Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 76244 times)

Cherry Lover

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Smiling at his agreement, Rider rode off into the park. Now that they were in the park, she took to one of the paths and began to ride around.

"OK, what do you want to do?" she asked Dante as she began to accelerate away from him.


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Forest bit her lip and waited as Gadreel bent his head to sniff her wrist.  The warm, slightly moist air of his breath tickled her wrist and she resisted the urge to gasp.  Luckily, the lip biting did just that.  As he sniffed her wrist, she inhaled his scent in return.

She felt a flutter in her stomach as she became aware of the musky spice of building lust starting to radiate from him as he pulled away from her.

"Well it has my approval! As long as it is used in small quantities, of course."

She nodded, smiled, looked down for a moment before meeting his eyes again.  She noted he had gorgeous eyes, a true blue-green, almost turquoise.  There was only the slightest tremor in her voice as she replied, "Of course, I don't think I could take it if I slathered in the stuff.  Now, maybe we could find you something.  At least some toiletries at the least."


"Well, I generally have little use for such things," he began to say in order to decline her offer, but then a rather unpleasant thought occurred to him. While it was far from his place to judge the natural scents of the human form, and he had an appreciation for a wide range of such things, the angel was quite aware that the humans themselves were incredibly selective in that regard. "... but I should, I suppose, at least invest in deodorant and soaps, yes."

Besides, best not to ruin the good impression he was making with this charming little vampire during this very first outing. Eccentricities and unpleasant presentations were matters best left to more established camaraderie than this.


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The Changeling cocked at eyebrow at the question, somewhat curious how he'd be able to tell what kind of bar they were at from within...wherever this was.

"I don't particularly mind it," Emily admitted, "I've not had all that much experience with it, to be honest."
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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She saw it, only a flash, the man’s arm swinging and the bots of silver cutting through the air right towards her. She turn in mid and with her hands threw balls of fire at her pursuer. The balls flew at him, and then lit up. The exploded into a shower of white light, shining with blinding light, as a loud sound ripped from them.

Repurposed will’o’wisps that lack any actual power, just producing light and sound. Flashbangs basically. They would generally more harmful to her in a fight then helpful but… well, being momentarily deaf definitely had its perks.

She wasn’t able to dodge all of them though, and one just barely made a cut in her leg. But she continued, adrenalin pumping and blocking out the pain. Using the distraction from the fire balls got to the top of the roof, tapping her hand against it and leaving a lotas trap in her path as she ran. It was not long though until she ducked into one of the many alleyways and dived into an open window, hoping to lose the man.

Once she got inside she took a moment to breath. And then it hit her. Pain, a roaring pain seared up her leg. She bit down on her scarf to prevent her from screaming. It was like her leg was just dipped in fire, searing the sensation into her mind. Holy. Those daggers were fucking holy.

 She should have made Flame Armor, something to dampen the blow so it didn’t feel like her leg was just covered in boiling oil. She should have anticipated it, expected it. But she didn’t. And she fucked up. That whole case was pathetic on her part, she didn’t unload on the beast with everything she had, she was to carful, too happy to just avoid the man and attack it carefully.

That won’t be the case next time. That’s for sure.

She sat there for a moment, feeling the pain begin to subside as her energy filled the area with the wound. She was… not running on empty. There was a fair bit left in her tank. Enough for a fight, probably a couple of advanced techniques. But she burned way to much excess during the chase. Strike Blazes to help move, the flames bellowing back in the alleyway. Not to mention the energy still funneling to her ears and now cut on her right leg.

Eventually the pain subsided, it felt like a while, but it couldn’t have actually been that long, and Nanashi rose to her feet. Dipping back into an alleyway, she felt her illusion take hold again, letting her blend in with the crowed with a bit more ease, she began to follow the smell of the monstrosity, and the dissipating traces of her spiritually energy.

And in the direction she moved, a tower loomed.

A dark tower that seemed to hold up the very sky.

“This is going to suck.” She mumbled to herself.


