stopped him.  It was a magical barrier.  It appeared to require some form of passcode.  It didn't take long for Relius to crack the code prohibiting him from entering.  Learning from his encounter with the dolphin, he worked slowly, being sure he would not be detected.  If he could meet an animal so savage and violent on the train, imagine what would be hiding in this conspicuous castle.

The door creaked open and Relius softly walked through the front door.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2016, 11:41:56 PM by yinsukin »


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They encountered Rin on their way back to kitchen, naturally Sakura mentioned what they were going to do. "Yes, I felt it was important to share my new recipe with as many talented people as I could."  Wait, there was something odd here here, If Sakura was here, what heppened to the other two then?

"Sakura, what happened to the other people you were with?" He asked her, as he was curious about what had happened.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2016, 10:12:19 PM by Thedoctor »


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If his eyebrows were visible, one could tell that Theodore was frowning. Well, if such an expression could be considered as such. It didn’t really look like an expression of annoyance, hurt or irritation. More like the expression one could make when he realizes he had not fed his Tamagotchi for a month, or the expression one could make when he lets out a soft poo in the middle of a funeral.

But it’s not like it was visible, so half of this post is completely useless.

 “I am Theodore, but please call me Teddy-chan. And uh, just keep it. I have too many, I don’t care what you do with it, it’s yours. Think of it as a friendship token if it makes you feel special.  If you want, you can use it as a weapon and stick it in someone’s eye.”

He gently lifted his sleeping mask, revealing an eye that was somehow even more lifeless than those crudely painted eyes he was wearing. Suddenly, he took his own phone and jammed it in, releasing a splurt of gooey white jelly.

“Like this.” He added nonchalantly, as if he didn’t jam a phone in his eyesocket in the first place.


"Wow, that's stupid..." Rikuyo remarked as the weirdo committed an act of self harm. Even when she was a lot stronger beforehand, she didn't cut herself or anything like that, unless it had some purpose, like a lizard cutting off its tail to escape. But whatever, his own business what's he does to himself. "Eh, I'll take it. Ya will blather and blather and blather if I don't. I've my knife, it's sharper and makes people bleed faster. I also like guns that makes people's heads explode, it's like some dirty fireworks, ya know. I wish I had a gun now, I miss blowing up people..." No control over her chi meant no disposing of people in noisy and flashy ways. "Do ya have any gun to spare? Say, I'll not only not hit you, I may even hit someone for ya if you give me a one!" That would be so cool if he made a gun for her.


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Theodore calmly pulled off his phone out of his eye and put it back in his pocket. Strangely enough, the hole was completely hollow and didn’t seem to bleed anything at all. Even stranger was that it closed, swirling back to its original shape.
The sleeping mask dropped back on his eyes and the demon nodded before walking up to the girl.

For a second, the world seemed to bend and contort around his fingertips, as if reality itself was being warped. It was a disgusting, eerie sight of something that simply should not be. And yet, for as short as it was, it was.

A grenade launcher appeared in Theodore’s hand, along with ten explosive rockets. They were neither summoned nor created. No, it was as if he had simply made them be, as if they were always there. It was no different than hacking into a game’s console to make certain items appear.

While talking, the demon locked and loaded  one of the shells, moving slowly and deliberately as if to show the girl how to use the weapon.

“The RPG-7 is reloadable and based around a steel tube, 40 millimeters in diameter, 95.3 centimeters long, and weighing 7 kilograms. The middle of the tube is wood wrapped to protect the user from heat and the end is flared to assist in blast shielding and recoil reduction.

As with similar weapons, the grenade protrudes from the launch tubes. It is 40–105 millimeters in diameter and weighs between 2.0 and 4.5 kilograms. It is launched by a gunpowder booster charge, giving it an initial speed of 115 meters per second, and creating a cloud of light grey-blue smoke that can give away the position of the shooter. The rocket motor ignites after 10 meters and sustains flight out to 500 meters at a maximum velocity of 295 meters per second.

The grenade is stabilized by two sets of fins that deploy in-flight: one large set on the stabilizer pipe to maintain direction and a smaller front set to induce rotation. The grenade can fly up to 1,100 meters; the fuze sets the maximum range, usually 920 meters, like this.”

