Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 82161 times)

The Man With All The Cute Boats

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Sakagami Kenzo

The oni laughed shortly and shook his head before rubbing the back of his neck.

"Hahaha. Well, if this moment counts, then sure! I'm a foreigner, so I am not too familiar with the customs here. Can I pour you a drink?" He replied with a huge friendly grin on his face.
Alpha The Bloodedge

What a cheesy man. She wasn't sure if he was trying to work his way into her pants or if he was just genuinely overly friendly.

Either way, she wasn't interested.

"No, you may not. I'm not planning on getting drunk right now," she said while turning back to face her drink. In any case, if he was a foreigner, he wouldn't know the city as well as she'd need someone to.

Cherry Lover

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Rider laughed momentarily at Dante's remark. She was sorely tempted to inform him that she had, in fact, participated in sexual games with her old master on occasion, but she was fairly sure the new girl who was apparently not Sakura would not appreciate such information. Her thoughts were backed-up by the manner in which not-Sakura scowled at the man as soon as she heard his remark. So, she decided to simply ignore the comment, for now at least. Perhaps they could discuss it later. Instead, she addressed the new girl, who now introduced herself as "Oka".

"I guess you're right, Oka", Rider said with a smile and a small giggle. "It is a little confusing."

"And, don't mind him. I think he was just trying to flirt with me", she added, now looking intently at the two weird creatures next to the girl.

"Are those your pets?" she asked. "Can I stroke them?"

With that, she noticed the waitress waiting impatiently for her order. Taking a sip of her wine, she looked at the menu briefly, before making a choice.

"Hmm, I think I'll have the Grecian pizza, with extra olives, please", she said with a smile.


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Sakagami Kenzo

Kenzo folded his arms and pouted, as if she had just done something mildly offensive like sneezing at him or not holding the door.

"Isn't that the point of getting in a place like this though? Jeez, between that masked doll freak, that tree killer and this... nothing here makes any sense!" He complained, but he seemed more annoyed than upset. He looked down for a second before letting out a tired sigh.

He was right, nothing made sense. Not even himself.

"I need a drink. Could you at least be a friend and pour me something?"


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Relius Clover

The moment the gunshot was fired, Ignis appeared in between the two, knocking Relius back and tanking the bullet.  The puppeteer fell on his back.  Meanwhile, Ignis attempted to grab Theodore by the torso with her claws.


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She kept hugging Sakura, smiling at what Shirou said. "Don't become too good or I'll wont have anything to do." She joked back at him. She then turned her attention to Sakura, who looked like she was enjoying the attention she was getting. "So what have you been up to master?" She asked the purple haired girl.


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Sakura Matou

Sakura smiled. "What have I been up to? That's a good question. I've been up to a lot, actually. But mostly I've been hanging out with Archer, we were about to cook dinner." She said, turning her head to smirk at Shirou teasingly. "Put me down, I'll heal your wounds up and give you some prana. You're low again."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Medaka Kurokami+ Dr. Bill

The blue haired girl was delicately placed on the hospital bed by the nurses and other staff.  Soon after, they immediately ran out of the room, likely tending to other patients.  Dr. Bill sat quietly in a chair, checking her file on the computer.  "Medaka Kurokami huh?  It says here you checked in yesterday.  You know there is a rumor that you were involved with the indecent at the nearby police station.  Supposedly, you an accomplish to countless murders and property damage."

Medaka stared blankly at the ceiling.  "Yes that is true.  I knew both of them."

The doctor turned around in his chair and stood up.  He grabbed a scalpel from the table and started scraping Medaka's bleeding arm.  "Agh!  What are you doing?"  She screamed, writhing in pain.

"Shhh.  Don't worry, it will all be over soon.  We have been getting a surge of injured patients recently with all the destruction of late.  Unfortunately, that means youll have to endure this pain for a bit.  You will have to endure for now.  He said warmly.  He paused for a moment, removing the scalpel.  "You know, my brother was a police officer. He died yesterday."  He continued as he drove the medical tool into her skin and moved it around violently.

Tears trickled down Medaka's eyes.  "Im sorry.  Im sorry.  I... Agh! I..... Agh-"

He cut her off.  "You know in my old world, there were 5 major causes of death around the country.  The first was cancer, followed by heart attack. Do you know what the 3rd is?"  As he talked his finger emitted a faint light and a liquid encapsulated the knife.  "Medical error."  He said as he shoved the knife into her elbow joint.

