Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 91150 times)


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Relius Clover

If someone had X ray vision, they would be able to see Relius raising his eye brow underneath his mask.  He intensified his observation of the creatures soul.  But then something curious happened.  The soul began to shift and change within the creatures body.  The outside of him started to glow.  His body and soul began to merge.  No that was not right.  It was as if the soul was changing shape and shedding the skin like a crab who exits and enters a shell on the beach.  Yet despite all this, the creature still displayed no emotion, mere static.  The resulting form was dark and gave off an eerie presence that seemed to extend to the rest of the castle.

A huge smile began to form on Relius's lips.  He watched in awe as the creature began to shape itself even more forming dark tendrils.  Despite the horrible appearance and ominous aura, the scientist was filled with a deep sense of awe, as if he were enjoying a fireworks show.

The creature turned its eye to Relius, mirroring his own intense stare that he often makes into a persons soul.  Yet, it was also doing something else.  It entered the puppeteers body and entered his heart, or rather his soul.  He watched in silence, utilizing every neuron in his mind to capture this moment.  He then, reached his hand out, almost longingly.

 "This is...."  He said, basking in the beauty of the phenomena taking place before him.  His thoughts swirled around his brain, forming new ideas in a way incomprehensible to normal people.  In this moment, his paradigm of life shifted drastically. 

Just then, chains erupted from the creatures eye, covering the room.  The world bent and changed, as if reality itself had been captured and enslaved.  Those same chains pierced Relius's body, taking his heart prisoner.  He simply held his hand to his heart, as if he gained something precious, yet longing as if he had missed a precious opportunity.

A voice projected from the eye of the creature known as Theodore.

Enforced cooperation, it is my one true ability. Although it is nothing but a cheap imitation of its true function, it is no less potent. As soon as the conditions are met, it is impossible to escape the lock. You are now bound to me by a contract, Relius Clover. I have no immediate need for your services. You may do as you please, I don’t care what you do to this place.

"Very well Theodore.  I look forward to a long and prosperous partnership.  However, I have no need for a castle that is so vulnerable.  There are many strong creatures and beasts in this city.  I find it baffling that anyone would consider this place safe in any sense.  Now Theodore, how will I contact you if I require your services?"  Relius said in his normal polite theatrical tone.

« Last Edit: May 13, 2016, 02:41:07 PM by yinsukin »


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Garou looked like he had just been sucker punched. Suddenly, his features distorted into a rictus as if he had been told the funniest of jests, only to slowly burst into a mad fit of howling laughter, madness, rage and hilarity intertwining like lovers.

Before long, the monster calmed down and its once amused look was now completely morbid. Now that that bitch took him lightly for the last time, there was no way he could let her go. To let her crap slide would be like letting her win. And that was the one thing he could not stand.

"Petra, don't you dare interfere." He said with a grim heart, his cold red eyes shifting to the blonde before turning to his opponent. "I hope you are more bark than bite, Rin Tohsaka. If you won't come, I will make you regret his."


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"H-hey, wait!" The redhead mumbled out as the white haired man was about to leave the place. He ordered her around like that and then just left? She had no money to stay there nor she could dine and dash! She stood up, and started him following again. "Are ya leavin' already? C'mon, we barely met!"


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Oh, here it started again. Fortunately for Garou, Petra wasn't in favorable mood as far as this Tohsaka was concerned, so she was willing to not meddle. Under one condition. "Okay, okay, just don't rough up her too much. If you want to teach her a lesson, she won't learn anything if she won't stand up."


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Sakagami Kenzo

The oni yelped in surprise as he was dragged like a sack of potatoes out of he bar with dashing speed. He did not even realize what was going on despite the fact he was running along, and by then only two thoughts crossed his mind.
How dare you, trash.

How romantic.

A single phrase escaped his lips, like a tired melancholic sigh. "Let me go."
« Last Edit: May 13, 2016, 03:36:56 PM by The Man With All The Cute Boats »


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The nobleman recognized that form of greeting as he was not only a warrior, but also a man of learning. The girl must have hailed from the Orient, and while he only read about the customs of Far East, he knew enough to judge her manners as proper. It seemed that she was instilled with proper upbringing, yet it seemed like she didn't have much experience with taking care of guests as it looked she was a bit anxious about it. So, was she a newcomer as well after all, presumably moving to relatives who were away right now? He naturally bowed slightly to greet her back, and followed her. The inn didn't look like a palace, but it had its oriental and rustic charm. At some point, the young lady asked him if he requires a supper.

"Oh, yes, I would be grateful for that." He responded. But, it was kinda problematic. Yes, he was a guest, but he could not hoist whole burden on a minor. On another hand, he really had no clue how to prepare anything else then what he could hunt down in a forest.

The Man With All The Cute Boats

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"H-hey, wait!" The redhead mumbled out as the white haired man was about to leave the place. He ordered her around like that and then just left? She had no money to stay there nor she could dine and dash! She stood up, and started him following again. "Are ya leavin' already? C'mon, we barely met!"

He'd barely turned around for a second and she'd gotten up again.

