Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 80719 times)


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

Forest grinned and replied, "For the most part, yeah.  I do sometimes 'Adult' well enough."

She frowned as he told her the history of the flush toilet.  "That would have made things a lot easier. And cleaner.  I always thought outhouses in the American West were fascinating myself; if somewhat risky."

She handed him the body wash she'd been inspecting.  It was even a pleasing light blue color!  "Here, hopefully this doesn't smell obnoxious.  I swear Axe was manufactured as a jerk warning for women."


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NOTORIOUS D.O.G (tricycle edition)


Just as he was about to launch his terrifying attack, the bullets vanished like smoke. Suddenly, his hairs shiver and stood like spikes. A thousand signals overwhelmed his body at once, pure instincts controlling his body and guiding it to safety. But this time, things were a little different. Unlike previously, he was cornered and was in a clear opening.

He could only move forward, and his position was bad. His opening meant that for a split second, his body would lag, meaning that he could not avoid the bullet completely. Had his instincts not warned him, were his reflexes not as tremendous, had he hesitated for the slightest moment, his brains would have surely been splattered all over. However...

Just as the girl's finger touched the trigger, he burst into motion. Before he even realized it, a massive boom snapped the pillar in half and blasted his knee off. His eyes shot wide in pain as a myriad of shards dug into his body, unable to avoid the totality of the sharpnel, but the pain did not even register anymore.

The only thing that coursed the recesses of his mind was blind fury seething with hatred.

The wolf-man had been smart to attack him while he had an opening, but he had made one mistake. One single mistake. Pain mixed with rage resulted in a massive adrenaline rush. Even without his reflexes, there was still an undeniable fact. Silva was massively stronger than him, and his overwhelming size only further escalated the difference in sheer power.

Even his opening and crippling wounds did not change the fundamental law that is the law of the fittest.

Just as he was about to reach him, a large shadow had already overcame the wolf-man-wolf and the pink beast's maw had already closed shut over half of his body, steel-hard fangs nearly touching one another as he bit furiously at the beast with his whole fantastic might, ravaging organs and rubturing his body like a slab of meat.

Before long he was furiously slamming the creature over the wall, shattering stone and bending steel with each monstruous impact, howling in pain while using that piece of meat as a chewing ball.

« Last Edit: May 04, 2016, 08:04:03 PM by francobull3 »


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Relius Clover

Relius stopped and stared for a moment or two.  Now that he was up close, he could see the soul more clearly.  It was not just Vanguard.  It was an amalgamation of all sorts of different souls, with Vanguard dominating it.  Yet, his will was not fully in control. Unlike what he previously assumed, the soul named Vanguard was not calling all the shots.  Under the guise of this crazy old man is the wisdom and insight of countless souls, including a very old and powerful one.

Dispite his extreme disappointment, the mad puppeteer merely let out a slight frown.  I miscalculated.

Just then, Ignis alerted Relius to the fact that the woman had disappeared.  His frown briefly turned into a scowl before circling back to a neutral state, his lower face now taking on a more calculating look.  He made no attempt to hide that he was considering other options.

"I see.  Then you have no intention of collaborating with me."  He said simply, his voice not showing his annoyance.

Relius's hands began to glow.  He clasped them together in an elegant motion and drove them into the ground.  Two towers of gears spawned around Theodore that connected to the ceiling and ground.  They spun wildly, both rapidly eroding the ceiling and the ground and attempted to grind the creature called Theodore into cream.

Meanwhile, Ignis watched carefully, observing both the room and the creature.  If the gears provided a place to leave, she would spot it for her master.  If the man tried to counter attack, she would capture him.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2016, 06:20:01 PM by yinsukin »


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Theodore Solo

Theodore looked at Relius impassively. His hand was resting lazily in his pocket, holding an invisible gun this whole time. The mad puppeteer began to work some magic with his magic hands, to which the demon calmly responded by pulling the trigger through his pocket and shoot him in the face like a gangsta.