Medaka's eyes widened.  In the next second they were shut tight as her body squirmed from pain.  Even though she could use her body control to numb said pain, she didn't.  She deserved this.  She was partially responsible after all.

"You know, usually when this happens people screem murder.  Like, they actually call me a murderer.  Can you believe that?"

Medaka looked at him, shocked.  Then, she glared at him. "If you wish to kill me, thats fine.  I failed your brother as well as countless others at that station.  However, I cannot excuse your past sins.  I will put an end to your criminal behavior."

"Hahaha.  Not likely.  I injected you with an anesthetic just a moment ago, as well as a deadly poison.  It is so unique and potent it cannot be detected by any form of medical detection."  He walked over to a walky talky on his desk.  "I need people in here.  The patient has become erratic."

Medaka glanced on her arm.  The scalp.  He poisoned the scalp!  She could feel herself slowly getting tired.  In one desperate attempt to fight back, she got up out of bed and slammed her fist into the wall, creating a small hole.  Some large looking men pushed her down to the floor as she lost consciousness.

« Last Edit: May 07, 2016, 08:06:28 PM by yinsukin »


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The vampire was still sitting in one of the chairs in the waiting room when her supernatural hearing caught something, it sounded like something hit a wall, or rather broke it.

Is there a fight going on? The blond thought as she heard the weird sound. She wouldn't have minded much if it didn't come from the direction that Medaka had been shipped away to. The blonde silently rose from her chair, making her way through the rush of the hospital personnel. She made use of the crowd dodging skills she had gained throughout the centuries and her natural speed, to traverse the hallways undetected.

She finally reached her destination, in what felt like a long period of time to the vampire, but was probably only ten seconds or so after the sound was made. The conclusion of it being the right room wasn't hard to reach, one of the walls sported a small hole that looked recently made, there were still remains of the punched out part on the floor after all. She sneaked up to the door and silently entered through it, the sight that greeted her was worrying to say the least.

"Please enlighten me as to why a group of large men are pushing my friend to ground." She suddenly called out, announcing her surprise arrival to the room, with a dangerous smile, a smile that revealed fangs that glistened from the light.


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The Little Bit can teleport.  Fascinating and annoying as fuck.  Gotta watch myself around her, but Mordred's a good bird.  She has my back, the dhampir thought to himself as he looked at Kuro.

"What are you?  Some kind of physic vampire?  Or some little succubus?  You know, if you wanted to nip on my lifeforce I would have let you if you asked.  I don't like non-consensual feeding," Corbin said, still glaring at her and his previously mirthful and teasing tone gone.

He looked at Mordred and said, "I'm fine, just a tad annoyed, and someone needs a good swift boxing to her ears."


"Well, with some sense of responsibility.  Recklessness only leads to pain and tragedy," Gabriel said with a grin.  "Now, would you mind if I bought you a drink?"
« Last Edit: May 07, 2016, 09:50:31 PM by Elf »

Umbra of Chaos

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It had only taken a little while for the duo to wander out of the stranger part of the city and into the outskirts, and the Chosen was rather happy to leave the area as well. It wasn't just that she thought it was ugly but it was also so claustrophobic. Not even the capital had so many people and buildings in one place. It was nothing like the vast farmlands and grasslands of central Fundament or the grand plains that made up the southern portion of her lands where her traditional estate resided. It was new and frankly something she wasn't used to and didn't really like.

In fact, it was almost a relief to see the looming castle farther out. Even with the rows of spears coated with ash or dust. The style vaguely reminded her of the southern nobility. She may have found their overly traditional values and guild towns distasteful but they did have a certain knack for grandiose architecture.

"I believe this would be suitable, oh lord mine. If the castle proves empty of inhabitants it would be more than suitable for your purposes." Alarice would be lying to herself if she said she didn't almost shudder when the words that weren't her own slipped from her mouth. For a moment the bones around her felt threateningly constricting and she irrationally thought that the ribcage would bend inwards and eviscerate her. She took a calming breath and the feeling passed. It would be unseemly of her to show any weakness right now.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2016, 10:27:49 PM by Umbra of Chaos »


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Kuro gave them an amused grin as the two of them glared at her. "Me a vampire? No, I'm human, well kinda not but I used to be. Before my soul was split and half of it was shoved into a magical container." She said. Her grin still present.

