Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 84706 times)


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Medaka Kurokami

Happiness overflowed in Medeka's body, manifesting itself in radiant smile. Then she chuckeled, almost more to herself than to Shinobu.   "You actually came to save me.  You even sucked out the poison."  She said almost dumbfounded.  For a moment, she let her head fall to the ground.  "I knew it. "  She said in a whisper.

She then scanned the room.  Based on the room, it seemed like a fight had broken out.  There were 2 men on the hospital floor.  The doctor and the big burly man that was holding her down earlier.  She then turned to face Shinobu.  "You didn't kill them right?"  She asked, her voice soft, clearly expressing concern.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2016, 11:39:28 PM by yinsukin »

Cherry Lover

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Rider was surprised by the confusion that Oka showed in response to her question. She couldn't see what could possibly be difficult to understand about the question. However, as the girl spoke, after a significant pause, Rider began to understand why.

"It—means—it means um… it means, ah, how do it put this... That he transformed from a weaker form to his final form", she said, clearly frustrated.

Oh, I see, so she's never heard of evolution in the modern sense, and the term has come to mean something else? Rider thought.

She could understand the girl's difficulty. After all, if someone had talked about "evolution" in the modern sense when she had been alive, she would have been similarly confused. Moreso, in fact. She knew how the animals and humans had come about, after all, she'd even met the gods who had made them.

Still, despite understanding the girl's confusion, she was still somewhat curious about what the girl understood evolution to be. From the sounds of it, it seemed to be another word for metamorphosis, but the way the girl spoke about it was unusual to say the least. She didn't talk about him growing up, or changing into an adult but, rather, transforming into a "final form".

As Rider was thinking, Dante reacted to her comment, claiming that olives didn't work on pizzas. Ultimately, though, Rider felt that it was a pointless discussion. If he couldn't understand how delicious olives were, even on pizza, then there wasn't really anything she could say. As such, she simply looked at him, sighed and shrugged her shoulders, before turning to Oka once more.

"Hmm, evolution to me means something completely different. It means a gradual change, not a sudden one and, when applied to living creatures, it describes gradual change in form over generations, not change within an individual", she said. "I would call an insect changing from a larval to an adult form 'metamorphosis', but the way you're talking about it makes it seem like there's more to it than that. Could you explain further?"


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Oka Kurosawa

Oka scrunched up her face in frustration. She didn't like thinking about this like this. It was weird and confusing.

That's wrong

It was a simple and hard fact that Rider was very wrong about what the word meant. Evolution is evolution. I'm not dumb.

"It just means that a pokemon has trained enough to attain its second or third form, depending on the species." Oka said to Rider seriously. "Nothing about gradual change or whatever." She insisted that her definition was right. It was too weird, too alien a world.

She hated it, and wanted to cry.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Archer and Jeanne

As they entered the kitchen, it hit them, not immediately but it hit them. A heavenly scent enveloped them, coursing through their veins like a blast of paradise, in the center of this stood one man in red, Archer.

Jeanne was surprised at what she saw, this wasn't what she had expected.

Archer then turned around and saw them, it was Sakura, Shirou and a blonde woman. He nodded to Sakura and then responded to Shirou. "Oh yes, I'm doing quite well, I got bored so I decided to try something new, but it seems I went a bit overboard." He then turned to Sakura. "I assume that's the new servant."


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The half-demon cocked an eye at the term the girl used, head-tilting as he considered it. Rider's dismissal of the idea that olives weren't much good on pizza flew right by as Dante considered the girl's confusion.

"...Mind telling us what these pokemon are?" Dante asked, deciding that this was the first question that needed answering.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses

Cherry Lover

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Rider couldn't help but feel a twinge of regret at the look of frustration that came over Oka's face. It was obvious she was confused and upset by what was happening, probably because of the very different nature of the world she was from. And, whilst this girl wasn't Sakura, she looked and acted enough like her that Rider's instinctive dislike of seeing her master upset took effect.

After a few moments, the girl spoke.

"It just means that a pokemon has trained enough to attain its second or third form, depending on the species", she said, serously. "Nothing about gradual change or whatever."

Pokemon? What's a Pokemon? Rider thought, confused.

Whilst the girl using the word "Evolution" to mean something that was exactly the opposite of its original meaning was somewhat confusing, she could nevertheless accept that the English language in her world had evolved to use the term in that manner. Language usage could be weird sometimes. But, she had no idea what a "Pokemon" was, or why they had forms, or why she talked about "training" them. Presumably Wormy was one, and maybe Sylveon as well, but beyond that she had no idea. Yet, the girl used the term as if it was natural.

