Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 82915 times)


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Irisviel von Einzbern

Irisviel led the trio down the streets in her bare feet, running them down the winding roads straight to her destination, some mansion that toe had deemed safe.

"Allright, we're here. This should be safe, the castle was under attack." She panted to them.

Toe, I've done as you asked, what now.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Umbra of Chaos

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Alarice took a careful overview of the possessions within the castle and narrowed her eyes. It was almost untouched despite the fact that no small amount of this place could be scavenged and sold for no small sum. Perhaps the owner had commanded more respect or fear then she had originally anticipated. That was slightly disconcerting but the time for worrying was long since past.

Of course, not even those thoughts could distract her from what came out of the mouth of her companion. Those names were so ridiculous that she was certain any enemy would simply burst into laughter. That was unacceptable. "If you would be so generous I would like to keep my old title. I am known as The Chosen of the Ahamkara."


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Count Greyskull fascinating. The dark lord had many question to ask her, but those could wait. While he personally thought his names sounded cooler, he would not go against her wishes. He was not just the greatest and mst powerful lord, but also the most generous.

"O-of course! In that case, why don't we explore the castle a bit? I'm sure you are as eager to select your chambers as I am. Of course, the throne room is already mine! NYEHYEHYEHYEHYEHYEH!!"

And so, the terrifying count Greyskull began to run over the halls to get a better look of the castle's interiors. As he did that, multiple skeletons emerged from the dark corners of the halls, as if slipping out from the shadows. Each carried brooms, mops and a bucket of soapy water among other cleaning supplies in order to tend to the castle.

After all, the castle was so terribly dusty, to leave it in such state would endanger Alarice's health! What if she was allergic!? He could not let her suffer such a fate! Besides, vassals got no sick leaves! He needed her to be at her 100% at all times, and he did not want her to push herself too far.

After all, to ensure the well being of his subject is a lord's duty. He would not be the greatest lord Greyskull if he could not do this much for her.

Garou XIII

Garou looked far from amused, but still managed to keep his cool. Mostly.

"Well maybe you should show a little respect you shitty brat. I am Garou XIII, the monster who hunts heroes. I won't allow anyone to mock me no matter what, but if you apologize, maybe I'll forget that little display of yours." He growled before gritting his teeth, baring his fangs clearly so the girl could see who she was dealing with.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2016, 09:00:16 PM by francobull3 »


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Dr. Bill

The girl ignored his speech and walked over to the girl.  He began to sweat intensely.  With each step of the girls foot, several drops of sweat poured from his head.  She stopped, keeled and sucked the blood from the blue haired girl.  He stopped sweating, his body not moving an inch as his brain began to process the implications of her actions thus far.  Then, a wide grin possessed his face.  His eyes became wide, his pupils dilated.

"Heheheheh. HAHAHA!  I understand now.  Your the arrogant hero type.  FOOL!  Do you realize that if you combine the two diseases you will die even faster than before?  Does she really mean that much to you?!  No mythical creature known to this city has the immune system powerful enough to deal with my poisons!" He shouted at the vampire, pointing at her teeth.

Medaka's body began twitching slightly.

Relius Clover

Relius grin reflected a state of pure satisfaction.  "I look forward to working with you Theordore.  Now, do you have any method of keeping in contact.  I noticed that you came here the moment that woman became upset.  Perhaps you have some sort of telepathic or magical link?  Although, I don't mind more technical means."  He said, returning to his polite voice.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2016, 09:31:52 PM by yinsukin »


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Shinobu looked at him as his eyes became wide and she could even spot his pupils dilating, The mad fool was even pointing at her now and laughing madly, claiming she was an arrogant hero of all things. If anything I am the villain. The vampire thought, amused at his proclamations. she took a step, and then another one, step after step, until she was right in front of him.

"Excuse me, but surely I must have misheard you. There is no way you actually called this a powerful poison right? That would be silly." The tone she used utterly mocked him, mocked his very existence. 


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Dr. Bill

The terrified doctor backed away slowly.  His body language said what he was thinking.  How is it possible?!  Vampire's don't have immunity to poison right?  Thats impossible.  Even if they did, there is no immunity!  Like a cornered rat, the doctor gritted his teeth.  "I will not be mocked like this.  i..... I will take you down myself!"  He screamed as he made one last mad dash for the blond, this time bringing the scalpel overhead. attempting to strike her in the eye.


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The demon bowed politely, as if flattered by the masked man.

"I had simply installed surveillance mechanisms in the castle, but yes I do have something that could resemble that. However, I will need us to make a deal. I will follow you as long as it is mutually beneficial and aid you in your work. Think of it as a contract. I will aid you, but as long as our partnership stands neither of us can harm one another. Rather, neither of us can or will betray, tamper or oppose one another. You cannot attempt to kill, harm or bind me directly or through proxy and I cannot attempt to kill, harm or bind you through proxy. I will follow you and you will follow me. Are these conditions suitable, Clover-chan?"