Silvergray eyes looked back down at the man, focusing on the direction the crow vanished in. Her fingers wrapped around the silver cross that hung from her neck, the grip tightening. “I-I can’t see though their eyes. But they’re good, really clever. He will come back and tell me what he saw.” She said, almost as if trying to convince herself of that fact.

Shaking her head she cleared it of worry, trying to regain her focus, as she crouched down and looked over at the man and the plaza. As she racked her mind for anything else that might be useful. She… didn’t have any plants that would be useful. Well, Alfalfa maybe. But luck was generally helpful.

When it worked at least.

Maybe… an incense of Chamomile? It would make him relax, make it harder for him to notice. Oren could easily help her slip by then. It wouldn’t be as strong as if it was a liquid but it could work?
Letting out a pitiful whine, “I know I should have studied more, there is definitely something that would be helpful.” She mumbled sadly, as her arms wrapped around her knees.

She didn’t want to fight, she didn’t want to not trust them. She wanted to believe in them, that they just wanted to get home, she did to, everyone here probably wanted to. To see their friends again, to see their family again. She wanted to trust that these people, Brigida's people, were just people like that, that she could believe in that fact. But Oren’s words were like a poison seed planted directly into her mind. The thoughts constantly popped up, and with it a pang in her heart.

How could Brigida had shrugged off that impact? How did she know about her making the Garden? What if they had something bad planned for her? What if they lied about what they wanted? What if they wanted to hurt her? What if they want to hurt the Garden itself somehow? That shouldn't be possible, but...

What if… what if… what if… So many what ifs.

It hurt, why did it hurt, “I-I don’t know.” Her voice choked as she felt an incredible pressure in her chest, like a leed weight was just put on top of it and was sinking into her gut. 

She didn’t know what to do.

But she hoped from the core of her being that the crow would make that choice for her.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2016, 07:58:23 AM by Knick »


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Okay, I won't say cunt when I'm around an uptight sod then." She told him with a smirk, continuing to use the same words as him, while pulling his arm closer to her. Those vampires sound pretty weird, glittering, hah. "They really glitter? And diamond skin, that's certainly different than the vampires from where I come from....Can we go inside? I wanna hear the cool stories."


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He gripped his drink harder with a twitch of the eyebrow. What was that supposed to mean? Was she trying to bemoan something as she rolled her eyes in dismay like Gunhau frequently did huhhhh? He could come up with perfectly valid plans! He just... might seem suspicious if he let too much of what was going through his head out...

Yamanashi turned away from her and brought the glass to his mouth, letting the drink moisten his throat. "Sheesh, can a guy not make one comment while he's trying to drink?," he responded, sounding almost offended. "I dunno. If they're unlucky the district may take care of them before they ever get to the place."


"You know, I wouldn't count on their bad luck preventing them from stirring trouble. They seem to be as foolish as they are determined, Yamanashi-san. Completely hopeless people." The bartender commented, recalling those two fools. Honestly, people could pool to build a wall around the district, maybe that would discourage troublesome foreigners from barging into the neighborhood.


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Garou XIII

Garou tried to pay attention to the girl, but he was simply too engrossed in his meal. Cooking something so good should be illegal. He noticed the weird things coming out of his body and passed out.

Oh no. He passed out! Maybe the cooking wasn't so beneficial after all. And what were those ghostly things that swarmed out of Garou's body? Was the food demonically possessed? Was Tonio some sorcerous chef who summoned forth tiny demons to do his bidding? After all, he studied under some pagan healers, maybe among the majority who were either charlatans or used mundane means, there were people who could use witchcraft? She had to confront him over the matter, she had no other choice.

"That cook, Tonio was it? What he is up to?!" Petra exclaimed as she sneaked to the kitchen, in attempt to spy on Tonio Trussardi. She could heard sounds of someone or something chomping on food. What's that sound. Where is he? She glanced at the table where a dish that was lamb with applesauce lied. Guess he finished making that dish already... She sneaked around further, in the end witnessing how Tonio was observing a dog eating the dish she saw at that table. All while looking at the dog with a suspicious smirk.

"Good, good, you're eating. It looks like 'lamb with applesauce is a success..." He commented as he watched the dog chomp on the food vigorously.

