Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 85194 times)


  • The God Tongue
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Count Greyskull

As Alarice began to hum, the dark lord hummed along and tapped his feet to the rhythm, barely resisting the urge to dance along. Before he even knew it, a blast of green flame covered his magnificent foliage. He did not even see it coming, but he did not let out as much of a scream or pained shout.

He was simply stunned in place as his beautiful gift crumbled into cinders, revealing his fabulous and terrifying true form. Before long, he realized what had occurred and gritted his calcium enhanced teeth. he cheated! She was supposed to fight the skeletons, not him!! Damn hooligan, he'd show her he could play that game too, and BETTER!

Blue lightning cracked among his immensely imposing new form, causing the earth to shiver in fear. The musical skeletons trembled in their boots and began to play harder, incresing the tempo. This was baaaad....

"MYAH! Y-you... You have annihalated the armor that was to seal my invincible, irresistible power! VERY WELL! LET US RAISE THE ANTE!"

He raised his hand once more and suddenly, massive bones erupted from the ground like a carpet, blue mana covering them in a glowing aura. They did not hurt her, but rather propelled her back a great distance.

They stuck up from the ground like shark fins and advanced through with the speed of a moderately fast car, each following a set pattern but more than capable to slam her down if they hit her.

Meanwhile, more undead rose up from the ground, about twenty filled with magic and determination in order to charge back and  defeat her!

Alarice: 12   Greyskull= -1

Darcy Hugh

Darcy bowed in polite apology, genuinely sorry for the injury. Well, he should have known it wouldn't have been that easy. Still, at least he tried, and that is half the battle.

"No, you are right. I'm very sorry, it was disrespectful to propose something so treacherous. Someone so big and strong like you should have no problem dealing with intruders, but to not be able to show it is simply unfair. I mean, just look at these...muscles. These pecs! I..."

Now ogling the dragon's majestically massive physique, the priest had began fondling his muscles without even realizing it!  Such impressive abdominals, and so smooth...

Once the cold scaly reality registered to Darcy's mind, he snapped back and gulped. How long had he been standing there anyway? He gulped and coughed before quickly composing himself, seemingly hoping that the dragon didn't notice or forgot to care.

Just pretend this neeever happened.

"Erm, s-sorry! Anyhow, I am truly sorry about that." He blurted nervously. Once straightened up, he searched for something in his pocket but was seemingly shocked at the fact it was missing. He checked all over his body with a look of dread and finally cursed at the realization that just dawned.

"Shit! Erm, this is embarassing. I need your help for something delicate. Could you be a pal and lend me your lighter if you have one? I'd really appreciate it." He said before unraveling a pack of cigarettes from his other pocket.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2016, 06:31:30 PM by francobull3 »


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As Oka started outright crying, the demon hunter found himself feeling somewhat uncomfortable. This was in no way what he'd signed on for when he'd decided to have some pizza with Rider, but there wasn't really any good in considering the other possibilities now.

Dante remained where he was, eyes darting to the other customers whose attention Oka's distress had caught. They quickly went back to attending to their own meals soon afterwards, leaving the half-demon feeling quite uncomfortable with the current situation.

"Look on the bright side," the half-demon said with a shrug, "Have you met anyone you disliked back where you're from?"
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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General Drakkallion

His serpentine eyes blinked as the mortal seemed to lose track of his words on Drakklallion's sculped demonic muscles, the perfect form of which was passed down the drakkonid generals for generations.

Mortals were strange, the draconic demon thought as the measly fellow fumbled away and attempted to indulge in something that he only realized once he saw the pack of sticks.

Drakkallion could not be said to lack understanding of smoking. Why, the contents were different, but of course lesser beings would wish to emulate the image of the dragon or demon who breathed incandescent smoke. So, to answer his supplications, the general sniffled out a tiny burst of flame from his nose.

