Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 84302 times)


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

"The second one has never had a truly good time to my knowledge.  I'm fairly certain her existence as has always been slanted by some tragedy.  So, along with her staggering morality, she's rather guarded and repressed is taking it lightly.  I have a feeling that she may snap, and that is something I do not want to happen."

Gabriel finished his drink as well and shook his head with a sigh.  "She saved me from being eradicated against staggering odds and raised me as her own.  I owe her the world, and I've been trying to get her what she needs for a rather long time.  My sort doesn't like having debts hanging over me, and for what she's done, all she's saved and all the evil she's ended, she deserves some bloody happiness."
« Last Edit: May 09, 2016, 04:12:57 AM by Elf »


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Shiro smiled sympathetically, and rubbed her face against Breeze's comfortingly. "It's ok. You'll get used to it."

Auspicious Breeze

"Used... to it...?" she couldn't help but ask, her brain refusing to recognize the meaning behind that. It couldn't mean she was away from her mistress forever. Nope. Nothing was going to keep her away from her Radiant Cataclysm forever like that. She must mean it was a really long journey.

Or she was using it as an excuse to rub her face, in which case aaaaahhh that felt nice. Breeze caught herself blushing despite everything else. "Uh, erm, that... right. Food."

Food was safe right now.


"They smelled horrible, but what was one of the worse things was when a black widow would build her web on the seat.  Some poor sod sits down and gets nipped right in the bits," Forest said with a chuckle. 

She had seen a few cases where that had happened and watched the poor victim while they were in the throws of the venom's after effects.  "You'd figure people would start checking the seat.  They didn't."

"It didn't seem too cloying, like some shampoos and body washes can be.  It just smelled clean if a tad salty.  Honestly, I just need to buck down and find a real apothecary for toiletries here, and no Lush doesn't count . . ." she trailed off as she noticed him being rather watchful.

"You have a Gunslinger's Tick," she whispered to him with a tiny smile.


"You could always learn how to make it yourself," the exile suggested to her, endeavoring to keep his amusement from being visible to the degree it would begin to become aggravating. "That would be the most reliable method of acquiring what you need."

It was why had never quite learned how to cook. Bake, yes, because baked goods were a delicacy to the human palate he now shared. However, he had never required sustenance before and was not about to begin doing so now. Cooking in its own right had little to appeal to him despite eons of exposure to it. It was much simpler, really, to partake of the products of human endeavor and savor their growing skill in the field.

Ah. She had noticed his vigilance.

"And you do not?"


Jaws crunched through bone. Blood and meat was torn from muscle, slid down the monster's throat, and filled him with strength. The hole in his stomach closed, matted fur surrounding patches of clean hairs newly grown to cover fresh skin. Hunger and anger were everything now.


The creature that was Ron ignored the other prey present, perhaps recognizing his scent on her from their earlier coupling. Or, perhaps because he was too caught up in his feast of flesh and gore. By now he had, in his rage, at least given his prey the mercy of a broken neck. He crushed the spine by the upper back between his fangs, and ended the creature's life.

Some deeply buried part of him, beneath the hunger and the kill, could not help but respect his meal's silence. It did not grate on his ears as he ended it.

It would be a while before he ate his full. All too much of the body would be left, in the end, because even his belly simply didn't have enough room.


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Shirou Emiya and Sakura Matou

"She's really good at it." Shirou answered for her. Knowing how she is and considering how she's feeling, he was sure Sakura would have just played down her skill and said it's nothing much.

"He's right, I've gotten really good at it." She said.

Or not. Shirou thought to himself, with a surprised look on his face. She'd never been confident like this before, What did Faust do to build her up so much? I'm sure she's still being humble, so how good is she now?

"Anyway, Senpai, take off your shirt." She commanded him, and he quickly obliged, smiling again.

But I'm glad... I'm glad she feels like this. It means not all of the past three years were awful for her.

She placed her soft hands upon his back, and he felt her soft and warm magical energy coursing through him, and his wounds closed and disappeared quickly. The sore feeling in his entire body was gone too.

"Thanks." He turned to face her, and then suddenly found her lips upon his mouth, and she pushed him down. He could feel his prana reserves replenishing rapidly.

After they finished making out, Sakura simply sat next to him, and he smiled at her. We're lucky it's such an enjoyable experience, exchanging prana.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Darcy Hugh

The priest nodded solemnly. "Indeed, that is a troublesome conundrum."

Darcy needed to think for a while. He pondered on his options and what he could do. Well, fighting was already out of the window, but if he could use this to his advantage...

