Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 75706 times)


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He flicked Oka's forhead in response to her silly statemnt "Of course you want the gigantic plate. Are you hoping they'll grow even more?" He said it with a teasing tone and then grasped her hand. "Pasta it is then, I won't dare defy you when you're hungry." He smirked at her, obviously not serious. His cute girlfriend was so easy to tease, he had to remind himself to hold back or it would probably get ugly, she was quite the prankster after all.


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

Rin smiled and felt her cheeks heat up as Archer ruffled her hair as he took the plate away from her.  She smiled at him and said, "Thanks.  Electronics and I still don't get along.  I'm pretty sure they're conspiring against me."

She tilted her head at Archer's question and said, "Honestly, we met at a Tavern.  I ran into this bitch from the Church and this guy with fake fangs who wanted to have a drinking contest, that's a long story.  Anyway, Liseth presented me with this."

She pulled the ruby Liseth had given her that she had started to store prana into out from her pocket and sat it on the table.  "Which made me realize how dangerous that ability could be in the wrong hands.  Someone could force her to pull enough weapons grade plutonium out of her pocket to level this place.  Plus she's an innocent kid; I didn't want to leave her with the bitch from the Church."

Sakura proclaimed that she was going to teach Rin how to use the microwave.  "You know, I don't use a coffee maker either.  I still drink tea for the most part," she said with a sly grin.


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He flicked Oka's forhead in response to her silly statemnt "Of course you want the gigantic plate. Are you hoping they'll grow even more?" He said it with a teasing tone and then grasped her hand. "Pasta it is then, I won't dare defy you when you're hungry." He smirked at her, obviously not serious. His cute girlfriend was so easy to tease, he had to remind himself to hold back or it would probably get ugly, she was quite the prankster after all.

Oka Kurosawa

"Oooowww..." Oka said, rubbing her forehead where he had flicked her. "Meanie..." She muttered at him as they continued to walk. "You didn't need to flick me…" she walked along with a moody look on her face.

However, it didn't take long for her to perk right back up to her normal bubbly self. "Of course I want to grow more!" She said, grabbing her breasts for emphasis after making sure nobody was around them. "I think it's in your interests as well, isn't it? You always love my mounds of fat in bed~" She said as she released them. "Unless…" Oka began her sentence, before cutting herself off. She smirked at him and brought her finger to her mouth, pretending to consider something.

"Unless—hehehe—perhaps you're afraid that I'll surpass you~" She poked him playfully and walked alongside him on her tiptoes, standing slightly over him. "I've heard alot of men don't like being shorter than their girlfriends, hehe."

"You're not one of them Jin…" She paused midsentence for effect. "Are you?" She was sure he didn't give a shit, but playing around like this was so much fun!

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Eventually, the daemon recovered enough to muster enough strength to climb down from his throne. His steps were weak, but decisive, and his gait left no hesitation in its firmness. If her memories were correct, then what he needed should be beyond this door. Without ceremony or gallantry, the bulbous mass of goo and flickering veins of energy opened the gate beyond his goal. The creature bore no face or smile, however it was relieved to see that the materials were in such an orderly manner.

He stepped lightly forward and gazed down at the pile of bodies, lightly caressing a homonculi's cheeks. It was almost a bad joke, for him to have grown so soft over a mere doll. However, it's touch wasn't so unpleasant. it was almost like...

"Ooooooh? Are you in despair yet?" A sneer called behind him, or rather within him. He could feel a slithering mass wrap around his waist sensually, mocking him with its many eyed gaze. How troublesome.

A condescending cackle echoed within the halls of the castle. Or perhaps this was in his mind, a mind that had already gone mad since long ago. He didn't really care."Seriously, it must be sooo frustrating, to think that you were so close this time around. Lemme see your face, c'mon."

But he merely ignored the anoyance, much like one ignores the buzzing of a fly, or the cries for help far beyond one's reach. His eye was instead drawn to the different bodies, observing their shapes and folds down to the every fiber of their muscles, the pores of their skin, the luster of their hair.

"Tch, you're no fun yknow? Aah, but doesn't that bring us back to the good old days doesn't it? You could've saved her easily, you could've called Relius and your allies, summoned them to turn the tide of battle. But you just had to let your meaningless pride get in the way. Jeez, and they call me a demon, but at least I'm honest about it. It's wasn't that vixen that killed her, or fate, or whatever yadda yadda you came up with."

Whatever had slithered out of Theodore's consciousness laughed silently at it all, as mocking as ever. It's eyes were filled with madness, loathing and an anger far too rooted to be described as anything but inhuman, but its words were as sweet as fruit while as dark as poison.