The meat that that dog is eating is the same meat that's on the table... Petra noticed. Then, it started happening. The poor dog started vomiting blood! "What?!" The former Servant blurted out, unable to contain herself any longer as she saw the animal's suffering. Tonio Trussardi immediately noticed her, turned around and glared at her with his face distorted in anger.

"What are you doing there?! You saw everything!" He shouted, throwing his kitchen knife at her. Petra could have reacted to the trajectory of the thrown knife, but she didn't bother to move, as it was about to hit door frame.

"You, so I see that you've come here to sneak around! You! I will not forgive this! Be prepared!" The chef screamed at Petra in deranged manner, pointing his finger at her in accusatory manner. Meanwhile, the dog back in the kitchen continued to puke out his intestines.

"This bastard... Who do you think you are, huh? Won't 'forgive' me, is that right? That's my line! You! What are you planning to do with your food?!" Petra shouted back at the obviously suspicious chef.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2016, 03:52:02 PM by Kat »


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Sakura Matou

Sakura smiled at the two, and took a hold of Archer's hand. She felt the same callouses on his hand that her Senpai, her Shirou, had on his. She wondered if that man had them on his hands.

An image of his face flashed through her mind, and then the feeling of his revolting tongue invading her mouth. He'd probably have tried to hold her down, and tear off her clothes, like her unfortunate brother...

She clenched her fist and squeezed Archer's hand, seething with rage.

And then…

And then…

She couldn't believe what he'd done next. It was somehow even more offensive than the rape. It had cut her more deeply than anything Shinji or Zouken had ever done to her.

Suddenly, Sakura remembered what she had been doing. She looked up, badly hiding her anger. "I'm sorry, I was just thinking about what happened in the basement earlier today." She pulled herself back up with Archer's hand, loosening her grip on it afterwords.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The demon smiled curtly and bowed politely, although his eyes seemed as uninterested as ever. His monocle glowed ominously, as if it was smiling as well. Things were going smoothly…

“Now, I could tell you, but is that really what you want? You seem like the type who would rather figure it out himself than have the answer outright told, it wouldn’t be very fun if I just spoiled it now would it. Usually in manga, the one who explains his powers first is the one who ends up losing.”

Theodore looked at the masked man with his impassive dead fish eyes, as if he was staring right into his soul.

“Well then, what is your answer? You'd need to be pretty stupid to say no but just to make sure, it's a yes right?”

Sakagami Kenzo

Huge? Him? Well, he wasn’t exactly small, but still, what was it with all the people in this city and talking about things that made no sense? Googel and fons and pokay mon and basketball…

The oni raised an eyebrow and looked at the purple haired yokai with eyes filled with confusion.


Oka Kurosawa

Oka nodded affirmitively. "Yeah, I'm the strongest. Why do you ask?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Sakagami Kenzo

Kenzo smiled brightly, believing her completely. She had to be strong, the strongest! After all, she said so herself! In that case, he was extremey lucky to have found her, because he was sure that the strongest in the world could help him. She was the one, the only one who could answer his question.

"Well, does it ever feel lonely? To be the strongest I mean. Like you can't reach others no matter what you try, as if you were in a completely different world. Did you ever feel so lonely you wanted to die?"


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Oka thought about it for a while, before she slowly shook her head. "Never." She said. "Sorry if you expected a different answer, but I've never really felt alone. It's never mattered to me."

She looked at Kenzo suspiciously.

"Why though?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Sakagami Kenzo

Kenzo's eyes looked at the strongest yokai with a mixture of sadness, confusion and dumbfoundment.  He tought at least someone like her would understand, but it seemed he had been mistaken all along. No, this was definetely his karma...

He smiled and scratched his fluffy haired head in embarassement. "It's nothing. Sorry for bothering you like that, it was a stupid question."

Despite his gentle smile, he seemed to be hiding something, ss if there was something he was holding back. He stared at her awkwardly for a while, at a loss of words. He didn't know what to say, or do. However, he never once doubted the girl's words. She couldn't be lonely, and she had to be strong. So no matter how you looked at it, it was his fault.