He suddenly lit up and smiled, as if the priest had a sudden revelation by god.

"Oh! I might have a solution my good sir." He declared brightly with a warm friendly smile. What a nice priest.

Count Greyskull

"A-ahem. As your lord, know that I have absolute confidence in your skills. As I said before, I would not doubt your words and am quite certain that you can be of great use. However, I don't know what you can exactly do. I, the great count Greyskull therefore believe that a sparring session is due in order to gauge your strengths and weaknesses. I-is that alright?"
« Last Edit: May 09, 2016, 07:25:11 PM by francobull3 »


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Rider smiled contentedly as she stroked the large flying bug, watching and sipping on her wine as a waitress approached the girl. Rider raised an eyebrow as the girl, who she suspected was underage, ordered a glass of sweet wine, but if they choose to accept her probably-fake ID, that wasn't Rider's problem. In fact, she was rather glad that the girl seemed to have similar taste in drinks to her. To Rider's further delight, she appeared somewhat fond of olives, too, unlike her date. When the girl had finished ordering, she turned to Rider with a smile on her face, and answered her question.

"Sorry about that. Wormy's his name because I was three when I named him. That's all", she said.

Rider couldn't help but smile at that but, at the same time, for a moment she was somewhat confused. After all, "Wormy" looked nothing like a worm. Why would a three-year-old child think to call a flying bug that looked nothing like a worm "Wormy"?

"But, he doesn't look like...", Rider began, before something came to her mind.

Wait, he doesn't look like a worm now, but don't insect larvae often look worm-like? she realised.

"Oh, I see...", she continued, suddenly realising. "Did he have a larval form that looked like a worm?"

"Oh, and don't worry about placing your order, it's not fair on the waitress to leave her standing around too long", she added.

Then, looking at Dante with a grin, she spoke again.

"And, it's nice to see that you have taste in pizza toppings, unlike some people."


The waitress looked at the ID, raised her eyebrow, shrugged, and returned Oka's ID. "Sure, will that be all?"

Oka wanted to cheer. "Thank you very much, that will be all for now." She then turned back to Rider. "Mhm. He used to be a cute little larvesta, but then he evolved into a cute big Volcarona."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

The Man With All The Cute Boats

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Sakagami Kenzo

The oni sighed and looked down on the table. Immediately, the tension dropped and everything seemed to have gone back to normal. Kenzo pondered for a while before closing his russet eyes. Then, he bowed his head apologetically.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have let it get over my head like that." He said calmly. "Yeah, I met him before. I fought him yesterday actually, but I wasn't able to land a decisive blow. I guess I was too soft, I couldn't bring myself to..."

For a moment, he seemed sad. Something was clearly troubling him, but he shook his head and smiled the same friendly smile from before.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to bother you with my stupidity. What's your name?"
Alpha the Bloodedge

This guy... What an emotional rollercoaster.

"...I'm Alpha the bloodedge," she finally said after some hesitating. She usually wouldn't want to spread her name to the crazies, but this guy just looked like he's had a bad day. "Don't wear it out."

She took another sip and sighed. She may as well start looking here.

"So, how long have you been in this place?"


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Sakagami Kenzo

Kenzo muttered under his breath, as if to engrave the name into his mind. "Arufa Brodduedji..."

The oni smiled. He liked her, and he liked the name. It was very pretty, which suited her well. A drink was finally presented to him, which he accepted gladly. With one full swing he chugged down more than half of the glass before slamming the glass down and letting out a relieved sigh.

"Sakagami Kenzo. I've been here for, um... I think it's been about forty-three days?"

His russet eyes analyzed the shiro shoujo with absolute attention, piercing every nook and cranny of her body as if to understand something. He seemed confused about something, or curious.

"You're not a human Arufa, are you?"

« Last Edit: May 10, 2016, 02:52:33 AM by francobull3 »


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

The blond sighed as she looked at Gadreel's amused face and grinned back.  She replied, "I've tried.  I ended up with brown sludge that smelled and looked like something that came from a compose heap.  I can put someone's innards back in them, but I cannot make soap."

Crafts of that sort was never her forte.  She could prattle off in 20 different languages, she could play most of Iron Maiden's songs on a violin, she had performed meatball surgery, and could rattle off the hardness and chemical compositions to every gemstone in her collection.  However making things was generally not her wheelhouse.

"Oh, I do.  Why do you think I've been turned so I can watch most of the store the entire time?" she replied with a grin before tapping the side of her head, "Plus this never really turns off."


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The half-demon frowned at Rider's last remark, contemplating the futility of explaining a pizza heretic's wrongness to them before deciding that avenue wasn't quite worth the effort.