Meanwhile, he sent a single message to Irisviel.

Enjoy your freedom while you still can. Unless you mean to tell me you wish to go back? And please do refrain from calling me by that name. If you must, call me Teddy-sama. He thought coldly.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2016, 10:40:58 PM by francobull3 »


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The man made a mad rush at her brandishing the scalpel for an overhead strike. Shinobu waited for him to get close, then she struck, at blinding speed she grabbed his wrist and forced his arm back towards him, maing the scalpel rest on the skin of one of his shoulders.

"I wonder what would happen if you were pierced by this, that sounds like such an exciting experiment, what a wonderful idea!" She exclaimed with a hint of excitement in her voice.


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Shirou Emiya

Shirou sighed softly. He was still moping about what Sakura had teased him about, and walked over to sit on the couch. "I'm ready." He said, waiting for her to cast her spells.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The servant moved out of the way, while still keeping the two of them in her sight, somewhat eager to see what was going to happen. "How good are you at this type of magic Master?" She asked Sakura, curious to know more about her.


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The saint just sighed at Garou showing off. He was trying too hard baring those obviously fake teeth of his. "Eh, what's next, over 300 confirmed kills..." If the girl mocked him even further, he was asking for it by enabling her.


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Gabriel chuckled and said, "They're almost as different as night and day.  One of them is almost amoral, in the mortal context of the word, and the other is moral to almost a fault.  One is where I admittedly get my more hedonistic tendencies, and the other is so repressed and laced so tight that it is almost painful for me to be around.  Yet . . ."

He twirled his drink in his glass with a chuckle.  "They are both terrifying and amazing in their own ways, and can care far too much.  They are also women you do not want to make angry."


Rin blinked as the Goth bared fangs at her.  She reinforced her eyes and looked at them only to see the seams where they connected with his real teeth.  The magus took a step closer, sighed, shook her head, and folded her arms under her breasts.

"And I don't care," Rin said, "But I'm trying not to giggle at the fact that your fangs are fake.  Nice theatrical quality, but obviously fake if you know what to look for."


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Garou quickly turned to petra with a scalding glare, more furios than ever before before barking at her. "WHAT!?"

But before he could go any further, she spoke again. "And I don't care," Said the red bitch, "But I'm trying not to giggle at the fact that your fangs are fake.  Nice theatrical quality, but obviously fake if you know what to look for."

Garou went cold. If he was already pale, now he was practically snow white as a corpse. For a moment, he was completely silent, then he turned to Rin calmly before smiling, but there was mo warmth in his face anymore. One had to be blind not to tell that Garou was utterly livid.

"I amusing..." Without warning a black and white blur suddenly flashed forward in the blink of an eye, the ground where he used to reside was slightly cracked.

Their foreheads practically touched for a second before her body was flipped over and spun with monstruous strength like a pancake. While she would've normally fell, he held her by the back of her collar just as she would have normally hit the ground.

There was no magic there, no mystical power or enhancement. His physique was simply tailored beyond the realm of humans. His fake crimson eyes flashed with a red hue as they stared right at the girl's own menacingly. And he was smiling...

"Oops, looks like I'e forgotten about the punchline." Garou replied sarcastically, almost as if to mock her in turn.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2016, 12:54:33 AM by francobull3 »


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The Hunter watched with cold eyes as the monstrosity, perhaps a predator in its own right, seemed to accept its fate as the Lasso descended around it. Then the sound of viscera splattering against cold concrete and claws scratching gouges in it registered, the Hunter turning to see Ron advancing once more. Something in his movements was different, though. At a glance, Annabeth could see the same rage she'd witnessed when she'd had to restrain Ron, and it was clear to her that being anywhere near the downed prey wasn't a safe thing. The decision required a moment to make, as the Hunter weighed the possible consequences of leaving the creature unrestrained, even as damaged as it was. Even so, she didn't particularly feel like trying to fend off Ron in a frenzy.

With that, her choice was made, waiting for Ron to start with the pink-haired monstrosity before letting the Lasso dispel and getting away with all possible speed, aura flowing down to her legs to speed her along her way.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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"You know, it's cold of you to assume something like that. I never planned to use you or anything. I'm just as fine if it's something trivial, but if you really reject my offer made out of kindness, then your problem. Just, you know, I'm very touchy about harassment, so watch yourself." To be honest, the changeling was offended by her implications, but she didn't act on it since she was the mature one here. But she would stop her if she pulled off something like that again. Why did she have to get magical energy in such absurd way? Mordred had no doubts that she was doing it that way on purpose.