I suppose it's no different from me talking about my "master", though.

Before Rider could ask Oka what it meant, however, Dante spoke up.

"...Mind telling us what these pokemon are?" he said, getting straight to the point.

"Well, I would imagine they look somewhat like Wormy", she said with a smirk.

Then, she turned to Oka.

"Yes, sorry, I don't know what a Pokemon is either. I am guessing Wormy is one", she said, continuing to gently stroke the cute bug, "and perhaps Sylveon as well, but aside from that I have never heard of them before. Are they a type of animal in your world? How did you end up with one as your companion? Especially at such a young age."

The Man With All The Cute Boats

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"Ah, geez, you're stubborn, I told ya I'm fine-" Rikuyo paused as finally the adrenaline rush wore off and fatigue caught up with her. Her vision blurred as her body was that much weakened after getting crushed by that goddamn puppet. "Okay, you win..." She complained as she was grumpy about giving in to her injuries. She limped towards the seat and finally did what he told her, even if she didn't like being ordered around.

Ragna sighed as she sat down.

"Look, I'm not trying to be an asshole. But sometimes..." Ragna looked down at his hand. "Sometimes, if you don't take care of yourself, no one will."

He turned around and started walking, waving back at her.

"See you around, Rikuyo," he tiredly said.

Umbra of Chaos

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As more skeletons arose Alarice ignored the taunt in favor of paying more attention to the music. This was almost like standard practice. In tune with the beat she began to audibly hum as she dived back into the group of skeletons. Taps of her dagger swallowed bones whole as her left hand cleaved the pawns apart.

The sound of weapons splintering against the skeleton as they struck at false opening was music to the Chosen's ears as she lunged at one of the last skeletons with an almost predatory grace. But as her weapon neatly bit one of the last skeletons in two she spun around and tossed a handful of green fire at the tree man. Its hatred was almost palpable as it seemingly reached towards the plant armor as her tail swept the final skeleton off its feet and she crushed its skull underneath her heel.

The Man With All The Cute Boats

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Again, there seemed to be no one other than the child there. If it was an inn, then her parents must have been away or something was amiss. This young girl spoke like she was a bit confused what to do. It would be rude of him to question her what happened here. But if he were to guess, maybe she were practising fencing with some relative. She held a sword, she was not bleeding and her clothes bore sings of cuts. Surely whomever she fought with held back against her. But if that was the case, her relatives were now away, and the girl before him looked somewhat lost about what to do. Children usually helped their parents run such establishments, so maybe she was recently entrusted to her relatives? If she was an orphan then he'd better not ask her about her parents, certainly that would open wounds.

"Ah, then I found the right place." The nobleman answered the question. This sounded like a calm place where he could collect his thoughts without tumbling down a cliff again. And the girl was all left alone. No way he would leave anyone alone in such wilderness. He reached for his pouched filled with golden coins and presented it to the girl, smiling: "Will that be adequate, young lady?" People who cared about money might have scoffed at his display of generosity, but he feeled like patronising this establishment. He doubted many visitors have graced this inn with their presence given its remote location, so he bet they were more in need of money than he was.

Akatsuki walked up to him and took the money, not entirely sure how much it was worth in this place. Was it a lot? Was it normal? It looked pretty shiny, so there was no way this was a small amount.

Akatsuki remembered her manners, and fought to recollect the perfect procedure when visiting admirals came by and needed help. Usually Houshou would do so, but all the shipgirls were trained in the art just in case.

"O-of course it'll be satisfactory!" She said stiffly yet energetically, giving a japanese bow followed by a show of a hand. "I-if you follow me, I'll show you to your room."

She started walking in a more awkward way than necessary, heading towards the larger suites and occasionally looking back at the man, before remembering an essential.

"Will you be requiring supper?"

The Man With All The Cute Boats

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Sakagami Kenzo


A chilled shiver ran down Kenzo’s body. He didn’t want this. He didn’t wish for any of this. He had just wanted to connect with her, to talk to someone. But just as he was about to reach her, she slipped away just like everyone else. No matter what commandment he’d use, he could not in the end form a bond. Not even with her.

No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.

The oni’s voice was shaking, his eyes began to water. It was much like a child who had just been yelled at by his mother for a reason he did not understand. He begged, but it was already too late.

« I… I didn’t…I just…I’ll do anything…I’ll…”

And suddenly, something in his eyes snapped. Deep down, he knew the truth, he always had. Sakagami Kenzo was a strange being, one who was many things. But he was not stupid. Deep down, he had always known the truth, he had only chosen to be blind to it, to ignore it and walk away.