"It was you."

The demon simply gave an uncaring glance to the crawling insects covering his body, unfazed and beyond any preoccupation. No, there was a trace of amusement in his heart, but he did not express it beyond a curious and nonchalant response.

"So what?"

The crawling stopped to a halt with his words, and began to fill him with a burning sensation, one that left him as unfazed as ever. He just sighed and glanced at one of the homunculi's blank lifeless eyes.

"Tohuw Balagan- no, Karl. You really haven't changed since the last time I saw you, have you? Always blabbering and blabbering on things already known. A mouth ill suits a worm, but alas."

For a second, the whole world seemed like it was trembling, distorting, as the searing sensation within his being grew infinitely more excruciating. The eyes covering the demon, as cold as they had been, twisted and turned into scowls of scorn.

"Don't you dare utter that name..." It growled on the inside, picking at it's possessor's soul apart like a fruit's entrails. However, the demon's careless expression did not shift, instead he simply raised an eyebrow, feigning surprise.

"Oh? This is new. Grown sentimental? For a mere vessel you sure like to order people around. For trash to name itself king of trash, it is quite poeti-" A burst of various limbs and extension of different creatures burst from his form at once, tearing and ripping out of him without mercy in an instabnt. But it was merely superficial, the pain was as shallow as the damage it had caused, and the blob merely crawled back into a more humanoid shape. "Fufu, you're regaining control it seems."

"I could say the same to you. Perhaps this pile of trash of your making suits you more than me. It seems to have taken a liking to you." The eyes sneered in irritation, failing to conceal their anger. The demon shrugged and looked at his own body without much concern.

"Perhaps giving you an intellect was a mistake. Heh, it's no matter of concern. You did get one thing right though. I've given it... some thought. I wished to save someone, but failed and lost pathetically. This is far from the heroic eddas and tales of yore we would share on a campfire. This is reality, and reality is no different from back then."

For a second, it looked like he was smiling, but there was no joy in his voice. Only an ironic mocking tone that belittled everything and everyone, including himself.

"But what of it? This was never about saving the world, or saving anyone really. After all, if I really wanted to save anyone, I would've done so wouldn't I? Maybe if it had been someone else, she wouldn't have died. No, saving anyone was never the intent. This isn't about world salvation or anything so noble. This was always about me. I'm no hero of justice, i'm just a child throwing a tantrum. This form does suit me better. But I'm afraid it would be... inconvenient to claim it as my own. No, this won't do at all. Garbage belongs in the garbage, and I am no garbage. Perhaps when all is said and done, I will let you writhe for me some more."

"...You've planned quite the scheme, beast of imaginary numbers." The mass of flesh within Theodore muttered, this time without any of the mocking it used to bear. It was further from sarcasm and closer to disgust, to which the demon merely chuckled.

"One you will have part in, whether you like it or not. After all, your wish and mine are mutually inclusive. It would be in your best interests to cooperate."

For a moment, the castle turned silent, cold and filled with deathly intentions. However, it quickly receded with a laughter, an ugly laughter that no sane human could muster. It was befitting of a madman, or a monster.

"Tch, you really are scum. But it doesn't seem I have a choice. Very well, the contract is settled."

Theodore smiled and merely waved his hand, to which the creature vanished, leaving him once again to his lonesome schemes. He stroked  the body's cheek one last time before glancing up without any kindness.

"Now then, I pray you're wise enough to follow my advice, Sakura-san."

And with that he walked through the door, leaving the ravaged halls with the same bored expression as always.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2016, 10:53:19 PM by francobull3 »

Cherry Lover

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Rider followed Mobb along, becoming steadily more confused as the ringing only came closer even as they ran from it. Rider's keen sense of hearing could tell that it was coming from next to Mobb but, yet, it was clearly not coming from him.

What's going on?

Things continued to only get weirder however as, whilst searching around for his phone, the bizarre man began to make the ringing noise himself, seemingly oblivious to his actions. Then, even more bizarrely, he picked up a book and "answered" it.

Rider watched with confusion and astonishment as, to her surprise, the book now began to ring, before Mobb answered, seemingly addressing some kind of employer of his. Then, even more weirdly, Rider heard a voice just like Mobb's, only coming from the book, and addressing him as "my cute little Mobb".

Rider stood there, a look of pure confusion on her fact as she watched the bizarre sight, wondering just how this person was able to make all these things happen. Finally, after a few moments, she managed to collect herself and spoke.

"W..who was that?" she asked, thoroughly confused. "And, how did you do that?"


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Rin smiled and felt her cheeks heat up as Archer ruffled her hair as he took the plate away from her.  She smiled at him and said, "Thanks.  Electronics and I still don't get along.  I'm pretty sure they're conspiring against me."