"Do you mind if I sit?"
« Last Edit: April 30, 2016, 11:35:36 PM by francobull3 »


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Gah, if he was not bullshitting, that would be troublesome to run into such a leech. But she could supercharge her beams of sunlight so well that they could melt down a human's skin. She could break through such a skin with an effort. Or just go for their eyes. Eyes were almost always the weak spot of any flesh and blood creature, living and death.

"Diamonds might be hard, but they are still not unbreakable and can be cut. It's just a matter of approach. Strengths and weaknesses are two sides of the same coin. If they can somehow endure the light of the Sun, they must have other weaknesses that can be exploited. It's just the way how the world is."

After all, every Title had a weakness that could disable it. She lived in a world where mythical like narrative actually mattered. So for example a creature with unusually hard skin would have a weak spot for its foes to exploit, just like happened to Siegfried in his legend.

"Yeah, if we find a place free from anyone wishing to eavesdrop, I can share some stories too, if you'd like to hear them." The changeling adressed Kuro and Corbin. She have witnessed things nightmarish and wondrous, so she could tell about them too. Veiled enough however to not reveal too much to Corbin about what she really was.


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As she saw him go flying once more, she sheathed her blade and walked over to him. "Maybe we should call it for now, you look really distracted Shirou." She told him, concerned after seeing him fumble twice in a row. "Maybe we should go in and see what they're doing." She suggested to him, with a smile on her face.

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The newly hired bouncer lazily rocked back in her chair. It was almost a practiced level of carefreeness that made it seem like Yamanashi was either a friendly acquaintance or completely unimportant. "That sounds pretty hopeful. I wouldn't want to balance what little stability this part of the city has on luck but it's not like I'm an authority on the subject."


The noble was still for a moment before she began to shake. Her skeletal tail swished through the air back and forth and while the skull stayed closed tight it was becoming increasingly obvious that she was trying not to laugh. He was trying to hard to appear noble but all it reminded her of was the children that played in her court.

Although his 'titles' did tell her something. This undoubtedly was not her home. No one would have ever claimed such titles unless they were close to the power of gods. To utter such names when the one that held them was still alive and frighteningly aware could lead to a fate far worse than death.

With that realization she wrestled her mirth into submission and calmed down. The jaws of the dragon opened to reveal her royal visage as she began a deep bow. "I already told you that being here was not something done by choice. But I must thank you for your kindness while I was vulnerable. I owe you a debt, Lord Greyskull."


The girl was just about to be crushed completely when Erica spotted a distinctive head of red hair that she had seen before. With him here the construct was certain that this was her sign to keep the girl around like a thorn in her side. Something to remind her of such anger so that it could be triggered again.

She was about to say something to Noel's friend when he aimed a kick at her head and yelled at her. Her eyes widened and she blurred into a series of black afterimages as she dashed to the side. She tossed the redhead in the claw to the side like a piece of garbage before speaking. "I was crushing that abnormal one. Does it require greater explanation?"


The Fae glided across the roof before stopping right behind the younger girl. She hugged the druid with a hold that was almost maternal. When she spoke her voice lacked its teasing tone and the undertones of delight hidden under every word. Instead there was something comfortable and motherly filling the gentle words. "Shh. It will be fine. It always is in the end."

Her hold may have been gentle but there was also a firmness to it as she pulled Fiona down into a sitting position with her."The world changes. Its greatest love is to warp and shift away from what we understand. There is nothing you can do about that. The only thing you can do is hold fast to your convictions. Circumstances may change but as long as you hold fast to your convictions you will never be lost. That, more than anything else, is what you need to be a hero, and I know from everything that you've shown me that you want to be one. And you can as long as you stay strong now and keep holding on. Just don't let the world change you. Follow through until the end."

One could get a strange sense that Oren was talking to someone else instead of Fiona. There was some smouldering passion and genuineness to her words that made it seem like she was honestly speaking to her child and not some girl she had found mere moments ago. But you could never truly tell with the Fae. And Oren wore too many faces for anyone to ever tell what was real.