Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 88458 times)


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She couldn't do anything about it and that only made her more sour and depressed at the same time. If she could write, on her to do list would be restraining Ragna whenever she could and haul him around to show him his place. But that after she broke that puppet's face.

It seems that Ragna found some place. "Are we there yet?" She asked, impatient about waiting.


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Archer and Jeanne

"You couls cut some vegetables Sakura, make a salad." He then turned to Shirou. "Sure you can take over for me and I can eat my soufflés in peace, that sounds like a good deal."

Jeanne turned to Sakura as she heard her in her mind Is he...Is he a counter gaurdian? Jeanne sent back to her.


The blonde vampire sneaked throught the hallways, keeping to the shadows as she moved. Much like on her way there, the personnel didn't notice her, with how busy they were. "We can't leave through the front door." She explained to Medaka as she kept moving at a quick pace.

 Eventually Shinobu found what she was looking for, an empty room that had windows. She went into into the room and rushed ove to the window, it could be opened from the inside.

After you" She told the blue haired girl with a concerned look on her face as she opened the window while moving out of the way, to allow Medaka to go first.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2016, 05:09:23 PM by Thedoctor »


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Sakura and Shirou

"No!" Sakura protested at Archer's offer to stop cooking. "I want to cook with both of you!" Her large purple eyes began to tear up, and her lower lip trembled.

Shirou flinched as Sakura obviously got upset, and forced himself to detense. He offered his hand to Archer, with a half-forced smile, and offered peace. "Can we be friends, Archer?" He asked him, hoping Sakura wouldn't have another attack.

"I-think he is, Jeanne... Sakura affirmed, smiling at Shirou and looking at Archer hopefully. "I'm pretty sure he made a contract with the world... Something my Shirou will never do!"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The immortal couldn't help a bemused grin as he looked on, following alongside as the fox-girl patted the tanned woman on the head, much to the latter's...embarrassment, if he had to guess. He cocked an eyebrow at the idea of the fox-girl begging for food. As much as things like pride had ceased to truly matter for the immortal, something within him chafed at the thought of begging for something he could acquire himself. Before he could object, though, the tanned blonde spoke up herself.

Michael considered for a moment the possibilities of what asking nicely could entail for someone like her, before allowing a slight shrug.

"I'm sure we could find people receptive to either method," he noted, more to himself than anyone in particular.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Shiro waved them both off, dismissing their comments. "No, no, that won't work, it has to be me. Otherwise they'll just call you both lazy bums and shoo you away. Something about hurting their bussiness. Or something."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Umbra of Chaos

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There was nothing judgemental in Erica's gaze as she watched the proceedings but there was something vaguely critical in her voice as he finished. It was not quite admonishing but more akin to a dull remark one would make if something loaded slower than normal on your computer. "That was an inefficient method of gathering the souls. It would have been far faster for me to store them myself. Regardless, grant the souls to me and I will begin my service in full."


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The demon shrugged. "Perhaps. Truth be told, I don't know why I did it." He answered absentmindedly, yet there was a degree of truth in what he said. He had no control over such whims, that was the price to pay for such a body. But that was an excuse, and Theodore knew that well.

If he had gone out of his way to act in such a manner, it was simply because he could. Perhaps to alleviate the tedium of his pitiful existance... either way, it did not matter. The demon nodded and handed the swirling mass of souls to the girl, then turned around to walk away.

But as soon as he took his first step, his body lost balance and toppled over, falling face first on the ground like a pathetic ragdoll. There didn't seem to be any strength or energy in his body, like a gameboy low on batteries. Despite that, he did not sound or look any more displeased than before, not that he ever looked pleased to begin with.

"Oh my. It seems I've reached my limit. I believe this is what a human would call hunger. Not that I'm not a human, I am as human as it gets. I couldn't get any humaner if I tried.*sigh* Could you please pick me up? There is a decent place not too far ahead, do you like chinese food?"

Count Greyskull

"E-erm, but we can't fight in the castle! What if the furniture breaks? I-is there something wrong with my secret training room?" He asked timidly.

Cherry Lover

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Sakura and Shirou

Sakura and Shirou followed Irisviel as quickly as they could, unsure what was happening, but nevertheless trusting her intentions. However, as they approached their destination, panting, looks of apprehension began to come over their faces, each for a different reason. Sakura felt like she'd seen a ghost, whilst Shirou was just worried about what the other Sakura might think when he showed up again. Both of them desperately hoped that this was not their destination, but they were, unfortunately, proven wrong.

"Allright, we're here. This should be safe, the castle was under attack", Irisviel said, panting.

The two of them frowned.

"Senpai...", Sakura said, nervously, as she grabbed hold of him comfortingly, the use of her former pet name for him somewhat comforting. "Why is that house here?"

"Erm, it belongs to the other Sakura...", Shirou said, obviously worried.

Sakura frowned.

"Oh, I see", she responded, knowing of the story from earlier.

"Hmm, I can sense what I think are a couple of servants, but neither of them feel like Rider", she added. "I guess she must be out."

Knowing the reason behind the house's presence made her feel a little more comfortable about it but, nevertheless, she was not keen to go inside. Especially given that the woman living here was, according to Shirou and Rider, somewhat.. unhinged, and apparently had a somewhat-understandable problem with Shirou.

"Erm, Irisviel", Shirou said, nervously. "I.. I don't think I can go in there. The owner kind-of hates me...."


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"I've gotten a hold of her, but I don't think things have gotten better," Gabriel said with a sigh as he toyed with the empty glass, "If anything it's probably worse because she has no luck."


Corbin grinned at Kuro and answered, "Fun ones, Little Bit.  The fun ones."