There was no guilt in his heart or hesitation in his eyes, because he knew that fans all over the world would know that Teddy shot first.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2016, 12:09:19 AM by francobull3 »


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In a bright flash her servant outift was replaced with the clothes she had bougth earlier. She turned to Shirou as he spoke to her timidly, pondering his question for a moment before grasping his hand between both of hers. "Shirou, I can't absolve your sins, only God can to that. You'll have to judge yourself if you regret them." She pulled him a tiny bit closer. "Do you feel like telling me what's bothering you." she said with a serious tone as she looked into his eyes.


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Shirou Emiya

Shirou looked at the short woman and thought about her question and response. Do I want to… do I want to tell her what I did.

He wasn't sure if it was a good idea at all. He didn't know if speaking about it ever would be good for him.

However, he didn't think bottling it up would do anything good for him either.

He sighed.

"Maybe. I need to think about it." He replied quietly, as if he regretted something deeply. "I'm honestly not sure what to do."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Jeanne gave him a comforting smile as he sighed. He really looks troubled by it, I don't want to pry too much but he looks like he needs someone to talk to, and for some reason he can't tell Sakura or Rider about it or he wouldn't have been bottling it up so much.

"You can talk with me about it. This thing seems to be eating you up....maybe I can help." she suggested to him with as nicely as she could.


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Jeanne gave him a comforting smile as he sighed. He really looks troubled by it, I don't want to pry too much but he looks like he needs someone to talk to, and for some reason he can't tell Sakura or Rider about it or he wouldn't have been bottling it up so much.

"You can talk with me about it. This thing seems to be eating you up....maybe I can help." she suggested to him with as nicely as she could.


Shirou shook his head slowly, after considering her words carefully. I don't want to

"Not right now. It's something awful, something I don't know if I can talk about right now." He looked like he was about to cry as he spoke. "Later. I'll definetly tell you later. I'm just not ready."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Jeanne kept smiling as he shook his head. "Off course, take the time you need Shirou." She then grinned at him.

"Come now, let's get back before they think we killed each other~" She told him as she turned around while giving her hips a slight shake, she heading back to the house in a pace that was slow enough for Shirou to catch up.


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Jeanne kept smiling as he shook his head. "Off course, take the time you need Shirou." She then grinned at him.

"Come now, let's get back before they think we killed each other~" She told him as she turned around while giving her hips a slight shake, she heading back to the house in a pace that was slow enough for Shirou to catch up.

Shirou Emiya

Shirou smiled at her, glad that she'd let the issue drop.

He had a feeling she'd be a good friend.

He watched her hypnotically sway her hips as she ran to the house, and followed her closely. He unsubtley stared at its enticing movements, sure she was ok with it. In fact, he was sure she was doing it on purpose.

Maybe she'll be a great friend. He thought, enjoying the sight of her large butt swaying.

It's probably as good as Sakura's. Maybe even better..."
« Last Edit: May 05, 2016, 01:21:02 AM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Rin watched as Sakura started to cry. 

She knew cooking was important to the version of her that was Rin's actual sister.  Rin frowned; she hadn't said that Sakura shouldn't cook.  She said that Sakura should rest and then she could make dinner when she was feeling up to it.

Archer, that asshole, had walked away, leaving Rin to deal with the almost hysterical girl.   "Hey, I didn't say that I didn't want you to cook.   I said you should rest first.  Go rest, come back in ten minutes, and then you and Archer can cook," she said with a sigh and a shake of her head.

Sakura Matou

Sakura wiped her eyes, still tearfully looking at Rin. Now she's backpedaling...

At least she's doing that much. She knows what she wants is mean and bad.

Sakura nodded with a smile. "OK. And you can go on your walk."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Oka Kurosawa

After Oka ran away from the creepzoid, she continued her walk. Or well, she continued moving at least. It didn't take long for her to sit down on Wormy and let him float around with her as a passanger, and Sylveon following behind.

"Maybe I should have bought a jacket." She mused. Even with Wormy, she was feeling a bit chilly. Maybe it would be good to go inside for a bit. So she hopped off Wormy and meandered over to the nearest restaurant. Maybe they'd accept her fake ID. She'd made sure this one was of high quality. She didn't feel like getting dragged off to the police station again.

"Wait, what do you mean 'pets' aren't allowed?!" She yelled at some poor man in the front of the store. "They're not pets, they're my friends!"