Could be worse. At least she likes pizza.

"Well, one of us definitely has taste in pizza toppings," the demon hunter admitted, "Though which of us it is might be up for debate."

Dante allowed a moment to consider what kind of evolution coould happen within the course of a few years.

Or it's just a term she uses...
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses

Umbra of Chaos

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The Chosen carefully considered the statement and graciously nodded. That would make sense but most of her abilities were unsuited to a spar or practice. It would be difficult to do this without causing some permanent harm but she was never oe to turn down challenge. "I would be happy to oblige you, Lord Greyskull, but I am afraid that most of my abilities are very lethal. I would not enjoy bringing any harm to you. However, if you insist I will not deny your request. But I must know if that plant is your true body or not. I will be unable to tell what would be too dangerous for this fight if I don't know what you're made of."


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Dr. Bill

The Doctor screemed in horror, pain and desperation, his speech getting faster after uttering every word.  "No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no  no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no!"

Relius Clover

THe mad puppeteer studied him carefully as he spoke, literally staring into his soul.  "And what will constitute the end of our partnership?" He asked politely.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2016, 02:14:24 PM by yinsukin »


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Count Greyskull

Greyskull blinked in surprise and stared for a moment, unsure of what to say. Finally, he nodded and laid a comforting hand on her skeletal shoulder.

“I, well, I am grateful for your consideration. It is very thoughtful of you. However, I would not be the greatest lord of all if it were that easy. Besides, there’s no way I could have a plant body. This is just armour!”

The terrifying dark lord of absolute darkness turned around to show off his magnificent tree suit, displaying it for all to see like it was some fashion beauty pageant. Under the wooden mask, he was grinning ear to ear. Well, he did that all the time, not like he had much choice.

“Pretty awesomesauce isn’t it? A friend made it for me. Gahhhh, I should have asked for more spikes though! Well, this is embarrassing… Anyway, let’s go!”

And thus, the almighty count Greyskull led the way to the training room, following a set of hidden stairs under a secret passageway concealed by an armor. An opened door later, the two were in a gigantic room that wasn’t actually a room at all!

Rather, if it wasn’t for the door standing out and the fact that the walls were clearly painted, one would have sworn that he was in the middle of the sunny Nevada desert! Not that either of them ever heard of the Nevada desert. The skeleton lord looked around in wonder and cried out in fake real surprise. Either way, the place was huge!

“Woooooooooaaaaaaah!!! I didn’t know this castle had a specially built in training chamber! I wonder who could have built such a thing! It must have been so much work, whoever did this must have been a really amazing lord…!”

Come on. It’s me! It was me! Look at me! Notice me! Please say that I’m cool…


The demon met the man's stare with his own blank soulless eyes covered by blank soulless eyes. “Why, until my little Grand-Guignol is over. We’ve gone over this already dear. Now, is it a yes or a no?”
« Last Edit: May 10, 2016, 06:55:40 PM by francobull3 »


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She looked at Mordred as she implied that she wouldn't be willing to compromise. "What makes you think I wouldn't be willing to, Mordred? The white haired girl asked her. She then accepted the bottle from Corbin and drank from it before continuing. "That could work, but who of you would be willing to do it." She asked them.


Jeanne looked on with interest as Sakura told Shirou to take of his shirt, which he complied to. She then put her hand on his back, the hand started glowing and Shirou was rather quickly healed. It was their next action that surprised her however. Are they making out in front of me? She thought surprised at the turn of events.

"Sakura, I didn't expect that to be part of the healing." Jeanne teasingly sent to her master.


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"And you couldn't ignore his posturing. He overreacted, yes, but it could have happened another  way if not for the banter. Besides, you are throwing around curses. In the public. If you have to fight so badly, pick more remote place." What kind of magus she was to cast spells without care out in the open and in broad daylight? That she was a magus it was no mistake. She recognized the spell, albeit in more potent form. Compared to what some magi living east to Roman part of Germania could cast, her curses were like child's play.

Garou also stopped fighting, even if he looked no less annoyed than before. Good. Showing her powers in order to stop the fight would be troublesome and should be avoided unless necessary. She didn't want too much of attention.


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"Ah, geez, you're stubborn, I told ya I'm fine-" Rikuyo paused as finally the adrenaline rush wore off and fatigue caught up with her. Her vision blurred as her body was that much weakened after getting crushed by that goddamn puppet. "Okay, you win..." She complained as she was grumpy about giving in to her injuries. She limped towards the seat and finally did what he told her, even if she didn't like being ordered around.