She tilted her head at Archer's question and said, "Honestly, we met at a Tavern.  I ran into this bitch from the Church and this guy with fake fangs who wanted to have a drinking contest, that's a long story.  Anyway, Liseth presented me with this."

She pulled the ruby Liseth had given her that she had started to store prana into out from her pocket and sat it on the table.  "Which made me realize how dangerous that ability could be in the wrong hands.  Someone could force her to pull enough weapons grade plutonium out of her pocket to level this place.  Plus she's an innocent kid; I didn't want to leave her with the bitch from the Church."

Sakura proclaimed that she was going to teach Rin how to use the microwave.  "You know, I don't use a coffee maker either.  I still drink tea for the most part," she said with a sly grin.

Sakura Matou

"Ba-ka" Sakura said clearly, calling her sister an idiot. "You think such a cheap lie can fool me? I know for a fact that, at the least, you spent several years drinking coffee every morning, a large cup with a kitty design on it, if I recall correctly?" Sakura turned to Archer and smirked.

Come on, let's tease her some more.

"It was so adorable, did you ever see it, Archer?" She asked him.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The blond vampire stopped pressing down on Medaka as she heard what the girl had to say. While the newly made vampire may believe that to be true, the inherent blood lust is something that transcends willpower, she had never seen anyone resist it the first time. "No you do not have to...however there is a risk that you might do so, as long as you are unaware of how strong the desire is." Shinobu continued with the same friendly tone yet you could tell it was a serious conversation from her body language.

She climbed of Medaka, raising herself from the bed as she took a few steps over to the middle of the room. "Maybe it is better if I demonstrate it first hand." As she talked, Shinobu sliced her own wrist open letting her own red blood spill on the floor.


The tall lord was still dubious to her involvement, she wouldn't let that stop her. Whatever caused a man to dress in elegant and ride on a horse in bright daylight ought to be interesting. The man hadn't even deigned it important to turn around, either he was arrogant or he just didn't care enough, maybe he'd show a funny reaction when he saw how she was dressed.

"Now that we have settled that, will you tell me what dire situation you've found yourself in? And perhaps turn around as to not be rude to this young lady." While she started out formal the second half of her statement came with a clear teasing intention.


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Having removed himself from this latest mess, the half-demon found himself wandering the city once more. Well, on the plus side, he had enough money to at least rent a place out to start up his shop again. Even better, he wasn't indebted to anyone as far as money went. Yet.

Making his way through the city streets absentmindedly, Dante was caught off guard as he barely missed bumping into some weird kid walking absentmindedly through the streets.

"Hey there, kid, watch where you're going," the half-demon said non-chalantly, unable to help noticing the odd little details present on the boy. It was the hands that gave it away through, clearly segmented...kinda like the joints on a puppet.

Huh. Not the strangest thing I've seen but still not what you'd usually expect to encounter on your average stroll.

"Probably not the best idea to not pay attention to where you're going in a city like this," he remarked, turning around and starting to continue on his way.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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He met Sakura's gaze with a smirk, Oh...could you come over here? He then turned back to Rin. "I am quite certain I served it to you Rin, but maybe I'm wrong." His hand once more went back to ruffling the black haired girls hair as he spoke.

"What I find more interesting is how you know the main component of nuclear weapons." He asked Rin with a disbelieving voice.


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Rin sighed and then chuckled as Archer continued to ruffle her hair.  She found herself leaning into the caress and raised her eyebrows at Sakura's comment.  I wonder if Sakura's Rin had a mug like that.

"If I did, you know you don't need a coffee maker to brew coffee, right?  You can pretty much brew it in almost the same way you brew tea," Rin said with a shake of her head before looking at Archer.

She replied, "You've never served me coffee.  However the Servant I summoned liked to show off his exceptional tea skills.  As for knowing about nuclear weapons, I did pay attention in school you know."


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Rin sighed and then chuckled as Archer continued to ruffle her hair.  She found herself leaning into the caress and raised her eyebrows at Sakura's comment.  I wonder if Sakura's Rin had a mug like that.

"If I did, you know you don't need a coffee maker to brew coffee, right?  You can pretty much brew it in almost the same way you brew tea," Rin said with a shake of her head before looking at Archer.

She replied, "You've never served me coffee.  However the Servant I summoned liked to show off his exceptional tea skills.  As for knowing about nuclear weapons, I did pay attention in school you know."


He met Sakura's gaze with a smirk, Oh...could you come over here? He then turned back to Rin. "I am quite certain I served it to you Rin, but maybe I'm wrong." His hand once more went back to ruffling the black haired girls hair as he spoke.