"Geez, are you serious?" He looked at her again and scratched his head. She was just going to make her injuries worse. "Okay, you know what? Stand still, even if I know that's hard for you."

He might as well know where the doctors in this city were, anyway. He's had to need a few in his own time.

Ragna walked up to her, put a hand around her shoulder, and hoisted her off her legs in a carry.

"Alright, let's go find a doctor. Know any, or am I going to have to ask people off the street?"


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The redhead couldn't much about the fact that he just picked up her to carry around. She didn't want to be pampered, but again, she couldn't resist in such state. Looking grumpy, she retorted: "I don't know any. There was one, but he's dead. Some demon asshole got him..." Remembering Richard's death also didn't help improving her mood.

The Man With All The Cute Boats

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Sakagami Kenzo

The oni yelped in surprise as he was dragged like a sack of potatoes out of he bar with dashing speed. He did not even realize what was going on despite the fact he was running along, and by then only two thoughts crossed his mind.
How dare you, trash.

How romantic.

A single phrase escaped his lips, like a tired melancholic sigh. "Let me go."
Alpha The Bloodedge

They'd run for a fair bit before Kenzo spoke up, and alpha slowed down and complied, her breathing a little fast.

"Sorry about that, Kenzo," she said without a hint of remorse in her voice. "Kind of forgot I had no money to give them."

She shrugged, and let out a sigh. Well, so long as they both got out of there alright.

The Man With All The Cute Boats

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The nobleman recognized that form of greeting as he was not only a warrior, but also a man of learning. The girl must have hailed from the Orient, and while he only read about the customs of Far East, he knew enough to judge her manners as proper. It seemed that she was instilled with proper upbringing, yet it seemed like she didn't have much experience with taking care of guests as it looked she was a bit anxious about it. So, was she a newcomer as well after all, presumably moving to relatives who were away right now? He naturally bowed slightly to greet her back, and followed her. The inn didn't look like a palace, but it had its oriental and rustic charm. At some point, the young lady asked him if he requires a supper.

"Oh, yes, I would be grateful for that." He responded. But, it was kinda problematic. Yes, he was a guest, but he could not hoist whole burden on a minor. On another hand, he really had no clue how to prepare anything else then what he could hunt down in a forest.

Akatsuki felt a bit of sweat form on her face. Her cooking experience was not too high. At most she could make some mild curry.

Akatsuki felt a lot more sweat form when she remembered that Kenzo had used all of their food to make a feast that had fallen apart.

"O-of course, mister customer, I'll bring you a meal as soon as possible. Though I re, uh, I'm sorry to say that the fridge is currently empty and I will have to go shopping for ingredients," she threw out as best as she could. "I am very sorry for the delay!"

She halted in the middle of guiding him to his room and gave a very deep bow.


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Fridge? What was that? Some kind of Oriental cellar with supplies? And wait, she didn't plan to venture alone into the wilderness just like that? He knew that the city was far away from here.

"Do you plan to go the city on your own? It could be dangerous to go through the wilderness alone. Let me escort you on the way, young lady." The nobleman insisted on following the girl. He might have been a guest, but it was also his calling to help out anyone who could be exposed to danger. So he couldn't just wait for her here doing nothing.


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"Really? This place has a prison?" Kuro gave them a disbelieving look. "It sure doesn't look like it." She moved away from Corbin and sat down in a chair at the table. "Alright, How does your contracts even work Mordred?"


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Medaka gave her a bright smile as the she told her what had happened. The girl then whispered something she almost didn't pick up before asking her if she had killed the three people who had attacked her. Why is she so concerned for them, they tried to kill her? The vampire thought.

"No, I knocked them out." The vampire paused for a moment and then asked a question of her own. "Knew what Medaka? The vampire's tone was full of curiosity.


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Archer and Jeanne

As they entered the kitchen, it hit them, not immediately but it hit them. A heavenly scent enveloped them, coursing through their veins like a blast of paradise, in the center of this stood one man in red, Archer.

Jeanne was surprised at what she saw, this wasn't what she had expected.

Archer then turned around and saw them, it was Sakura, Shirou and a blonde woman. He nodded to Sakura and then responded to Shirou. "Oh yes, I'm doing quite well, I got bored so I decided to try something new, but it seems I went a bit overboard." He then turned to Sakura. "I assume that's the new servant."

Sakura Matou and Shirou Emiya

Sakura smiled at Archer and nodded affirmitively. "Mhm! This is Jeanne, of the Ruler class. Jeanne, this is Archer."

"What exactly are you making, then? I want to help!" Sakura enthusiastically asked while Shirou fidgited in the background, rushing forward to stand next to Archer."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Medaka Kurokami

Medaka sighed in relief.  "Im glad.  I wouldn't be able to stand anymore needless deaths." She responded, her smile rapidly fading into a light frown.

The girls sat still for a moment as Shinobu paused to think.  Then, Shinobu asked a question that caught Medaka off guard. "Knew what Medaka?"  It was very brief but her eyes widened for a moment as she realized that Shinobu actually heard her.  Though to be fair, she was right next to her.

She looked Shinobu directly in the eyes and let out a sincere, colorful smile.  "I knew you were a nice person."