He nodded to Mordred, lifted the green bottle and tilted it towards her in a salute.  "Seems reasonable to me."


Rin blinked at Garou's sudden invitation and then Petra's reluctant response to it.  She frowned and said, "Well that was an unexpected turn of events."

On one hand, turning down free alcohol was a bad idea, but drinking with her current mindset with others didn't seem like the best idea.

"Thank you, but . . . I don't know if that would be the best idea, and I don't think your girlfriend is too happy with it."
« Last Edit: May 16, 2016, 02:14:42 AM by Elf »


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The white haired girl got up from her chair as Mordred started talking, she quickly went around the table until she was behind the blonde. "I could accept making it with you then Mordred." She said in response, while doing so she put her hand on Mordred's shoulders. Her grip was strong as she started kneading her stiff shoulders. "You look like you need it more than him." She said while giving a look over to Corbin was saluting them with the bottle for some reason, it didn't really cool.


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Garou XIII

Garou stuttered and blushed before roaring defiantly.

"WHAT IN THE HELL!? G-GIRLFRIEND!? ARE YOU CRAZY!?" He howled, his moon white pale skin almost turning red. Then, he turned to Petra with eyes of shock, disbelief and mocking spite.

"You hear this bitch!? Girlfriend, pffft. Like hell I'd waste my time with a goody two shoe dweeb hero wannabe loser like her." He said sarcastically.

"Well, whatever. Are you in or not?"
« Last Edit: May 16, 2016, 02:27:22 AM by francobull3 »

Cherry Lover

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Rider's eyes widened as the girl reeled off a list of very familiar names. The similarity between her and Sakura was uncanny. Even her name, Oka, meant "cherry blossom", just like Sakura did. She surely had to be some sort of alternate version of Sakura, named differently for some odd reason. At the same time, though, there were definite differences. Sakura would never, ever say she missed Zouken. The guy was nothing short of a monster. And, Shinji too seemed different, more like a bad brother than the cruel rapist that Rider had been forced to serve under.

Still, despite the surprise, Rider's compassion for the girl was only growing. She felt so sorry for her, trapped in a strange and frightening new world, without her family or her lover there to help her. The girl needed support and comfort, and Rider was happy to do her best to provide it. Unlike her date, apparently, who was insistent on acting like an insensitive moron. His comments had obviously upset Oka, as Rider had expected they would and, despite her best efforts at comforting Oka, she simply could not hold back her anger. Rider did not blame her one bit for her response, aware of the idiocy of Tony's comment. In fact, she simply returned to glare at him once more, hoping he would make some kind of genuine apology and salvage both Oka's feelings and their date.

Instead, though, he decided to do something even stupider. Rider's look of contempt turned to one of confusion, followed by astonishment and, then, finally, even more withering contempt as he got up from his seat, walked to the janitor's closet, took out a bottle of bleach and began to drink it, as the girl had demanded.

What the hell is he doing? Rider thought, astonished at the utterly moronic display.

She wasn't sure if he was actually mocking her, or just really, really bad at apologies. Either way, though, she was utterly flabbergasted, and simply glared at him angrily as he washed down the bleach with beer, seemingly suffering no ill-effects from his supposedly-toxic drink. Yet, despite her anger and disbelief, she did not act yet, instead watching Oka to see how she reacted to it. Unfortunately for Tony, though, it rapidly became clear that Oka was absolutely seething with anger. She clenched her fists angrily and trembled with rage before, finally, she got up from the table and began to walk away in silence.

Rider sat there for a few moments, not entirely sure what to do. Part of her wanted to give Tony a chance, but that part was soon drowned out by the quiet sobs she could hear as Oka retreated sadly. The girl was lonely and frightened, there was no way Rider could simply ignore her, even if that meant giving up on Tony. And, besides, with how he was acting, she was sure he would have ended up upsetting Sakura anyway. Dumping him now was for the best. But, even so, she was still very annoyed. She'd been enjoying the date until he started acting like an idiot, and had been looking forward to what might come later.

Glaring coldly and angrily at him, Rider got up out of her chair.

"You moron!" she said, loudly as she walked towards him. "What the hell were you trying to prove?"

With that, she swung her arm as fast and powerfully as she could, her palm connecting with his face with full force. Then, not even waiting to see his response, she rushed off after Oka at a speed which was clearly beyond human capabilities, if not anything close to her maximum ability.

"Are you OK?" she said, trying to soothe the girl.


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"Okay, you wasted your time hanging out in the restaurant with me, but don't worry, if everyone I helped out was in such relationship with me, then I would rival King Solomon. And you know, this loser have paid for your all bills while you don't have any money on. Puts you in awkward situation, isn't it?" Her brand of sarcasm was far more subtle than Garou's, and she didn't resort to shouting emotionally. Didn't even put on a smug expression, just matter of factly said all that.

"To be honest, I've got nothing better to do now. And I'll drink you under the table before you make me run out of money, so everything will be fine. Except your livers." This time, she grinned confidently. They had no chance with her.


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Oka slowly stopped and turned mutely to look at Rider, staring at her silently. Do I look ok? Do I sound ok? She wondered to herself, before turning away and exiting the restaurant. Sylveon and Wormy chased after her, following her closely behind. Sylveon nuzzled her leg, and Oka smiled weakly at him, rubbing his head as she walked.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"Hey, you maybe should go pro when you grow up, you're not bad a this" she mumbled out. Yes, this felt good. A massage could be relieve of stress if done right, and she experienced nothing but stress so far. If she wasn't a teetotaller she would have reached for a bottle right now, but she wasn't like a certain person she knew. Her body was a temple and she wouldn't poison it.