"What I find more interesting is how you know the main component of nuclear weapons." He asked Rin with a disbelieving voice.

Sakura Matou

Sakura meandered around the kitchen, watching the two play around before she eventually ended up next to them. She put her hand on Rin's shoulder and made a small noise. "Tsk tsk, you think you can fool me. I know that when you wake up it's the first thing you do, brew your nice big mug of coffee. You'd never think of not using a machine, would you?" She asked her.

"Hehe, you knowing anything about technology is super weird, you know; honour student or not."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Rin leaned against the hand that was stroking her hair just as expected, before she had a chance to react the trap was sprung. From behind her, came her sister, locking her in place for a two front massage attack. Archer chuckled at the sight of her helpless position, there was no escape now. Now, hug her from behind so she can't escape!

"You can't possibly be Rin, tell us who you really are?" He declared with an incredibly dramatic voice, playing it up as far as he could. "Rin couldn't possibly have known that."


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Rin snorted and said, "You know how much coffee makers cost?  I have to spend my money on other things.  Well, not so much because I've found Liseth, but I still don't like needless spending, you know."

She realized that Sakura was right behind her and Archer beside of her, almost effectively trapping her.  Heat began to slowly fill her cheeks as she realized that they were ganging up on her.  She took a deep breath and looked at Archer with a smirk.

"I'm very much Tohsaka Rin, and why couldn't I've known that?  I do have a friend in the Association who comes from a long line of warrior mage craft users.  He sort of picks up knowledge on weapons from anywhere from martial to mass destructive.  He pointed it out in a class one day when we were discussing the reasons why magecraft isn't the same now as it was a few hundred years ago," Rin said with a shrug.


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Rin snorted and said, "You know how much coffee makers cost?  I have to spend my money on other things.  Well, not so much because I've found Liseth, but I still don't like needless spending, you know."

She realized that Sakura was right behind her and Archer beside of her, almost effectively trapping her.  Heat began to slowly fill her cheeks as she realized that they were ganging up on her.  She took a deep breath and looked at Archer with a smirk.

"I'm very much Tohsaka Rin, and why couldn't I've known that?  I do have a friend in the Association who comes from a long line of warrior mage craft users.  He sort of picks up knowledge on weapons from anywhere from martial to mass destructive.  He pointed it out in a class one day when we were discussing the reasons why magecraft isn't the same now as it was a few hundred years ago," Rin said with a shrug.


Rin leaned against the hand that was stroking her hair just as expected, before she had a chance to react the trap was sprung. From behind her, came her sister, locking her in place for a two front massage attack. Archer chuckled at the sight of her helpless position, there was no escape now. Now, hug her from behind so she can't escape!

"You can't possibly be Rin, tell us who you really are?" He declared with an incredibly dramatic voice, playing it up as far as he could. "Rin couldn't possibly have known that."

Sakura Matou

Sakura jumped in and grabbed Rin from behind in a hug, wrapping her up in arms and black tentacles, rubbing her face against her sister's affectionately. "He's right, who's possessing you, we need to quickly exorcize it from you at once!" She exclaimed, acting very serious. "My sister can't even use a microwave!"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Mobb Boss

Mobb quickly turned towards Rider and held his index on his lips nervously. "Shush, can't you see I'm on the phone?!" He asked in an annoyed whisper, covering the book so that this "boss" wouldn't hear him. Then he quickly turned his back from her and resumed his call.

"I'm so sorry boss, I didn't mean to-" But before he could finish, that same low voice spoke up once more in a cold ange rthat could chill you to the bone.

"Silence! I will give you one more chance. If you cannot prove your worth to me by then... Then you are nothing more than a dead man."

Mobb gulped fearfully and nodded, but didn't dare speak up. Shit, shit, shit!! Why was he so unlucky?

"I see you have made yourself a friend." The boss spoke once more, words that seemed to drain all color from him. "N- no! You got it all wrong boss. She's just an acquaintan-"

But once again he was interrupted by the man behind the phone.

"No matter. This place... It is no Chicago. My Mobb, my cute little Mobb. I need you to figure out the mystery behind this place."

Mobb swallowed and puffed his chest. He was terrified, but this wasn't the time to chicken out. "Yessir! I won't let you down boss." He said with what little courage he could muster.

"Good. Then I shall be expecting you." The boss answered before he hung up the phone. Mobb just gulped and dropped the book, nearly dropping himself before rising up in a [MENACING] pose.

"Rider, you gotta help me. Do you know... Anything about this dump?" He said in a somber tone, glaring at her from behind his back.