What Alpha had said and done was far from extreme, but it was the culminations of years after years of suffering. The straw that broke the camel's back.

He knew that look fully well. The look that Alpha gave him, the same that Oka gave him, the only look anyone ever gave him. He was quite familiar with those eyes. Fear, disgust, hate, annoyance, impatience, dislike, anger… he knew those all too well. He could see through their excuses and petty lies, through their disgusting deceit.

Humans were such ugly, petty, deceitful creatures...

He had simply chosen to smile and shrug it off to make the pain go away. He knew that, and he knew that nothing would change. Seasons change, tastes change, but people… people never change. He wouldn’t change, because Kenzo was Kenzo and humans were humans. The two were mutually exclusive.

One could only be what one was; therefore the fact that Kenzo could never be human was only logical. But deep down, he had hoped that somehow, anyhow, things would change. That at least someone, ANYONE would accept him.

That was why he had endured this humiliation all this time, of living all alone in an universe where he wasn’t even alive. The demon giggled like it was a funny joke, but his heart was only bleeding. That is, if a wretch like him had a heart to begin with.
Alpha the Bloodedge

What's wrong with this guy?

He had come on pretty strong, but fell apart into an emotional nightmare as soon as he was even lightly pressed. Even now he'd stuttered a bit wildly at her and then made a super hard face. Alpha couldn't help but think she'd accidentally crushed a nerd's efforts at upping his self-esteem.

Well, those were his problems. Without a word, Alpha started to leave.

"Hey you!" The bartender shouted after her. "You haven't paid for your drinks!"

Alpha froze and looked back at the bartender, who had pulled out a steak knife. Meanwhile a lot of the patrons had also risen from their seats as well, cracking knuckles, chanting somberly or pulling out folded japanese steel.

A specifically large man with a bald head walked up to her.

"You and yer friend here..." He said with a heavy accent. "Y'all got no idea who owns this here place, do you?"

Alpha registered it in an instant. "You and yer friend." And an instant was all it took for her to take action.

"Nope!" She immediately kicked the man with the full force of a counter hit standing kick, ramming him into the wall, and grabbed Kenzo. "We're leaving!"

She pulled on him and started running before the rest of the patrons could pile in on her.

A certain patron, a man who hadn't risen, sat in the corner and wore a dark expression, noticed she was smiling, and coughed out a laugh.


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Shirou patted Breeze on the head and, with a spring in her step, began walking leading them once again.

"Hmmm... Where to go... Where haven't I begged for food in a while?" She asked herself a very important question.

Possibly the most important one she could ask right now. After all, it could mean the difference between deer and fried tofu.

Tofu was good.

Auspicious Breeze

Huuu... being pet by a foxy girl like that was dangerous. Breeze would have to be careful around er, she thought to herself as she ran a hand through her short blonde hair to see if it was messy now. But, a cute girl like this having to beg for food? That wouldn't do at all!

"Well uh, I could ask nicely?" she suggested to the cutie who'd mussed up her hair, managing something like a smile despite the sadness moments before.. "If you'd rather have someone else try this time, mean!"


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General Drakkallion

Drakkallion did the man the kindness of leaning down with his massive body the better to hear his advice, inefficient as though his posture made it.

The dark envoy had very interesting thoughts to give. As enticing as they were forbidding indeed. He did not grok this. While his heart demanded justice and his blood boiled for action and entitlement, his soul rebelled against the plan that was struck, shaking him out of his lowly reverie of anticipated self-satisfaction.

"A fine completely hypothetical scenario, which would allow me so show my mettle," Drakkallion spoke, rumbling from his throat. "But inexcusable! To let intruders into the castle, even if I were to assuredly remove them, would brand me with failure from the onset! And before that, what manner of deceitful tomfoolery would I be presenting to my master in showing my abilities as such? Where is the value in that? I should be no general at all but a buffoon if I would be exposed! Oh the draconity!"

Then suddenly, he seemed to catch himself, and took a moment to clear his throat. "Of course, your idea has its merits! But it is not what I seek!"
« Last Edit: May 13, 2016, 02:05:24 PM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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"It's easier to destroy than create," Forest said with a shake of her head as her voice softened and she looked away. "It takes so much time and effort to create a life and . . . literally almost nothing to take it."

She turned back towards him and said, "Where I'm from, to become what I am, it's part of the package deal, but I had the 'talent' before I was born.  Apparently gifted women were common in my line.  My aunt could make plants grow.  My mother could apparently soothe with a word or a touch.  My cousin could heal and had command over fire and earth.  Me?  I got bombarded with the things that everyone thinks but don't let others know, and I didn't have someone to guide me on how to use it."