"Your reverence is appreciated mortal, but it would be best if you did not die from lung-tainting mortal diseases before you have managed to aid me." Drakkallion commented, lowered his head for ease of access to the lit fire.

It was still really tall for a human to reach.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2016, 11:19:39 PM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts

Umbra of Chaos

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An inelegant grunt escaped the blonde's mouth as bones emerged from the ground and knocked her back. Her palms slapped down onto the ground as she slightly dug into the hard rock to slow down. But the onslaught of bones and a new legion of skeletons crushed any ideas of taking a break.

An almost feral smile creeped over her face as the instinct and eons of experience flowed through her. She leaped over bones and weaved through spaces in the racing columns that just barely missed her with all the grace of a dancer, and as she rushed to the space between the final set of ossein the spears held by a squad of skeletons greeted her.

The skull slammed shut and the hungry void began to cover its teeth as her dagger swallowed spears and chewed through the bones of the first skeleton. Her left hand slapped another spear away as her tail darted out, coiled around a different soldier's leg, and tossed him at the mage with enough force to shatter its limb.

She continued this pattern as she inched ever forward towards Greyskull. The sound of bones being crushed to dust accompanied by the sound of spines and skulls being hurtled through the air at a breakneck pace. As she came face to face with the last skeleton the skull opened its maw, and the infinite void inside masked her face as the teeth clamped down on her opponent's skull.

The faint taste of dusty bone and marrow lingered in her mouth, but the only thing on her face as the jaw opened was a pleasant smile at the decreasing distance between her and the mage. But as she began to tear her focus away from the recent tussle and the ancient heart resonating with her own she noticed the noticeable lack of flesh on her lord's bones. That would probably explain the necromancy, but she would concern herself with the truth later. There was a spar to win.

Her pose relaxed and there was an almost casual air about her that almost made it seem as if she was about to call out or wave at him. Then, without warning, she sent her dagger flying at his chest with nothing more than the flick of a wrist.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2016, 12:29:01 AM by Umbra of Chaos »


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Bingo, there was his opening. Among all the windows sealed with glass, Shirou found one that was open. Hoping for all he was worth that there wasn’t a dragon on the other side of that window, but preparing a projection of Gram in case there was, the magus carefully appraised his surroundings one last time. The orange dragon at the gate was still distracted with Darcy, and there wasn’t a patrol flying above at the moment. It was now or never, before another flying patrol came around.

Shirou dashed out from behind his cover, dispensing with stealth in exchange for speed. “Please don’t notice me please don’t notice me please don’t notice me,” was the only thought in his mind as he covered the distance in a few excruciatingly long seconds, and cleared the jump to the windowsill on his reinforced legs. Hopefully Darcy would be able to make his own way in.
YOLF: "Do ghosts have aids"

YOLF: Even if God forgives you, you shall not forgive yourself for being here [in CE].


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The blue haired girl went from smiling to frowining to back to smiling in a few moments. Her mood shifts were amusing to watch, what she said bothered the blonde vampire however. She stared back into Medaka's eyes, the vampire's golden eyes were strange, unreadable, like a deep void.

"Me, nice? Like I would have saved you out of niceness. I merely did it because your end would have been a waste." The vampire declared.


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Count Greyskull

The skeleton observed in awe as she surpassed each and every obstacle he set for her. Greyskull did not even dodge the skeleton flung at him, for he could not. As soon as it was thrown, he instinctively cast a fireball at it and blasted it to smithereens.

To perform a spell so quickly without any complex movement, and such a thing instinctively.... even if it was a low level spell, the lord's skill was undeniable!

The skeletal lord was about to counter her with yet another spell when suddenly, she stopped and looked like she was about to wave at him. He  fidgeted awkwardly, being the confused lord that he was,  and waved back.

"Erm, h-hi?"

However, his kind hospitality was only met with further aggression. To use one of his children against him was one thing, but to fool him with such a cheap trick, how barbaric! The dagger hit dead center in his chest and sent him backwards, his chest crushed violently by the same biting invisible force, but he quickly regained balance.

