As amusing as Breeze's and Oren's company was, there was work to be done. Michael had sent those two out to get some food while he looked around for a place to set up, feeling fairly confident that he could at least find something before they got back, between the groceries and likely having more than a little fun with each other. The immortal allowed a chuckle as he made his ways through a street. With the short time he'd been here, he wasn't entirely sure if it would work well to simply stake a claim and fight off everyone who thought otherwise, though it had the potential to serve as a renewable source of training dummies. Well, at least until they wised up, but that usually took some time.
All in all, this was turning out to be quite the curious day indeed, between the meetings and the strange feeling that Breeze had left him with. If nothing else, it felt like a sure sign to the immortal that this would be a time of change, on more than a few levels. Perhaps he would do well to make some changes himself...
Taking a proper look around, Michael found himself a bit surprised by how much his surroundings had changed. Wondering when he'd started getting this sloppy, the immortal took in his surroundings with a smidgen of curiosity. There was something different about the place. Most of the people and some of the attire, first off, but also the signs, most of them in different languages than what he'd seen in the part of the city he'd been in before. The supernaturals walking around, aside from being a bit more open now here, were also of a somewhat different sort. Honestly, this place almost reminded him of a city in one of those Far Eastern empires he'd visited a few centuries back. Or was it a few millennia? ...Wait no, there had been empires there during both of those time periods.
Huh. Well, I can't say I wasn't expecting this, at least a little. In any case, might as well start looking here.
Obviously, a school within the hustle and bustle and the general pollution of the city would be out of the question, but nonetheless, there were usually a few types you could rely on in regards to real estate. The first of those was usually the nearest thing this place had to authority, but from what he'd seen, such and authority would be spread far too thin over a city like this. Not to mention that, of the many things Michael was prepared to deal with today, bureaucracy and its fondness for the red tape was not amongst those things. The other option, of course, would be whatever organized crime reigned in the area, and the immortal was all but certain there would be such a hive of scum and villainy in a place like this, if not multiple.
With the practiced ease born of repetition and boredom, Michael looked around for the nearest possible hub. It's not like the trends usually differed much regarding the kinds of places they liked to gather, and there were always certain signs that the practiced eye could pick out. This wasn't likely to take long.