"I mean, who the bloody hell would want to?  The person you're trying to teach is going to know everything about you, including things that shouldn't be known.  That Roman Bastard was also worthless in that aspect too, so I had to sort of teach myself.  It's like being in a crowded room with noise all around you.  You learn to filter to get the useful things.  Until you find someone who has a strong mind and just projects . . ."


As soon as Forest commenced with her discussion of matters best left unspoken of with words in the potential company of those who would find vampirism... distasteful, Gadreel began to move them further into the store. Subtle guidance, nothing more, making it seem as if he were interested in the products on display along the way. Really though, he was listening and putting it what he heard into context.

Once they had relocated, he took the time to respond. "You have not had an opportunity to speak of this for some time now, haven't you?" he asked her gently, in a whisper, a sympathetic expression reaching his face.


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Corbin grinned at Kuro and said, "You know.  Juju.  Slang for 'magical powers'.  Or Mojo.  The Force. Voodoo. A bit of prattle mind you."

He ticked off each of his nicknames for magic on his fingers before nodding at what Mordred said.

He said, "Little Bit, Mordred's just worried about you and she's a responsible sort, and probably feels responsible for you and your actions.  She also wants to make sure you're taken care of and that some poor bloke like me doesn't have a salutatory rape charge slapped on them.  I sure as hell don't.  I'd do horribly in prison."


Rin narrowed her eyes as the brunette prattled on.  Then she stated she wished to speak to Rin's master.  She felt a spark of annoyance at this woman judging her with just the basis that Rin was like every other cloak and dagger, walk with death and isolation magus out there.

A smirk crossed Rin's face and she said, "I don't have a 'Master' other than myself.   I had a guardian a few years back, a worthless fake priest, but he's been dead for almost five years now.  Not that he ever did anything in the first place mind you . . ."

Not that she would admit it, but she knew she had unfinished business with that fake priest.  She just didn't know what it was, other than, in her gut, she knew he had wronged her somehow.  It had to be some unforgivable action to explain her unease and she wasn't going to deny her intuition.  Just there was that lingering question.

“Wizard, not a wizard….who gives a crap?! If I held back right now it’s only because if I killed you then, I wouldn’t be able to have you grovel on your knees and beg for forgiveness. You still piss me off, damn shitheaded kid…”

The goth musclehead circled her, his faux red eyes glaring at her with what he probably thought was blood lust.

“Rin Tohsaka, this is a chance out of the kindness of my heart. I am not sorry for trying to beat you to shit, but I am fine with letting your crap slide this one time. Apologize for that shit talk and say that I, Garou XIII, am better than you. If you do, I will forget and I might forgive.”

Rin shook her head, sighed and said, "I'm not looking for your forgiveness; I didn't do anything that warranted forgiveness.   I will however take my leave and then you and your companion continue on . . . whatever the hell you two were doing." 

Then she moved to leave before she really lost her temper and did something like use a gemstone to better the gene pool by wiping Garou the Whatever off the planet.


As she spoke, she was aware that Gadreel had guided her to a less populated area of the store.  She quietly picked up a container of opalescent lip gloss and studied it before putting it back.

"You have not had an opportunity to speak of this for some time now, haven't you?" Gadreel asked her in a whisper soft voice with a sympathetic look on his face.

The vampire shook her head and said, "Actually not ever; I've gotten pretty good at bottling things up over the years.  Where I'm from it would just be considered a weakness to exploit or getting a lecture about being thankful for what I can do.  Trust me, I'd rather everyone keep their thoughts in their head."


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"...Mind telling us what these pokemon are?"

...Mind telling us what these pokemon are?
...Mind telling us what these pokemon are?
...Mind telling us what these pokemon are?
...Mind telling us what these pokemon are?

The man's words rung through her head painfully, echoing through her mind and rocking her to the core. Oka's face scrunched up, obviously upset, and trying to hold back tears. But it didn't take long for her to lose control of her emotions.

And then Oka began to cry.

At first it was just a trickle down her cheeks, but it quickly degenerated into a full on tantrum. Tears streamed freely down her cheeks and she buried her face into Wormy's fur.

"I hate this!" She sobbed, drawing the attention of the other customers with her outburst. She didn't care. It hurt too much to care. "Why doesn't anyone fucking know even the slightest bit about pokemon. Nobody! Nobody at all. Not one person! I don't understand!

I don't like this!

I don't want this!"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end