"As for the feeding as you so neatly put it, I now require magical energy to survive, and as you might know ordinary humans usually don't have that."


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"Well, that's a given," Emily noted with a slight grin, "But no, I don't I would mind if you did."

"Say, are you like this with every girl you meet, by any chance?" the Changeling mused.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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He kept calling out for anybody living here, and he got answered. But the person he found was not someone he had expected in such place. She was a child, presumably all alone in this place considering that no other answered, but there was something more odd about her than just her being home alone. She carried a sheath that presumably contained a sword and herclothes showed a sign of wear, as if someone cut at her, but she wasn't blood splattered and he didn't see any bodies around. He had certainly many questions, but what kind of a gentleman he would be if he didn't greet her back.

"Greetings, young lady. My apologies for intruding, I was curious why there was an inn in such remote place." Child or adult, a true gentleman should respect others regardless of their age.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2016, 01:29:52 AM by Kat »


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Theodore looked completely unfazed and quickly stepped back to avoid the puppet's claws. What was the big idea anyway, wasn't he going to collaborate? Jeez, people who couldn't follow through on their words pissed him off. It's not like he wanted to fight or anything, he started first. So no matter how you looked at it, it wasn't his fault.

As soon as he backed away, the demon jumped up and threw six colourful rubber balls in many different directions with a swift swipe. However, neither was aimed at any of them. Once one of them hit a surface, it ricocheted violently with an exploding force, bouncing with a hundredfold the original power.

Enough to tear a man asunder.

In an instant, each bounced back to the masked man, but in different directions and timings. Because of that, an instantaneous defense would not do. Even if the machine stopped one of the bullet, it would not be able to impede the other projectile's paths in time.


Greyskull noticed the girl's shaky breath, as if it released a weight on her shoulders. Her shudders did not fall upon blind eyes either, altough wether Greyskull had any was a mystery. While some would have ignored these signs, the lord was not fooled.

Even if she was his loyal servant, she was still a little girl. Greyskull coulnd't help but feel guilty for letting himself burden a child. However, he made no remark upon it. He could see she was suppressing her weakness in such a way, he did not wish to dishonor her. Because of that, he ignored her and instead focused on the castle.

He analyzed its colours, its architecture, its features and every nook and cranny. If the count had any lips, he would have kissed Alarice by now. This was simply amazing! The dust, the cliff, the gothic architecture, the spikes!! It was-

"It's PERFECT!! I love it. Well then, let's make sure no one is inside." He squeed in glee like a child who just unwrapped the best birthday present ever only to find out Santa is real. He put his hands in front of what would have been his mouth and shouted. At that moment, a thousand banshees wept in unison.


There was no answer.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2016, 10:54:49 PM by francobull3 »


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Dr. Bill+Barely conscious Medaka

As Medaka past out she could faintly see Shinobu enter the doorway.  She instantly stopped resisting and allowed herself to succumb to the anesthetic.

Dr. Bill paused for a moment as a young blond woman entered the room.  She seemed fairly confident as she interogated him.  But then something caught her attention. Those fangs.  This city has so many different kind of vampires.  He could either be in big trouble or this girl is just really dumb.  Either way, it would be best to take the diplomatic approach.

The good doctor maintained a stern professional appearance, his foot tapped lightly as he talked.  "Ah your this girl's friend.  Dont worry, the side effect of the medication I gave her is unfortunately small fits of rage.  She is unexpectedly strong though but we managed to restrain her."  He responded politely.

Relius Clover

Relius stood up and watched carefully as balls bounced around the room.  Using the combined vision of his own eyes and Ignis's he calculated the trajectory of every single ball travelling across the room.  Relius raised both arms and swiped away 2 balls using a giant puppet hand that sprung from his cape. The puppet arms hit them at an angle to disrupt their kinetic force.

Meanwhile, Ignis slashed the remaining four out of the air.  She accomplished this by turning her arms and hat tails into spears and attacking the spots where Relius calculated the balls would go. 
« Last Edit: May 07, 2016, 11:17:23 PM by yinsukin »