Blue lightning trickled the dagger, but to his surprise, nothing happened. He tried once more, but quickly realized that his spell seemed to be ineffective on it, or rather his mana. How interesting, magic resistance. Considering the composition of the dagger, it was fair to assume that skeletal armor of hers had similar properties.

Well, there was only one way to test this.

The same blue light now overlapped the skeleton, and before the girl could reach him, his body levitated out of the way. Now taking flight, the lord took full advantage of the higher ground. His while body glowed blue, but his fingers suddenly shone with an orange light as they danced in the air and formed a magical circle of remarkable complexity.

It quickly split into four sections and released an according number of fire balls, each large enough to swallow a war elephant whole. Whe never they would hit a surface, they would split in half and bounce back. Despite the impressive range, each impact packed about as much punch as a regular fireball. It just looked scarier.


Just as he cast that spell, the lord's shadow began to writhe, boil and expand. Countless more skeletons emerged, but they were not like the others. About eight mighty bone warriors jumped out, wielding their bone pike with ferocity as they rode ghastly skeletal horses. Ten spearmen charged along, their skeletal shields on one hand and their lances on another. Meanwhile, five archers stood back, protected by ten of the usual staff wielders.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2016, 01:31:41 AM by francobull3 »


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The demon tossed a cellphone at Relius nonchalantly.

"I've added you on my contact list as Relirelo, so you can call me any time under the name Teddy-chan. Well, I'll have to do some errands. Would you be so kind as to change the castle's defenses so no intruder intrudes. That would be such a pain."

And before Relius could even respond, he left.


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"You might be familiar with something like geas, but it's a bit different. Both parties swear an oath and thus it cannot be an onesided contract. Well, there are dishonest people who might want to introduce loopholes, but I'm not that type of a person, so don't worry about it. We also swear on something like a higher power we believe in, something we value highly like our honour or on our names, so that the promise is not a mere promise, but it's mystically binding." Mordred attempted to explain that as simple and concise as she could.

"On my part, I could promise I would supply you with some of my energy, and I think you would get your share no matter the distance, if this works out. It's up to you what you promise in return, I'm more interested in that you won't get into trouble by doing something weird."

Umbra of Chaos

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The Chosen took in the circumstances incredibly quickly as balls of fire came down and began to split on impact as a horde of more skeletons arose. The fact that she had no viable ranged options also meant that she couldn't harm the mage, and the more open area gave them an advantage.

So, as arrows rained down and the other forces began to approach, Alarice turned back and broke out into a full sprint back towards the door. The few projectiles that did hit her bounced off of her armor but her worries were focused far more on the sound of approaching cavalry.

When she was sure they were right on her she turned around to catch them leveling their pikes towards her. She rolled out of the way of some but a few others managed to send her stumbling forward with precise strikes from their weapons that left a light cracks in the bone.

Nevertheless, she continued running until it felt like her legs were on fire as she finally burst through the door and slammed it shut. It was almost suicidal to try and win a fight on a playing field such as that.

Cherry Lover

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As soon as she'd finished speaking, Rider noticed Oka was obviously upset.

What's wrong? she thought with deep concern as the girl's tears began to flow.

Rider's heart began to break as she saw the girl break down. She hated to see Sakura getting upset like this, no matter what the reason. And, in Rider's mind, Oka was still essentially Sakura, just from a different world and with a different name. She moved back slightly as the girl buried her face into Wormy's fur and sobbed, letting her have a bit of space.

"I hate this!" the girl said as she sobbed. "Why doesn't anyone fucking know even the slightest bit about pokemon. Nobody! Nobody at all. Not one person! I don't understand!

I don't like this!

I don't want this!"

Rider's heart broke at the sight. This was a young girl who had been sent from her home into a new and strange world. She was frightened and upset about what she had lost, and Rider couldn't blame her one bit for that. She just wanted to comfort the poor girl. So, she moved towards her. As she did so, though, Dante spoke up, making a poor attempt to comfort her.