"I'm sorry miss, but we have a strict policy. Service animals only." He repeated to her. He wanted to shoot himself. And her along with him. He hated dealing with people like this, who didn't understand basic courtasy. "Look, I can't let you in with them. End of discussion. I'm going to have to ask you to leave, or I'll be forced to call the police."

"Fine! Be that way. I'll take my bussiness elsewhere, you jerk!" Oka angrily replied before she spun around, turning on her heels. "What kind of place doesn't let pokemon into the store? They must really suck.

Eventually, however, she found a place that allowed the more excentric members of society to do as they wished. Which was perfect for what she wanted. It meant she'd be allowed to bring her pokemon in. She was quickly seated at a table next to a guy who looked like he was out of one of her video games and a beautiful woman with purple hair.

"Finally, a place with some class." She mumbled to herself, opening the menu. "Took me long enough to find."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Sakagami Kenzo

The oni nodded in approval. One had many places to go, so he couldn't blame his imouto for that. He did not doubt her once, instead he smiled brightly and waved goodbye. "See yah!" He grinned, at least he seemed to be in a better mood.

He rested on the bench for a bit before walking off as well. He too had places to go, and things to do. However, he didn't seem as troubled by it anymore, as if his short meeting with Oka had somehow straightened his resolve.

Byt aside that, he was parched! He walked around town, looking for a place to have a nice cup jug of sake. Suddenly, a familiar scent tickles his nostrils. He sniffed the air around and his face lit up. Drink! Perfect, the one thing he needed. To be fair, his day had been rather difficult, he needed the drink and deserved it.

He walked uo to the bar's door and pushed it, but it would not open. He kept pushing harder and harder, but it would not budge one moment. A sign was written at the door, the word PULL. Sadly, it was written in english, which Kenzo had no way of understanding. Luckily, the door was automatic, so it eventually got tired of being slammed and decided to open by itself.

Woooah, a magic door! Humans are so cool...

Well, he couldn't just stand there. Kenzo walked in and looked around for a place to sit when something, someone caught his attention. A lone girl with light clothing was sitting alone, but her most striking feature was her snow white hair. It was as pure and beautiful as that thing humans called Vanilla Icecreem.

Weird. he never saw a yokai with such white hair. It was quite odd, to be honest. Still, he didn't let it intimidate him. Instead, he puffed his chest and walked up to the girl before sitting next to her.

"Salutations!" He cried out cheerfully.

Cherry Lover

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Rider couldn't help but notice his expression stiffen up as she asked her question. It was obvious that this line of questioning made him a little uncomfortable, and she didn't think it would be a good idea to press much further. Nevertheless, she listened as he explained the reasons for the demons being released. As she could have probably guessed, it mostly boiled down to a thirst for power.

"Hmm, so they want power, basically? I should have guessed", she replied with a sigh, before addressing his question.

"As for how I ended up with my master, it's difficult to explain. But, in simple terms, the version of her from my home world summoned me years ago to fight for her in a war between servants like myself. After the war, she offered to maintain my contract with her, and I gladly accepted. She remained as my master and friend for years, until her sister messed up an experiment and sent me to this world, where I met my current master. Her past was similar to that of my original master, but her version of me had been left behind when she was pulled here, so I felt an affinity for her and agreed to contract with her."

As Rider was finishing up explaining her past, she vaguely noticed another person walk in and take the seat next to them. Oddly, she seemed to have two unusual-looking animals with her. Rider paid little attention until she heard the woman begin to mumble in a very familiar voice.

Sakura? she thought, turning to look at the woman.

And, sure enough, there, sitting at the table was Sakura, albeit a rather unusual-looking one, with a green streak in her hair and, seemingly, her natural blue eyes rather than the Matou purple. And, even more weirdly, there were two strange animals that Rider had never seen before, one flying next to her like an oversized insect.

"Sakura?" she said, sounding somewhat confused.

Sakura and Shirou

Sakura and Shirou followed after Irisviel, uncertain what her plan was, but sure that she was just trying to protect them. As they did so, though, they heard a gunshot ring out in the distance.

"What was that?" Shirou asked, concerned.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2016, 02:29:07 AM by Cherry Lover »


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"It's none of your concern." She said, finally at the door of the house. Castle. Whatever. "Let's go." She said, as the door opened for them.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end