Then, he pointed the gun to a faraway parked car. For a second, he seemed to be smiling, only to pull the trigger and launch the grenade at full speed to the vacant vehicle. A massively loud, vibrant explosion decimated it along with its surroundings, enveloping it in flames of destruction.

Then, he turned to the girl and looked at her blankly, looking far less enthousiastic than when he fired the weapon.

“Any questions?”


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Shirou's arm seemingly moved on its own at unnatural speeds, no, it was more like it was pulled along the sword itself, and he successfully smacked Jeanne's sword again, but this time, something felt off.

"Urg." Shirou grunted in pain, just before his sword shattered in his hands and he fell down.

"Ehehe..." He laughed nervously at Jeanne. "I need to practice. I haven't been able to much for the past three years. Can you teach me swordsmanship, Ruler?"
« Last Edit: April 20, 2016, 01:44:53 AM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Cherry Lover

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After Sakura had left, Rider quickly made her way to the Mall's bike shop, apparently the largest in the Nexus, if the posters outside were to be believed. Yet, despite the size of the shop and the fact that Sakura had given her free reign to pick absolutely anything she wanted, Rider knew that finding her ideal bike would be difficult.

It wasn't that she didn't know what she wanted. On the contrary, Rider was well aware of what her ideal bike would be. She wanted a bike which she would enjoy riding, that could handle her rather extreme riding style and, most of all, that she could ride fast. The difficulty was that her idea of a bike that was enjoyable to ride and fast was very, very different from that of a normal human, and the faster human bikes tended to also be rather fragile.

Still, there were plenty of bikes to choose from, and perhaps this place, where supernatural beings lived openly, would have a slightly wider variety. If not, then she could always customise her bike somewhat later. She was no slouch when it came to fixing and altering bikes, and Shirou was an outstanding mechanic. So, she entered into the shop, heading for the most expensive areas in the aim of finding the best bike she could.


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As Shirou's sword shattered and he fell to the ground, Jeanne quikly sheathed hers and crouched down next to him, wanting to check if he was alright. Jeanne smiled at him as he nervously laughed and explained that he was out of shape. She leaned closer to him to check if he really wasn't injured, as she did, her breasts were pushed almost right infront of his face.

"Can you teach me swordsmanship, Ruler?" She looked him into the eyes as he asked, as if she was looking for something.

"Of course Shirou, You aren't that bad though...hehe" She laughed a bit nervously herself.


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Tailing someone - and spotting a tail - was different in the city than out in the woods, and although it was impossible to hear it now, a wolf, especially one so large, was pretty conspicuous in this concrete jungle. Even traveling by rooftop as they were, making careful use of an extra eye or two from the back ensured the apostate managed to mostly keep track of his pursuers. Since Fiona was riding said wolf, the animal was probably the same deer/dragon/shapeshifting thing she was traveling with before. Something must have made them suspicious of Brigida… the animal’s keen sense of smell, perhaps.

Well, whatever. They weren’t trying to attack him or anything, and Fiona had seemed quite interested in helping out, so for the moment the mage saw no reason to deal with them.

The bald elf made his way to the park where Morgan had nearly been captured. The plaza still bore the scars of the battle that had taken place, the stone and earth heavily pitted. An unshaven man in his twenties with long brown hair and a pair of glasses sat on one of the benches, looking bummed.

“Devin,” Solas said, addressing him. “I take it nothing of note has occurred?”

“No,” the other man said, annoyed. “Hey, boss, did you really have to pull me? I was in the middle of a date-”

An unsympathetic look from Solas cut him off. “Call the others and tell them that when they’re on shift here, to look out for a young woman in a red coat who’s name is Fiona. If she comes here, don’t shoo her away like you normally would. Contact me, and I’ll deal with it from there.”

“Yeah, ok,” the other man said, looking unsatisfied but unwilling to risk being disrespectful. He leaned forward, elbows on his knees and chin in his hands, wallowing in his misfortune. Solas, meanwhile, took his leave. It was time he finished recovering himself… discreetly.
YOLF: "Do ghosts have aids"

YOLF: Even if God forgives you, you shall not forgive yourself for being here [in CE].