"Look on the bright side", he said, shrugging, "Have you met anyone you disliked back where you're from?"

Annoyed at his ham-fisted attempt to calm the girl down, Rider shot him a glare that said "are you really that stupid?" before moving in and gently patting her on the back.

"It'll be OK", she said, soothingly. "Just ignore him."

Somewhat awkwardly, Rider tried to calm the girl as best as she could without frightening her. She even offered the girl a hug, trying not to seem too pushy about it in case she was still wary of the physical contact.


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Lancelot strode into the cosmetics store, several bags of groceries in one hand and a scowl planted firmly on his face. It turned out Saber was almost out of the shampoo she had taken a liking to in this new world, and so it fell on him to obtain more before it became an issue.

The former Servant restrained the urge to click his tongue in annoyance. He understood hygiene and had quickly become accustomed to frequent bathing - showering, it was called here - but the incredible multitude of body care and scent products ingrained into the culture defied understanding. None of the admittedly cute women around would tolerate even being near him if he didn’t at least have some of that “deodorant” stuff on.

Modern life was complicated.

He was so consumed with his own thoughts that when he turned a corner past some shelves, he very nearly bowled over a pair of hapless shoppers. He was halfway through a muttered apology when he actually noticed who he had just run into.

Kill her! Pay the penalty for her sins, for your sins! Pay the penalty of life! “Torture and sadism on the body through digestion!”

Damn. He’d been so enjoying not having to listen to that insidious voice.

“Ah. Good day, Forest, and company,” he said, his frown tightening as he tried to ignore the whispers coming out of the walls. He still had the presence of mind to back up and restore personal space, at least. “Forgive my rudeness, I’ve been quite distracted of late.”
YOLF: "Do ghosts have aids"

YOLF: Even if God forgives you, you shall not forgive yourself for being here [in CE].


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Medaka Kurokami

Medaka stood up and walked slowly to the doorway of the room.  "Oh?  Is that so?  In that case, do you mind escorting me somewhere safer.  I no longer feel comfortable near this cities police or hospital buildings."  She said with a serious tone of voice.

Relius Clover

Relius reached out his hand and caught the device.  He looked down to examine it.  It was a primitive piece of technology, a cellphone.  Supposedly, these were widely used during the time before the black beast.  He would have to make do with this.

The scientist looked up. The creature vanished.  Relius causally walked out of the castle

"That was a pleasant walk."  The puppeteer thought out loud as the doors of the castle closed behind him.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2016, 08:51:24 PM by yinsukin »


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Count Greyskull

The lord laughed megalomaniacally as his lovely children danced along the battlefield. She was strong, incredibly strong! The way she moved through his hordes with such grace, it almost reminded him of her.


And suddenly, she vanished. Did she run away? Why would she do that? He thought he was going easy on her, honestly it was a little dissappointing, and confusing. As soon as she slammed the door, the entire battlefield froze as if time had come to a stop.

"H-hey! Are you alright?"
« Last Edit: May 14, 2016, 03:35:04 PM by francobull3 »


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Oka Kurosawa

"I miss Zouken! I miss Shinji! I miss Shiro! Even though we fought, Shinji wasn't bad!" She bawled out, clutching onto Wormy as she cried.

Look on the bright side," Oka heard Dante say with a insensitive shrug. She glared daggers at him, her upset rapidly metamorphosing into fury.  "Have you met anyone you disliked back where you're from?"

Oka's piercing glare looked as if she could slice through steel. She took a deep breath, then another, but she couldn't hold it in. I'm sorry Rider, I can't do that.

"Fuck you, you fucking shitlord." She said to him in a jarringly calm and quiet voice. "You insensitive little prick, do you have brain damage? Because you're certainly acting like it. Drink bleach. It would make the world a better place."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end